莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟

bare of翻译_bare of短语搭配_bare of权威例句


bare of

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1. hill bare of trees 没有树木的小山

2. a larder bare of food 空空如也的食品柜

3. bare of trees 没有树

4. be bare of credit 无信誉

5. bare of credit 缺乏信用

6. be bare of 缺乏

7. a room bare of furniture 空无家具的房间 ; 几乎没有家具的房间

8. A room bare of funiture 没有家具的房间

9. the bare necessities of life 生活必需品 ; 最起码的生活必需品 ; 揭露 ; 生活务必品


1. They're like old bones. All bare of meat.


2. My father gained a bare livelihood of family by his own hands.


3. and however bare of news the country in general might be, they always contrived to learn some from their aunt.


4. I am like the tree that, at the end of the flowering summer, gazes at the sky with its lifted branches bare of their blossoms.


5. He was capable of killing a man with his bare hands.


6. It is a stretch of country side bare of vegetation.


7. In the parks, the ground was bare of even a blade of grass.


8. Land stripped bare of trees is exposed to the wind and rain, which cause serious soil erosion.


9. The town has been browsed bare of vegetation, except where gardens and shrubs are protected by high fences.


10. He did the bare minimum of work but still passed the exam.


11. This is a room bare of furniture.


12. The strength of the book is that it puts flesh on the bare bones of this argument.


13. She gave me only the bare facts of the case.


14. The old lady lived in a small room bare of furniture.

这位老太太住在一间无家俱的小房间里。《provided by jukuu》

15. Discuss about the Design of the Bare Base of Steel Column


16. The town has been browsed bare of vegetation, except where gardens and shrubs are protected by high fences.


17. The bare metal was sprayed with several coats of primer.


18. Vulture is a large bird usually with a head and neck almost bare of feathers.


19. The hills are remnants of an earlier geological era, scraped bare of most soil and exposed to the elements.


20. He did the bare minimum of work but still passed the exam.


21. Human landscapes of lawns, fields, or flowerbeds provide settings with bare soil and a lack of competitors that are perfect habitats for colonization by opportunists.


22. The refrigerator is bare of all food.


23. The room bare of all objects expect several packing crates placed around the room at random.


24. I got in the habit of going around with bare feet.


25. The little house was almost completely bare of furniture.

这个小房间几乎完全没有家具。《provided by jukuu》

26. The hills are remnants of an earlier geological era, scraped bare of most soil and exposed to the elements.

这些山丘是早期地质时代的遗留物,大部分土壤已被刮光,遭受风吹日晒。《六级真题- 2018年 6月 2卷 信息匹配》

27. Sensors are not only being added to devices that already have electronics on them, but being put on to things that were formerly bare of any technology at all.


28. These are the absolute bare basics of the Michelin star system: some history and some highlights.


29. There were bare flower-beds on either side of it and against the walls ivy grew thickly.


30. There was a bit of bare trunk showing in the middle.


31. The room is bare of furniture.


32. Every aspect of their private lives has been laid bare.


33. The elm trees that bordered it were bare of leaf; their naked branches seemed to shiver with horror of the cold.


34. The army would try to hold the western desert with a bare minimum of forces.


35. The refrigerator is completely bare of food.


36. Newspaper reporters were given nothing but the bare facts by the superintendent in charge of the investigation.


37. If a country is bare of natural resources, it will have a poor economy.


38. There are not even the bare bones of a garden here – I've got nothing.


39. The garden is bare of grass and vegetables.

花园里没有草,也没有蔬菜。《provided by jukuu》

40. The coffin lying before the altar was bare, except for a single wreath of white roses.


41. A carpet of fallen leave beneath nearly bare trees, with green grass in the background serving as a memory of the summer gone by.


42. Anderson outlined the bare bones of his strategy.


43. They used the incantatory power of a bare list of names.


44. The steep slopes on either side of the streams are bare of vegetation, possibly making them prone to landslides.


45. We only had the bare essentials in the way of equipment.


46. Bare wires were sticking out of the cable.


47. There are not even the bare bones of a garden here — I've got nothing.


48. The strength of the book is that it puts flesh on the bare bones of this argument.


49. Inside, the two small rooms were spare and neat, stripped bare of ornaments.


50. The negotiators believe they will soon have the bare bones of a peace agreement.


51. The path leads to a hill bare of vegetation.


52. Their room was bare of furniture and they lived off porridge.


53. The family was short of even the bare necessities of life.


54. The court, clay, had COME through its first winter pitted and windswept bare of redcoat.


55. The walls are bare of ornament.


56. Her room was bare of furniture.


57. Livers stripped bare of their original tissue then recoated with new cells have been successfully transplanted into rats for the first time.


58. Spread over extensive grounds, it had been neglected for years: the grass was shoulder high and the wards almost bare of furnishings (much of it had been looted after the US invasion).


59. She gave me only the bare facts of the case.


60. The army would try to hold the western desert with a bare minimum of forces


61. The mountaintops were bare of any vegetation.


62. The little room was almost bare of furniture.


63. First of all, the functions of tort law are achieving the balance between the protection of rights and legal interest and the liberal actions through the bare of tort responsibility.


64. More resistant coral on the outer edge of the damaged area was likely to take just two to three years to fully recover, Dr Fabricius said, while areas that were stripped bare of coral could take as long as20 years to bounce back.

位于受损区域较外围、抵抗力较强的珊瑚礁可能只需要2、3年就可以完全恢复,法毕修斯博士表示,但是被飓风的刮平的珊瑚礁最长则可能需要20年才能回复旧观。《provided by jukuu》

65. The clearing out of disused workshops laid bare thousands of Italianate glazed tiles.



1. "A bare majority of Americans, American military commitment there is the right thing to do.

VOA : standard.2009.10.09

2. Bare survival of my soul,even though that is the key to personal identity-- if it is--bare survival of my soul doesn't give me what I want.

仅有我灵魂的存活,即便是个人认同感的关键-,也并没有给予我,我想要的任何东西。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. Arrests and investigations laid bare much of what many had suspected for years.

ECONOMIST: The Balkans and the European Union

4. But it simply states the bare facts of what happened in 1914.

ECONOMIST: Bosnia's memorials reflect its changes in fortune

5. The University of Illinois Extension says cabbage is easily transplanted from bare-root plants or cell packs.

VOA : special.2009.03.03

6. When you think about the possibility of bare survival of the scrubbed, clean,erased soul,you see that survival wasn't really everything you wanted.

当你想到,存活下去的仅是被清洗过的灵魂,你就会发现存活下去对你来说并无关紧要。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. In terms of the Meatpacking District, it used to be very bare.

就拿肉品市场区来说吧,那里从前很荒芜。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 肉品市场区的变迁

8. Those are the bare bones of a narrative that proceeds in fits and starts.

FORBES: There's Offensive And There's Offensive

9. No internet, no 3G and the bare minimum of mobile phone reception.

BBC: From the Wild Coast to New Year advice

10. Today it is the bare minimum of a village: one house, a tiny chapel and half a dozen barns.

BBC: Hiking the Alpine Walserweg trail

11. "In the late 1980s, Hilton was among the first luxury hotel brands to utilize the service, " says Mike Bare, co-owner and president of Bare International and one of the original founders of the MSPA. Three decades later, it's common practice among hotel brands around the world. (Proof: LRA recently opened a satellite office in busy Singapore.) And soon enough, its taciturn nature may be over.

CNN: Confessions of a hotel mystery shopper

12. But abruptly, fiendishly, the tender pattern of nudity I had adored would be transformed into the disgusting lamp-lit bare arm of a man in his underclothes reading his paper by the open window in the hot, damp, hopeless summer night.

然而突然,糟糕得很,我崇拜的那副美好的裸体,投入了台灯下一双男人赤膊的肩膀,他穿着内衣裤,读着报纸,靠在敞开的窗边,沉浸在,炎热,潮湿,绝望的夏夜里。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. There are no gravestones or grand mausoleums - just a patch of bare grass surrounded by a simple wooden fence.

VOA : standard.2010.07.22

14. Although the technical membership of the UPFA may now be approaching the bare minimum of legislators needed to maintain a majority in the 225-seat parliament, the government is likely to be able to find a comfortable number of MPs to back its legislative agenda from among the numerous smaller parties in Sri Lanka.

ECONOMIST: Wobbly Sri Lanka | The

15. The structures become shorter, three levels at most, the exteriors comprised of bare cinderblocks and the roofs of simple corrugated tin.

BBC: The cheapest sightseeing tour in the world

16. The University of Illinois Extension advises getting bare-root roses as close to planting time as you can.

VOA : special.2010.06.15

17. So, for example, a bare patch of ground would be colonized by a succession of species annual weeds, then grasses, then shrubs, then trees until it reached its "climax" state.

WSJ: Ecology and Change: Nature Has No 'Balance' for Us to Keep | Mind & Matter

18. Jenin's much-hyped joint Palestinian-Israeli industrial zone is still a bare patch of land.

ECONOMIST: Palestinians and the talks

19. As Sylvie waited, she put her bare feet in the cold, fresh water of the stream.

VOA : special.2010.04.03

20. After years of bare-faced denials, such bare-faced contrition seemed something of a breakthrough.

ECONOMIST: Japan and North Korea

21. In our hallway, ablaze with welcoming lights, my Lolita peeled off her sweater, shook her gemmed hair, stretched towards me two bare arms, raised one knee. "Carry me upstairs, please. I feel sort of romantic tonight."

在自家的门厅里,欢迎的灯光大亮,洛丽塔脱下,套衫,摇摇晶光闪亮的头发,向我伸出两只裸露的胳膊,抬起一直膝盖:“请抱我上楼去,我觉得今晚有些,浪漫,“1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. Against a backdrop of such uncertainty, Coulthard's newly-honed focus on the bare essentials of a race weekend faces another stern test.

BBC: McLaren distractions can boost Schumi

23. In return, the owners provided the bare basics of life to their slaves and employees.

FORBES: Ron Paul Pushes Financial Crack To America's Working Youth

24. This is indicative of the sense that he wants to lay bare, in a literal way, all the seaminess of human life, all the aspects of what it means to be an embodied person, all the ecstasies that come from that embodiment.

这表示他想要以一种直白的方式,暴露人类生活的所有丑恶,作为一个表现的人的所有方面,所有来源于那具体化的狂喜。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. Some of the daily newspapers have begun speculating about why the accident happened, while the official paper of the Ministry of Defence is reporting the bare facts of the incident.

BBC: Russian media asks 'What happened?'

26. If Penn State officials or Pennsylvania politicians had any guts, they would strip the university bare of anything adorned with the name Joe Paterno.

CNN: Joe Paterno was a coward

27. The bare facts of that case are public because it was filed at the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, which works with a modicum of transparency.

ECONOMIST: A hard struggle to shed some light on a legal grey area

28. They say the roots develop better. But Jeffrey Dinslage, president of Nature Hills Nursery in Omaha,Nebraska, points out that bare-root roses come without soil.

VOA : special.2010.06.15

29. Indeed, economics so does not ignore it that one of his own recent colleagues researches the very subject and we teach the basic bare bones of the point to teenagers, 16 year olds even.

FORBES: If Michael Sandel Wants To Change How Economics Is Taught, Shouldn't He Know How Economics Is Taught?

30. Jones' squad has been stripped bare because of illness and injury, but they still beat Bristol City 6-0 on Tuesday.

BBC: Cardiff City has lost out on new players - Dave Jones

31. Abshir Ahmed,52, has lived all his life along a stretch of the desert near the town of Docol, Scratching the bone-dry earth with his bare,calloused feet, Ahmed says the devastation that he and others are experiencing now is worse than anything they have ever been through before.

VOA : standard.2009.10.06

32. Whereas 78% of American Jews voted for Obama in 2008, today a bare majority of 51% approve of his performance in office.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Obama and the US-Israel alliance

33. In Bosnia and Albania especially, the bare modicum of ethnic harmony that still exists and in Bosnia it is very bare can be sustained only by economic cushions provided from outside.

ECONOMIST: Cooling down Kosovo

34. His wife, Ida, makes appearances in the empty rooms, but she is usually painted from the back, with the emphasis on the bare nape of her neck.

ECONOMIST: The mysterious paintings of Vilhelm Hammershoi

35. But in political terms, the new stridency among senior British Muslims is probably the bare minimum of assertiveness they could show while keeping any credibility with their grassroots.

ECONOMIST: British Muslims

36. Its purpose is to lay bare as it were the fundamental problems the fundamental concepts and categories which frame the study of politics.

它的目的一向是要提出基础的问题,最基础的概念与类别,以建立政治研究的架构。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. It is the bare minimum of your job description, after all.

FORBES: An Open Letter To Washington On The Debt Ceiling: Do Your Job

38. The time to build coalitions is before you are stripped bare of your garments and the vultures are circling overhead.

FORBES: Build and Manage Your Coalition

39. The trees were still bare of leaves and my mother made Caro wear her coat in the mornings, but she came home after school dragging it behind her.


40. "Well,what we found is a lot of ambivalence. A bare majority of Americans, about 52 percent, think that the U.S.military effort there is a good idea and should be there.

VOA : standard.2009.11.16

41. It is the bare bones of quantum mechanics that have proved to be consistent with what is presently known of the subatomic world.

ECONOMIST: Understanding the universe

42. Mario Ritter has more. Bobby Bare,Senior was a friend of Shel Silverstein for many years.

VOA : special.2010.06.04

43. It has laid bare some of the facts about the world's most dreadful wars.

ECONOMIST: The International Criminal Court and aggression

44. The commemorative supercar centers on a cabin that only allows room for the driver and a bare minimum of instruments, eliminating pesky distractions such as passengers and stereos.


45. For many, the critical political position stripped bare of arguments on the pace of change and how necessary the government's military campaign against opponents has been is loyalty to President Assad.

WSJ: Strife Is Closer to Home in Damascus

46. The system tray, to the right of the Taskbar, contains only the bare minimum of items, such as the network and battery indicators.

WSJ: Microsoft Gives Windows a Clean Sweep

bare of翻译_bare of短语搭配_bare of权威例句




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arbitrary的意思是:adj. 任意的,随心所欲的;专横的,武断的。学考宝为您提供arbitrary是什么意思,arbitrary的翻译,arbitrary的用法,arbitrary的短语搭配,arbitrary的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


spirituous的意思是:adj. 酒精的;酒精成分高的;含酒精的。学考宝为您提供spirituous是什么意思,spirituous的翻译,spirituous的用法,spirituous的短语搭配,spirituous的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


April的意思是:n. 四月。学考宝为您提供April是什么意思,April的翻译,April的用法,April的短语搭配,April的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。



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