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intended purpose是什么意思_intended purpose怎么读_intended purpose的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


intended purpose

intended purpose

网络 预期目的;目的;预期的目的;预期使用目的

英 [ɪnˈtendɪd ˈpɜːpəs]play 美 [ɪnˈtendɪd ˈpɜːrpəs]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. As God Intended Purpose 神打算奉为旨

2. intentional on purpose intended 刻意的

3. Intended Audience and Purpose 读者对象与目的 ; 第五节

4. each answers the purpose intended 各尽其用

5. the intended purpose 预期的目的


1. Select the appropriate peripheral device to achieve the intended purpose.


2. Possibly with the intended purpose of luring us into this room.

也许是有意引诱我们进这间房的。《provided by jukuu》

3. In a data processing system, a course of events occurring according to intended purpose or effect.


4. Component and raw material specifications developed during the design phase should be well conceived and adequate for their intended purpose.


5. But American aid is not always used for its intended purpose.


6. Was equipment designed to properly accomplish its intended purpose?

设备的设计有正确达到原有的目的吗?《provided by jukuu》

7. Each has an intended purpose.


8. Through these constraints to meet banks to develop intermediate business of the intended purpose of the product.


9. In short, this activity achieved our intended purpose.


10. The actual usage of performance shall be conducted to meet intended purpose of product and basic requirement of consumer.


11. The preservation of files for their intended purpose.


12. To reach the intended purpose of the target language, the domesticating method should be the main approach in advertisement translation.


13. This is great for its original intended purpose of lighting up the indoors.


14. Based on morphological process method intended purpose is achieved. The feasibility of the program is verified.


15. To reach the target text's intended purpose and function, articles in different styles should seek appropriate translation methods.


16. If enterprises encounter these risks, not only will not achieve the intended purpose of outsourcing may also impose an enormous loss.


17. Use only for intended purpose!


18. The intended purpose of target text and the target-text addressees determine which strategy to choose.


19. they were never used for their intended purpose.


20. The results show that the effect is remarkable, and achieve the intended purpose.


21. If the intended purpose of the target text is achieved adequately, a translation can be regarded as successful.


22. Interrogators during questioning of criminal suspects against the psychological characteristics shown to adopt different ways and means of interrogation, the suspect for uniforms to achieve the intended purpose of the questioning clear away the obstacles.


23. In sum, protective labor laws for women are discriminatory and do not meet their intended purpose.

总而言之, 为妇女制定的劳动保护法是带有歧视性的,而且并没达到它们预期的目的.《互联网》

24. No, no, it is clearly the result of magic. I simply cannot fathom the intended purpose.


25. To evaluate a translated text is to see whether it has achieved its intended purpose.


26. Equipment utilized for the handling of materials will be suitable for its intended purpose to ensure safe and adequate handling.


27. Use the product only for its intended purpose.

使用此产品仅为达到其预期目的。《provided by jukuu》

28. In choosing an unloader you must consider the Intended purpose, operating conditions, and additional accessories.


29. Which functionality is most important to the project's intended purpose?


30. Functionalist approaches puts emphasis on the choice of appropriate translation strategies according to the intended purpose and function of the target text.


31. It should always be appropriate for its intended purpose.


32. Finally apply instance to test software and achieve the intended purpose.


33. In this case, should do a small program that is a time-saving effort, and achieved their intended purpose.


34. An event that does not accomplish its intended purpose.

没有达到既定目标的事件。《provided by jukuu》

35. The translator is expected to interpret the source text according to the intended purpose of the target text.


36. What is the intended purpose of a template?

一个模板的既定目标是什么?《provided by jukuu》

37. The successful analysis of the actual status of project investment verified the system operated well and has accomplished its intended purpose.


38. The software needs to be useful for it's intended purpose - at least as useful as the old software or paper process it replaces.

软件必须达到计划中的目标——至少 要做到与旧软件或者被替代的文件流程功能相同。

39. If the intended purpose of the device is not obvious to the user, the manufacturer must clearly state it on the label and in the instructions for use.


40. The preamble mainly interprets the object of this study. It has an account of the concept of the migrant workers, the film and TV media field of the migrant workers' image study, as well as the research method, content and the intended purpose.


41. The preservation of files for their intended purpose.


42. Use your stylus for its intended purpose only . You risk damaging your stylus through misuse.

不要将笔针用于其他用途. 误用会损坏笔针.《互联网》

43. Tests tell that the soil is well suited for its intended purpose and access to the site is simple.


44. To serve its intended purpose, each USP Reference Standard must be properly stored, handled, and used.

为了实现标准品的使用目的,每个US P标准品必须妥善储存,处理和使用。

45. Are fit for their intended purpose, of good quality and workmanship;

质量好、工艺精、合乎其预期使用目的。《provided by jukuu》

46. An event that accomplishes its intended purpose.

实现既定目的的活动。《provided by jukuu》

47. They become soft addictions when we overdo them and when they are used for more than their intended purpose.


48. After the preliminary design and implementation, the system checked by running test has basically achieved the intended purpose.


49. All testing equipment must be suitable for the intended purpose, Qualified, Calibrated and maintained.

所有试验设备应满足预定要求 、 经过确认、校准合格并定期维护.《互联网》

50. To reach the intended purpose of the target language, the domesticating method should be the main approach in advertisement translation.


51. By developing your application in this way, your page will have more semantic meaning, as it is more likely to use HTML elements for their intended purpose.


52. According to the skopos theory, it is the intended purpose of the target text that determines the translation methods and strategies.


53. His conclusion was that instead of freeing the memory back to a global pool, he would have the memory remain initialized for its intended purpose.


54. Besides, translation methods and strategies should be determined by the intended purpose or the function of the target text.


55. Artifacts may be of simple, even primitive design, and yet be built to serve their intended purpose in a reliable manner during a lifetime of use.


56. Public policy implementation process to achieve the intended purpose of public policy, the key to solving practical problems.


57. Method validation studies establish proof that a method is suitable for its intended purpose.


58. Equipment utilized for the handling of materials will be suitable for its intended purpose to ensure safe and adequate handling.


59. To reach the target text's intended purpose and function, articles in different styles should seek appropriate translation methods.



1. But the intended purpose of the figurine remains under debate.

BBC: Capricorn figurine on display at Museum of Somerset

2. The original intended purpose of capital markets was to help young companies (think a young Apple, Google, Nike) raise capital to grow and to have its investors participate in that growth.

FORBES: Making Volatility Work For You

3. He also mentioned that the application should be optimized for the device through which it will be utilized and that the application should also be optimized to function very well for its intended purpose.

FORBES: 6 Ingredients For Great Mobile Applications From Apple

4. Yesterday, President George Bush held his hastily arranged mini-summit with Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev in Helsinki, Finland a meeting whose intended purpose was to display U.S.-Soviet solidarity in the face of Iraqi aggression.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | Post-Mortem On The Helsinki Summit: Soviet Cooperation Like This We Cant Afford

5. How much has evolution hindered innovation by overlooking superior read, intended purpose in design in the natural world?

FORBES: Connect

6. Crafty taxpayers, however, won't use the HSA for its intended purpose.

FORBES: Doctor Your Tax Return

7. At no time has Komen suggested that Planned Parenthood was failing to use the money provided by Komen for the intended purpose.

FORBES: A Black Mark On The Pink Ribbon: Politics Trump Breast Cancer

8. Sources say the Solaris 8 directory will be a high-performance, general-purpose directory intended to support a range of applications and services.

CNN: Sun/Netscape Alliance brings directory ties

9. Unfortunately, its intended purpose is no laughing matter: It is designed to create the international legal equivalent of "overkill" -- bilateral commitments that would effectively foreclose any U.S. missile defenses not explicitly approved by the Russians.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Post-Mortem on the Summit: The Talbott Communique

10. Unfortunately, its intended purpose is no laughing matter: It is designed to create the international legal equivalent of "overkill" bilateral commitments that would effectively foreclose any U.S. missile defenses not explicitly approved by the Russians.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Post-Mortem on the Summit: The Talbott Communique

11. The intended purpose of Section 199 is to keep manufacturing in America.

FORBES: Understanding Subsidies

12. The figure's rarity is due to its large size which has in turn added a layer of mystery as to its intended purpose.

BBC: Capricorn figurine on display at Museum of Somerset

13. Heirs had complained that Princeton wasn't using the money for its intended purpose, a charge the school disputed.

WSJ: Donated Land Is Battlefield

14. The Federal Reserve recently announced planned changes that will close certain loopholes within the new credit card law (CARD Act), increasing its comprehensive enforceability and more closely reconciling its actual effect with its intended purpose.

FORBES: Fed Closes Credit Card Act Loopholes

15. And during that conversation, the president had a very pointed suggestion for Ms. Lewinsky, and a suggestion that left no doubt about its purpose and the intended consequences.


16. Foreign-aid agencies will ensure that funds earmarked for a particular hospital or school are used for their intended purpose.

ECONOMIST: Mauritania

17. What with standalone Bluetooth-based GPS receivers getting smaller all the time, it's natural to assume that there's a limit to how small said devices can get, which will inevitably lead to manufacturers adding features that are peripheral to the original intended purpose in an attempt to differentiate their own offering from the competition.

ENGADGET: BT-Q920 GPS receiver includes FM transmitter for over-the-air MP3s

18. Government investigators are searching for incidents in which TARP funds were not used by financial institutions for the purpose they were intended or were issued to companies that were not eligible.

FORBES: The Big TARP Fraud Chase

19. Yesterday, President George Bush held his hastily arranged mini-summit with Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev in Helsinki, Finland -- a meeting whose intended purpose was to display U.S.-Soviet solidarity in the face of Iraqi aggression.


20. Pallotta challenges the idea that when a person donates to a charity the money goes directly to the CEO and is never used for its intended purpose.

FORBES: Is A One Million Dollar Nonprofit CEO Salary As Bad As It Sounds?

21. Journal has an intriguing article on the heat cities are facing, in courts and municipal markets, for shuffling bond funds away from their intended purpose.

FORBES: Banks To the Left of Me, Bondholders To the Right

22. But Ms Hodge hit back, saying: "People like you used this legislation for a purpose not intended by Parliament", a claim Mr McKenna strenuously denied.

BBC: Tax avoidance schemes 'utterly immoral', says Hodge

23. Or, had the Californian (within visual range of the unfolding tragedy) responded to distress calls, the lifeboats would have been adequate for the purpose they were intended to ferry passengers to safety.

WSJ: Chris Berg: The Real Reason for the Tragedy of the Titanic

24. Their drones are dual-purpose products intended for commercial use, but also usable for military operations as demonstrated below.

FORBES: How Libyan Rebels Got A $120,000 Micro-Drone

25. Applying this to the holiday challenge of thinking about gun violence, it is not a leap to realize that if individuals have access to efficient people killing machines, there will always be individuals pulled to use them for the purpose intended by their design.

FORBES: Newtown Is Why You Should Bring Einstein And Freud To Your Holiday Gatherings

26. Reform of the CFIUS process so as to ensure it performs the intended purpose - safeguarding U.S. security, not simply going through the motions in the course of approving transactions inconsistent with it.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Gaffney urges rejection of UAE port management

27. Mr Miliband said many pensioners were on low incomes and it was clear they used the funding for "the purpose it was intended" and not other things.

BBC: Pensioner in front of heater

28. On the surface, that reasoning seems to fall within the intended purpose of antitrust laws in the U.S., which is to discourage anti-competitive behavior and unfair business practices.

FORBES: Antitrust Suit Filed Against Top Tax Preparer H&R Block

29. Firstly, as to the S1100pj's body, it's your typical compact affair -- feeling sturdy and light, it's basically fit for its intended purpose, but no more or less than that.

ENGADGET: Nikon Coolpix S1100pj and S5100 hands-on Hands-on

30. In sometimes heated exchanges, Mrs Hodge argued that tax avoidance schemes were being used for a purpose not intended by Parliament and that it was not simply wealthy investors being marketed to.

BBC: Tax avoidance schemes 'utterly immoral', says Hodge

intended purpose是什么意思_intended purpose怎么读_intended purpose的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句




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to encode是什么意思_to encode怎么读_to encode的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

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