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  • n. 鲁道夫(男子名)

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. Rudolph Valentino 鲁道夫·瓦伦蒂诺 ; 瓦伦蒂诺 ; 鲁道夫瓦伦蒂诺 ; 华伦天奴

2. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer 红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫 ; 鲁道夫 ; 红鼻子鹿 ; 红鼻子驯鹿

3. Rudolph Minkowski 鲁道夫·闵可夫斯基 ; 夫斯基 ; 鲁道夫闵可夫斯基

4. Rudolph Giuliani 朱利安尼 ; 鲁道夫·朱利亚尼 ; 朱里安 ; 鲁道夫朱利安尼

5. Paul Rudolph 保罗·鲁道夫 ; 鲁道夫 ; 罗道夫 ; 保罗·儒道夫

6. Harold Rudolph 鲁哈瑞 ; 鲁道夫

7. Maya Rudolph 玛娅·鲁道夫 ; 鲁道夫 ; 玛娅鲁道夫 ; 玛雅·鲁道夫

8. Axel Rudolph 鲁道夫

9. wilma rudolph 鲁道夫 ; 威尔玛鲁道尔夫 ; 威尔玛·鲁道夫 ; 运动员


1. Rudolph laughed and despite herself Gretchen had to laugh, too.


2. Rudolph looked at the neatly typed report with distaste.


3. Even the funeral of silent film star Rudolph Valentino in New York in 1926 drew 40,000 fans.


4. Rudolph.'Managers are saying'Got that risk under control, so I need to think about next risk'to plan for.


5. Denton had always seemed to Rudolph to be pleased with himself.


6. Designed by Paul Rudolph, it falls under the category of brutalism in modernist architecture.


7. " Come on, Pa," Rudolph said.


8. One year, Rudolph sailed all the way out to Iceland.

有一年, 鲁道夫远航到冰岛.《辞典例句》

9. Rudolph coughed miserably in the rain as he turned into Vanderhoff Street.


10. This was an old song and Rudolph ignored it.


11. Rudolph looked surreptitious ly at his watch.


12. She is Wilma Rudolph, the first woman ever to win three gold MEDALS in the same Olympic Games.


13. Rudolph couldn't tell whether the jewellery was real or not.

鲁道夫不能识别这珠宝是真的还是假的。《provided by jukuu》

14. Rudolph would have liked to sit down and take his boots off.

鲁道夫真想坐下来,把靴子脱掉。《provided by jukuu》

15. Instantly, Rudolph decided that one day he would live in a room like this.

鲁道夫立刻打定主意;他有朝一日也要生活在这样一间房子里。《provided by jukuu》

16. Recent polling indicates many Americans agree with Rudolph.

最近的民意调查显示,许多美国人赞同Ernie Rudolph的观点。

17. Finally don't tell rudolph but a great reindeer stew can be had in lapland as well.


18. Rudolph went into the station to see about thomas's ticket.

鲁道夫走进车站给托马斯买车票。《provided by jukuu》

19. Boylan began to play. Rudolph had to admit he played well.


20. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.


21. They ridicule Rudolph because he's different.


22. On the eve of the big day, stockings are hung and cookies and milk are set out for Santa as well as a carrot for Rudolph.


23. One day Rudolph was sailing from one town to another when the northeast sky turned back.


24. Whatever the reason, Rudolph was glad that she had come back.

不管出于什么缘故,鲁道夫还是很高兴她回来了。《provided by jukuu》

25. He says to the vet, "Doctor, please do something for my Rudolph. His nose won't light up."


26. Santa Claus brings poor Rudolph to the vet.


27. He was demented about New York City, Rudolph decided.

他把纽约城恨得入骨, 鲁道夫断定.《辞典例句》

28. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, and Frosty the Snowman.


29. Even the funeral of silent film star Rudolph Valentino in New York in 1926 drew 40, 000 fans.


30. Rudolph, the Adonis of the silent films, had one great quality - to make women feel weak at the knees.


31. Rudolph always opened the window wide at night.

鲁道夫晚上总是把窗子完全打开。《provided by jukuu》

32. Rudolph swung off the bed, straightened out the covers.


33. It was Rudolph (who) did it.


34. Rudolph laughed and despite herself Gretchen had to laugh, too.


35. Poor old Rudolph, he won't be able to join in any reindeer games now, will he?


36. Rudolph Valentino was an exception in threatening a real fight.


37. By all accounts, Wilma Rudolph was a master at track and field.


38. Rudolph knew he had to stay sober to drive home.

鲁道夫知道自己必须保持清醒方可驾车回家。《provided by jukuu》

39. Rudolph didn't know whether he ought to sit down or not.

鲁道夫不知道自己应该不应该坐下来。《provided by jukuu》

40. Then the depression had thrown almost everybody out of work and the jerry-built houses had been neglected, and as rudolph's mother complained, the entire town had become a single slum.


41. Rudolph ate silently, waiting for the spate of approval to die down.

鲁道夫默默地吃着, 等着这阵赞扬的潮水退去.《辞典例句》

42. Oh, is Rudolph going to have the car every Saturday night?


43. But I haven't told anyone yet, not my mother or Rudolph.


44. Rudolph could see that he was fighting to control his voice.


45. Rudolph wondered how his brother could have perfected his hatred so young.


46. Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer ' is an example of apposition.


47. My sister has passed through here, Rudolph thought.

我姐姐曾经在这儿进出,鲁道夫想。《provided by jukuu》

48. Rudolph with your nose so bright.


49. Rudolph hesitated, then stretched out his hand for the phone.

鲁道夫犹豫了一下, 然后伸手接过话筒.《辞典例句》

50. Rudolph said no more. Apparently he was a man of few words.


51. Rudolph gained a high mark in this English examination for he had a good grasp of English.


52. When Rudolph saw her, he broke into a run.

鲁道夫看到她时突然开始跑了起来。《provided by jukuu》

53. Chapter III is an analysis of the performance of the artistic image of Rudolph.


54. One year, rudolph sailed all the way out to Iceland.


55. In half an hour Rudolph felt that he had known her for years.

半小时以后,鲁道夫感到他似乎已经认识她多年了。《provided by jukuu》

56. By now Rudolph could spot the type of the man.


57. " Of course you won't die," Rudolph said sharply.


58. I don't want no trouble to start in Rudolph's family.


59. Rudolph gave Buddy's loyalty just about three weeks to wear out.


60. Your face turns as red as Rudolph's nose.


61. But in the 100-meter dash, Wilma Rudolph won.



1. Former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and former Senator Fred Thompson both spoke there, then they ducked out.

NPR: GOP Presidential Fundraising Struggles

2. Rudolph steered the visitors to within 110 of Sri Lanka with able assistance from Nicky Boje.

BBC: Rudolph's gritty display has kept South Africa in the hunt

3. Craig White (55) gave Yorkshire the ideal start before Jacques Rudolph (53 not out) eased the Tykes home.

BBC: Seamers ease Yorkshire to victory

4. They can see a little red nose, so it looks like Rudolph is with him.

WHITEHOUSE: The White House

5. That's good news for Hermey, Rudolph's friend who wants to be a dentist instead of making toys.

CNN: Christmas by the numbers

6. Maybe Clinton liked the agency's record of needling New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, the probable Republican challenger.

FORBES: Politics On Madison Avenue

7. Mayor Rudolph Giuliani withdrew from the New York Senate race against Hillary Clinton because of ill health.

ECONOMIST: Israel's rout

8. Sanderson said she didn't think Rudolph was moved by anything said at his sentencing.

CNN: Rudolph gets life for Birmingham clinic attack

9. Rudolph Giuliani has set his sights on Texas, and he is having a lot of success.

NPR: Giuliani Leads GOP Rivals in Texas Fundraising

10. Other competitors in the technology sector include: Rudolph Technologies (RTEC), Nanometrics Incorporated (NANO), and Nova Measuring Instruments (NVMI).

FORBES: Earnings Preview: KLA-Tencor

11. Rudolph W. Giuliani sprinted through October as if he were running for national office.

FORBES: As a businessman, he's been mixing with a sketchier crowd.

12. Most people know Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer had a very shiny nose but why?

MSN: Scientists unravel the secret behind Rudolph's red nose

13. Rudolph Giuliani, former New York mayor, his campaign seems to be on the right curve right now.

NPR: Presidential Candidates Show the Money

14. Both planes were greet at New York's JFK Airport by the city's Mayor, Rudolph Giuliani.

BBC: Concorde

15. This year, that meant adding high-profile guests such as actress Maya Rudolph and director David O.

WSJ: Los Angeles Film Festival to Include Mideast Focus

16. Man of the match Needham came on to have Rudolph smartly stumped by Jamie Pipe for 24.

BBC: Vaughan absent as Tykes miss out

17. Mr. RUDOLPH GIULIANI (Former Republican Mayor, New York): Lets' see now, this is my wife calling, I think.

NPR: The Intersection of Cynicism and Modern Politics

18. Garden snail tries to win the Indy 500, with Ryan Reynolds, Paul Giamatti and Maya Rudolph.

FORBES: Dreamworks Reportedly To Cut Staff By Up To 20%

19. John McCain, former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.

NPR: Republicans Split on Bush Iraq Plan

20. "I don't think Eric Rudolph listens to anything except his own stupid ramblings, " Sanderson said.

CNN: Rudolph gets life for Birmingham clinic attack

21. Rudolph has never disclosed who, if anybody, has helped him during his years on the run.

CNN: Rudolph?reveals motives

22. Earlier in the day, South Africa's Jacques Rudolph recorded his fourth Test century in 15 matches.

BBC: Rudolph's gritty display has kept South Africa in the hunt

23. And it looks like -- oh, Bella, it looks like Rudolph is pulling the sleigh!

WHITEHOUSE: The White House

24. Nahmias said investigators have so far found no evidence that Rudolph had any co-conspirators.

CNN: Rudolph?reveals motives

25. "I want you to see my wife as I saw her, " he told Rudolph.

CNN: Rudolph apologizes for Olympic bombing

26. But Rudolph said a single national, multiplatform network was seen as a way to overcome those issues.

FORBES: A High School TV Sports Network for the 99 Percent

27. Oh, my goodness -- oh, my goodness, it looks like it's Rudolph pulling Santa's sleigh.

WHITEHOUSE: The White House

28. Rudolph's guilty pleas were heard in two courtrooms Wednesday, first in Birmingham, Alabama, then in Atlanta, Georgia.

CNN: Rudolph?reveals motives

29. Mr. RUDOLPH GULIANI (Former Mayor of New York): It will be sometime next year.

NPR: Presidential Race Comes Early to Primary States

30. The silent-movie star Rudolph Valentino had the body of a philosophy grad student coming off a two-week flu.

WSJ: Hollywood's New Arms Race: Actors With Muscles





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anxiousness的意思是:n. 焦急。学考宝为您提供anxiousness是什么意思,anxiousness的翻译,anxiousness的用法,anxiousness的短语搭配,anxiousness的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


anxious的意思是:adj. 焦虑的,担心的;渴望的,急切的;(时间或局势)紧张的,令人焦虑的。学考宝为您提供anxious是什么意思,anxious的翻译,anxious的用法,anxious的短语搭配,anxious的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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anxiety的意思是:n. 焦虑,忧虑;令人焦虑的事;渴望;焦虑症。学考宝为您提供anxiety是什么意思,anxiety的翻译,anxiety的用法,anxiety的短语搭配,anxiety的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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