莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [ˈbeɪkəri]play美 [ˈbeɪkəri]play

  • n. 面包店;烘焙食品(如面包,蛋糕)

复数 bakeries

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


bakery /ˈbeɪkərɪ, ˈbeɪkrɪ/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A bakery is a building where bread, pastries, and cakes are baked, or the shop where they are sold. 面包房; 面包店

    A smell of bread drifted from some distant bakery.




  • n.

    bake 烤;烘烤食品

    baker 面包师;面包工人;(便携式)烘炉

    bakehouse 面包烘房;面包店

    bakeshop 面包烘房;面包店

  • vi.

    bake 烘面包;被烤干;受热

  • vt.

    bake 烤,烘焙



1. Bakery Amour 爱情白面包

2. Kee Wah Bakery 奇华饼家 ; 奇华饼屋 ; 奇华礼饼专家

3. Love Bakery 淘气烘面包 ; 爱情烘焙屋 ; 爱情面包房 ; 英文名

4. bakery and confectionery 食品厂

5. Bakery Story 蛋糕店的故事 ; 面包店的故事 ; 面包的故事 ; 面包店故事

6. Paul Bakery 保罗面包店 ; 面包店

7. Jenny Bakery 尖沙咀店 ; 小熊饼干 ; 珍妮曲奇 ; 上环店

8. Go to Bakery 去面包店 ; 去面店

9. Bakery China 中国国际焙烤展览会 ; 中国国际焙烤展 ; 焙烤展览会

10. Arome Bakery 东海堂 ; 东海堂加入


1. Harrington studied the bakery business and made sure she was never off executives' radar.


2. Key words: bakery, food, function, analysis.

关键词: 烘焙食品功能型分析.《期刊摘选》

3. Bakeries sell cream puffs.


4. This bakery is famous for its cream cake.


5. Imagine the economy is a bagel bakery struggling through a slow week.


6. All that came to his bakery should go over a flyover first.


7. Preparation and Properties of Malt Extract and It's Application in Bakery Products


8. I am waiting for you next to the bakery store.


9. I always get bread at the bakery.


10. Manila's sexy Kink Cakes bakery heating up for a funny Valentine's Day.


11. A : And next to the caf é was a bakery the street smelled of freshly baked bread.


12. Bakery: to improve taste and enhance flavor, improve texture.

烘烤食品: 改善口感,增进香味, 改进质地.《期刊摘选》

13. Tom: Man, you know that chick in the bakery?

汤姆: 老兄, 你认识面包店那个女孩 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

14. This bakery will cater for any special occasion.


15. Sylvain Bailly, his master, displayed these luxuriant creations — often as large as 4 feet tall — in his bakery windows.

他的师傅西尔万·贝利把这些常常有4英尺高的华丽作品展示在他的面包店的橱窗里。《四级真题- 2018年 12月 2卷 信息匹配》

16. I must go to the bakery and pick up some rolls and cake.


17. And let's get a loaf of bread at the bakery for breakfast.


18. She bought some cakes at the bakery.


19. She brought me a cookie – a Viennese crescent she got from the best bakery in New York – and initiated the first of a life time of serious talks.


20. She used to work in the local bakery.

她曾在当地面包房工作过。《provided by jukuu》

21. The first bakery shop that specializes in wedding cakes.


22. Tempted as I was by the chocolate-flavored cigarette wrappers, my only purchase was some mediocre pork buns and pastries from the Wonder Bakery.

尽管我被巧克力味的卷烟纸吸引住了,但我只买了一些普通的猪肉包和 Wonder Bakery 的糕点。

23. Ex: All kinds of Bakery Machinery & Mixers , All kinds of Automotive Reconditioning & Appearance Products, etc.

出口: 各种面包机械 和 搅拌器, 各种汽车外观修复产品, 等.《期刊摘选》

24. The factory had its own hospital, bakery and food stores. And everything was connected with kilometers of tunnels.


25. If it's a bakery, notice the smell of baking bread.

如果是一个面包店, 注意烤面包的味道.《期刊摘选》

26. Some bakeries provide French bread and cakes.


27. Today, however, she is one of the proud owners of a bakery specializing in sweet cakes.


28. Harrington studied the bakery business and made sure she was never off executives'radar.


29. Man in Bakery: I would settle for something shaped like a fish.

面包店里的人: 我在找一些看起来像鱼的东西.《期刊摘选》

30. The smell is very familiar to everyone who lives near a bakery.


31. I came upon a very nice Bakery today.


32. Sylvain Bailly, his master, displayed these luxuriant creations—often as large as 4 feet tall—in his bakery windows.


33. She set up a French bakery, and it is running smoothly.

她开了家法式的面包房, 生意还不错.《期刊摘选》

34. Be careful of bakery items, too.


35. By 1814, people crowded outside the bakery, straining for a glimpse of the latest sweet food created by the young chef who worked inside.


36. Where is the bakery section?


37. Can You Take a Plane to the Bakery?

你能乘飞机去面包店 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

38. The gourmet restaurant has its own bakery and serves smoked salmon from Scotland and Viennese pastries.


39. Top hotels set up bakeries there, as well as soup and cake corners.

最高的旅馆在那里建立面包房, 还有汤和蛋糕角.《期刊摘选》

40. If you sent him to the bakery for a cake, he came back with three.

如果你让他去面包房买一块蛋糕, 他回来时,准买三个.《期刊摘选》

41. Browse local markets, grocery stores and bakery cafes.


42. Recent research in bakery products


43. There is a bakery in our community.


44. You make the best cake in the world, Betty, and I like to eat your cake better than have one from the bakery.


45. Yes, I must go to the bakery and pick up some rolls and cake.

有, 我必须到面包店买些面包和蛋糕.《期刊摘选》

46. You say you're looking for the French bakery?


47. In November, Clean's bakery produced 50 percent more bread than normal.


48. Start her own bakery.


49. Lind is a traditional German family bakery& coffee business.


50. Wonder if that bakery lets us take leftover home.


51. I was supposed to go out there and start my bakery.

我本来打算去那里开我的糕点店的。《provided by jukuu》

52. After voting on Election Day, I stopped at a bakery.

去国会选举日投票之后, 我在一家面包店前停了下来.《期刊摘选》

53. In the back room of the little bakery, his interest in design and his baking talent combined to work wonders — he shaped delicious masterpieces out of flour, butter and sugar.

在这家小面包店的后厨,他结合设计的兴趣和烘焙的天赋创造出了奇迹——他用面粉、黄油和糖塑造出了美味的杰作。《四级真题- 2018年 12月 2卷 信息匹配》

54. It was a small shop sandwiched between a coffee shop on one side and a bakery on the other.


55. I didn't know you were planning to score the bakery girl.

我没想到你对面包房的女孩有兴趣。《provided by jukuu》

56. The baker bakes his bread in the bakery.


57. The team also found a large bakery, "complete with ovens and storage pottery," whose size suggests it was used to cater to a "very large number of workers and employees."


58. By the way, I made the wedding cake together with local bakery.


59. After the woman opened the bakery a surprisingly good business.


60. By age 15, he had become an apprentice to Sylvain Bailly, a well-known dessert chef with a successful bakery in one of Paris' most fashionable neighborhoods.


61. Traditional German bakery seeks qualified operations manager to lead Shanghai market entry.

德国历史悠久的面包公司现寻求优秀的运营经理共同开创上海市场。《provided by jukuu》

62. Soon the Rotary Bakery was producing bread and confectionery for 1,200 residents of the center.


63. She was ready to build the fastest, most automated bakery in the world.


64. They walk to bakery to buy some bread.


65. When McDonald's decided it wanted a new bun supplier, Harrington became determined to win the contract, even though she had no experience running a bakery.


66. The bakery… is owned… by the baker.


67. My first real job was in a big, industrial bakery.


68. The trainees were promised employment at a local bakery chain upon completion of the program.


69. An enticing smell came from the bakery.


70. She still called me Ca-Coo and served my children Viennese crescent cookie from the best bakery in New York.


71. Bakery: Here papayas and bananas are used to make the tasty fruit tarts pirates demand.

糕饼店: 在这里将木瓜和香蕉做成美味的馅饼,以满足海盗们的需要.《期刊摘选》

72. Caribbean grill and bakery. Locations across the United States and Canada.

加勒比海烤架和面包房. 越过美国和加拿大的地点.《期刊摘选》

73. You can walk to the bakery to buy donuts!


74. They used to give you a long dozen in that bakery.


75. You know how much it gonna take me to open the bakery?

你知道开个糕点店需要多少钱么?《provided by jukuu》

76. Bakery muffin, large bagel with cream cheese.


77. On the way, they passed by a bakery.


78. Can I take a plane to the bakery?

我可以乘飞机去面包店 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

79. He detonated his explosives in a bakery, killing himself and three other people.

他在面包房引爆身上的炸药, 炸死了自己和另外三人.《期刊摘选》

80. Some bakeries provide French bread and cakes for people.


81. The following day, scamper about goes to small white hare bakery, Boss, have 100 bun?

第二天, 小白兔蹦蹦跳跳到面包房, “ 老板, 有没有一百个小面包 啊 ? ”《期刊摘选》

82. My father ran a bakery for eleven years.


83. He works at a bakery.


84. Papaya Farm: Papayas make very tasty pastries at the bakery , or eat them raw.

木瓜树林: 木瓜可以在糕饼店被制成美味的糕点, 或者干脆就这么吃.《期刊摘选》

85. You say you are looking for the French bakery?

你是说你在找那个法国面包店吗?《provided by jukuu》

86. The first thing I always notice in a bakery is the smell.


87. In the back room of the little bakery, his interest in design and his baking talent combined to work wonders—he shaped delicious masterpieces out of flour, butter and sugar.


88. And rice preparations as well. Lecithin benefits bakery products


89. I'm investigating how bread is made, so I need to interview someone at a bakery.

我正在调查面包是怎样制成的, 所以我需要采访面包店的工作人员.《期刊摘选》

90. Emma finally found a Saturday job in a bakery.

埃玛最终在一家面包店找到了一份星期六的工作。《provided by jukuu》

91. How many women can look like a goddess in a bakery uniform?


92. We were in luck, for the bakery was still open.

我们总算走运, 面包店还开着.《期刊摘选》

93. Leonard Schlesinger, a Harvard academic and former chief executive of Au Bong Pain, a rapidly growing chain of bakery cafes, says that much "re-engineering" has been crude.

纳德·施莱辛格是哈佛大学学者及发展迅速的烘焙咖啡连锁店 Au Bong Pain 的前首席执行官,他表示,很多“再设计”都很粗糙。

94. In November, Clean's bakery produced 50 percent more bread than normal


95. An old skinflint walked into a bakery.


96. A smell of bread drifted from some distant bakery.


97. Today, she is at her local bakery for the first time.


98. Banana Farm: Bananas make very tasty pastries at the bakery , or eat them raw.

香蕉树林: 香蕉可以在糕饼店被制成美味的糕点, 或者干脆就这么吃.《期刊摘选》

99. High quality products of chocolate, bakery and biscuits are their speciality.

该公司专门生产高质量的巧克力 、 糕点和饼干.《期刊摘选》

100. This one in a bakery of all things we'd parked our bikes a half block away.


101. I bought some lovely raisin buns at the bakery. Shall I bring you one with some tea?


102. I used to work at a bakery.


103. Miguel: Then what about the girl in the bakery?

米盖尔: 那面包店的那个女孩 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

104. I happened upon the most wonderful bakery not very far from here.


105. The bakery serves us with fresh bread daily.


106. A baker works in a bakery.


107. By age 15, he had become an apprentice to Sylvain Bailly, a well-known dessert chef with a successful bakery in one of Paris's most fashionable neighborhoods.


108. Later in the month, HBO will surprise three couples who held Westeros-themed weddings with special anniversary gifts, including Thrones-themed barrels of wine, custom chalices with local bakeries.


109. There's another good bakery on rue des Abesses.


110. The line of people stretched from the bakery to the corner.

队伍从面包房延伸到拐角处。《provided by jukuu》

111. To do so we set up the first traditional German bakery in Shanghai.



1. Today the cookie brand produces its goods in a non-union bakery in Ohio.

FORBES: The Teamsters Union Is Taking Away Our Twinkies

2. Sara Lee's president later credited the article with making the bakery into a national brand.

WSJ: Public-Relations Pioneer Began With 'Toni Twins' Stunt

3. "People are used to bakery style macaroons which is coconut based.

VOA : special.2010.04.12

4. As well, we had this huge new bakery, so we could grow a thriving wholesale business.

WHITEHOUSE: Backyard Discussion on Women and the Economy

5. Perhaps he did not know of any other kind, or perhaps it was all the bakery made.


6. The bakery is limiting purchases of bread to four loaves per purchase until the supply of flour stabilizes.

CNN: Why Venezuela is so divided

7. They use a lot of meat in their baking like bakery items like pastries,

他们烘焙诸如点心之类的食物时加入很多肉,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 喜欢的法国菜

8. More than just fish, the market also has a bottle shop, bakery, fruit and vegetable market, deli and gift shop.

BBC: Sydneys fresh fish Christmas marathon

9. When he then decided to start a bakery, he just happened to open shop at the right time.

BBC: The baker behind Macaus famous egg custard tarts

10. Handwerk, which embraces 150 trades from bakery to plumbing and employs 5.1m, has its own rules.

ECONOMIST: German services

11. The only automated bakery was shelled so we have lack of bread as well.

CNN: Children killed in bus attack in Syria

12. The German Bakery is located near the Osho Ashram, a mystic centre popular with visitors to Pune.

BBC: Death penalty for India Pune bakery blast man

13. "Overall, the changeover is going exceedingly well", says Friedbert Foerster, in charge of the bakery's marketing department.

BBC: Getting the euro mix right

14. We were actually the first cupcake bakery that I know of that opened outside of Manhattan.

WHITEHOUSE: Backyard Discussion on Women and the Economy

15. an instore bakery


16. Still the ham was tasty and beautifully chased with a pastry and a strong Cuban coffee from their adjoining bakery.

BBC: In search of Miamis Cuban sandwich

17. The closures come on top of the previously announced closure of its bakery in Eastleigh, Hampshire.

BBC: Premier Foods to cut 900 jobs in bread division

18. Jennifer Neiman (NY-man) and her sister Susan Woodhouse opened the bakery about a year ago, right in the middle of the Great Recession.

VOA : special.2010.04.12

19. A smell of bread drifted from some distant bakery.


20. Company officials raced to reassure anyone who would listen that the bakery would meet its obligations.

ECONOMIST: Run, run, run

21. Sales at her bakery cafe are slipping and she said she suspects the cupcake fad may be waning.

WSJ: Forget Gold, the Gourmet Cupcake Market Is Crashing

22. Husband-and-wife entrepreneurs Jason and Mia Bauer opened the first Crumbs bakery in 2003 on Manhattan's Upper West Side.

WSJ: Forget Gold, the Gourmet Cupcake Market Is Crashing

23. Every day, I walk to the two-month-old Greenwich Village outpost of New York bakery Bien Cuit.

WSJ: Bergamot Is No Lemon

24. The company said it would close two bakery sites in Greenford, west London, and Birmingham this year.

BBC: Hovis factory sign

25. In November, Clean's bakery produced 50 per cent more bread than normal.


26. The German Bakery is near the Osho Ashram, a mystic centre popular with visitors to Pune.

BBC: India restaurant bomb blast kills nine in Pune

27. And, thanks to Interpal, bread from the charity's bakery is delivered to poorer families.

BBC: [an error occurred while processing this directive]

28. The mill mainly supplies flour to the group's Hovis bakery in Duke Street, Glasgow.

BBC: Hovis factory sign

29. But we met Amanda at a bakery in Fairfax called Cupcakes Actually.

VOA : special.2010.04.12

30. But right next door, in the very same shopping plaza, is a mom-and-pop, artisanal bakery.

FORBES: Walmart State College

31. Quite a change for the little neighborhood bakery his dad took over in 1947.

FORBES: Doughboy

32. Which brings me back to my brother, Ken, and his insights at the bakery.

FORBES: Our Children's Budget

33. It cited a car bombing outside a bakery in Jaramana and the kidnapping of Christians in September.

CNN: A Christian prayer for peace in Syria

34. Consider the case of a bakery that experiences a sudden spike in its sales of strawberry shortcakes.

FORBES: Big Data Analytics: Not Just for Big Business Anymore

35. But across the mall from the bakery, the People's Exchange Money Transfer Shop was also open.

NPR: Boycott Doesn't Close All Immigrant Businesses

36. Bakery (decadent donuts) and a nacho-like microwavable treat, flecked with dried meat and cheese.

FORBES: Magazine Article

37. And to house all that dough, Bell is negotiating to buy another building to expand his bakery.

FORBES: Doughboy





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