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1. Again, I'm attempting to draw conclusions from the above performance results, and will not be biased by the fact that these articles are about jQuery. I hope.


2. For instance, a certain kind of basic neural network, the perceptron, is biased to learning only linear functions (functions with inputs that can be separated into classifications by drawing a line).


3. You'll be biased to put extra weight on the cases that support your theory and diminish cases that refute it.


4. The amount of braking power going to the front and rear circuits can be 'biased' by a control in the cockpit, allowing a driver to stabilise handling or take account of falling fuel load.


5. And the public already perceives journalists to be biased, which of course they are-though I don't believe this is the same as being unethical.


6. Context is, of course, everything when it comes to datasets, especially when those datasets are likely to be biased in ways you never bothered to investigate.


7. The United States said on February 27th that it was pulling out of preparations for that event: the draft final statement was too biased against Israel to be worth discussing.


8. Everyone is biased in some way or another. I tend to be harsher on things that I'm involved in though.


9. This, he said, will lead to an increase in claims that judges are biased, "however groundless those charges may be."


10. The first is that his trial should not have taken place in Enron’s hometown of Houston because strong local feelings meant that any jury was likely to be biased against him.


11. The researchers acknowledged the results may be biased since the study was based on a select group and might not apply to locked-in patients in general.


12. If the lock happens to be accessed by only one thread, biased locking can be applied.


13. This may be too biased. Writers, however, have to reach the third stage in order to be successful.


14. The inadequacies of this study is that a small number of cases of patients with RA, the statistical analysis of data may be biased inadequacies need to be further research to further improve.


15. As one who has read some of their writings, I find some modern criticism to be biased and ignorant, the result more of prejudice than of accurate knowledge.


16. If you are currently attracted to someone else but you are committed to your marriage, take a hard look at how your perceptions of the other person may be biased.


17. Someone subsequently diagnosed with a brain tumour might easily be biased, consciously or unconsciously, to exaggerate the former and misstate the latter.


18. If you think that remuneration will cause me to biased, so be it.


19. Sadly, UBS does not have any long-term data with which to compare this result (I checked), and since the sample is tiny, it may be very biased.


20. It lets lazy or biased people make what seem to be cogent arguments without understanding the whole issue.


21. Because of the multipath interference problem in wireless location systems, time delay estimation can be biased to some degree, and this becomes a key factor and bottleneck to restrain the location accuracy of wireless location systems.


22. To me, Chapter 5 was fascinating, but my opinion may be biased by my own experience.


23. Assuming the equiprobable centro-symmetric constellation for modulation, SFCM was proved to be biased due not only to the noise, but also to the irreducible inter-carrier interference aroused by the Doppler spread.


24. The findings of longrange dependence in stock returns using R/ S analysis have been disputed because this type of analysis might be biased due to the presence of shortterm dependence.

S分析在短程相关存在的情形下,可能会导致有偏的检测结果,因此使用R S分析来检测股票收益率的长程相关引起了许多学者们的争议。

25. To be biased and side with the Israelis, this is traditional for the United States; we do not expect them to be in the middle soon.

对我们有偏见和支持以色列,这是美国一惯的传统。 我们并不期望他们能在短时间内变成中立。

26. Women's voices naturally deepen with age, so the researchers say we might be biased to select older women as leaders.


27. For high-speed FSK modulation, the laser should be biased to operate in the blue-shifed regime.


28. Discernment Situations. The contem porary world appears so biased against metaphysics that any attempt to find philosophical equivalents for God may well be doomed to failure.


29. The first two may be biased toward longer-living dogs, because owners who belong to clubs and buy insurance may spend more to prolong their pets' lives.


30. I'm skeptical that we will ever be able to put people in the scanner and get an accurate readout of their memory that's not biased by their thoughts, their perceptions, their misremembering.


31. You'll be biased to put extra weight on the cases that support your theory and diminish cases that refute it.


32. But such biased individual reports would be unlikely to affect the overall findings of a large study like this one.


33. While the bank should provide its own evaluations, these would tend to be biased toward justification of what it had done.


34. The amount of braking power going to the front and rearcircuits can be 'biased' by a control in the cockpit, allowing a driver tostabilise handling or take account of falling fuel load.



1. After that the shutters come down and they are not allowed to promote transport projects which could be deemed to be biased towards a particular mayoral candidate.

BBC: Week-long wait for London's new Routemaster bus

2. The advisors with a conflict tended to give biased advice, of course, but their advice turned out to be much less biased if they were giving it to just one person than if it was for a group.

FORBES: If You Want Honest Investment Advice, Only Get It One-on-One

3. As background you might be interested to know that I am absolutely biased on this issue.

FORBES: European Union Peace Prize: Nobel Committee Jumps The Shark

4. It flags up concerns that the trial may be biased against Mr Liu and calls for open proceedings to help the public "make an objective judgement".

BBC: China media: Debate on North Korea

5. However, to truly embrace this myriad of channels, a company needs to not be too arrogant and biased towards a single channel.

FORBES: Why Are Printed Catalogs Still Around?

6. Critics feel that experts with ties to industry will be biased and will make recommendations favorable to industry.

FORBES: Do the Interactions of Pharma With Medical Experts Compromise Health Guidelines?

7. The United States said on February 27th that it was pulling out of preparations for that event: the draft final statement was too biased against Israel to be worth discussing.

ECONOMIST: Religion and human rights

8. The most successful builds seem to be the most biased ones but, of course, there is an antidote to everything.

FORBES: 5 Ways The Next 'Dark Souls' Could Have An Easy Mode Without Breaking The Game [Updated]

9. They are biased towards bigger universities, which tend to be better known and to produce more research. (This may have helped Argentina's UBA, whose glory days are in the past.) But what they do capture matters.

ECONOMIST: Universities in Latin America

10. But experts are flawed too, says Mr Dorey, because they tend to be biased by their own experience.

ECONOMIST: Risk management

11. However, this trend appears to be biased by a period of very high prices between 1860 and 1880 when the industry began.

ECONOMIST: Menem replies

12. In the extreme, the policymaker would then be helpless to distinguish between biased and unbiased advisers.

ECONOMIST: Economics Focus: The PC crowd | The

13. So I may be biased in what I'm about to say, but I don't think so.

FORBES: Two for Our Time

14. You'll be biased to put extra weight on the cases that support your theory and diminish cases that refute it.

你的偏向令你更注重于,那些证明你的看法的个案上,而无视驳倒你的看法的个案。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. To be fair, my perspective is biased because of past experiences.

FORBES: Fiesta Fiasco Opens Texas-Sized BCS Door for Cotton Bowl

16. They are simply analytical tools. They're not inherently biased. They can be applied fairly to the text, and they're extraordinarily useful. It's just that some of the earlier practitioners of these methods did have ideological axes to grind, and we need to be aware of that.

所以它们只是分析工具,本身并不带有偏见,它们是十分有用的,完全可以运用于文本,但一些早期实施者并没有将其,融会贯通,我们必须意识到这一点。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. If Bosnian Serbs believe themselves to be the victims of biased western interference, their hostility to Dayton will grow.

ECONOMIST: A choice of devils

18. In part he believes that the problem is economic institutions: regulatory barriers to entrepreneurship, a financial system that favours insiders, and a high level of input from labour, which tends to be biased towards the status quo.

ECONOMIST: Why can't Europe's economies catch up with America?

19. Someone subsequently diagnosed with a brain tumour might easily be biased, consciously or unconsciously, to exaggerate the former and misstate the latter.

ECONOMIST: The Interphone study: Mobile madness | The

20. And if the studies are biased, which they appear to be, we're not getting the correct picture.

NPR: Researchers Find Bias in Nutrition Studies

21. As estimates can be biased due to problems of omitted variables, endogeneity, or measurement errors, it is necessary to rely on a broad range of estimators.

FORBES: Data in New World Bank Report Shows that Large Public Sectors Reduce Economic Growth

22. However,Republicans and Democratic opponents said the resolution itself was biased, asserting that by passing it the House would be demonstrating it wants to cover up the truth about actions in Gaza by both Hamas and Israel.

VOA : standard.2009.11.04

23. Sony expects the market to substantially adopt 4K technology... but those inclined to be cynical might call them biased on that.

ENGADGET: Live at the Sony press preview

24. So the more accurately a policymaker can distinguish between types of adviser, the more likely it is that he (or she) will be able to ignore biased advice.

ECONOMIST: Economics Focus: The PC crowd | The

25. He then shows the videotape to observers (who won't be biased by clothing or hairstyles since the walker is in the dark) and asks them to guess the walker's sexual orientation.

CNN: Step by step, researcher looks for sexuality clues

26. Fifth, they cannot be seen as taking a biased approach to sovereign debt risks, a hard stance on Europe (downgrading the one country after another) and a soft on the US. Already, a number of European countries are pushing for the creation of European credit agencies that would threaten the credit agency oligopoly.

FORBES: Why Investors shouldn't ignore Credit Agency Warnings

27. "I think it is highly likely to be biased, " said Prof Alan Woodward, a cybersecurity expert at the University of Surrey.

BBC: Two men wearing V for Vendetta masks

28. Chilcot sought to counter criticism that his committee might be biased and its report would be a whitewash.

VOA : standard.2009.11.25

29. What seems inarguable, and what I take away from this episode, is that any paper that sees fit to publish such fact-free ramblings, and that is so obviously and so flagrantly biased, ought to be treated with more than a little suspicion.

FORBES: A Case Study in the Fecklessness and Idiocy of Russian Liberalism

30. The Council of Europe concluded that coverage of the campaign "appears to be strongly biased in favour of the outgoing president" and "independent media that express criticism of Kuchma are subjected to numerous pressures by the state authorities, " Ukraine's Intelnews agency reported.

BBC: Violence, mud-slinging mar Ukraine election campaign

31. This is also thought to lead to biased sales, which may not be in the best interests of private investors.

BBC: Commission sales are abolished on financial policies

32. So it makes sense to be biased towards equities, bonds, commodities, houses and wine instead of cash.

FORBES: A Case for Cash: When 0% Yield Is Your Best Bet

33. He said it was unhelpful for doctors to be biased against obese patients.

BBC: NEWS | Health | Fat equals lazy, say doctors

34. Those are going to be more biased.

FORBES: Are You Afraid to Trade?

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Yanqui的意思是:n. (西)美国人 adj. 美国的;美国人的。学考宝为您提供Yanqui是什么意思,Yanqui的翻译,Yanqui的用法,Yanqui的短语搭配,Yanqui的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


annoy的意思是:v. 使恼怒,使烦恼;打扰,骚扰;<古>侵扰。学考宝为您提供annoy是什么意思,annoy的翻译,annoy的用法,annoy的短语搭配,annoy的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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announce的意思是:v. 宣布,公布;声称,郑重地说;(尤指通过广播)通知;播报,讲解(体育赛事);通报……的到来;显示;告知;宣布竞选公职。学考宝为您提供announce是什么意思,announce的翻译,announce的用法,announce的短语搭配,announce的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


open-mouthed的意思是:adj. 惊愕得张大嘴的;目瞪口呆的。学考宝为您提供open-mouthed是什么意思,open-mouthed的翻译,open-mouthed的用法,open-mouthed的短语搭配,open-mouthed的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


angle的意思是:n. 角;倾斜,斜角;角度;视角,立场;<美>不可告人的动机;<美>诡计,狡猾的手段;角铁,角钢;<古>鱼钩 v. 斜移,斜置;向(特定人群)提供资讯,定位于;博取,谋取;垂钓,钓鱼;(使)朝向,(使)转向。学考宝为您提供angle是什么意思,angle的翻译,angle的用法,angle的短语搭配,angle的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。



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