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life after death是什么意思_life after death短语搭配_life after death权威例句


life after death


英 [laɪf ˈɑːftə(r) deθ]play 美 [laɪf ˈæftər deθ]play

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1. Is there life after death 死后能否继续活着


3. Death After Life 唱片名

4. Planetary Life After Death 浴火重生的行星

5. T Life After Death 前卫摇滚


1. " Do you believe in life after death?" the boss asked one of his employees.


2. I believe in life after death.


3. Who does the writer want to say was a real believer in life after death?


4. Do you believe in life after death?


5. We're asking," Is there life after death?"


6. His preaching the word of god and people life after death (or spirit).


7. No life after death in the Bible either. Did you know that?


8. Temporal power and wealth are more important to many people than a spiritual promise of life after death.

现世的权力和财富对许多人来说比死后精神的永生更重要。《provided by jukuu》

9. He believe that there are still life after death.

他相信人死后还有生命。《provided by jukuu》

10. "Do you believe in life after death?" the boss asked one of his employees.


11. There couldn't possibly be life after death.


12. Unfortunately, there are no answers to the question of life after death.


13. This is how Plato and Descartes thought life after death was possible.


14. I wonder what is your views about, what does philosophy have to say with life after death?


15. But the Greek Church resists this practice; they believe the only place where people burn is a hell, so burning dead bodies is against the Greek concept of life after death.


16. As all families do, we got used to life after death.


17. Desire for life after death


18. God should send someone back from the dead to prove life after death.


19. Obviously philosophers in the past have speculated about life after death.


20. So we're about to spend a lot of time asking the philosophical question: Is there life after death?


21. He is firmly under the belief that there is life after death.


22. Boss: Do you believe in life after death?


23. Do you believe in life after death ?


24. Her belief in life after death made dying easier for her.


25. Society has lost its original beauty and only the life after death is the ideal Paradise.


26. Life after death "Do you believe in life after death?" the boss asked one of his employees.


27. Do you believe in life after death?" the boss asked one of his employees.


28. The phoenix bird symbolizes immortality, resurrection and life after death.


29. Agnostic: A person who believes that nothing can be known about God or life after death.


30. He believes in eternal life after death.


31. So although it has seemed to people over the ages that the question, "Is there life after death?


32. So although it has seemed to people over the ages that the question," Is there life after death?"


33. How could the relationship between God and believers continue if there was no life after death?


34. What about life after death? Mystery.


35. For that matter, no serious harm done if we ask: Is there life after death?


36. So although it has seemed to people over the ages that the question, "Is there life after death?"


37. Obviously philosophers in the past have speculated about life after death.


38. Life after death was conceived as a microcosm of life on earth.


39. So we're about to spend a lot of time asking the philosophical question: Is there life after death?


40. Could there be life after death?


41. As a result, scientists veer away from the subject of life after death, despite its existential value.


42. Her belief in life after death made dying easier for her.


43. Most religions posit the existence of life after death.


44. Much of what life after death means comes down to the kind of life you describe.


45. He is firmly under the belief that there is life after death.


46. Belief in a life after death is the keystone of her religious faith.

她的宗教信仰的基础是相信死后有来生。《provided by jukuu》

47. We're asking, "Is there life after death?"


48. This life is a test for each individual for the life after death.


49. Thinking about life after death is not limited purely to consciousness.


50. Most religions posit the existence of life after death.


51. "But is there life after death or is there not"? Persisted a disciple.


52. I wonder what is your views about, what does philosophy have to say with life after death?


53. If there's any place that makes me feel like there's no life after death.

如果有哪个地方让我感觉到死后就不再有生命。《provided by jukuu》

54. Some people believe in everlasting life after death.


55. He believes in everlasting life after death.


56. Life after death is nothingness.


57. God should send someone back from the dead to prove life after death.



1. I haven't seen any good evidence for life after death, so I'm not a believer, and I think death is the end.

关于来世,我从未看到任何可靠的证据,所以我并不相信有来世,我觉得死亡就是终结。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

2. Atheists, by contrast, have nothing to look forward to after death, so they might be expected to cling to life.

ECONOMIST: Religion, medicine and death

3. The government has published national figures covering 64 areas including death rates after operations, life expectancy, and from major diseases.

BBC: Mixed figures on NHS progress

4. Warning signs and a life ring have been installed next a weir after the death of a teenager on the River Avon.

BBC: Warning signs installed after Saltford Weir death

5. His bleak depiction of life fighting in the trenches grew in popularity after his death.

BBC: Museum opens in Birkenhead for war poet Wilfred Owen

6. After a death, the next-of-kin are asked about end-of-life medical costs and whether the late lamented did leave something to the family.

ECONOMIST: Ageing America: The road ahead | The

7. Obviously philosophers in the past have speculated about life after death.

显然,过去的哲学家们已经,在猜测是否有来世。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

8. So although it has seemed to people over the ages that the question, "Is there life after death?"

因此虽然这看起来,这是个老生常谈的问题,但"死后能否继续活着"死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. So it seems that a biography written shortly after his death included several invented stories about his early life.

VOA : special.2010.02.23

10. Is there life after death?

死后能否继续活着死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. The RAP generally requires that every trust terminate no later than 21 years after the death of a person who was alive (a life in being) at the time of the creation of the trust.

FORBES: Obama Estate Tax Budget Proposals

12. No life after death in the Bible either. Did you know that?

没有关于死后生活的描写,你们知道吗?旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. So then, if that's right, then to ask, "Is there life after death?" Is just asking, "Is there life after the end of life?"

那么,如果这是对的,那试问,死后能否继续活着,也就是在问,生命结束后是否还有生命死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. It's natural to talk that way, but if we want belief in the soul to help us hold out the possibility at least that there might be life after death, then I think we need to actually say that strictly speaking, it's not that a person is a soul plus a body.

这说起来很轻松,如果我们想要寄托于,相信灵魂的存在,而让死后能够继续活着有据可依,那么我们需要一个严格的说法,不是说一个人是灵魂加肉体死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. How many other companies offer life after death?

WSJ: Facebook, Dead or Alive

16. These costs are for the entire life-span of the units, after running them to death.

FORBES: The Naked Cost of Energy -- Stripping Away Financing and Subsidies

17. And he arguably became even bigger after his death 30 years ago this Thursday than he ever was in life.

FORBES: Long Live The King

18. As for IBM, it found new and vibrant life after near-death thanks to Lou Gerstner's refusal to be panicked into breaking up the company the game-changing solution advocated by Wall Street analysts, investment bankers scenting fees and a good few of IBM's own senior managers.

ECONOMIST: Struggling giants

19. The life insurance yields are a bit better if death occurs before and a bit weaker if it occurs after life expectancy.

FORBES: Life's Tax Advantages

20. Maybe, but this seeming life-after-death underscores the importance of how we manage our digital profile in the here and now.

FORBES: Connect

21. Later in life, after the death of Dr Wills, she married Peterborough architect Allan Ruddle and until July 2011 had lived in her own home in the city with full-time carers.

BBC: Guinness World Record holder Marjorie Ruddle, 105, dies

22. Donors could also put the partnership shares in a charitable remainder trust, a popular estate-planning device in which donors or their beneficiaries draw income for life, with trust assets going after death to a charity.

FORBES: The office-park deduction

23. So we're about to spend a lot of time asking the philosophical question: Is there life after death?

我们需要花很多时间,去谈论这个哲学问题,死后能否继续活着死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. For that matter, no serious harm done if we ask: Is there life after death?

就此而言,我们再问一个问题也没关系,死后能否继续活着死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. But she isn't in Colm Toibin's thrilling, idiosyncratic imagining of Mary's life after her son's death.

WSJ: Review: There's something (weird) about Mary

26. The Christian research group Theos claims that "even amongst atheists, the most sceptical group in the population, nearly a quarter (23%) believe in the human soul, 15% in life after death, and 14% in reincarnation".

BBC: 2011 Census: Is Christianity shrinking or just changing?

27. There couldn't possibly be life after death.

死后不可能有轮回死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. Is there life after death?"

死后能否继续活着"死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. Could there be life after death?

死后是否还有活的可能性死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. In a brief statement, he said that "by any measure, my mother was blessed with a long life and a very full one" but that had not made her death after an illness "any easier to bear".

BBC: Son thanks public for support after Thatcher's death

31. The victim was attacked in a charter bus around 9:30 pm in an hour-long ordeal that led to her death at Mount Elizabeth Hospital in Singapore on Dec. 29 after fighting for her life on a respirator there, family members told the press.

FORBES: Murder Charge For Five In Deadly India Gang Rape

32. We're asking, "Is there life after death?"

我们问的是,死后能否继续活着死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. I wonder what is your views about, what does philosophy have to say with life after death?

我也很好奇,您认为,哲学将怎样解读来世?人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

34. Her husband assumed the throne in February 1999 after the death of his father, King Hussein , who ruled the country for most of its independent life.

FORBES: Partner In Progress

35. And not only can you punish with death people who come after you seeking to take your life, you can also punish a thief who tries to steal your goods because that also counts as aggression against the law of nature.

不仅可以处死那些,跟踪你想谋害你的人,还可以惩罚想偷你东西的小偷,因为那也算侵犯了自然法。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. Karlsen was arrested last November after investigators learned about a life insurance policy for Levi Karlsen taken out just days before his death, which was initially ruled an accident.

WSJ: New charges for NY man accused in son's '08 death

37. There was no separate caste of priests and there was very little concern, I don't mean any concern, but very little concern with life after death which was universally important in other civilizations.

没有独立的教会阶层,城邦里的人们很少关注来生这个概念,很少关注,不是说完全没有关注,此观念在当时的其他文明中是极为重要的古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. After this, and the earlier death of Lady Sybil, it appears no life is brought into the world of Downton without the loss of another.

CNN: Top 5 lessons from the 'Downton Abbey' season finale

39. The moral: Ad hoc organization that works in life probably won't after death.

FORBES: Organized from Beyond the Grave

40. is like asking, "Might I still be alive after" well what's death? Death is the end of life.

等同于,我能继续活下去么,那么什么是死亡,死亡是生命的终结死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. For those who are struggling with this and for those who say yes I can believe in life after death, I can't really believe that Jesus was raised physically - my response to them is to carry on arguing with the evidence, argue with the New Testament itself.

BBC: News Online

42. Maybe, after this life, we will go to Heaven, as the two little girls who starved to death hoped to.

NEWYORKER: Once Upon a Time

43. Manson's death sentence was changed to life in prison after California's death penalty was overturned for a period during the 1970s.


44. Seven months after Seau's death, another NFL player's life came to a violent end, stunning the sports world once again and raising concerns about the mental health of football players.

CNN: Former NFL player wants brain studied

45. In his 2003 film The Station Agent, he played a man who moved to rural New Jersey to live a life of solitude after the death of his only friend.

BBC: The dwarf actor dilemma

46. One deals with death, the other deals with the possibility of life after it.

BBC: Organ donor series

47. "After returning from my first deployment in Iraq, after seeing death and violence, losing friends and comrades, it really made me look over my life, " he said.

CNN: Discharged under 'don't ask, don't tell'

life after death是什么意思_life after death短语搭配_life after death权威例句




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