莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [briːf]play美 [briːf]play

  • adj. 短暂的;简短的;(衣服)很短的
  • v. 给……指示,向……介绍情况;<英>向(辩护律师)提供案情摘要
  • n. 指示,任务简介;摘要,概要;短内裤(briefs);辩护状;辩护律师;<英>委托辩护
  • 【名】 (Brief)(英)布里夫(人名)

复数 briefs 第三人称单数 briefs 现在分词 briefing 过去式 briefed 过去分词 briefed 比较级 briefer 最高级 briefest

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


brief /briːf/ CET4 TEM4 [ briefing briefed briefer briefs briefest ]

  • 1.
    形容词 Something that is brief lasts for only a short time. 短暂的

    She once made a brief appearance on television.


  • 2.
    形容词 A brief speech or piece of writing does not contain too many words or details. (讲话、文章) 简短的

    In a brief statement, he concentrated entirely on international affairs.


  • 3.
    形容词 If you are brief, you say what you want to say in as few words as possible. (说话) 简明扼要的

    Now please be brief – my time is valuable.


  • 4.
    形容词 You can describe a period of time as brief if you want to emphasize that it is very short. 短暂的强调

    For a few brief minutes we forgot the anxiety and anguish.


  • 5.
    复数型名词 Men's or women's underpants can be referred to as briefs. 短内裤

    A bra and a pair of briefs lay on the floor.


  • 6.
    及物动词 If someone briefs you, especially about a piece of work or a serious matter, they give you information that you need before you do it or consider it. 介绍; 提供 (信息)

    A Defense Department spokesman briefed reporters.


  • 7.
    可数名词 A brief is a document containing all the information relating to a particular legal case, which is used by a lawyer to defend his or her client in court. 案情摘要

    Griffith's expertise is in writing legal briefs.


  • 8.
    可数名词 If someone gives you a brief, they officially give you responsibility and instructions for dealing with a particular thing. 职责

    ...customs officials with a brief to stop foreign porn coming into Britain.


  • 9.
    →see also   briefing
  • 10.
    习语 You can say in brief to indicate that you are about to say something in as few words as possible or to give a summary of what you have just said. 简言之

    In brief, take no risks.




  • adj.

    briefless 无人委托诉讼的;没生意的

  • adv.

    briefly 短暂地;简略地;暂时地

  • n.

    briefing 简报;作战指示

    briefness 简单;短促

  • v.

    briefing 概述;作…的摘要(brief的现在分词)



1. in brief 简言之

2. creative brief 创意纲要 ; 创意简报 ; 创意工作单 ; 创意策略

3. brief introduction 简介;简短介绍

4. to be brief 简言之

5. Brief Encounter 相见恨晚 ; 相逢恨晚 ; 短暂的恋情 ; 短暂的邂逅

6. brief meeting 碰头会

7. brief description 简要说明;简介

8. news in brief 简讯;简明新闻

9. brief case 公文包

10. take a brief (指律师)接手案件

11. design brief 设计纲要

12. hold no brief for 不为…辩护;不支持,不赞同

13. brief exposure 手控时间快门

14. brief survey 简短的调查;简单的调查

15. The Pelican Brief 塘鹅暗杀令 ; 鹅塘暗杀令 ; 塘鹅报告

16. Brief World History 简明世界史 ; 简洁全国史 ; 简单明白世界史

17. A Brief History of Time 时间简史 ; 从大爆炸到黑洞 ; 中文插图版 ; 英文版




brief appearance 短暂的露面

brief conversation 简短的对话

brief pause 短暂的停顿

brief description 简短的描述

brief explanation 简短的解释

brief history 简史

brief speech 简短的讲话

brief statement 简要的声明


1. Write a very brief description of a typical problem.


2. Ten years is just a very brief moment in the long course of human history.


3. Louis and Hortense, who normally preferred to live apart , had two brief reunions.


4. His name and life's brief date.


5. We have a tight schedule for your brief visit. I hope you don't mind.

对您短暂的访问,我们为您安排的日程很紧, 希望您不介意.《英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语》

6. I want to see my brief.


7. I spent a brief spell on the Washington Post.


8. The General Manager gave the audience a brief introduction to his company at the press release.


9. After a brief peace, war broke out again.

在短暂的和平之后, 战争又爆发了.《简明英汉词典》

10. Now please be brief – my time is valuable.


11. to stick to your brief (= to only do what you are asked to do)


12. He rose and made a brief speech.


13. Mozart's life was brief.


14. After a couple of brief instrumentals, he puts his guitar down.


15. Yet even sending brief replies to the many who apply takes much time and money.


16. A few brief comments are sufficient for present purposes.


17. Please be brief (= say what you want to say quickly) .


18. to prepare/produce a brief for sb

给某人准备 / 制订指示《牛津词典》

19. Although in the brief life, you can also experience personally a lot of try meaningfully.

虽然在短暂的人生里, 你也可以体验到很多有意义的尝试.《期刊摘选》

20. After a brief rally the shares returned to $2.15.


21. Generally a brief note or a phone call will suffice.


22. In October the Department of Justice filed a brief in the Myriad case, arguing that an isolated DNA molecule “is no less a product of nature... than arecotton fibres that have been separated from cotton seeds.”

10 月,司法部对麦利亚德案做出简短声明,认为单离脱氧核糖核酸分子“如同从棉花籽中分离出的棉花纤维一样,都是自然的产物。”《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

23. The Prime Minister has been briefed by her parliamentary aides.


24. Please be brief.


25. ...and now sport in brief.


26. What follows is a brief summary of the process.


27. The cold winter night had fallen, snuffing out the brief twilight.

寒冷的冬夜已经降临, 把黄昏时短暂的暮色也给吞没了.《辞典例句》

28. After American economy experiences brief decline, many evidence show marching toward anabiosis.

美国经济经历短暂的衰退后, 不少证据显示正迈向复苏.《期刊摘选》

29. I expect to be kept fully briefed at all times.


30. I believe that life is infinitesimally brief in relation to the immensity of eternity.


31. The Seattle Times publishes brief announcements of religious events every Saturday.


32. What follows is a brief summary of the process


33. Much has been made of that brief encounter and its impact on my life.


34. In brief, the meeting was a disaster.


35. Now the rest of the news in brief.


36. Regarding the typical" the stable marriage problem", we give one brief realization method with the help of the matrix ( two-dimensional array).


37. For a few brief minutes we forgot the anxiety and anguish.


38. In the brief moments when they were alone he had more pressing things to say.


39. She made a brief note on the telephone pad.


40. Not long after Freddy and the band became famous, they visited Britain on a brief tour.

弗雷迪和他的乐队成名后不久, 就到英国作短暂的巡回演出去了.《期刊摘选》

41. She had time to give a brief report.


42. A brief dip into history serves to confirm this view.


43. a brief description/summary/account

简明扼要的描述 / 总结 / 叙述《牛津词典》

44. The minister then offers a brief prayer of dedication, and the ushers return to their seats.

于是牧师又做了一个简短的奉献的祈祷, 各招待员也各自回座位.《辞典例句》

45. His brief time as Prime Minister brought few real benefits to the poor.


46. There was a brief pause in the conversation.


47. In chapter two ANN and BP algorithm are introduced in brief.


48. To be brief the document should reflect your careful study and pondering of the course readings.


49. Now please be brief — my time is valuable...


50. The operation itself is a brief, painless procedure.


51. I don't know how It'started ; in any case , there was a brief scuffle.

我不知道是怎么开始的, 反正发生了一场短暂的混战.《期刊摘选》

52. Reporter: Whether do you give the whole nation system a brief definition?

记者: 您能否给“举国体制”一个简短的定义?《期刊摘选》

53. The brief introduction of the song involves at most four to five different notes.


54. There was only time for a brief exchange.


55. With a brief, almost peremptory gesture he pointed to a chair.


56. She claims she had a brief fling with him 30 years ago.


57. But the brief peace the Realms have known may be at an end.


58. He let out a brief cackle.


59. The situation is perhaps best summarized m two brief sentences as follows.


60. There was a brief period of conciliation but the fighting soon resumed.


61. We enclose our brief project plan for your perusal.


62. I hold no brief for either side in this war.


63. We were given a brief demonstration of the computer's functions.


64. During its brief existence, the pion carries momentum from one nucleon to the other.

在它短暂的存在期间内, 它将动量从一个核子带到另一个核子.《辞典例句》

65. Brief style shows imperturbable, introverted and individual quality.

简洁的款式,显得沉着 、 内敛,但不失个性.《期刊摘选》

66. Others experience twitching motions during sleep that may cause brief awakenings.


67. My time upon this globe is very brief.


68. Now please be brief — my time is valuable


69. The intent here is to give a brief treatment of selected topics for Cape Kennedy, Florida.


70. A short trip to the abattoir and her brief lie is over.


71. Brief style and contrast color application imperturbable, introverted and young quality.

简洁的款式,稍撞色的缉线,使款式看起来既显得沉着 、 内敛,又不失年轻活力.《期刊摘选》

72. I can give you a brief rundown on each of the applicants.


73. I hope to be brief and to the point.


74. The reports of the explosion were brief and uninformative.


75. He drew up a brief for his speech.


76. ...customs officials with a brief to stop foreign porn coming into Britain.


77. She performed a brief mime.


78. A brief review of chloroplast structure is useful before discussing these experiments.


79. A brief exposition is given in this subsection and the next.


80. Second, the thesis introduces FHC in brief , including definition and the development in external and internal.


81. These brief dialogs are the police complete with the hand signal.


82. And how in the hell, for that brief moment you could that you were that happy?

最后他妈的自问, 为什么那原本只是短暂的欢愉你就会以为是找到了永远的快乐 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

83. This is a brief outline of the events.


84. The chapter concludes with a brief examination of some of the factors causing family break-up.


85. News flash can give readers a brief knowledge of what happened in the past day.


86. Apart from a brief interlude of peace, the war lasted nine years.


87. I was given the brief of reorganizing the department.


88. This is a brief stop to take on passengers and water.


89. Children are children for a brief time. Mothers are mothers forever.

孩子只是一个短暂的时期, 但母亲的身份会延续一辈子.《期刊摘选》

90. Chapter 5 a brief conclusion of this thesis, review the issues resolved in the thesis.


91. After a brief pause, they continued climbing.


92. During the brief summer, a thin layer of frozen soil thaws at the surface.

短短的夏季里, 表面很薄的一层冻土融化了.《期刊摘选》

93. Design is brief with flexibility, and it is dressed comfortably.

简洁的设计, 回弹力好,随体舒适.《期刊摘选》

94. Generally his ideas were expressed in brief sententious phrase, spoken in low voice.


95. I'm going to make a brief introduction of myself.


96. Well, you give a brief and clear definition of will.


97. In a brief statement, he concentrated entirely on international affairs...


98. A brief, handwritten postscript lay beneath his signature.


99. The gift of a written note . Expressing in a brief, handwritten note your appreciation or affection.

以便条为礼物: 亲手写一则简短的纸条, 以表达你的感谢或关心.《期刊摘选》

100. She once made a brief appearance on television...


101. He made a brief, unexpected appearance at the office.


102. The eternity of things in itself or in God must also astonish our brief duration.


103. They are a priceless record of a brief period in Colorado history.


104. The officer briefed her on what to expect.


105. This time their visit is brief.


106. Brief style shows imperturbable, introverted and individual quality. It is much suitable and comfortable for body.

简洁的款式,显得沉着 、 内敛,但不失个性. 版型合体,穿着舒适.《期刊摘选》

107. Sleep came to him in brief snatches.


108. In brief, take no risks.


109. The letter was brief, and couched in very polite terms.


110. The drug brought a brief respite from the pain.


111. The description which he had been given was brief and to the point.


112. Note taking can become a distraction if not restricted to brief notations for later elaboration.


113. It is intended as a brief primer on the software testing process.


114. Brief figuring style, neat and spiffy prints in and fashionable narrow design show your modish feelings.

简洁的修身版型, 干净利落的前胸印字,加上现今流行的窄门筒设计,给人以斯文的时髦感觉.《期刊摘选》

115. This is, of necessity, a brief and incomplete account.


116. After a brief excursion into drama, he concentrated on his main interest, which was poetry.


117. The honeymoon between Congress and the President was very brief.


118. The following is a brief introduction to some of its attractions.


119. In the first part, we give a brief history of premium rate telecommunications.

在第一部分, 我们作简短的历史,保险费率的电讯.《期刊摘选》

120. After the brief ceremony there was a macabre wedding breakfast in the Fuehrer's private apartment.


121. He banged out a brief article within one and a half hours.


122. A brief introduction to the University.


123. The subject may merit a brief explanatory note.


124. The brief darkness around midnight came and went.


125. For each title there is a brief synopsis of the book.


126. But the pause was brief, for the blind man again issued his commands.

但他们的停顿是短暂的, 因为瞎子立刻又发出了新的命令.《英汉文学 - 金银岛》

127. A brief rest restored the traveller's vigour.


128. She once made a brief appearance on television.


129. Capsules are brief, concise outlines of written works.


130. After a brief peace, fighting broke out again.

经暂短的和平时期, 战事又起.《辞典例句》

131. It also appears to be fun, judging from a brief tour.


132. Captain Trent gave his men a full briefing.


133. But it is only a brief visit.


134. I believe my brief words will relieve her grief.


135. He gave her a brief, brotherly kiss.


136. It was unfair to judge her on such a brief acquaintanceship.


137. Please give us a brief explanation of the cleaning process.


138. The manager made a brief statement to open the meeting.


139. a brief skirt


140. In a brief statement, he concentrated entirely on international affairs.


141. Exquisite material, comfortable and breathe freely, brief design, flower lace, perfect details, shows uncommon taste.

面料考究 、 舒适透气, 简洁的设计中透露出若隐若现的蕾丝花纹, 细节的完美, 体现非凡的品位.《期刊摘选》

142. a brief pause/silence

暂时停顿 / 沉默《牛津词典》

143. a brief visit/meeting/conversation

短时间的访问 / 会议 / 交谈《牛津词典》

144. After a brief introduction by the chairperson, the meeting began.

主席做完简短的开场白后, 会议就开始了.《期刊摘选》

145. These shows run for a brief time only.


146. His brief repose was interrupted by her sudden arrival.


147. It wasn't part of his brief to speak to the press.


148. It a brief hesitation.


149. A guide gives a brief talk on the history of the site.


150. A Defense Department spokesman briefed reporters...


151. Conduct a questionnaire or interview with the client to get the design brief.



1. Woods gave a brief TV interview, and Garcia came over to shake his hand.

NPR: Stormy Round At Players For Tiger And Sergio

2. He gave a brief splutter of laughter.


3. And take brief naps during the day to get extra sleep.

VOA : special.2010.06.09

4. The daily chart shows several continuation patterns (dotted lines) that were brief interruptions in the downtrend.

FORBES: Weak Airlines Weigh Down Transports

5. In his brief remarks, the president made clear he sees the death of Ted Kennedy as a personal loss.

VOA : standard.2009.08.26

6. In his brief remarks, Mr.Obama sought to explain his decision to release the memos and to lift the spirits of CIA employees.

VOA : standard.2009.04.20

7. However, he believes that the legacy of the brief lap dancing fad will be a favourable one.

BBC: The rise and fall of lap dancing

8. So, what you see in this very brief and inadequate account that I've given you is that we really, in spite of the fact that we have basileis, and even in this case an anax, we really don't have a proper monarchical tradition.

因此,从我给的这个简短且不充分的论述中,你们可以发现,尽管我们在这里提到了君主,甚至还有王,但这确实不是一个严格意义上的君主制古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. Burns,at a brief news conference before leaving India, was asked about the increased attacks in the region and the threats against India.

VOA : standard.2009.10.16

10. So that's a brief overview of the courses.

以上只是课程简介。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

11. In the third, Markakis walked before Jones connected to give the Orioles a brief 3-2 lead.

NPR: Dickerson Homer Gives Orioles 7-5 Win Over Tigers

12. the nail-biting legal thriller, `The Pelican Brief'


13. When a brief pulse of electricity is sent to the read/write head it flips on a tiny electromagnet for a fraction of a second.

当一个简单的电脉冲被送到读写头,它会短时间内出现一个小的电磁。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

14. Brooklynguy posts about wine and food often with recipes but he writes brief vignettes about his life, too.

WSJ: Five Wine Blogs I Really Click With | On Wine by Lettie Teague

15. There'll be a brief period in which, as a cadaver I suppose, my heart will continue to exist.

在我死亡后很短的时间内,我的心脏将会继续存在死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. After a brief fight,they won.

VOA : special.2009.07.02

17. Jamie honed his jazz skills during a brief stint in Paris, before releasing his first album while still in his teens.

VOA : standard.2010.04.16

18. During my brief return to Italy, I was determined to return to my days of espresso drinking.

BBC: A caffeinated return to Florence

19. His reasoning here, brief as it is, is worth following.

他的推论如此简便,却值得进一步探讨。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. Spackman's brief spell in charge saw an entire team, including substitutes, come and go during the summer months.

BBC: Elliott is confident the club can turn around their season

21. Just contrast this for a brief moment to something like Selection Sort which from the get go had a ridiculous amount of redundancy comparing the same damn numbers again and again, and again.

这就与其他的排序算法形成了鲜明的对比,比如选择排序,它会一次又一次地做,多余的比较。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

22. She turned to writing music. She says like many of her albums, "The Age of Miracles" gives a brief look at where she is in her life.

VOA : special.2010.05.28

23. So this really rips the material that I'd like to cover in this brief conversation with you.

这就是,我在和你们这段简短的,交谈中想要含盖的内容。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

24. The comments came in a brief address to military personnel and their families at a Navy base in Florida.

VOA : standard.2009.10.26

25. There was also no adequate record because the meeting's minutes were very brief, they said.

BBC: Police review Caerphilly council chief's unlawful rise

26. The telephone call was brief.


27. He gave brief yes and no answers to questions from U.S. Magistrate Cynthia Imbrogno.

NPR: FBI: Arrest Made In Wash. State Ricin Letter Scare

28. This time their visit is brief.


29. It gets popped off the stack as one says and so you know what the values actually as we've hinted at with our brief discussions of forensics they're actually still there.

它从堆中释放了,那些值是什么,就像我们讨论的辩论练习,所暗示的,我们还在那里。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

30. Oy, there is so much wrong in those brief comments I barely know where to begin.

FORBES: Nokia Exec: 'Youth Are Pretty Much Fed Up With iPhones'

31. Studies indicate that even brief interruptions exponentially increase our chances of making mistakes.

CNN: A New Year's resolution for the workplace

32. The trick is to open with a direct, brief answer to any question the reporter asks.

FORBES: Open With A Short Answer -Media Training

33. We will forego the brief neuron surgery. Ok?

大家一起来经历一个小小的神经手术,好吧?7个颠覆你思想的演讲课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

34. It lasted just a few months and people once we got out of it people thought maybe we're getting a brief--a respite.

它只持续了几个月,人们,曾经我们摆脱了这个时期后人们认为,也许我们得到了一个暂时的缓解和放松。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. His father was a democrat in czarist Russia, and he was quite a reformer. At the time that the Bolsheviks took over in 1919, there was a brief window of time prior to the family's flight.

他的父亲在沙皇俄国是一个民主党人,他是一个改革家,当时布尔什维克党在1919年统治者俄国,他们家在那之后很快就离开俄国。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. In a brief statement from the White House, Mr.Obama stressed this will be a complex and challenging operation.

VOA : standard.2010.01.13

37. The two nations fought a brief border war in 1962, but ties have improved.

BBC: India and China to resume defence exchanges

38. Alerts can also travel as brief messages to a pager or a cell phone.

FORBES: CyberSleuth

39. In a brief, somber finale, all look forward to a brighter, more peaceful time ahead.

NPR: Placido Domingo in Handel's 'Tamerlano'

40. The three men, dressed in white prison overalls, made a brief appearance at Dubai's criminal court.

BBC: Grant Cameron, Karl Williams and Suneet Jeerh

41. Sure. So the first year in law school, we have to write a brief and then argue it in front of a judge.

好。在法学院的第一年,我们要写一篇辩护状,并在法官面前论证。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 在模拟审判课堂

42. Eleanor McGann, deputy coroner for Essex, opened and adjourned the inquest during a brief hearing.

BBC: Down Hall Country House Hotel

43. "He had been having episodes of chest discomfort that were brief in nature.

VOA : special.2010.02.17

44. Italian Defense Minister Ignazio La Russa immediately made a brief address to parliament, saying this was a very painful moment.

VOA : standard.2009.09.17

45. Different Jews have different opinions about how that works and the past few centuries have been an interesting experiment with modernity and how Jew is gonna face that and react to it So that's sort of just a brief introduction to Orthodox Judaism.

不同的犹太人有着不同的看法,那是如何实现的,而且过去的几百年,就是对现代性一个很有趣的实验,也是对犹太人将如何,面对并且回应它,这只称得上是,对犹太教正统派的简单介绍。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

46. He constantly mistook lust for undying love and engaged in brief affairs with numerous women.

ECONOMIST: A South African writer looks back

47. Mr. Reyes is far exceeding his brief here, but the larger fault lies with higher-ups.

WSJ: Review & Outlook: A Journalist 'Co-Conspirator'

48. It is impossible to give a brief summary of what has happened in the eastern Congo?

NPR: U.S. Non-Intervention In Syria Could Mirror Outcome In Congo

49. We may allow ourselves a brief period of rejoicing.

VOA : special.2011.06.16

50. So, yes, if you are hoping for a recovery, be pleased that the moratorium was brief.

FORBES: Why Everybody Should Pray The Foreclosure Bans End

51. Last fall, the SPICE team decided to conduct a brief and uncontroversial pilot study.

NEWYORKER: The Climate Fixers

52. But in this volume his parents are never mentioned, and any personal recollection is brief.

ECONOMIST: How writers are made by their families

53. In brief, The Economist misinterprets the resistance of developing countries to a new round.

ECONOMIST: By Invitation

54. But the leaked brief says it could still be 160% in eight years' time.

BBC: Eurozone deal: Greek default could still happen

55. And if you've forgotten about proteins and what their structure is you can go to Chapter 4 and read sort of a brief review of protein biochemistry.

如果你们忘记了蛋白质及结构的相关知识,就去读第四章,关于蛋白质生物化学的简短综述生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. Indeed, Saddam's sentencing was only a brief interruption in the president's final campaign swing.

NPR: Bush, Democrats Weigh In on Saddam Sentence

57. He gave her a brief, brotherly kiss.


58. The top of each wave was a hill, from which the men could see, for a brief period, a wide area of shining sea.

VOA : special.2010.03.06

59. We have offered to brief every single senator -- Republican and Democrat -- around these issues.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Meets with General Colin Powell

60. She is now Minister for Economy, Science ... and Transport is back in the brief.

BBC: RESHUFFLE! Well, sort of.

61. Leon Kolankiewicz has an important new credential not mentioned in his brief bio here.

FORBES: Six Billion, or Fifteen Billion People? A Discussion With Environmental Scientist Leon Kolankiewicz

62. Ohio, the Obama stump speech features a brief commercial for the iconic low-cost lodging chain.

FORBES: You're Wrong President Obama, Howard Johnson Built His Business

63. After very brief exposures to people, people are very accurate at identifying them on "The Big Five."

经过短暂的接触,人们就能很准确地评价这些人的大五人格“心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

64. Okay. That's the end. I want to remind you a final time to look at your Spenser, the cave of Mammon episode, as well as Dr. Johnson's brief comments on Sin and Death.

好,就讲到这,最后一次提醒你们,阅读斯宾塞,贪欲之神的洞窟的故事,还有约翰逊博士对《罪与死亡》的简评。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

65. Hank Williams' life and career were brief.

VOA : special.2009.11.22





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Britannic的意思是:adj. 英国的;大不列颠的。学考宝为您提供Britannic是什么意思,Britannic的翻译,Britannic的用法,Britannic的短语搭配,Britannic的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


broad的意思是:adj. 宽广的,宽阔的;……宽;咧开嘴的;广泛的,普遍的;大致的,概括的;明确的,明显的;粗俗滑稽的;口音重的 n. <美>对女人的粗俗称呼;宽阔部分 adv. 宽阔地 【名】 (Broad)(英、德)布罗德(人名)。学考宝为您提供broad是什么意思,broad的翻译,broad的用法,broad的短语搭配,broad的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


British的意思是:adj. (大不列颠及北爱尔兰)联合王国的,英国的,英国人的 n. 英国人(the British)。学考宝为您提供British是什么意思,British的翻译,British的用法,British的短语搭配,British的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Briticism的意思是:n. 英国腔;英国英语;英国英语语法。学考宝为您提供Briticism是什么意思,Briticism的翻译,Briticism的用法,Briticism的短语搭配,Briticism的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Britain的意思是:n. 英国,不列颠(包括英格兰、苏格兰及威尔士);英国,不列颠(包括英格兰、苏格兰及威尔士)。学考宝为您提供Britain是什么意思,Britain的翻译,Britain的用法,Britain的短语搭配,Britain的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。



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