莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [siːk]play美 [siːk]play

  • v. 寻找;寻求,谋求;请求(帮助),征求(意见);试图,设法;找出,找到(seek sb./sth. out);自然地向……移动;<古>去,前往(某地)

第三人称单数 seeks 现在分词 seeking 过去式 sought 过去分词 sought

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


seek /siːk/ CET4 TEM4 [ seeking sought seeks ]

  • 1.
    及物动词 If you seek something such as a job or a place to live, you try to find one. 寻找

    They have had to seek work as labourers.



    Four people who sought refuge in the Italian embassy have left voluntarily.


  • 2.
    及物动词 When someone seeks something, they try to obtain it. 谋求

    The prosecutors have warned they will seek the death penalty.


  • 3.
    及物动词 If you seek someone's help or advice, you contact them in order to ask for it. 请求; 征求

    Always seek professional legal advice before entering into any agreement.



    On important issues, they seek a second opinion.


  • 4.
    及物动词 If you seek to do something, you try to do it. 力图; 设法

    He also denied that he would seek to annex the country.




  • n.

    seeker 探求者;搜查人



seek comb hunt search 【导航词义:寻找】

seek v. [正式] 寻找,寻求

〔辨析〕 语义庄重,语气较强,使用广泛,指尽很大努力去寻找合适的人或某种东西,此类东西多为抽象事物。

例1: Candidates are urgently sought for the post of trade union chairman.


例2: Many country girls drifted into cities to seek work.


comb v. 仔细搜寻,彻底搜查

〔辨析〕 表示对某处像梳头一般进行彻底搜寻。

例1: The police combed the whole town in their efforts to find the murderer.


例2: The old house was combed very carefully.


hunt v. 寻找,搜寻

〔辨析〕 指非常仔细地寻找某人或某物,侧重于找的过程,通常后接介词 for。

例1: Many kids were hunting for shells on the beach.


例2: The police are busy hunting for clues.


search v. 搜寻

〔辨析〕 指搜查某一具体的人、地方、事物以找到某物或某人,含非常仔细之意。

例1: Two soldiers with rifles searched him from head to foot.


例2: The policemen searched the house and found nothing.


例3: She bent to search through a heap of letters.



1. Average seek time 平均寻道时间 ; 平均搜寻时间 ; 平均搜查时间

2. seek after 追求;探索

3. seek the truth 追求真理 ; 追求道理 ; 寻找真我 ; 寻求真理

4. I seek you 我找你 ; 我寻找你

5. seek for v. 寻找;追求;探索

6. Hide-and-Seek 躲猫猫 ; 藏猫猫 ; 游戏名称

7. seek redress 要求赔偿;寻求解决办法

8. seek out 找出;搜出;想获得

9. hide and seek 捉迷藏

10. to seek a better job 找一份更好的工作 ; 找更好的工作 ; 找一份更好的工 ; 找一份更好的事情

11. seek excessive profits 牟取暴利 ; 牟取任何暴利 ; 攫取暴利

12. seek advice 征求意见;请教

13. seek through v. 搜查遍

14. Seek for Joy 寻觅快乐源 ; 寻觅高兴源

15. seek help 寻求帮助,求助




seek asylum 寻求政治庇护

seek election 谋求当选

seek employment 找工作

seek shelter 寻求庇护

seek justice 寻求公道

seek revenge 寻求报复

seek advice 征求意见

seek approval 请求批准

seek assistance/help 请求援助/帮助

seek counselling 寻求辅导

seek permission 请求批准

seek protection 寻求保护

seek support 请求支持


1. Man should seek after knowledge and virtue, but not just like an animal.


2. The prosecutors have warned they will seek the death penalty...


3. As for current saturated domestic market, expansion of production constraints, companies seeking to expand foreign markets.

目前由于国内市场基本饱和, 扩大生产受到限制, 企业谋求扩大国外市场.《期刊摘选》

4. Control an electric circuit problem check to seek reason or contact the dealer.


5. When that doesn't work they sometimes have the sense to seek help


6. We were advised to seek legal advice.


7. Mr Richard encouraged him to seek investors and develop the business.


8. The high price of the service could deter people from seeking advice.


9. But it did so while holding its nose at the ethics of his conduct, which included accepting gifts such as a Rolex watch and a Ferrari Automobile from a company seeking access to government.

虽然如此,但最高法院对他的行为道德却嗤之以鼻,这些行为包括从一家谋求接近政府官员机会的公司收受劳力士手表,法拉利汽车等礼物。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

10. People seek for comfort, value and protection in association.

人的总称在彼此交往中追求安慰 、 价值和掩护.《期刊摘选》

11. He says he will seek a true partnership with Chrysler workers and labor union numbers.


12. For two decades she has sought complete control over her film career


13. They have had to seek work as labourers...


14. Do you seek my hand?


15. She managed to calm him down and seek help from a neighbour.


16. From seek affirmatory target, iron alarm used only mere 20 minutes of time.

从寻找到确定对象, 铁警只用了仅仅20分钟时间.《期刊摘选》

17. Voluntary work can provide a framework for job-seeking.


18. The farmers have been seeking higher prices as better protection from foreign competition


19. Four people who sought refuge in the Italian embassy have left voluntarily...

4 名在意大利大使馆寻求避难的人已经自愿离开了。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

20. Agricultural Bank and China Everbright, as staff are being mobilized in order to seek listing.


21. Mr. Brown is seeking a teaching position at the local collage.


22. Always seek professional legal advice before entering into any agreement...


23. It is a human instinct to seek meaning and purpose in life.


24. Many of them did not primarily seek wealth, but usefulness to God.

他们当中许多人主要不是追求致富, 而是使钱财为神所用.《期刊摘选》

25. Anyone with heart, lung, or circulation problems should seek medical advice before flying.


26. Seek out laughter laugh for 30 seconds. Repeat as needed to release tension.

寻找笑料,然后大笑30秒. 在有必要的时候重复这样做,来缓解紧张气氛.《期刊摘选》

27. How can we seek out a really good person for the job?


28. They seek strong sensations to dull their sense of a meaningless existence.


29. Now is the time for local companies to seek out business opportunities in Europe


30. Those who seek to grab power through violence deserve punishment.


31. Our record of having sought negotiations would now be impeccable when we made it public.


32. They are seeking more funds but the cupboard is bare.


33. Seek mickle, and get something; seek little, and get nothing.

寻找多一些,就得著一些. 寻找少一些, 就一无所得.《期刊摘选》

34. The United Nations General Assembly has adopted a resolution calling on all parties in the conflict to seek a political settlement.


35. She is seeking revenge for the murder of her husband.


36. They sought in vain for somewhere to shelter.


37. On important issues, they seek a second opinion


38. He is forced to circle seek ground bid.


39. You care about each other, you cherish freedom, you treasure justice, and you seek truth.

你们相互关心, 你们珍惜自由, 你们崇尚公正, 你们追求真理.《期刊摘选》

40. This design is the most sought after.


41. Now is the time for local companies to seek out business opportunities in Europe.


42. Haemophiliacs are seeking compensation for being given contaminated blood.


43. Family and friends are hidden treasures. Seek then and enjoy their riches.

家庭和朋友是你隐藏的财富, 寻找他们并且分享他们的财富.《期刊摘选》

44. How she longed to please, to be envied and sought after!

她多么希望得人欢心, 被人艳羡,被人追求 啊 !《辞典例句》

45. I think foreigners always can seek for their dreams really hard.


46. He will doubtless seek other means of satiating his dark passion.

他肯定会谋求另外的手段来满足他那不可告人的感情. ”《英汉文学 - 红字》

47. He sought solace in the whisky bottle.


48. He would seek out some bright mechanic in the camp.


49. Children seek out regularities and rules in acquiring language.


50. We seek to cooperate on all these key issues and mutual interests.


51. In 1993, he warned that a business that seeks too much profit helps its competitors.

1993年, 他警告说,一个追求过多利益的商家会帮助他的竞争对手.《期刊摘选》

52. And now, wen Zhou begins seek to draw close to Suzhou.

而现在, 温州开始谋求向苏州靠拢.《期刊摘选》

53. People were desperately seeking shelter from the gunfire.


54. Searching, indexing and identifying of specific documents which contain the desired data being sought.

对包含所要查找的数据的专门文献进行查找 、 标引和识别.《辞典例句》

55. Foreword: Seek less and wealth, a peaceful mind and you'll a happy and cheerful life.

引言: 少一些物质追求,少一些对名利的向往, 拥有淡泊宁静的心,就会拥有幸福、快乐的生活.《期刊摘选》

56. Highly qualified secretary seeks employment. (= in an advertisement)


57. Job seeks should apply at the personnel office.


58. Haig tended not to seek guidance from subordinates.


59. Seek for an experienced scientist to fill the post.


60. They value self reliance, seek freedom and wish to a place of their own.

他们重视自主, 追求自由,希望有自己的空间.《期刊摘选》

61. Seek him out quickly.


62. Agents provocateurs may seek to discredit the opposition.


63. I turned to bookshops and libraries seeking information and found none.


64. We seek to improve relations between our two countries.


65. attention-seeking behaviour


66. He is to seek in ability.


67. On important issues, they seek a second opinion...


68. The beauty of the world helps us to seek and find the beauty of goodness.


69. At present, seeking the residual the reasonable extracting of residual oil is one of primary problem.


70. When you use the magnifying glass seeks for the dust time, the general meeting cannot find.

当你用放大镜来寻找灰尘的时候, 总会找得到.《期刊摘选》

71. OBJECTIE: We sought to study the clinical behavior and treatment outcome of isolated sphenoid sinusitis ISS.

目的: 我们探寻研究孤立性蝶窦炎的临床行为和治疗结果.《期刊摘选》

72. In the meantime, oil is big country external the target of strategic seek.

同时, 石油又是大国对外战略谋求的目标.《期刊摘选》

73. A subject approach is what the majority of library users employ in seeking information.


74. He also denied that he would seek to annex the country.


75. There is a learning curve in the process of seeking employment.


76. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.

可爱的眼睛, 善于探寻别人的优点.《期刊摘选》

77. In turn, Chinese firms will look for expansion abroad, not only seeking raw materials.

反过来, 中国企业将谋求在海外扩张, 而不仅仅是获取原材料.《期刊摘选》

78. Obviously they came here to seek after truth.


79. His family moved to New York in the winter of 1911 to seek fame and fortune.


80. Many young people went to seek their fortune abroad.


81. They have had to seek work as labourers.


82. From working moms to teenage firls, these women seek out Anna's boutiques.

从上班一族的母亲到少女们, 都在寻找安娜专卖流行服装店.《期刊摘选》

83. She sought to deflect criticism by blaming her family.


84. The Secretary of Education is right to seek a bigger departmental budget.


85. Eventually, we alighted on the idea of seeking sponsorship.


86. Seeking excellence make us permeate with patriotic fervour. Seeking excellence let us make unremitting efforts.

追求卓越让我们激情奔放, 追求卓越让我们努力不懈.《期刊摘选》

87. Had sought to acquire Rio Tinto BHP Billiton ( BHP ) shares closed down 2.8 percent.

曾谋求收购力拓的必和必拓 ( BHP ) 的股票跌收2.8%.《期刊摘选》

88. But I tell you the New Frontier is here, whether we seek it or not.

但是我要告诉大家,“新边疆”就在眼前, 无论我们要不要去寻找它.《演讲部分》

89. What makes the leaves float aways is the wing or the tree, seeking or giving up?

叶的离开, 是风的追求,还是树的不挽留?《期刊摘选》

90. The prosecutors have warned they will seek the death penalty.


91. Prompt delivery with zero defect and competitive prices are what everybody is seeking.


92. to seek funding for a project


93. You must seek redress in the law courts.


94. They are trying to seek closer trade ties with China.


95. He sought opportunities of doing her little service.


96. The department stepped up a planned survey to seek out dangerous advertising signs for timely removal.


97. It is not allowed to use one's power to seek privileges.


98. The answer to the problem must be sought elsewhere.


99. But in her inner heart, she seeks for her true love persistently.

然而,内心中, 她不断地追求自己的爱情.《期刊摘选》

100. Hackers seek knowledge. This knowledge may come from unauthorized or unusual sources, and is often hidden.

黑客查找知识. 那些知识可能是多一些未授权或是不寻常的通常都是被隐藏起来的地方来的.《期刊摘选》

101. Albeit fair, she was not sought after.

尽管她很美, 可没有人追求她.《期刊摘选》

102. We sincerely welcome customers from and abroad to visit and cooperate with and seek mutual magnificence.


103. They sought advice on how to project a more positive image of their company.


104. They are continuing their legal battle to seek some redress from the government.


105. What we sought was harmonization of seperate judgments, not a legal document that proscribed different opinions.

我们谋求的是各自观点的协调, 不是不准有不同看法的法规.《辞典例句》

106. When that doesn't work they sometimes have the sense to seek help.


107. And let me be clear: NATO should be seeking collaboration with Russia, not confrontation.

让我明确表示: 北约应该谋求与俄罗斯的合作, 而不是对抗.《期刊摘选》

108. People start to seek the beauty of art as they live through productive labour.


109. Allow when to be awaited, people undertakes any activities, always seeking some kind of benefit.

任何时候, 人们从事任何活动, 总是在追求某种效益.《期刊摘选》

110. The article analyses property to manage the account with collect fees difficult, seek settlement countermeasure measure.

文章分析物业管理收费难的原因, 探寻解决的对策措施.《期刊摘选》

111. The stream must support seeking to get or set the position.


112. Mages often seek to emulate the powerful relics lost to time and apocalypse.


113. The company is seeking a stock exchange listing.


114. To fight, to seek, to struggle, and not yield!

去斗争 、 去探寻 、 去发明, 永不放弃!《期刊摘选》

115. I say to those who desperately seek fame and fortune, celebrity: good luck.

对那些拼命追求声誉财富和赞赏的人们,我说: 祝您好运.《期刊摘选》

116. I major in history and just know how to seek out the truth of history.


117. You should seek advice from your lawyer on this matter.


118. The cloth had a natural look which coincided perfectly with the image Laura sought.


119. Spain's government is seeking ways to get some to move again.


120. The Constitution requires the president to seek the prior approval of Congress for military action.


121. All people should seek to become acquainted with the beauty in nature.


122. After searching and seeking and hunting the Russian Samovar can now be yours!


123. Seek first to understand, then to be understood.

先谋求理解别人, 然后再谋求被理解.《期刊摘选》

124. Later, the move person that studies stack must manage seek for lack fuel other outlet.

之后, 研究堆的运行者不得不为乏燃料治理谋求其他出路.《期刊摘选》

125. The EU has great power to transform the internal workings of countries seeking membership.


126. He also denied that he would seek to annex the country...


127. If it's a legal matter you need to seek professional advice.


128. Oh , yes, we Chinese also seek happiness, just as many Americans also prepare for hardship.

不错, 我们中国人也在寻找幸福, 正如许多美国人也在准备应付艰辛一样.《期刊摘选》

129. They were forced to seek refuge from the fighting.


130. He cultivates positive traits in him, but above all loves him and seeks his true good.

指出他所有的优点, 尤其是爱护年轻司铎和为他谋求真正的幸福.《期刊摘选》

131. Those who seek it, undertake an arduous journey and can never be sure that they will find it.


132. My motto: I seek a special and interesting work experience, a solid and challenging life style.

人生格言我追求一份独特而有趣的工作经历, 踏实却富有挑战的生活方式.《期刊摘选》

133. The field continues to develop rapidly in tandem with research in finance, seeking better models.

这个领域在金融研究中串联着持续迅速发展, 一直在寻找更好的范例.《期刊摘选》

134. People are seeking retribution for the latest terrorist outrages.


135. Labor policy has long sought to challenge the Treasury's dominance in government.


136. He had not long to seek.


137. They are currently seeking young people who have had a bad experience after drinking them.


138. Succinct, the internationalization style poured into to the enterprise has sought the globalization market the soul.

简洁 、 国际化的格调给企业注入了谋求全球化市场的灵魂.《期刊摘选》

139. The king sought to expand his realm.


140. I will seek financial independence time.


141. Drivers are advised to seek alternative routes.


142. It pointed out that seeking and advocating the natural cosmetics would be the future development trends.


143. My mission of this trip is to seek new projects and expend further cooperation.


144. We finally insisted that he seek psychiatric help.


145. What is it that people seek by undergoing such transformations?

人们接受这样的整形究竟追求什么 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

146. I think it's time we sought legal advice.


147. She is seeking more liberal visitation with her daughter.


148. This morning the director will make an appointment with those to seek the job this morning.


149. He also denied that he would seek to annex the country


150. They are seeking a central, directive role in national energy policy.


151. As a result , monetary integration become new system arrangements for interdependent economies to seek common prosperity.

在这一背景下, 货币一体化成为相关国家谋求共赢结局的新的制度创新.《期刊摘选》

152. If her marriage becomes too restrictive, she will break out and seek new horizons.


153. We are earnestly seeking after the truth.


154. Recent the requirement of marketing developing, we are seeking the right person for position.

随着市场发展的需要, 我们正在寻找所述职位的合适人选.《期刊摘选》

155. Moscow is seeking to slow the growth of Russian inflation.


156. For example, in the late 1960 s women became tired of bouffant hairstyles and sought new looks.


157. Seeking truth is endless, therefore, pursuit is always the beginning.

追求是无尽的, 因此, 追求永远是开始.《期刊摘选》

158. Invariably the most dangerous people seek the power.


159. They quickly sought to distance themselves from the protesters.


160. In our pursuit of the good life, he says, it is important to seek out true pleasures — advice which was originally offered by Epicurus.

Soupio 说,在我们追求美好生活时,寻找真正的快乐至关重要——这一建议最初源自伊壁鸠鲁的学说。《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

161. They sought out potters who had once made copies of the ancient vessels.


162. He had never sought the role of a minor presidential emissary.


163. The enemy will invariably seek opportunities to assert himself.


164. We are currently seeking new ways of expanding our membership.


165. The doctor may seek the concurrence of a relative before carrying out the procedure.


166. Students may decide to seek tutorial guidance.


167. Each member of OPEC would seek to maximize its own production.


168. The grieving parents are seeking not a new baby but a rectum of the dead one.


169. On important issues, they seek a second opinion.


170. As a university graduate, I am seeking a job as an office clerk.

作为一名大学毕业生, 我正在谋求一份当办公室职员的工作.《期刊摘选》

171. Work is the way that people seek to redeem their lives from futility.


172. Seeking more personally satisfying work, he had recently left a successful career as a commercial artist.

为了追求更能使自己满意的作品, 他刚刚放弃了一份作为商业美术家的成功事业.《期刊摘选》

173. For the time being, Chinese companies and funds do not seek controlling shares in European entities.

眼下, 中国企业和基金并未谋求欧洲企业的控股权.《期刊摘选》

174. A doctor advised her to seek remunerative employment.


175. Let him seek peace and ensue it!


176. The optimum seeking the shortest way leading to the plans of production and scientific research.


177. Like Israel of old, and Gomer, are playing the harlot, seeking other lovers.

你扮演着妓女的角色, 寻找其他爱人.《期刊摘选》

178. This is a measure that Canadian Governments have been seeking for over a decade.



1. my current plan is, I want to seek getting a master's degree,

我现在的计划是继续读研究生,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 什么事情都是可能的

2. Rent-seeking is the process by which businesses seek profits by making investments in the political process.

FORBES: The Looming Failure of Obamacare, Part 3: Rent-Seeking

3. But he is at his best when his words seek to leave the world a different place.

BBC: Obama as warrior and healer

4. Fans were asked to leave the upper deck and all fans were told to seek shelter.

NPR: Dbacks, Rangers Postponed By Unplayable Field

5. Freud's sort of vague about this, but you know, you seek some sort of satisfaction.

弗洛伊德对此描述的有些模糊,但其实你是在寻求某种满足。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. We parlay our preferences into spending habits and seek to score as producers by earning profits.

FORBES: Why The Recession Recovery Remains Anemic

7. The compromises they seek with their neighbors will determine the shape of LA's newest urban community.

NPR: Promise, Fears in Revitalizing Downtown L.A.

8. So I'm not gaying saying the privilege that I've enjoyed, but I did not seek that privilege.

我并不是在炫耀我所得到的这种机会,但对此,我并非刻意追求。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

9. We seek it; we have declarations-- national declarations, individual declarations of how important it is for us.

我们寻找它,我们有宣言-,国家宣言,关于快乐对我们多么重要的个人宣言。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

10. The prosecutors have warned they will seek the death penalty.


11. This is a classic case of FINRA playing what I have often called regulatory hide-and-seek.

FORBES: MetLife Broker Barred After Repaying Customer In Full With Interest

12. Others came as adults, leaving behind everything you knew to seek a new life.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at a Naturalization Ceremony

13. Consequently, if they genuinely seek peace, they will not be opposed to Israel having secure borders.


14. Milton acknowledges that the course he's chosen for himself may not be a natural one: Nature herself pushes a young man to begin a family and to seek credible employment .

弥尔顿知道他选择了一条,不那么正常的人生道路:,天性使得一个年轻人去结婚,去找一份可靠的工作。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. After that, Herzig continued to seek out documents, recordings and other items related to celebrity deaths.

BBC: Ohios famous funeral museum

16. Joelson says mutual companies also have more freedom to seek out the best value.

FORBES: Investing For The Long Term In Uncertain Times

17. Bright and jangly at its core, his is still an identifiable sound guitarists seek to emulate.

WSJ: Still Close to His Roots | Johnny Marr | Cultural Conversation by Jim Fusilli

18. If the showers hold off, England will seek to extend their record of eight successive T20 victories.

BBC: Chris Woakes plays down talk of England World Cup spot

19. It became the second of the big three American automakers to seek protection from its creditors while continuing operations.

VOA : special.2009.06.05

20. Foreign students who need financial aid generally have to seek it from the school itself or their own government or employer.

VOA : special.2010.04.15

21. Such appointments are permanent. Those hired with the understanding they will seek tenure are said to be "on the tenure track."

VOA : special.2009.04.09

22. Not only should one seek peace but we have an obligation, he says, to lay down our arms, to lay down our right to all things on the condition that others around us are prepared to do so as well.

我们不仅是应该寻求和平,还有义务来放下自己的武器,在周围的人准备同样作的情况之下,放弃我们对一切事物的权利。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. I would hope to persuade them to seek some alternative forms of, you know, self-improvement.

我希望劝说他们采用其它提升自己的方式。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 整容是个人自由

24. So, they do, in fact, seek such a field.

所以,实际上,他们需要找这样的地形古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. We naturally look for the self in others, and seek relationships that will validate our selves.

FORBES: Sherry Turkle: I'm in Google, Google's in Me

26. The state can seek loans to pay its bills until more tax money comes in later this year.

VOA : special.2009.07.31

27. If you are badly burnt, seek medical attention.


28. Pay as you grow improves time to market, which network operators constantly seek to reduce.

FORBES: The Solution For The Bandwidth Shortage? Better Silicon Devices

29. Brazilian businesses are wary of foreign competition and seek out the government for protection, he said.

WSJ: World Cup 2014, Brazil, Maracan? Stadium: Brazil's Rush to Get Ready for the World Cup

30. But with threats, a language barrier and fear of the legal system, victims are often unwilling or unable to seek help.

VOA : special.2010.06.14

31. He says the technology can provide easier access to medical specialists and make it easier for people to seek medical information themselves.

VOA : special.2009.06.17

32. Collectivists seek political office because it gives them power over others.


33. Prime Minister David Cameron says he will seek advice from American cities that have fought gang violence.

VOA : special.2011.08.13

34. Nor will our central bank seek once again to dramatically increase the size of its balance sheet.

FORBES: Fed's Next Move Will Be To Ease Interest Rates

35. The most important recommendation I have as a parent to others is to seek help.

CNN: Learn from my daughter's eating disorder

36. "I will seek the one my soul loves in the streets and public squares, " he wrote.

NPR: A Glimpse Inside a Catholic 'Force': Opus Dei

37. This is particularly true in terms of the high-tech jobs many graduates would likely seek.

FORBES: Education Wars: The New Battle For Brains

38. So if you run into a problem set that just, you don't get, all right? Seek help. Could be psychiatric help, could be a TA. I recommend the TA.

所以如果你碰到了一个,你不懂的问题,好么?求助,可以是精神科,可以是一个助教,我推荐助教。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

39. When we act we seek to preserve or to change.

当我们开始行动,即是为寻求保守或改变。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. We think we understand when we see the past from a historical standpoint, i.e., place ourselves in the historical situation and seek to reconstruct the historical horizon.

当我们从历史的角度看待过去,我们以为自己理解,也就是说,把自己放在历史的条件下,重新构建历史的视角。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. In nineteen sixty-eight, President Johnson surprised the nation by announcing that he would not seek reelection as president.

VOA : special.2010.09.26

42. Senator CHRISTOPHER DODD (Democrat, Connecticut): It is very uncommon for a policy-maker to seek raw data.

NPR: Full Senate Considers Bolton Nomination

43. Banning characters such as Tony from advertising is not the magic bullet we all seek.

BBC: Cartoon food adverts criticised

44. This world can be ours if we seek it and if we work together.

NPR: Bush, Ahmadinejad Air Competing Views at U.N.

45. Far better for Mr Obama to seek a multilateral solution while focusing on rebalancing at home.

ECONOMIST: America's economy

46. He announced that he would not seek or accept the nomination of his party for another term as president.

VOA : special.2009.08.30

47. Rather than seek government help, firms are encouraged to raise productivity and improve quality.

ECONOMIST: Petri-dish economies

48. Northern Rail said it would seek to minimise disruption for customers if strike action went ahead.

BBC: Northern Rail staff vote for strike over contracts

49. When and why did some Israelites adopt a Yahweh-only position, and seek to differentiate what they would call a pure Yahwism from the cult of Baal, for example?

何时,为何以色列人采纳了耶和华,唯一的地位,并且试图与他们所说的纯耶和华崇拜区别,比如说,与Baal宗教?旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. If too many insurers opted out, Garamendi would have to seek a new line of work.

FORBES: The Privatized Policeman

51. As in any declining industry, there are powerful incentives to seek shelter in economies of scale.

ECONOMIST: Industrial dairy farming

52. Agents provocateurs may seek to discredit the opposition.


53. The US was perfectly within its rights and it was extremely reasonable of them to seek his extradition.

BBC: Gary McKinnon extradition to US blocked by Theresa May

54. Its difficulty lies in Milton's tendency in this poem to seek out what Dr. Johnson wonderfully calls remote allusions.

诗的难点在于弥尔顿想要在诗中极力追求,被约翰逊绝妙地称为不切实际的幻想的倾向。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. Men with treadle pumps often no longer have to leave the farm to seek extra work in cities.

VOA : special.2009.08.17

56. The Soul. Seek out reality, leave things that seem.

灵魂:寻找实在,别去管那些仿佛如此的事。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. This young man must struggle between his moral beliefs and his desire to seek punishment for his father's death.

VOA : special.2010.01.06

58. It's a very common item of discussion at board meetings about how much should our company borrow, so they seek advice from financial experts.

董事会议中一个十分常见的议题就是,到底该借多少钱,所以他们会向金融专家寻求帮助金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. And the sense around the congress was that Blatter would seek one more term in 2015.

WSJ: FIFA Slowly Steers Itself Toward Reform

60. After two terms as the sheriff, John Slaughter helped the United States Army seek out the famous Apache warrior Geronimo.

VOA : special.2010.03.17

61. He says that in Prague he will lay out a plan to seek the goal of a world without nuclear weapons.

VOA : special.2009.04.04

62. But instead of going to prison, she was permitted to seek treatment to end her dependence on drugs.

VOA : special.2010.02.28

63. A doctor advised her to seek remunerative employment.


64. And if your body is biologically programmed to defend itself gainst famine or starvation which is what humans and animals have faced over all the centuries then you're going to seek out the energy dense food and that's why those foods taste inherently better.

在生物学角度,你的身体本身一直在,抵御饥荒和饥饿,是人和其他动物几世纪来一直面对的问题,所以你就主动寻找高能量的食品,这也是为什么这些食品比较好吃关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课





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