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smartphone app

网络 智能手机应用程序;应用程式

英 [ˈsmɑːtfəʊn æp]play 美 [ˈsmɑːtˌfoʊn æp]play

权威例句 实用例句


1. Customers would use a smartphone app to key in the amount they want to draw out ahead of time.


2. The cutting edge is in mobile and location-based technology, such as Grindr, a smartphone app for gay men that tells subscribers when there are other willing subscribers in their vicinity.


3. For starters, I hope Microsoft develops the next smartphone killer app.


4. The Smacircle can reach speeds of 12.5mph ( 20km/ h) and is controlled with a smartphone app.


5. The new company, Ruyue ( meaning "by appointment"), will offer rides to customers using a smartphone app.


6. • the fjord-designed smartphone app Macaw aggregates data from several sources in one experience, allowing users to get an overview of various things they track.


7. Scientists Develop Smartphone App for Eye Exams This is the VOA Special English Technology Report.


8. The first of these products was meant to be an LED lightbulb that could be turned on using a smartphone app.


9. The Lithuanian start-up explained the shoes would have a Bluetooth receiver inside to connect the displays to a smartphone app.


10. Each device connects via Bluetooth to a smartphone app where wearers can select a display design, manage their notifications and choose which widgets appear.


11. Every major smartphone maker has rolled out iPhone clones and app store alternatives of their own, and their fundamentals (i.e., vertical control) are mostly the same.

每个主要智能手机厂商都退出了iphone复制品和他们自己的app store的替代品,而且他们的基本原理(也就是统一控制)基本相同。

12. A smartphone app allows users to schedule charging and precondition the cabin while the car is plugged in.


13. Yes, Apple's App Store has some 225, 000 programs, far more than available than any other smartphone platform.


14. A related smartphone app allows users to watch their posture, assigning a score for how straight one is sitting or standing.


15. Fifty workers will be included in the 12-month pilot, which will use a smartphone app to record the distance travelled each day.


16. Federal authorities have been indicting the Pakistani maker of a popular smartphone app that secretly allows users to monitor communications.


17. A washing machine that can tell you when your laundry is done via a smartphone app.


18. Customers would use a smartphone app to key in the amount they want to draw out ahead of time.


19. While everyone's chatting about the new Google smartphone the Nexus one, Apple just revealed that there have been three billion downloads from its App Store.

当每个人都在谈论着Goole最新的智能手机Nexus One的时候,苹果宣布其程序商店的下载量达到3,000,000,000。

20. VLC has already produced a smartphone app which allows low-speed data transmission between a pair of iPhones.


21. The carry-on suitcase, currently a prototype, connects to a smartphone app via bluetooth.


22. Those results are then made available through a smartphone app, as well as other traditional methods.


23. Now a small fire department in California is tackling all three problems with a smartphone app which relies on the idea of crowd-sourcing.


24. The site’s founders hope to soon hire a software engineer to design a smartphone app.


25. Where the smartphone apps emphasize text for on-the-go consumption, the iPad app leverages the iPad's larger screen and highlights photos and videos beautifully.


26. At least this time around, we have the added wisdom of seeing how the smartphone app ecosystem has built up.


27. Position: Founder and CEO of Smartphone app SCVNGR.


28. Once a customer places an order, a smartphone app notifies a personal shopper.


29. This profile is stored online and can be accessed, and updated, via a password-protected website and a companion smartphone app.


30. Eventually the smartphone app will mean that parents can predict how their children will look right into middle age, presumably with just the click of a button.


31. A new smartphone app can essentially turn Android phones into pocket cosmic ray detectors. The app, DECO, USES the phone's camera to capture energetic subatomic light particles and log data.


32. We were just talking about this new smartphone app.


33. And because anybody with a computer, smartphone or indeed iPod can download the Kindle app and buy ebooks, the retailer has made ebooks almost as widely available as paperbacks.


34. Afterwards, you download the data to your user account on a computer, tablet or smartphone app.


35. We were just talking about this new smartphone app.


36. Companies are employing in-house versions of Facebook and creating their own "app stores" to deliver software to smartphone-toting employees.

各公司正在使用 Facebook 的内部版本,并创建自己的“应用商店”,向拥有智能手机的员工提供软件服务。

37. Yes, Apple's App Store has some 225,000 programs, far more than available than any other smartphone platform.


38. A smartphone app takes a picture and can make precise readings of the chemical data based on color changes.


39. The site's founders hope to soon hire a software engineer to design a smartphone app.


40. Based on user feedback, he says, the smartphone app has an accuracy rate of 80%.


41. Chrysler also announced a new smartphone app for Uconnect, its connected car service, allowing easier browsing.


42. Just 26% of those surveyed say they use a computer program or smartphone app.


43. Harper says he understands some people may feel oversaturated by technology and not ready for another smartphone app.


44. The Generation Beyond project also includes a neat smartphone app for iOS and Android devices providing real-time information concerning weather reports from Mars.


45. Madan is developing a smartphone app that will alert a named contact, perhaps a relative or doctor, when a person's communication and movement patterns suggest that they are ill.


46. It works by connecting to a smartphone app via Bluetooth to translate the words into text messages and can also dictate speech and make calls.


47. Toyota claims that this is the first smartphone app that attempts to tackle traffic safety issues.


48. Fifty workers will be included in the 12-month pilot, which will use a smartphone app to record the distance travelled each day.


49. The new smartphone app can recognize and take printed material in one language and change it to another language.


50. Uber allows consumers to use a smartphone app to locate a driver in some cities with several classes of service and instantly book a ride.


51. The smart umbrella syncs with a smartphone app, sending users updates about weather conditions 30 minutes in advance, and reminders if they happen to leave the device behind.


52. At least this time around, we have the added wisdom of seeing how the smartphone app ecosystem has built up.


53. That event produces fluorescence that can be measured by a smartphone app-which reveals how much of the drug is present and active in the pill.


54. Unlike traditional bike sharing method, dockless bikes allow users to simply pick up or park a bike on the street through GPS and smartphone app.

与传统的自行车共享方式不同,无桩式自行车允许用户通过 GPS 和智能手机应用程序在街上取车或停放自行车。

55. Patrons who download a smartphone app can be tracked within a few feet as they wander the galleries.


56. For example: "Kevin this is Frank, my friend from school. We were just talking about this new smartphone app."



1. When I first became aware of the company the native smartphone app was in development.

FORBES: SeatGeek Embraces iPhone Mobile

2. His company's clip-on device relays steps taken or climbed to a smartphone app that rewards the user for completing challenges with points.

CNN: The wave of wearable computers

3. Another person might want to do it more frequently, using a computer or smartphone app.

FORBES: The 7 Ways Successful People Approach Their Work

4. WiFi-enabled hardware, filters, optional "intelligent" faucets and a cloud-connected smartphone app that'll tell you when to swap out old cartridges for new ones.


5. Test results from various cities indicate that the smartphone app allows customers to pay faster than using alternative methods.

FORBES: Starbucks Brews Up Smartphone Payment Platform

6. Orthocare's Magellan product, in beta testing, is imbedded with wireless technology the user can control with the company's smartphone app.

WSJ: New Medical Devices Get Smart

7. Wavii was created by engineers who previously worked for Amazon and Microsoft and offers services via the web or as a smartphone app.

BBC: Google acquires news stream service Wavii

8. From then on, all Starbucks rewards will be delivered electronically and more often whether on not you use a smartphone app.

FORBES: Starbucks Rewards Changes To Test Loyalty of "The Few"

9. Smartphone app EpicMix (available on both iPhone and Android) aims to remove all doubt in a decidedly 21st-century way.

FORBES: Ski Slopes Go High Tech

10. Armed with a special smartphone app, more than 300 teams and individuals spent eight weeks last winter knocking on doors throughout the city.

WSJ: This Device Saves Lives, But Can Be Hard to Find

11. Parents are able to control the device from a simple, custom-designed smartphone app.

ENGADGET: VivoPlay packs WiFi, GPS and a GSM connection for tracking, calling your kids (video)

12. You could try using a geolocation smartphone app like Foursquare, Gowalla or Facebook Places.

BBC: How to use the internet to promote your unsigned band

13. The first two of which, I only access by way of a third party smartphone app, which does not visit either Twitter or Foursquare.

FORBES: Facebook, DVR And Solving The Ad Conundrum

14. To guide the owner back, the UVO eServices Smartphone app will display the owner and the vehicle's locations on a map.

ENGADGET: Google and Kia partnership will bring Google Maps and Places to new cars this year

15. Pango handles billing and with its smartphone app, you can also request your car without needing to call ahead.

FORBES: You Had Me At 'Shalom'

16. Actually piloting the robo-bug is achieved through a smartphone app, but an on-board ARM-based microcontroller makes small adjustments to ensure stability during flight.

ENGADGET: BionicOpter dragonfly drone flutters about, blows minds

17. Women are being offered a glimpse of the future by a smartphone app which shows how drinking too much could affect their looks.

BBC: App shows women how booze affects looks over 10 years

18. They have designed a smartphone app which plays sounds such as birds in woodland or waves lapping against the shore.

BBC: Can you control what you dream?

19. Then, you can practice your accent with a native speaker (or a smartphone app like iTranslate).

BBC: Nine must-learn local phrases

20. Nearly two million people downloaded the BBC's Olympics smartphone app on both Apple's iOS and Google's Android platforms.

BBC: Serena Williams

21. They are designed to be used with a smartphone app which shows a radar image covering a 200ft (61m) radius.

BBC: CES 2013: Ready for the wearable tech revolution

22. The Logitech Harmony Smartphone App will be available for download from the Apple App Store and Google Play.

ENGADGET: Logitech unveils Harmony Ultimate and Smart Control universal remote sets for home entertainment heroes

23. WhatsApp is a cross-platform smartphone app that lets you send text and picture messages for free, using your data allowance.

FORBES: WhatsApp - The Biggest Social Network You've Never Heard Of

24. Ube's technology is designed to control a new genre of electronic appcessories from a free smartphone app.

ENGADGET: Ube WiFi Smart Dimmer to receive customized multitouch gesture control

25. The smartphone app Charity Miles eliminates the need for runners, walkers and bikers to participate in organized events or ask friends for money.

FORBES: Thon Fundraising Turned Upside Down By Social And Mobile Technology

26. Two weeks ago it unveiled Groupon Now, a smartphone app that gives immediate, localized deals.

FORBES: Groupon Fights To Keep Its Lead

27. And you can even reserve your movie using a smartphone app to ensure it will be in stock when you get there.

FORBES: 'Tis the Season for Green (Mountain) -- and Red(box) too?

28. Videos sent via smartphone app Snapchat - which should disappear after a few seconds - can be preserved with easy to find tools.

BBC: Bug reveals 'deleted' Snapchat videos

29. Each LG appliance brings a rather lengthy list of features many of which are accessible remotely on a smartphone app (Android was demonstrated).

ENGADGET: LG's Thinq automated oven, refrigerator, and washer / dryer are the future now (hands-on)

30. In other words, just about any aspect of the way a smartphone app might operate.

BBC: Patents: Can the giants protect the minnows?

smartphone app是什么意思_smartphone app短语搭配_smartphone app权威例句




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pitman的意思是:n. 矿工;连接杆 n. (Pitman)人名;(英、德、塞)皮特曼。学考宝为您提供pitman是什么意思,pitman的翻译,pitman的用法,pitman的短语搭配,pitman的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


aspect的意思是:n. 方面,特色;朝向,方位;外表,外观;(动词的)体 v. (行星与另一天体)形成角度关系。学考宝为您提供aspect是什么意思,aspect的翻译,aspect的用法,aspect的短语搭配,aspect的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Asianization的意思是:n. 亚洲化。学考宝为您提供Asianization是什么意思,Asianization的翻译,Asianization的用法,Asianization的短语搭配,Asianization的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


asleep的意思是:adj. 睡着的;麻木的,发麻的;<美,非正式>不专心的,不活跃的;长眠的,已死的 adv. 处于睡眠状态地,进入睡眠状态地。学考宝为您提供asleep是什么意思,asleep的翻译,asleep的用法,asleep的短语搭配,asleep的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Asiad的意思是:n. 亚洲运动会;亚洲网。学考宝为您提供Asiad是什么意思,Asiad的翻译,Asiad的用法,Asiad的短语搭配,Asiad的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


asian的意思是:n. 亚洲人 adj. 亚洲的;亚洲人的。学考宝为您提供asian是什么意思,asian的翻译,asian的用法,asian的短语搭配,asian的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Asia的意思是:n. 亚洲。学考宝为您提供Asia是什么意思,Asia的翻译,Asia的用法,Asia的短语搭配,Asia的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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