莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [ˈɪnfluəns]play美 [ˈɪnfluəns]play

  • n. 影响,作用;势力,影响力;有影响的人(或事物)
  • v. 影响,对……起作用

复数 influences 第三人称单数 influences 现在分词 influencing 过去式 influenced 过去分词 influenced

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


influence /ˈɪnflʊəns/ CET4 TEM4 [ influencing influenced influences ]

  • 1.
    不可数名词 Influence is the power to make other people agree with your opinions or do what you want. 权势

    He used his influence to get his son into medical school.



    He denies exerting any political influence over them.


  • 2.
    及物动词 If you influence someone, you use your power to make them agree with you or do what you want. 影响

    He is trying to improperly influence a witness.


  • 3.
    可数名词 To have an influence on people or situations means to affect what they do or what happens. 影响

    Van Gogh had a major influence on the development of modern painting.


  • 4.
    及物动词 If someone or something influences a person or situation, they have an effect on that person's behaviour or that situation. 影响

    We became the best of friends and he influenced me deeply.


  • 5.
    可数名词 Someone or something that is a good or bad influence on people has a good or bad effect on them. 有影响的人 (或事物)

    I thought Sonny would be a good influence on you.


  • 6.
    习语 If you are under the influence of someone or something, you are being affected or controlled by them. 在…影响之下

    He was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol.






affect impress influence 【导航词义:影响】

affect v. 影响

〔辨析〕 通常由物作主语,多产生消极作用。

例1: The food is for the areas affected by the flood.


例2: Drugs affect health.


impress v. 给…留下深刻印象

〔辨析〕 指给人留下很深的印象,从而受到影响和感动,比 affect 影响更深,时间更长。

例1: His lecture that day impressed the audience.


例2: The Great Wall impressed me the most.


influence v. 影响

〔辨析〕 通常指潜移默化地起作用。

例1: What influenced him to take up teaching?


例2: She can influence his decision.



1. environmental influence 环境影响

2. negative influence 不利影响;消极作用;负影响

3. have influence on 对...有影响

4. undue influence n. 不正当影响;[律]不正当压力

5. under the influence of 在…的影响之下

6. Under The Influence 戒烟不戒酒 ; 酒醉的 ; 影响 ; 活在阴影下

7. influence line [物]影响线

8. positive influence 正面影响,积极影响

9. sphere of influence 势力范围;影响范围

10. influence quantity 电 影响量

11. influence matrix 影响线矩阵

12. influence factors 影响因素 ; 影 ; 影响

13. direct influence 直接影响

14. social influence 社会影响

15. Brand Influence 品牌影响力 ; 影响力 ; 按照品牌影响力

16. influence in 干涉;介入

17. A Woman Under the Influence 权势下的女人

18. domain of influence 数 影响域 ; 影响区

19. bad influence 坏影响

20. under the influence 酒醉的

21. influence coefficient 影响系数

22. influence on 对…的影响

23. exert an influence on 对……产生影响

24. influence area 影响区域

25. influence factor n. 影响因素;电话干扰系数

26. external influence 外部影响;外来因素;外界影响

27. Influence curve 影响曲线




political influence 政治影响力

considerable influence 极大的影响(力)

important influence 重要的影响(力)

major influence 重大的影响(力)

powerful influence 强大的影响(力)

strong influence 强有力的影响(力)

bad/good influence 产生良好/不好影响的人(或事物)


influence behaviour 对行为产生影响

influence opinion 对意见产生影响

influence people 对人们产生影响


1. You have some influence with them.


2. Since the Hutt influence spans many planets, the Klatooinians quickly spread throughout the galaxy.

赫特人的势力范围囊括了众多星球, 克拉图因人也因此迅速在银河系扩散开来.《期刊摘选》

3. He was a major influence in converting Godwin to political radicalism.


4. He is an influence in politics.


5. I thought Sonny would be a good influence on you.


6. A number of social factors influence life expectancy.


7. The media has a powerful influence on public opinion.


8. His writings have influenced the lives of millions.


9. Don't let me influence you either way.


10. Prior knowledge and interest influence what we experience, what we think our experiences mean, and the subsequent actions we take. 

之前的知识和兴趣会影响我们的体验,会影响我们对体验的解读,以及我们后续采取的行动。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

11. This country extends its power and influence into neighboring countries.


12. His passionate speech influenced many people.


13. Some latin american state fall within the usa's sphere of influence.


14. Prevention of bone infection using calcium alginate gel compound vancomycin: Do administration routes influence pharmacological action?

藻酸钙万古霉素凝胶预防骨感染: 不同给药途径影响药效 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

15. Those friends are a bad influence on her.


16. Should she challenge directly that influence, that attraction which was drawing him away from her?

她要不要直接向那个势力, 那个把他从身边拉走的诱惑挑战 呢 ?《辞典例句》

17. Balances of power and influence in north Asia are shifting in unpredictable ways.


18. Executives with political influence are parachuted into the company.


19. The Shropshire landscape was an influence on Owen too...


20. No job has more influence on the future of the world.


21. He committed the crime under the influence of drugs.


22. Environmental influences ( allergy, infection, lifestyle and diet ) have the important role on the development of asthma.

环境 ( 过敏 、 感染 、 生活方式和饮食 ) 对哮喘的发生有重要的影响.《期刊摘选》

23. She was reported to exercise [ or as exercising ] great political influence over her husband.


24. His influence reaches the next village.


25. He used his influence to make sure she was not selected as a parliamentary candidate.


26. She could probably exert her influence with the manager and get you a job.


27. Enhance inspiring and influencing capability through mastery of acting and Body Language Technology ( BLT ).


28. Moreover, because of these transactions, investors have lost influence over their company to a dominant shareholder.

而且, 因为这些交易, 投资者丧失了对公司的控制权,让给了一个具有支配权的股东.《期刊摘选》

29. Van Gogh had a major influence on the development of modern painting...


30. to have/exert a strong influence on sb


31. cultural influences


32. His sphere of influence extended around the globe.


33. I have rather a large influence over a good many people


34. We have influence, treasure and time to invest as we please.

我们有可以随意支配的影响, 财富和时间.《期刊摘选》

35. Police charged the man with driving under the influence...


36. Some, I suppose, might even be in positions to influence opinion.


37. Objective To explore the perinatal infection of ureaplasma urealyticum ( UU ) and its influence on pregnant outcomes.

目的探讨围产期解脲脲原体 ( UU ) 感染及其对妊娠结局的影响.《期刊摘选》

38. Public opinion is influenced by the small elite who control the media.


39. His influence has petered out.


40. Historical particularism became a dominant approach to the study of culture in American anthropology, largely through the influence of many students of Boas.

由于博厄斯的许多学生的影响,令历史特殊论在美国人类学的文化研究中占据主导地位。《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

41. This country extends its power and influence into neighbouring countries.


42. Her parents no longer have any real influence over her.


43. The media play a major role in influencing people's opinions.


44. the influence of the climate on agricultural production


45. But as time passed, she became a dangerous influence.

但随着时间的推移, 她变成了一股危险的势力.《期刊摘选》

46. Were they afraid that his influence would infect the all nations of the world?


47. It is impossible to calculate what influence he had on her life.


48. His influence has waned.


49. VIP : A person of great importance or influence, especially a dignitary who commands special treatment.

贵宾,大人物,重要的或有影响的人物, 尤需要特殊对待的高官显贵.《期刊摘选》

50. The predominant influence of one state over others.


51. He is trying to improperly influence a witness...


52. Many external influences can affect your state of mind.


53. This situation can be influenced by a multiplicity of different factors.


54. Hakka people's ardent enthusiasm influenced every visitor.


55. The wording of questions can influence how people answer.


56. The angry crowds could influence the government...


57. We are influenced by his radiant optimism.


58. No job has more influence on the future of the world


59. I fell under the influence of a history master...


60. His presence had a calming influence.


61. Now you can use your influence in the big house.


62. An imperialistic country extends its power and influence into neighbouring countries.


63. Cell malignant transformation is a very complicated process and might be influenced by multiple factors.


64. I did what I could, but her mother's influence was pernicious.


65. His first music teacher was a major influence in his life.


66. Intection following internal fixation of the fracture severely influences the prognosis fracture and needs strict management.


67. He has felt an influence dwelling always upon him like a curse.

他已经感觉到有个像是诅咒的势力始终在他身边徘徊.《英汉文学 - 红字》

68. She was charged with driving under the influence.


69. This shows how people are influenced by TV advertisements.


70. Excellent presentation skills, excellent temperament and personal qualities, communication, and well influence.

出色的演讲技巧, 优秀的气质和个人素养, 沟通力 、 感染力佳.《期刊摘选》

71. His paintings had a strong influence on me as a student.


72. He was a man who exercised considerable influence over people.


73. Some patients often are influenced by litigation psychology and the result isn't good after the treatment.


74. Those forced to exercise their smiling muscles reacted more exuberantly to funny cartons than did those whose mouths were contracted in a frown, suggesting that expressions may influence emotions rather than just the other way around.

那些被迫锻炼微笑肌的人对滑稽漫画的反应比被迫皱眉噘嘴的人更为强烈。这说明,表情也可以影响情绪,而非情绪只能影响表情。《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

75. The reform is faced with a lot of difficulties due to traditional influence.


76. He has extended his sphere of influence to the world of banking.


77. The reduction of Soviet influence was only a matter of time and skill.


78. His influence has diminished with time.


79. Granted, eastern Europe will not be sucked into a Chinese sphere of influence any time soon.

倘若如此, 东欧就不会很快变成中国的势力范围.《期刊摘选》

80. All kinds of rhetoric devices are used to strengthen artistic quality and influence of the language.


81. Several influences, apparently independently, were lobbying against Gilbey and for Roger.

若干种显然相互并无联系的势力, 正在为反对吉尔贝和支持罗杰而进行游说活动.《辞典例句》

82. As Hugh grew older, she had less influence and couldn't control him...


83. TV is a bad influence on people.


84. College students value outlook controls and regulates their behaviors, and influences the social stabilization.

大学生 价值观 对大学生行为起着支配和调节作用, 同时也影响社会的稳定.《期刊摘选》

85. Don't criticize him since he is an influence in politics.


86. He is trying to improperly influence a witness.


87. Not in the least . On the contrary, socialism sustained grave damage wherever their influence was strongest.

不, 完全相反,正是在他们势力最猖狂的一些地方, 社会主义遭到严重破坏.《期刊摘选》

88. His experiences in India influenced his later writings.


89. At the state level their influence can be even more fearsome.

工会在州级层面的影响力更可怕。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

90. She had a disruptive influence on the rest of the class.


91. Pork-barrel politicians hand out rents to win votes and influence people.


92. What may be done to reduce the influence of intractable opponents?


93. Colour has a profound, though often subliminal, influence on our senses and moods.


94. He accused foreign nations of having a hidden agenda to harm French influence.


95. The labour enthusiasm of the workers strongly influenced us.


96. What influenced you to behave like that?


97. They took great pains to build up their influence there.


98. His influence is waning.


99. This area was formerly within the sphere of influence of the US.


100. I have rather a large influence over a good many people...


101. The major controlling influence is the inflow of a cold , dry, air mass.


102. What exactly is the influence of television on children?


103. Van Gogh had a major influence on the development of modern painting.


104. The girls in a class tend to have a civilizing influence on the boys.


105. What you eat may influence your risk of getting cancer...


106. Market power is the ability to influence prices.


107. He is a man of some influence in the government circles.


108. He denies exerting any political influence over them.


109. For powerful ones, it offers a way to influence the Vatican and seek papal approval.


110. The very earliest sculptures were made under the influence of Greek art...


111. They will remain indirectly under our influence and guidance but free of our domination.


112. The early settlers of Massachusetts Bay included men of impressive education and influence in England.

马萨诸塞湾的早期移民中包含在英格兰受过良好教育并极具影响力的人士。《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

113. I thought Sue would be a good influence on you...


114. to be strongly influenced by sth


115. There’s no doubt that our peer groups exert enormous influence on our behavior.

毫无疑问,同龄人群体会对我们的行为产生巨大的影响。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

116. Foreign influence began to filter into the country.


117. The boss retains enormous influence by reason of his position.


118. We find members of the opposite sex more attractive when under the influence.


119. Under this influence, our social attitudes and behaviours are profoundly influenced by our emotions.

在这种影响之下, 我们的社会态度和行为会深深的被我们的情绪感染.《期刊摘选》

120. His real influence was asserted through his domination of the political bureau.


121. His influence [ popularity ] has waned.

他的势力 [ 声望 ] 已衰退.《辞典例句》

122. Innovation is the soul of a design bearing its ultimate goal of influence and persuasion.


123. To the late Tang and Five Dynasties, Zhouqu Tibetan sphere of influence is still habitat.

唐末至五代, 舟曲境仍在吐蕃势力范围.《期刊摘选》

124. His family have been a very positive influence on him.


125. You need to understand how office politics influence the working environment.


126. OBJECTIVE To studied prevalence of Toxoplasma Gondi infection in pregnant women and influenced factors.


127. He's never had any influence over her.


128. He has gained in influence during the past few years.


129. We became the best of friends and he influenced me deeply...


130. The decisions we take now may influence the course of events in the future.


131. To sum up, Japan rightists present tendency of expanding strenghen and influence continuously.

总体上看, 战后日本 右翼 势力呈现出不断扩展力量和影响的态势.《期刊摘选》

132. The depth the England London roll's influence, the live demonstration is had extremely the power.

深受英伦摇滚的影响, 现场表演极具感染力.《期刊摘选》

133. Both giants are busy forming alliances to create new spheres of influence.


134. China would use its influence to help push forward the peace process.



1. The corrupt clergy of today, under the malign influence of the horrible Archbishop Laud, are interested only in satisfying their own greed.

如今腐败的牧师们,在可憎的大主教劳德的恶意中伤下,只关心满足他们自己贪婪的口腹之欲。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. The Dean of York said the Minster was a major influence on national history.

BBC: Exhibit at York Minster

3. It took nearly 100 years for labor to see its influence erode in Michigan.

FORBES: Michigan Adopts Right To Work: What Next For Labor?

4. Russia had sought to expand its influence in the Balkans.


5. But lately,observers say, Prime Minister Erdogan appears to be seeking influence with Arabs at the cost of relations with Israel.

VOA : special.2010.06.05

6. The period of Pound's influence coincides with Yeats's significantly titled book Responsibilities.

庞德影响他的这一时期,他写了名为责任的一书。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. Buying them tends to push up the price; that tends to influence the yield down so it encourages a lower level of interest rate.

买进它们,导致价格上升;,导致参数降低,所以它鼓励一个低的利率水平。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. So America is using its influence to build a freer, more hopeful, and more compassionate world.

NPR: Text of Bush's State of the Union Address

9. Yet altering the structure is the only way in which regulators can influence board behaviour.

ECONOMIST: Corporate governance

10. He was an important influence in the founding of the American Association of University Professors and the American Civil Liberties Union."

VOA : special.2010.01.07

11. That influence shows up years later in the recording of "If You Pray Right" on Miss Simone's album "Baltimore."

VOA : special.2009.10.04

12. Nor do I ignore the power of the motion picture to influence individuals for good.

FORBES: Game of Thrones? Arrested Development? Ain't No Entrepreneur Got Time For That.

13. So there's all sorts of things that we have to obviously monitor, to keep track of that can influence our industry.

所以我们要观察的,显然有很多,才能跟得上信息技术行业的发展。戴尔CEO-Michael.Dell谈创业和发展课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

14. She has a mellowing influence on me.


15. But I did not get the impression she had much influence on her rather loud husband.

FORBES: Is There Hope For Peace With YouTube 'Girlfriend' Appeal To Asma al-Assad

16. And it will increase your money confidence and positively influence your careers, savings, and self-esteem.

FORBES: Break the Salary Silence: How to Talk About Money

17. Anybody who looks at Greek mythology and Greek poetry, and Greek stories sees there is a powerful influence coming into Greek thought from mainly the Mesopotamian direction.

任何浏览过希腊神话,诗歌和故事的人,都能发现来自美索不达米亚的文化,对希腊思想的巨大影响古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. and a little bit about your own biography which has so much influence on the work you're doing today.

再谈谈您自己的经历,因为它极大地影响着您目前从事的工作。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

19. I don't want to try to influence him.


20. Maybe you want to learn how to study better, improve your sex life, interpret your dreams, and win friends and influence people.

也许你想学会如何更好地学习,想提升你的性生活质量,想为自己释梦,想多交点交朋友,想学会如何影响他人心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. Klout aims to score you based on your online influence, measured primarily by Twitter activity.

FORBES: Topsy Takes On Google In Timely Searches

22. Mr Reid, by contrast, has spent decades building up his fund-raising and influence networks in Nevada.

ECONOMIST: The Nevada Senate race

23. His preachings and ideas won him influence among Islamist groups in Algeria and Egypt during the 1990s.

BBC: Abu Qatada case: UK agrees assistance treaty with Jordan

24. Of course, with less aid as leverage, the United States could lose influence in the region.

ECONOMIST: Israel's intransigence

25. Pork-barrel politicians hand out rents to win votes and influence people.


26. How do you influence the way people connect the way they think about something and the way they act about something.

您是怎样影响人们,让人们将其所想与,所为联系起来的呢?人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

27. Critics fear it will dilute Ukraine's sovereignty and help return Ukraine to Moscow's sphere of influence.

BBC: Ukraine police clash with Kiev crowd over language law

28. We are guided by our individual consciences, molded by personal sources of influence and inspiration.

FORBES: Inauguration 2013: Obama's Embarrassing Lurch Into the Gooey Collective

29. The only difference in this White House is how little influence the economists seem to have.

FORBES: Who's In Charge Of Implementing Obamacare And Why It Matters

30. Why don't we see the influence of the wave-like behavior on every day matter?

在每天的生活中,我们为什么看不到物质的,波动性质带来的影响呢?化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

31. They answer to federal and state interior ministers, raising the risk of political influence.

ECONOMIST: The spooks cant keep their eyes off the left

32. If ever there was a time and place for thinking about the facts of death and how it should influence our life, it's right now, in a class on death.

如果有时间和地点去考虑,那些死亡的事实和它如何影响我们的生活,那就是现在,在有关死亡的课上。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. There has never been a company whose influence extended so far over the media landscape.

NEWYORKER: The Search Party

34. Hillsdale College does so by pitching the fact that it's free from government influence.

FORBES: Unique selling proposition

35. Her team focuses on creating policies to influence the costs and benefits of those trade-offs.

FORBES: The On-the-Ground Reality of Women Leaders

36. You know like, kind of a Tunisian, Libyan type of influence, lots of shisha bars, hookah bars, things like that.

比如突尼斯人,受利比亚式的影响,还有许多水烟酒吧,诸如此类。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 国际城市,伦敦

37. The question is whether the shadow system will influence traditional banking in the future.

FORBES: China Debt Manageable, Ex Fin Min Says

38. His Freedom Party has pledged to end foreign influence in Austria and clamp down on immigration.

BBC: Haider in power: A danger to Europe?

39. Yet his theories about life on Mars may have had more lasting influence on many writers of imaginary stories.

VOA : special.2010.07.11

40. It might be blood. Then whatever is believed to hold the power of this primordial life force, humans can tap into, and influence the activities of the metadivine realm.

可以是血液,无论哪个蕴含着,原始的力量,人类可以对此力量进行开发,影响超神领域的活动。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. An award also goes to an individual,organization or business for working to continue the influence of Edgar Allan Poe.

VOA : special.2009.02.02

42. The founding company can only create and influence the community by establishing and demonstrating community values.

FORBES: Social Media Builds Customer Communities

43. Company management teams often bemoan the influence of ISS and some other proxy advisory firms.

FORBES: Why Did ISS Recently Advise Yahoo! Shareholders to Re-Elect the Board?

44. Historians say she was the strongest influence on the education of American young people during the middle of the nineteenth century.

VOA : special.2010.06.27

45. The military authorities however have denied that they ever tried to influence or manipulate election results.

BBC: Pakistan hopes for 'cleanest' elections in history

46. It is of opposite charge and it exerts an influence, only that is minus to plus so that is going to give me a minus term here.

它具有相反的电性,所以它也会有影响,只有这个负值相对正值来说会起到减少的作用,所以这里将会引入一个负值的量。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

47. In return for a relatively small amount of money, it has gained great influence in Cambodia.

ECONOMIST: The Chinese go a-wooing

48. As to his son, his son was more under the influence of these traditional religious influences.

而说到彼得的儿子,就是一个深受传统宗教影响的人欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. But the researchers found that the influence of a friend of a friend of a friend can be greater than that.

VOA : special.2009.01.21

50. What's striking about Mr. Obama's handling of both is his complete absence of influence.

WSJ: Fred Barnes: The Decline of the Obama Presidency

51. Although Google's influence on the phone will be present, Espelien insists it won't be overwhelming.

FORBES: In The Air

52. Foucault, by the way, doesn't mention Nietzsche, but he might very well because Nietzsche's idea of "genealogy" is perhaps the central influence on Foucault's work.

福柯,没有提到尼采,但是他可能很喜欢,因为尼采的“宗谱“理论“,可能是对福柯作品影响最大的了。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. After all,the influence of drugs at the concert led to the saying that if you can remember Woodstock, you weren't there.

VOA : special.2009.08.10

54. He says Poe's influence can also be seen in the work of H.G.Wells and Alfred Hitchcock,to name a few.

VOA : special.2009.02.02

55. Half a century ago, IBM and organized labor were both monoliths of power and influence in America.

FORBES: Big Labor Should Learn From Big Blue

56. Studies,however,suggest that they are still under the influence of the alcohol even if they do not feel that way.

VOA : special.2009.07.22

57. That, of course, would prompt criticism from conspiracy theorists about Goldman's backroom influence in Washington.

FORBES: Magazine Article

58. He's never had any influence over her.


59. Years later, Ms.Skloot began research for a book about Henrietta Lacks, her cells and their influence on medical and scientific history.

VOA : special.2010.07.21

60. Gerald Meehl says a better understanding of solar activity and its influence on weather may help researchers predict long-term weather conditions.

VOA : special.2009.09.29

61. Barack Obama has spoken repeatedly of Lincoln's influence in making it possible for the country to have its first African-American president.

VOA : special.2009.02.09

62. We can only influence them when we prove to them that we are doing the right thing.

NPR: Infighting Marks Sunni Political Efforts in Iraq

63. It was, above all, the influence of the classics, Aristotle and Cicero in particular, that Hobbes regards as an important cause for the recent civil war and the regicide of Charles I.

霍布斯认为,正是受这些古典作品的影响,尤其是亚里士多德和西塞罗的作品,才导致了最近内战的爆发,和对查理一世国王的处决。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

64. He or she is often operating covertly to influence the people at the table.

FORBES: Do Your Negotiation Prep with LinkedIn

65. Kevin's mother thinks the robot has had a calming influence, helping her son get along better with his friends.

VOA : special.2009.12.17





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