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classifying adjective和qualitative adjective的理解问题


在书上看到 classifying adjective 和 qualitative adjective 这一对语法术语,书的翻译是“分类形容词”和“性质形容词”。能请专家老师给分析一下吗?比如哪些形容词(常见的)属于分类形容词,哪些形容词(常见的)属于性质形容词?非常感谢!(献鲜花10朵




1. classifying adjective 分类形容词

An adjective which is used to identify something as being of a particular type is an classifying adjective, eg. Indian, wooden, mental. They do not have comparatives or superlatives. Here is a list of classifying adjectives:

absolute, active, actual, agricultural, alternative, annual, apparent, available, basic, central, chemical, civil, commercial, communist, conservative, cultural, daily, democratic, direct, domestic, double, due, east, eastern, economic, educational, electric, empty, external, female, financial, foreign, free, full, general, golden, historical, human, ideal, independent, industrial inevitable intellectual, internal, international, legal, local, magic, male, medical, mental, military, modern, moral, national, natural, negative, north, northern, nuclear, official, open, original, personal, physical, political, positive, possible, potential, private, professional, proper, public, raw, ready, real, religious, revolutionary, right, royal, rural, scientific, separate, sexual, single, social, solid, sooth, southern, standard, straight, sufficient, theoretical, traditional, urban, west, western, wooden, wrong.

2. qualitative adjective 性质形容词

An adjective which is used to indicate a quality, and which is gradable, is an qualitative adjective, eg. funny, intelligent, small. Here is a list of qualitative adjectives:

active, angry, anxious, appropriate, attractive, bad, beautiful, big, brief, bright, broad, busy, calm, careful, cheap, clean, clear, close, cold, comfortable, common, complex, cool, curious, dangerous, dark, dear, deep, determined, different, difficult, dirty, dry, easy, effective, efficient, expensive, fair, familiar, famous, fast, fat, fine, firm, flat, frank, free, fresh, friendly, frightened, funny, good, great, happy, hard, heavy, high, hot, important, interesting, kind, large, late, light, likely, long, loose, loudlovely, low, lucky, narrow, nervous, new, nice, obvious, odd, old, pale, patient, plain, pleasant, poor, popular, powerful, pretty, proud, quick, quiet, rare, reasonable, rich, rough, sad, safe, sensible, serious, sharp, shocked, short, sick, significant, silly, simple, slow, small, soft, special, steady, strange, strong, stupid, successful, suitable, sure, surprised, sweet, tall, terrible, thick, thin, tight, tiny, tired, typical, understanding, useful, violent, warm, weak, wet, wide, wild, worried, young.

classifying adjective和qualitative adjective的理解问题



have been for six months是什么意思

请问下面一句中的 has been for over six months 是什么意思: He’s unemployed at the moment and has been for over six months.
have been for six months是什么意思


The general feature of the works of the romanticists is a dissatisfaction with the bourgeois society, which finds expres

是歧义句吗?? 我在一本书上看到这个

我在一本书上看到这个句子:Hard work has made him what he is today.并译成:努力使他有今日的成就。并将what替换成了the thing that,于是上句就改换成了:Hard work has mad
是歧义句吗?? 我在一本书上看到这个

Hard work has made him what he is today.是歧义句吗

我在一本书上看到这个句子: Hard work has made him what he is today. 有人把它译成:努力使他有今日的成就。 并将 what 替换成了 the thing that,于是上句就改换成了: Hard wo
Hard work has made him what he is today.是歧义句吗

虚拟语气中would, should,could, might的区别

在表示与将来事实相反的假设主句中可用 would, should,could, might+do,请问这几个词有没有区别?在表示与过去相反的假设中,也是用这几个词,请问有没有区别呢?谢谢!
虚拟语气中would, should,could, might的区别

分析:I hate it when they talk with their mouth full

I hate it when they talk with their mouth full of food. 老师,帮我分析一下。
分析:I hate it when they talk with their mouth full

set to是什么意思

这几天看英语新闻,总是有遇到不理解的地方。想问下一个疑问: Adele set to sign £90m Sony deal Reports suggest the Someone Like You singer is negotiatin
set to是什么意思

scarcely和hardly倒装的疑问(He hardly spoke a word.)

scarcely / hardly 遇到单数名词做及物动词的宾语的时候做倒装时可以是: He hardly spoke a word. =Hardly a word did he speak. 那这样倒装对不对? Hardly did he
scarcely和hardly倒装的疑问(He hardly spoke a word.)


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