莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




play play

  • n. 接管;接收

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


take over [ taking took taken takes ]

  • 1.
    动词词组 If you take over a company, you get control of it, for example, by buying its shares. 接管 (公司)

    I'm going to take over the company one day.


  • 2.
    动词词组 If someone takes over a country or building, they get control of it by force, for example, with the help of the army. (用武力) 接管

    The Belgians took over Rwanda under a League of Nations mandate.


  • 3.
    动词词组 If you take over a job or role or if you take over, you become responsible for the job after someone else has stopped doing it. 接替

    His widow has taken over the running of his empire, including six theatres.



    In 2001, I took over from him as governing mayor.


  • 4.
    动词词组 If one thing takes over from something else, it becomes more important, successful, or powerful than the other thing, and eventually replaces it. 取代

    Cars gradually took over from horses.


  • 5.
    →see also   takeover



1. take over 接管 ; 借用 ; 接受 ; 接办

2. take over as 接替某一职务 ; 接替某一职位

3. Page Take-over 页面自动转换广告

4. take-over point 接受站 ; 交卸面

5. take over for use 征用 ; 提取

6. take over responsibility 接管职责

7. take over the lead 领先 ; 取得领先地位

8. to take over 接管 ; 接任 ; 控制

9. hand over and take over 交接 ; 移交和接替 ; 移交

10. take-over bid [经]吸收合并出价;出价盘进


1. Take-over by purchase is a common form in the enterprise reconstruction in the process of establishing the modern enterprise system.


2. Share prices are bound to tumble when the take-over bid hits the headlines.


3. Former colonial power France says it will oppose any military take-over.


4. Following the foreign capital impetus, the take-over and anti-takeover of listed companies in China are increasing gradually.


5. A take-over of Greek debt by official funders makes return to private finance even more unlikely.


6. A hostile take-over of the troop by an outsider male means tragedy.


7. Miss Smith has asked for a sick leave, and I have to take over her work for a couple of days.


8. Peter will take over as managing director when Bill retires.


9. The army is threatening to take over if civil unrest continues.


10. Take-over fever is gripping corporate America again.

接收合并热正再次紧紧困扰着美国商界。《provided by jukuu》

11. In recent years, there have been many films about robots trying to take over the world.


12. The commercial bank is emerged or declares bankrupt before the end of the term of the take-over.


13. This involves moving young coral from a healthy reef onto a degraded reef, in an attempt to regenerate the degraded reef by encouraging young healthy coral to take over.


14. I was feeling so intentional and strong that I wasn't going to let fear just take over.


15. Prime candidate to take over his job is Margaret Ramsay.


16. Take-over is a measure between relief and reconstruction, a way financial supervision department deals with commercial banks in trouble.


17. Kalan called his assistant, Hashim, to take over while he went out.


18. When the main system fails, the backup system take over.

当主系统不能工作时, 后备系统立即投入工作代替之.《辞典例句》

19. Lao Wang was sent to the hospital; had to take over his work.

老王住院了, 我得接替他的工作.《辞典例句》

20. The goal of Professor Goel's virtual assistant next year is to take over answering 40% of all the questions posed by students on the online forum.


21. Second, conditions must be created for a smooth take-over of the government by Hong Kong residents.


22. This lets the team layer take over.


23. The stock market got wind of a possible take-over bid and share prices soared.


24. The great danger in the next six months is a take-over by the army.

在今后的六个月里,最大的危险是军队出来接管。《provided by jukuu》

25. Briggs will take over as general manager when Mitchell retires.


26. If the land is then abandoned, a secondary succession will take over, developing much faster on the more hospitable soil.


27. Further up the river, the vineyards start to thin out and the orange groves and almond trees take over.


28. A take-over attempt by one or more of its rivals must be a possibility.


29. Richard's resignation has paved the way for Gary's full take-over of the company.


30. You can fade away and the sergeant and I will take over.


31. Try not to let negative thoughts take over.


32. She decided that I was the ideal person to take over the job.


33. There are now more than 20 big companies waiting in the wings to take over some of its business.


34. There are now more than 20 big companies waiting in the wings to take over some of its business.


35. He may be ousted by a military take-over.

他可能在一场军事接管中被赶下台。《provided by jukuu》

36. Mr Partridge said this year's deal flow was largely dependent on the implementation of the foreign take-over rules.


37. This policy sets the stage for the Department of Commerce to take over the management of traffic in space.


38. As supermarkets continue to take over, tens of thousands of shops have closed since the 1950s.


39. There's been a lot ofbackroom chatter lately about a possible take-over by one of our competitors.


40. Holden's going to take over as chairman of the history department.


41. All of these preparations provided a strong foundation for the successful take-over of taiwan.

这些工作为台湾的顺利接收奠定了基础。《provided by jukuu》

42. Takeover Day is an event for young people to "take over" the day from adults.


43. Last year, Cray failed to take over the software company, when it was outbid by Electronic Data Systems.


44. The board of directors met the major shareholders behind closed doors to discuss the take-over bid.


45. Mike was next to me in his space suit but he could not take over my role.


46. Until recently, the assumption has been that cellulose would take over from sugar and starch as the feedstock for making biofuels.


47. The company is trying to dispel rumours about a take - over.


48. Have a rest. I'll take over.


49. I'm going to take over the company one day.


50. IBM is going to take over Lotus or try to take over Lotus.

IBM 将接管莲花公司或试图接管莲花公司。

51. Have a rest. I'll take over.

你歇会儿, 我来替你.《现代汉英综合大词典》

52. The eldest son is being groomed to take over when his father dies.


53. Change the Rights of Land in the Countryside: Take-over


54. Traditionally, Chinese scholars divide acquisition into two categories, take-over by offer and purchasing through agreement.


55. The Take-over of the Sino-Swedish Northwest Expedition by Chinese Academy of Sciences


56. The controversy surrounding the take-over yesterday continued to reverberate around the television industry.


57. So that class is the one you take over.


58. Sin, like the cuckoo bird, has an insatiable appetite, and it tries to take over our lives.


59. Chapter three is for the study of the objects of the management buy-out and the related legal problems for the take-over of different enterprises.


60. The work was generally completed while the Party Administration Committee for Take-over was existing.


61. At work, robots will take over most jobs in the manufacturing industries.


62. Now I can take over my father's job.


63. It's still far from clear what action the government proposes to take over the affair.


64. There are not enough trained younger men and women ready to take over from older experts.


65. Kalan called his assistant, Hashim, to take over while he went out.


66. He's had a good innings but now it's time for him to retire and let someone younger take over as director.


67. Design of Hardware of Automatic Test System for Take-over Power Equipment of Wireless Radio


68. Ever since the earliest days of AI, there have been concerns that some day software will take over the world, leaving the fate of humans unknown.


69. An eventual take-over of Rio would have the same psychological impact, she says.


70. This take-over alone providing bounties of more than$ 30 million.

单是这一项接收就可提供三千多万美元的报酬。《provided by jukuu》

71. Post-war Nationalist Government's Take-over and Influence to Taiwan's Industries


72. We don't want the ultras to take over France.


73. She decided that I was the ideal person to take over the job.


74. The controversy surrounding the take-over yesterday continued to reverberate around the television industry


75. Bulge cracking analysis of low-pressure take-over pipelines



1. The Bank of Spain's recent take over of southern-based Cajasur bank only adds to European concerns.

VOA : standard.2010.05.25

2. Unbeknownst to most Americans, such Da'wa is being systematically advanced through the Islamists' take-over of the vast majority of U.S. mosques, Islamic centers and madrassas (Muslim parochial schools).

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Democrats' 'soft' jihadist

3. To ensure its leadership, Pfizer grabbed all of Lipitor first with its hostile take-over of Warner-Lambert, followed by the purchase of Pharmacia.

FORBES: The Challenges in Staying #1 in Big Pharma

4. Speaking Saturday at a small Harare stadium, he said Zimbabwe had led the "fight over land" and encouraged Zimbabweans to also take over white and foreign-owned companies.

VOA : standard.2010.04.04

5. Or, if you take almost anywhere else-- the Austro-Hungarian Empire, before it broke up, Vienna was now this over-sized capital that-- in a very, very small country, but it was balanced off by Budapest.

或者,想想其它任何地方,分崩离析前的奥匈帝国,维也纳在这个狭小的国家里,算是特大型的首都,但还有布达佩斯能够与其成对峙之势1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. Then you take--you move it over here.

然后你把杯子拿到这边心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. Last year, there were several Chinese-based companies who had previously chosen to go public in the United States via a process called a reverse take-over (RTO), who were accused of fraud.

FORBES: Why Corporate Governance is So Important to China

8. The move is a major defensive play against take-over to deter an aggressive buyer.

FORBES: Temple-Inland Shareholders Weigh Future Of Stock With International Paper Offer

9. The suit by DOL against Mr. Bierwirth and other trustees of the Grumman Corporation Pension Plan was collateral damage from the fight to fend off a take-over attempt by conglomerate LTV.

FORBES: John Bierwirth's Grumman Takeover Defense Led To Pension Litigation

10. Computing giant Microsoft has completed the take-over of Perceptive Pixel, a firm that specialises in making large multi-touch wall-mountable screens.

BBC: Microsoft buys large-screen maker Perceptive Pixel

11. ANC Youth Wing leader Julius Malema told a few hundred ZANU-PF youth members the South African party would follow Zimbabwe's lead, and soon take over white farms in South Africa.

VOA : standard.2010.04.04

12. Sir Peregrine Worsthorne, former editor of the Sunday Telegraph, said the take-over was a sign of "national decline".

BBC: Ex-KGB spy buys UK paper for ?1

13. William Jennings Bryan, the leader of the Democratic Party, opposed the take-over of the Philippines.

VOA : special.2010.07.22

14. But analysts are sceptical about the plan, with most believing MMO2 will become an instant take-over target.

BBC: BT shares fall on poor mobile figures

15. The president went out of his way to assure them that he does not support a government take-over.

VOA : standard.2009.06.15

16. But investors may want to stay with the stock, as it could be an attractive take-over candidate at these valuations.

FORBES: What to Do With Groupon's Stock

17. And,so,they proposed a deal, why don't you be king until you croak-- they didn't put it quite like that-- and then the Orleanists will take over with the red, white and blue flag?

于是他们提出一个交易,你死翘翘之前可以当国王--,这不是确切的原话--,然后奥尔良家族挂着红白蓝三色旗,接手政权1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. This is trying to bring security to a hamlet - we pull out, the hamlet no longer has security, and the Taliban take over.

VOA : standard.2009.09.09

19. His take-over of the Evening Standard s expected to take place in February following consultation with employees.

BBC: Ex-KGB spy buys UK paper for ?1

20. It can be useful in business, eg. when plotting a take-over, or politics, eg. figuring out which party wields the most power.

FORBES: Microsoft Uses Facebook As Giant 'Lab' To Study Game Theory

21. Former Rangers' chairman Alastair Johnston also asked the Crown Office to investigate the take-over shortly after the club were placed in administration in February 2012.

BBC: Rangers: Police carry out raids over Whyte club purchase

22. State department spokesman Phillip Crowley tried to appease the crowd and tone down the forced take-over.

FORBES: "Owens-Illinois, be expropriated!": Chavez's Magical M&As

23. At present, we see no software companies that have sufficient cash or expertise to attempt such a take-over.

FORBES: RIM's Management Shuffle: The Street Remains Skeptical

24. You get nineteen times your money over eighty-one years, but then if you take into account the inflation consumes a multiple of eleven and you're an institution like Yale that consumes only after inflation returns, putting your money into treasury bills really didn't get you very much.

1年后你的钱翻了19倍,但是如果考虑通货膨胀,在此期间侵蚀了11倍的收益,而且如果你是像耶鲁这样,减去通货膨胀调整到实际回报后再论支出,那么将钱投资于短期国库券,不会让你赚得多金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. The suspicion was that Rosneft and the prosecutors are strong-arming Yukos's Moscow staff, as a prelude to Rosneft's expected take-over of its remaining assets.


26. It almost always lowers cost (including taxes), makes analysis easier, simplifies rebalancing, simplifies tax-preparation, reduces paper-work and record-keeping, and enables caregivers and heirs to easily take-over the portfolio when necessary.

FORBES: Vanguard Founder John C. Bogle -- In Person With The Bogleheads

27. France is resisting efforts to liberalise energy markets, while Germany has failed to endorse new company take-over rules which would apply across the European Union.

BBC: EU struggles with reform task

28. Politicians and union leaders proclaim that the foreign owners may not be dedicated to keep up investment in the subsidiary, and that the take-over threatens national jobs and other economic interests.

FORBES: Can countries benefit from having their domestic firms acquired by foreign companies?

29. Banco Votorantim, which has lent heavily against cars in recent years, has posted three quarterly losses and is rumoured to be a take-over target.

ECONOMIST: Brazils economy

30. This is not an argument for a government take-over.

FORBES: Protecting the Electric Grid from Terrorism -- Nobody is in Charge

31. Take, for example, page 924 over onto 925 when he quotes from Levi-Strauss' introduction to the work of Marcel Mauss on the subject of the birth, event, or emergence of language.

例如,924页到925页,当他引用,列维,施特劳斯,关于马歇尔,莫斯的介绍,涉及马歇尔,莫斯所讨论的语言的诞生,发展和危机。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. On the Nasdaq, take-over discussions have boosted Vivus shares by 2%.

FORBES: Employment Picture Improving: Jobless Claims Steady At April 2008 Levels

33. Put differently, despite their popularity, the average take-over destroys value for the acquiring firm.

FORBES: The stock market generally hates acquisitions, but here is an exception to the rule

34. This is why the current take-over buzz around RIM is hard to believe.

FORBES: What November Mobile Browsing Statistics Reveal

35. Much of that was inherited with the calamitous take-over of ABN Amro.

BBC: Crash diet for the Royal Bank of Scotland

36. France has already evacuated 80 people, including 60 of its nationals, following the rebel take-over of the capital, Bangui.

BBC: CAR coup strongly condemned

37. Two airlines regularly pop up as speculative take-over targets.

FORBES: US Airways-American Airlines $11B Merger: A Signal That Big Airline Deals Could End

38. After creating these types of lists for years and years, you discover that what you come up with are many potential take-over candidates.

FORBES: Cheap Stocks Paying Decent Dividends

39. The administration made no effort to impede the take-over of Lebanon by the Iranian foreign legion, the designated terrorist organization known as Hezbollah.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Wanted: A Competent Commander-In-Chief

40. So why would somebody go buy the stock and try to make the take-over fail ?

FORBES: John Bierwirth's Grumman Takeover Defense Led To Pension Litigation

41. As President, he has done so with most obvious and dramatic effect in the government's take-over of more and more of the private sector of the U.S. economy.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Disastrously 'transforming' defense




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