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be insulated from

be insulated from


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权威例句 实用例句


1. If you have a final salary scheme, where the amount you get is linked to your earnings, then you will be insulated from the falls in the short term, says McPhail.

麦克菲尔说,最终薪金方案(final salary scheme)中,您的收益和与收入挂钩,如果您有这项方案,就可以避免短期的下挫。

2. To reduce the cost during operation for gas insulated and metal enclosed switchgear (GIS), it must be changed for the maintenance way from periodic to condition - based.


3. The speed of the rout (see chart) has been scary for a place that was supposed to be largely insulated from the rich world’s troubles.


4. What I personally liked a lot is the fact that local versions do not need to be insulated from the repository.


5. Perhaps years will memories fade, perhaps distance will be insulated from each other, but our friendship will ignite my missing for you, in the deep say merry Christmas to you!


6. If you have a final salary scheme, where the amount you get is linked to your earnings, then you will be insulated from the falls in the short term, says McPhail.

麦克菲尔说,最终薪金方案(final salary scheme)中,您的收益和与收入挂钩,如果您有这项方案,就可以避免短期的下挫。

7. The wires must be insulated from touching each other with a rubber covering.


8. The wires must be insulated from touching each other, with a rubber covering.


9. The wires must be insulated from touching each other, with a rubber covering.


10. We are not willing to be insulated from the real world.


11. Opponents call the projects "land grabs", claim the farms will be insulated from host countries and argue that poor farmers will be pushed off land they have farmed for generations.


12. One important principle should underlie the provision of these middleware capabilities: service and process developers should be insulated from the complexities of the middleware implementation.


13. They have been insulated from the consequences by low borrowing costs-but probably will not be for long.


14. He said emerging economies would be affected by classic "trade linkages" but so far seemed to be relatively insulated from "financial linkages".


15. Even so, it may be partly insulated from the effects of a brain drain as it generates so much revenue from trading flows handled by computer.


16. Another new seating zone could perhaps be "Sick Bay" : located in Economy, at the back of the cabin, insulated from the rest of the cabin by a clear plastic sheet, with dedicated toilets.


17. The recording studio should be well insulated from any source of noise.


18. Many thought the brain, though, should be insulated from those harmful effects.


19. A gate electrode may surround at least a portion of the fin of the semiconductor substrate. The gate electrode may be insulated from the semiconductor substrate.


20. Justice in these countries tends to be a sober affair, insulated as far as possible from external tumult.


21. Rather, the key issue here is to design market infrastructures in a way that allows them to be insulated from the failure of any single participant, especially that of systemically important institutions.


22. One important principle should underlie the provision of these middleware capabilities: service and process developers should be insulated from the complexities of the middleware implementation.


23. The lineman must be isolated from the ground by using an insulated bucket truck or other method.


24. Management pattern and economy development can not be insulated from culture environment or culture theme.


25. It has become axiomatic that central banks should be independent entities, insulated from the grubby machinations of politicians.


26. Under special circumstance, it is required that the sensor, protective layer of lead wire and the variable conveyor casing shall be electrically insulated from the ground.


27. We are not willing to be insulated from the real world.

我们不愿意与现实世界隔绝。《provided by jukuu》

28. Moral hazard is the fact that a party insulated from risk may behave differently from the way it would behave if it would be fully exposed to the risk.


29. If no means are available to discipline this last individual, it is possible that rules followed in the department will be insulated from the rules dictated by that system.


30. You will be also insulated from life in Royal Garden if you prefer to no change.


31. The hands can be insulated from cold with thick gloves.


32. The service consumer should be insulated as far as possible from the details of the business logic implemented by the service provider.


33. The house can be insulated from cold with about four inches of this special plastic.


34. Children should be carefully insulated from harmful experiences.



1. Suffering a loss of deposits to banks outside of New York and other centers of finance, the Fed was created so that traditional banks would be insulated from market forces that were making them anachronistic.


2. More generally, China's banks should be better insulated from the global credit crunch than Western banks because the country's system is funded through deposits rather than capital markets.

ECONOMIST: China is pretty well placed to cushion a global downturn

3. Even my beloved Emerging Market Consumer ETF (NYSE: ECON) , which should be fairly insulated from the macro issues emanating from Europe, is down 7 percent year to date.

FORBES: Emerging Markets Will Shine In 2012

4. So if a benefit corporation decides to pay higher wages to overseas workers and its profits drop the company should, in theory, be insulated from shareholder lawsuits.

FORBES: Why New York Just Became a Better State for Businesses

5. Sociologists could have a field day with this question, but the explanation could be something as simple as the fact that people who live in cities are relatively insulated from how difficult and challenging it can be to produce the food, energy, equipment, devices, etc.

FORBES: What Explains The Partisan Divide Between Urban And Non-Urban Areas

6. Like the Federal Reserve, the Federal Health Board would be composed of highly independent experts insulated from politics.

FORBES: Magazine Article

7. Tata's may be the most balanced, which seems to have insulated it from the worst of the sector's woes.

WSJ: Heard on the Street: India IT Firms Are Diverse Bunch

8. Priorities and clinical strategies should be set by medical experts based on scientific evidence and cost analysis, and those decisions need to be insulated from the kinds of financial incentives and disincentives that special interest groups exert.

FORBES: One Woman's Journey Of Courage: Maggie Kozel, MD And Her Decision To Leave The Medical Profession

9. The Lib Dem Business Secretary Vince Cable said the welfare budget could not be "insulated" from spending cuts that were needed to rebalance the public finances.

BBC: UK Politics

10. One explanation may be that retailers, insulated from fierce competition, have not passed on cost savings.

ECONOMIST: Euro economies

11. In addition, Western taxpayers should be insulated from this reform effort to the maximum extent possible, beginning with the multilateral termination of Western government guaranteed and direct credits.


12. Then there is the so-called moral hazard, the behavior that can be expected from people who are insulated from punishment for their actions.

FORBES: Great Depression Part Deux Averted But Bubble Machine Still Blows

13. Indeed, many hope that the turmoil will somehow pass them by: that they can occupy a safe haven which, in part thanks to the euro itself, will be insulated from the world's economic storms.

ECONOMIST: Lights, camera oops

14. "By its very existence the act promises us that corruption in high places, will be reliably monitored, investigated, exposed and prosecuted through a process fully insulated from political winds, " he said.

CNN: Starr opposes Independent Counsel Act

15. If borrowing rates can be insulated from spending and printing money, there is essentially no stopping Krugmanomics in the current system.

FORBES: What Are Treasuries Really Saying? Nothing About Washington

16. Now, these institutionalized bias concerns appear to be spreading to other parts of the Times, which should otherwise be insulated from an ideological framing focus.

FORBES: New York Times Blunders into Advocacy Role on the Fracking Debate -- Children are the Victims

17. Some politicians, led by Carolyn Maloney, a New York Democrat, think the Census Bureau should be an independent agency, insulated from partisan interference.

ECONOMIST: The politics of the census

18. How would it play with people and media if he announces significant restrictions on the availability of mortgages in a housing boom, for example, when he would be wholly insulated from such tough policy announcements?

BBC: Protecting the new governor's lifestyle

19. Areas that are predominantly coal or nuclear will be insulated from this to some extent because the grid can only handle so much demand with certain facilities shut down or retired.

FORBES: We're Headed To $8 Natural Gas

20. Debt-free companies will be insulated from this effect.

FORBES: Debt-Free Firms Have The Edge With Rates Going Up

21. Many emerging markets, especially those in Asia, may be more insulated from the European crisis than investors think, says Brad Durham, managing director of EPFR Global.

WSJ: How to Play the Central-Bank Rescue

22. But banks in the city are thought to be well capitalised and fairly insulated from the global credit crunch.

ECONOMIST: A bank run in Hong Kong

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be insulated from是什么意思_be insulated from怎么读_be insulated from的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

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bake的意思是:v. 炎热,灼热;烤,烘,焙;炙烤,受晒 n. 烤制食品;<美>烤餐会 【名】 (Bake)(德、瑞典)巴克(人名)。学考宝为您提供bake是什么意思,bake的翻译,bake的用法,bake的短语搭配,bake的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


beholders的意思是:n. 旁观者;观看者。学考宝为您提供beholders是什么意思,beholders的翻译,beholders的用法,beholders的短语搭配,beholders的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

ice skaters是什么意思_ice skaters怎么读_ice skaters的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

ice skaters的意思是:滑冰者:一位在冰上滑冰的人。。学考宝为您提供ice skaters是什么意思,ice skaters的翻译,ice skaters的用法,ice skaters的短语搭配,ice skaters的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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badminton的意思是:n. 羽毛球。学考宝为您提供badminton是什么意思,badminton的翻译,badminton的用法,badminton的短语搭配,badminton的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


materfamilias的意思是:n. 家庭主妇;母亲。学考宝为您提供materfamilias是什么意思,materfamilias的翻译,materfamilias的用法,materfamilias的短语搭配,materfamilias的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


curia的意思是:n. 元老院;地区元老院;中世纪法庭 n. (Curia)人名;(西、意)库里亚。学考宝为您提供curia是什么意思,curia的翻译,curia的用法,curia的短语搭配,curia的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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