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英 [ˈkjʊərɪə]play美 [ˈkjʊrɪə]play

  • n. 元老院;地区元老院;中世纪法庭
  • n. (Curia)人名;(西、意)库里亚

复数 curiae

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curia /ˈkjʊərɪə/

  • 1.
    名词 the papal court and government of the Roman Catholic Church 罗马教廷机构


  • n.元老院;地区元老院;中世纪法庭



1. Lamproptera curia 燕凤蝶

2. Curia Usus 习惯法院

3. roman curia 罗马教廷 ; 梵蒂冈罗马教廷 ; 梵蒂冈

4. Curia Romana 罗马教廷 ; 罗马教庭

5. Curia Hostilia 元老院

6. Curia Regis 皇家委员会 ; 御前会议 ; 国王的法院 ; 库里亚

7. Cancellaria curia 衡平法院

8. tota curia 全法院


1. The first was the Court of Exchequer, which emerged from the tax department of the Curia as the arena for the settlement of revenue disputes although this jurisdiction was widened by various methods.


2. "curia: One of the ten primitive subdivisions of a tribe in early Rome, consisting of ten gentes."


3. On the contrary, he was first elected by the assembly of the curia,, probably on the nomination of his predecessor, and then at a second meeting solemnly installed in office.


4. The royal courts, before which the parties named in the various writs were ordered to appear, were presided over by officials sent from the Curia called itinerant Justices.


5. The central royal courts at Westminster developed gradually from the administrative functions of the Curia Regis.


6. Paul also reorganized the curia and spoke strongly for peace and social justice.


7. Curia, whether the General Assembly, or upper house seats are not civilians.


8. Under John Paul the Curia acquired a string of new "pontifical councils", quasi-ministries that deal with everything from health workers to Canon law.


9. The intermediate group, the phratry, consisted of ten genies and was called a curia;


10. The man chosen, Urban VI, was not a cardinal, but he had served in the curia.


11. Every curia had its own religious rites, shrines and priests;


12. Another frequently voiced complaint is that he has failed to get a grip on the Roman Curia, the central administration of the church.


13. Under John Paul the Curia acquired a string of new" pontifical councils", quasi-ministries that deal with everything from health workers to canon law.


14. Benedict has tried twice to simplify the Curia but been thwarted each time.


15. The papal curia or court, reorganized and massively expanded, became the center of ecclesiastical finance and administration.


16. Trust is a special managerial system of property, which is originated from the Middle Ages in Britain established by the Cancellaria curia and then spread to all over the world.



1. They blame the Curia for preventing a more radical response to the Church abuse scandal.

BBC: Pope election: Where the Conclave really divides

2. The latest appointments increase the number of cardinal-electors drawn from the Curia, the church's civil service.

BBC: Analysis: Choosing the next pope

3. Picking an outsider, analysts say, could send a strong message that Pope Francis is determined to mount a purge of the insiders who have long dominated Curia ranks.

WSJ: Bid to Remake Church Will Focus on Vatican Administration

4. In addition, Pope Francis has no experience working inside the Curia, meaning he could face a steep curve in learning its culture.

WSJ: Bid to Remake Church Will Focus on Vatican Administration

5. That cultural affinity may have helped Cardinal Bergoglio with many of his Italian peers that dominate the Curia.

WSJ: Argentina's Cardinal Bergoglio Elected Pope

6. "He will probably try to seek support from some individuals who have Curia experience, but who also share his vision, " said Mr. Cesareo.

WSJ: Bid to Remake Church Will Focus on Vatican Administration

7. Cardinal Sodano, a powerful Vatican cardinal who ran the Roman Curia under John Paul II, framed his homily by citing writings by the Apostle Paul.

WSJ: Black Smoke Signals No New Pope

8. Under current practices, Curia department heads meet only twice a year.

WSJ: Bid to Remake Church Will Focus on Vatican Administration

9. These men sat through 161 speeches on topics including the state of church finances, evangelization and the state of the Curia.

WSJ: Cardinals Gather, Facing Varied Agendas

10. "A divide exists between the cardinals who work outside of Rome and those who work in the Curia, " Rev.

WSJ: Cardinals Gather, Facing Varied Agendas

11. The cardinals who elected Pope Francis last month were strongly critical about basic failings of the Curia under Pope Emeritus Benedict, the BBC's David Willey reports from Rome.

BBC: Pope picks cardinals to advise on Vatican reform

12. The bureaucracy, or Curia, has been blamed for the Church's hesitant response to sex abuse and other crises.

BBC: Pope picks cardinals to advise on Vatican reform

13. The cardinals spoke about new evangelization, restructuring of the church hierarchy, or curia, and the need for good governance of the church, Lombardi said.


14. The official paper blamed unidentified members of the Roman Curia, the men who run the international headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church, for the leaks.

BBC: Vatican launches criminal probe into unauthorised leaks

15. Cardinals inside the Roman Curia the governing body of the Vatican want to maintain their status in Rome.

WSJ: Cardinals Gather, Facing Varied Agendas

16. Reform of the Vatican's bureaucracy - known as the Curia - and the Vatican bank have both been on the agenda, the reports say.

BBC: Chimney fitted on Sistine Chapel roof for pope election

17. Scherer seems to be favored by Latin Americans and the Curia.

NPR: Conclave To Elect Next Pope Opens Amid Uncertainty

18. The new pontiff will certainly come under strong pressure to reform the Curia, the governing body of the Church.

BBC: Francis celebrates Sistine Chapel Mass with cardinals

19. The 300-page report, which has not been distributed, is reported to have discovered deep-rooted problems in the Curia.

BBC: Pope election: Where the Conclave really divides

20. That is why some analysts say he needs to tap a secretary of state who knows the Curia well enough to fix it.

WSJ: Bid to Remake Church Will Focus on Vatican Administration

21. That would be a challenge to the authority of the Church's central bureaucracy, the Curia.

BBC: NEWS | Europe | The legacy of John Paul II

22. About half the cardinal-electors (60) are European - 21 of them Italian - and many have worked for the administrative body of the Church, the Curia, in Rome.

BBC: Benedict XVI vows obedience to successor as pope

23. He is conservative, a close ally of the former pope, but not seen as an ally of the Italians who run the Curia.

BBC: Pope election: Where the Conclave really divides

24. What these exchanges laid bare was that the Curia is at the heart of the decision as to who will be the next pope.

BBC: Pope election: Where the Conclave really divides

25. Cardinals from major dioceses in the U.S., Europe and Latin America, meanwhile, have united in publicly calling for an overhaul in the governance of the Curia.

WSJ: Cardinals Gather, Facing Varied Agendas

26. Scola is affable and Italian, but not from the Italian-centric Vatican bureaucracy called the Curia.

NPR: Conclave To Elect Next Pope Opens Amid Uncertainty

27. Pope Francis has unleashed a blistering critique of the Vatican bureaucracy -- or Curia -- criticizing its "illnesses" ranging from the "disease of feeling immortal" to vainglory and excessive planning.

CNN: Rock star Pope shakes up the Vatican

28. The major division is between those who believe the Curia needs cleaning out and those who still defend the status quo.

BBC: Pope election: Where the Conclave really divides

29. Because he has devoted so much energy to his role as a travelling pastor, he has delegated a lot of authority to the Curia, the Vatican's conservative core.

ECONOMIST: The pope's succession planning | The




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curia的意思是:n. 元老院;地区元老院;中世纪法庭 n. (Curia)人名;(西、意)库里亚。学考宝为您提供curia是什么意思,curia的翻译,curia的用法,curia的短语搭配,curia的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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