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英 [pəˈpetʃueɪtɪŋ]play美 [pərˈpetʃueɪtɪŋ]play

  • adj. 永存的;不灭的
  • v. 使持续,使长久(perpetuate 的现在分词)

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perpetuate /pəˈpɛtjʊˌeɪt/ TEM8 [ perpetuating perpetuated perpetuates ]

  • 1.
    及物动词 If someone or something perpetuates a situation, system, or belief, especially a bad one, they cause it to continue. 使继续 (尤指不好的情形、体系或信仰)

    We must not perpetuate the religious divisions of the past.




1. self-perpetuating unit 自持单元

2. self-perpetuating g 使自身持续存在的

3. perpetuating testimony 证据保全

4. Perpetuating factors 持续因素 ; 维持因素

5. self-perpetuating 能使自身永久存在的 ; 自我延续 ; 自保持的 ; 永久存在

6. self-perpetuating cycle 永动能量循环

7. self perpetuating cycle 永动能量循环

8. self-perpetuating relay 磁保持继电器

9. perpetuating historic 延续历史


1. And either perpetuating a state of disgraceful suffering or regaining by more costly sacrifices


2. It set out to eradicate heresy, and ended by perpetuating it.


3. Males have a greater chance of perpetuating the family genes by fathering far more children than a woman could ever bear.


4. According to experience outside the area and Chinese fact, reformation our perpetuating testimony system has become necessary.


5. By the same token , however, when these processes go into reverse, they can also be self - perpetuating.

然而,相应的, 当这些反向运作时, 他们也将是 自我 加强.《互联网》

6. The damage that Bush did to the United States of America will take decades to calculate. And Obama is perpetuating the disaster.


7. But the problems of perpetuating a hierarchical society go deeper than this.


8. Might the two fields nudge each other along in a self-perpetuating, wave-like manner?


9. Women's role in perpetuating the species is not nearly enough to explain the huge gap in opportunities at the top of organisations.


10. Women continued to take parental leave not just for tradition's sake but because their pay was often lower, thus perpetuating pay differences.


11. In the short term, Beijing's stimulus and monetary policy are perpetuating the imbalances.


12. The German common law which took its rise in the law of monastery inherited the perpetuating testimony system and followed now.


13. So get to the root of the problem which is the secret and why they are perpetuating a lie.


14. The Times account concluded, “When people die, these clusters attach to other humans and keep perpetuating themselves.


15. It may be that you yourself are perpetuating the story.

这也许能让你在故事中永远存在。《provided by jukuu》

16. And they were never taught to cook by their parents, making the trend self-perpetuating.


17. High fertility in sub-Saharan Africa and southern Asia is impeding economic development and perpetuating poverty, the UN Population Fund has warned.

联合国人口基金(UN Population Fund)警告称,撒哈拉以南的非洲地区和南亚的高生育率,正对经济增长和消除贫困构成阻碍。

18. He said the women's magazine industry and advertising targeting women were primarily responsible for perpetuating stereotyped and negative images of women.


19. you will grow tired of perpetuating this charade.


20. Are you perpetuating this message by telling others to be somebody?


21. One perpetuating factor is managers' fear that 'if we promote a woman and she goes out on leave, we won't make our numbers.


22. The process is self-perpetuating: as ice melts, the ocean absorbs more heat and melts more ice, and so on.


23. Under-resourced services cannot effectively prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV, perpetuating an avoidable epidemic in infants and children.


24. In every case, care must be taken to assess the role of predisposing, primary, secondary and perpetuating causes in that order.


25. But, as Nicholas Lemann tells us, the two amount essentially to the same thing: a self-serving and self-perpetuating elite.


26. More often than not, the children of child workers are also trapped in poverty, perpetuating the cycle.


27. She plodded in her perpetuating circle of stove, worktable and sink as if nothing else existed.

她只是在炉子 、 工作台和水井这个永恒的小天地里辛勤地劳动,好象其余的一切都不存在似的.《辞典例句》

28. As with women's magazines, this cycle of insanity is self - perpetuating.

和女性杂志一起, 这种神经错乱的怪圈正在 自我 固化.《互联网》

29. This perpetuating chain of free users doesn't sound that great, either, especially to commercial vendors.


30. The self-perpetuating degradation of the city’s urban tissue requires a change in the living conditions of local residents.


31. But phasing in ever higher provisions ( and therefore capital need) risks perpetuating the problem.


32. Development assistance linked to trade policy will, we believe, fuel dynamic market-led growth rather than perpetuating dependency.


33. And either perpetuating a state of disgraceful suffering or regaining by more costly sacrifices.


34. Now, people have to try to unscare them before this thing becomes a self-perpetuating downward spiral.


35. These emotions can then feed back into the brain, generating a self-perpetuating cycle of love.


36. Avoid stereotyping, sensationalism and perpetuating myths and misconceptions when reporting on mental health issues.


37. Avoid perpetuating the idea that a thin body is the only ideal.


38. I almost wrote "perpetuating the species," but no, we can't be sure of that. Nothing alive is perpetual.


39. The change is a constant of the culture, and the change is perpetuating phenomenon of all culture.


40. It is only because man is a socially cooperative creature that he has succeeded in perpetuating himself at all.


41. The key to forgiveness is an inner letting go, which occurs only when your mind stops perpetuating a hurtful story.


42. And they blame fairytales and modern love stories for perpetuating the myth that enjoying a perfect relationship is possible.


43. The policy of perpetuating native cultures ( in opposition to acculturation).


44. Revenge leads to a self-perpetuating cycle of violence.


45. A stage in ecological development in which a community of organisms, especially plants, is stable and capable of perpetuating itself.

顶极群落,演替顶极生态发展的一个阶段,在此阶段一群有机体(尤指植物)能保持自身的稳定及永存。《provided by jukuu》

46. Shockingly, many companies are perpetuating past abusive practices.

令人震惊的是, 许多公司仍在延续过去的不当做法.《互联网》

47. But if their assumption is wrong, we risk perpetuating US zombie banks and suffering a lost American decade.


48. He did nothing to bring stability in Roman government beyond perpetuating his own power.

恺撒虽然拥有了终身统治罗马的权力,却并不能稳定罗马政府。《provided by jukuu》

49. as legislating the correct usage in French and perpetuating the language.


50. As with women's magazines, this cycle of insanity is self-perpetuating.


51. Contemporary Calvinists may sometimes be responsible for perpetuating this image.


52. I take the position that the more fetid a home environment might be, the harder a teacher must work to break that self-perpetuating cycle.


53. Neighborhoods plagued by a self - perpetuating pathology of joblessness, welfare dependency, crime ( Time )

附近地区被失业 、 救济依赖和犯罪等反常现象所缠绕 ( 时代 )《互联网》

54. It'set out to eradicate heresy, and ended by perpetuating it.

它的目的只是要根除异端邪说, 结果却巩固了异端邪说.《英汉文学》

55. On China's Perpetuating Testimony System before Prosecution


56. Your attempts to impress women are really groveling and you're perpetuating the myth that guys should have to stoop to please.


57. And exuberance can be self - perpetuating.

繁荣是可以 自我 延续的.《互联网》

58. They also risk perpetuating a cycle in which an overly male workplace deters women from applying.


59. The process was self perpetuating and eventually lead to the Ice Age.


60. Intense desire for sentient existence is attachment. this is inherent in every form is self-perpetuating and known even to the very wise.



1. What makes some seemingly best practices even more difficult to uncover as harmful is that they can become self-perpetuating.

FORBES: Which Best Practice Is Ruining Your Business?

2. Bureaucrats see government as a self-perpetuating institution to further endless (often mindless) change that masquerades as improvement.

FORBES: New SEC Scandal: Can we solve this mess?

3. It does not have an interest in perpetuating a war in which, as it points out, Pakistani soldiers and civilians are victims.

ECONOMIST: Afghanistan: Too close for comfort | The

4. Like jewels sewn into a coat lining, a self-perpetuating spool of ones and zeros refuses to admit that it is wealth.

FORBES: The Futures Of Money

5. Right now he has four dozen ideas that he thinks are more business-savvy and self-perpetuating.

FORBES: Magazine Article

6. Perpetuating the current crisis over Iran's nuclear program therefore makes good business sense.


7. Some people justify the decision to have children on the ground that they are perpetuating a family name or a genetic line.

NEWYORKER: The Case Against Kids

8. The club is comprised of an unelected, self-perpetuating, secretive body comprising people with vested interests.

BBC: Cornelius Lysaght

9. There is nothing to be said for perpetuating grievances over the decades.

BBC: Margaret Thatcher's Oxford college to hold memorial event

10. That's why the President decided that instead of perpetuating our frustration, we should dedicate the resources necessary.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

11. But the Opium Wars are always there, lurking in the Chinese subconscious, perpetuating the tension between pride and victimhood.

ECONOMIST: A time when the West clamoured for free trade with China

12. Why are you perpetuating the myth that women should stay at home with their children and care for their husbands?

FORBES: Magazine Article

13. First there are self-perpetuating myths, and they exist in pretty much any industry.

FORBES: Management myths

14. Why is the United States still locked in this self-perpetuating boom-bust cycle in clean energy?

FORBES: The Coming Clean Tech Crash

15. Paying too much attention to rich-world worries about differences in social norms runs the risk of perpetuating them.

ECONOMIST: Second thoughts about globalisation

16. So will these entrepreneurs be known for what they did or for what the self-perpetuating managers are now doing?

FORBES: Foundation Follies

17. Without passing on the capabilities for internal security management, we risk perpetuating the deceptive stability which was blow open in Mali.

BBC: French troops in Mali

18. Unless children can see examples of respectful conversation following a traumatic event, adults will only be perpetuating aggression, she said.

CNN: Guiding children through grief and loss

19. While those founding truths about liberty and equality may have been self-evident, they are not self-perpetuating.

WHITEHOUSE: A White House Reception for Justice Kagan

20. To attack such self-perpetuating problems, Perlow engaged a cluster of workaholics at Boston Consulting Group who wanted redemption.

FORBES: Sleeping With Your Smartphone? Here's the Cure

21. We've talked about a book written by Berle and Means who said that shareholders are so dispersed that they have really no control over a company and boards of directors are self-perpetuating.

我们曾提到过一本,写的书,Berle,and,Means,书中作者提到股东们过于分散,以至于他们对公司失去了控制权,但董事会却要长久地自我续存下去。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. At first, it was easy to blame people in Franklin County for perpetuating anti-gay sentiments.

CNN: The county where no one's gay

23. Ane he warned of a "self-perpetuating economic nightmare" unless the coalition changes course.

BBC: TUC says 'manage economy like the Olympics'

24. Obamacare passed with the narrowest of margins and would set up a self-perpetuating system that likely will never again face serious voter scrutiny.

FORBES: Virginia AG: King George Couldn't Do What Obamacare Does

25. And since people often find out about jobs by word of mouth, high levels of unemployment on the estate are self-perpetuating.

ECONOMIST: Housing estates

26. It causes hoarding and speculation which leads to price distortions, i.e. it is self- perpetuating.

FORBES: 10 Sins Of Inflation

27. "CBT aims to stop the behaviors that are perpetuating the insomnia, " says Susie Esthera, M.

CNN: How to solve 9 sleep problems

28. But its leader says he also has no interest in perpetuating the cycle of violence over the past five years.

NPR: Hamas Cabinet in Place; Challenges Await

29. It has become a self-perpetuating and ever-more ridiculous game of government bureaucracy run amok.

FORBES: The Government's Not-Secret Secrets

30. This will lead to frictions over policy even as both groups remain firmly committed to perpetuating the regime.

FORBES: Overhaul Coming To China's Leadership

31. The current socio-economic status quo often seems to put younger generations at a disadvantage thereby perpetuating this societal frustration and angst.

FORBES: What is Occupy Black Friday?





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bold的意思是:adj. 大胆自信的,敢于冒险的;冒失的,鲁莽的;明显的,轮廓突出的;粗体的,黑体的;<文>陡峭的 n. 黑体,粗体 【名】 (Bold)(英、德、罗、捷、瑞典)博尔德(人名)。学考宝为您提供bold是什么意思,bold的翻译,bold的用法,bold的短语搭配,bold的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


garbanzos的意思是:n. 鹰嘴豆,埃及豆,雏豆。garbanzo的复数。学考宝为您提供garbanzos是什么意思,garbanzos的音标,garbanzos怎么读,garbanzos的翻译,garbanzos的用法,garbanzos的短语搭配,garbanzos的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


boastfully的意思是:adv. 自夸地。学考宝为您提供boastfully是什么意思,boastfully的翻译,boastfully的用法,boastfully的短语搭配,boastfully的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


boast的意思是:v. 有(值得自豪的东西);吹嘘,夸耀 n. 夸耀,自吹自擂,感到自豪的事 【名】 (Boast)(英)博斯特(人名)。学考宝为您提供boast是什么意思,boast的翻译,boast的用法,boast的短语搭配,boast的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


jigged的意思是:v. (使)上下急动,蹦跳。jig的过去分词和过去式。学考宝为您提供jigged是什么意思,jigged的音标,jigged怎么读,jigged的翻译,jigged的用法,jigged的短语搭配,jigged的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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breast pockets的意思是:胸前口袋:夹克或衬衫上位于胸前的一个小型外袋。。学考宝为您提供breast pockets是什么意思,breast pockets的翻译,breast pockets的用法,breast pockets的短语搭配,breast pockets的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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blossom的意思是:n. (树木的)花,花簇;开花,花期 v. 开花;成长,繁盛,兴旺 【名】 (Blossom)布洛瑟姆(人名)。学考宝为您提供blossom是什么意思,blossom的翻译,blossom的用法,blossom的短语搭配,blossom的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。



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