莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [ˌʌndərəˈtʃiːvmənt]play美 [ˌʌndərəˈtʃiːvmənt]play

  • n. 低成就;学习成绩不良

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  • n.

    underachiever 后进生;学校学习成绩低于智商的学生

  • vi.

    underachieve 未能充分发挥学习潜力;学习成绩不良


1. aggressive underachievement 消极反叛性低成就

2. underachievement children 成绩不良儿童

3. underachievement detail 成绩低劣

4. underachievement t 低成就

5. Underachievement in school 与在校学习落后有关 ; 学习问题

6. educational underachievement 学业失败

7. male's underachievement 男性的劣势

8. passiveaggressive underachievement 消极反叛性低成就


1. In school age children, depression can be underachievement and withdrawal from school and social activities.


2. Failing to learn how to use a computer would sentence a student to a life of underachievement.


3. Thus, the study of the cause and countermeasures against underachievement are an everlasting subject studied in physics teaching of senior high school.


4. The report said: "This group was... vulnerable to underachievement because their fathers were all serving in Afghanistan."


5. When it announced new stock listing rules over the weekend, the Chinese securities regulator was trying to end a decade of underachievement.


6. So how do we turn around this trend of underachievement?


7. Research Progression of Underachievement the lower in muscle and bone;


8. There was also significant difference in the two scores of the academic underachievement students of different school grades, and the difference tended to increase with age.


9. Underachievement of the English subject in senior high school is a very common phenomenon.


10. Conclusion Students with underachievement live in poor family environments, parents should raise self-mental health level and create a good family environment for children.


11. And parents should be consciously adjust their standards and set a reasonable expectation, have active attitude toward their underachievement children and make effort to form a harmonious maternal relationship.


12. Conclusion Underachievement in studying causes mental problems easily and bring psychological pressure to students.


13. Toronto's underachievement is not his fault, but he could pay a price for it.

多伦多的战绩不佳不是他的错, 但是他可能因此被降低评比.《互联网》

14. Encouraged by a government that wants to see China start punching its weight after years of underachievement in the global game, other investors have become involved in Chinese teams and are spending big in a bid to catch the dominant Guangzhou franchise.


15. Boys at every stage of education are showing "shocking" levels of underachievement, according to a report published today.


16. In the following part, a systematic analysis of underachievement problem was attempted.


17. FOR GARY Neville, nothing rankles more than a decade of underachievement.


18. The report said: "This group was.".. vulnerable to underachievement because their fathers were all serving in Afghanistan.


19. Mr Fryer's ambition is to unravel the causes of black underachievement in America, especially in education.


20. It comes just days after a Government-funded report said that black boys needed a new generation of positive role models to counter underachievement and crime.


21. After decades of slumbering underachievement, the Bear is back.


22. Signs of mild-to-moderate impairment include continual and significant academic underachievement as well as evidence of mild neurological or functional impairment.


23. For a few years, the company& a bastion of soap operatic drama and underachievement – operated smoothly.


24. Methods Ninety-six junior high school students with underachievement and 102 normal children as well as their parents were surveyed with the Self-rating Depression Scale ( SDS), Family Environment Scale ( FES) and Symptom Checklist-90 ( SCL-90).


25. Tells fears that Mexican-Americans may be fated to follow in the footsteps of American blacks that large parts of the community may become mired in a seemingly state of poverty and underachievement.


26. Mental frustration due to underachievement and studying in common class were likely to lead to self-abasement and anxiety in middle school students, so more encouragement, help and mental support must be given to the students with anxiety about learning.


27. Analysis and transformation strategies of the underachievement eight-year program students in school of stomatology


28. The goal of the UN report was to compare educational underachievement across the industrialized countries.


29. The race-relations industry also has an interest in explaining educational underachievement in terms of ethnicity.


30. That and the European win two years before put an end to a sorry pattern of underachievement.


31. Moreover, the mechanism of underachievement upon instruction theory was discussed.


32. In the fifth part, the quality study on individual underachievement case was explored.


33. The relative number of satisfactory connections is assessable and the reasons for potential underachievement can be identified.


34. Worse, Britain's long tail of educational underachievement has persisted.


35. Objective To quest the content and way to improve interpersonal relations of students with underachievement for promoting their study ability.


36. The problems of students' underachievement have always been a focus topic in the field of modern educational psychology.



1. Talk also turned back to the shame of Germany's underachievement at the 2000 European Championships and the 1998 World Cup two events that lit a fire under the national federation.

WSJ: The Secret of Germany's Success

2. The head of the NIAO, Comptroller and Auditor General Kieran Donnelly, said: It is vital that our education system does all it can to address underachievement in order to improve the life chances of our young people and to ensure that our economy is well equipped to compete in an increasingly global marketplace.

BBC: Classroom

3. Underachievement, even if there are no signs of what others consider to be trouble.

NPR: Excerpt: 'Delivered from Distraction'

4. The school has to an extent narrowed the gender gap which now sees girls outperforming boys at GCSE level by having a boys' underachievement group and some single sex lessons.

BBC: Deputy head's gamble pays off

5. The Lancet paper is one of a series of three looking at underachievement in the developing world.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Toys 'could help 200m children'

6. And the big challenge is to develop education systems that no longer accept widespread underachievement among poorer pupils.

BBC: UK weak in school fairness rankings

7. Moreover the tail of underachievement is long and cannot be explained away by immigration: around a fifth of British students cannot read properly and a similar number are flummoxed by simple sums.

ECONOMIST: Academic excellence: The best or the rest | The

8. That would suggest the lack of a winter break doesn't just explain England's underachievement but also affects foreign players plying their trade in the Premier League.

WSJ: Gabriele Marcotti: European Soccer's Christmas Vacation

9. The gender stereotypes perpetuated by books such as Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus damage our ability to tackle serious social issues, including educational underachievement, bullying, divorce, and violence.

FORBES: Venus, Mars and Myth Of Gender Stereotypes

10. The lecturers' union says that this map of achievement and underachievement underlines the importance of improving access to education.

BBC: 'Two Britains' qualifications gap emerges in study

11. Sometimes when the ADD is diagnosed and treated, the trouble, whatever it is, or the underachievement remit.

NPR: Excerpt: 'Delivered from Distraction'

12. But the Shadow Education Secretary, Theresa May, attacked the government for the continuing underachievement of boys.

BBC: Male teachers for 'role models'

13. There is not enough good or outstanding teaching to overcome students' past underachievement.

BBC: Richard Rose Academy: Teaching branded as 'inadequate'

14. Underachievement starts early, in dreadful schools that do nothing to equip children to get to the point at which they can read or write properly, let alone become capable of winning a place at university.

ECONOMIST: Affirmative action in California

15. "This is the Holy Grail of breaking barriers of underachievement and disaffection, " he said.

BBC: Children 'who don't know their own name'

16. This accident of birth can have far-reaching economic significance, says the IFS, as underachievement in qualifications at school will be likely to reduce employment opportunities in adulthood.

BBC: School odds stacked against summer babies, says IFS

17. Ofsted was highly critical of the Sir John Talbot School in Whitchurch, highlighting widespread underachievement in English and Maths GCSEs.

BBC: Shropshire

18. The unionist forum will also discuss other social, economic and political matters, including deprivation and educational underachievement in the unionist community and the low level of unionist voter registration and turnout.

BBC: Forum receives guarded welcome from loyalists

19. Any manager would have been frustrated by the ensuing financial restrictions, but at times he has used the dispute between George Gillett and Tom Hicks to camouflage underachievement on the pitch.

BBC: Jonathan Pearce

20. The bigger picture of the Excellence in Cities' work in schools, says the minister, is to find ways to reverse generations of educational underachievement in the inner-cities.

BBC: Plugging council estate into school

21. Studies have shown that such disconnectedness leads not only to anxiety, depression, and underachievement but also to substance abuse, disruptive behavior, and a host of medical problems in both children and adults.

NPR: Excerpt: 'Delivered from Distraction'

22. While in the United Kingdom there has been much concern over the "gender gap" and the underachievement of boys, the US figures suggest a similar pattern of results has already emerged there.

BBC: Handwriting

23. Worse, Britain's long tail of educational underachievement has persisted.

ECONOMIST: Labour's record

24. In fact these lofty goals can often have a deleterious effect, leading to discouragement, unethical behavior or even underachievement.

FORBES: How to Use Questions Instead of Goals to Evaluate and Guide Your Business

25. In terms of academic results, inspectors found underachievement at GCSE level in this sector, with evidence that pupils are on courses for which they have "little realistic chance of success".

BBC: London colleges lack 'strategy'

26. He will also order all local education authorities in England and Wales to provide progress reports outlining what they are doing to tackle boys' underachievement.

BBC: Single sex classes 'not the answer'

27. The number of such schools needs to grow rapidly in order to cut the long tail of underachievement which blights the education service in the disadvantaged areas of England.

BBC: 'Culture of hard work' overcomes poverty





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