莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [kəʊst]play美 [koʊst]play

  • n. 海岸,海滨;(车辆的)滑行
  • v. (人,车辆)滑行;毫不费力地做,(尤指)轻松获胜;不够努力,应付;沿海航行
  • 【名】 (Coast)(英、美)科斯特(人名)

复数 coasts 第三人称单数 coasts 现在分词 coasting 过去式 coasted 过去分词 coasted

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


coast /kəʊst/ CET4 TEM4 [ coasting coasted coasts ]

  • 1.
    可数名词 The coast is an area of land that is next to the sea. 海岸

    Campsites are usually situated along the coast, close to beaches.


  • 2.
    不及物动词 If a vehicle coasts somewhere, it continues to move there with the motor switched off, or without being pushed or pedalled. (车辆的) 惯性滑行

    He pushed in the clutch and coasted to a halt.




  • adj.

    coastal 沿海的;海岸的

    coastward 向海岸的;朝着海岸

    coastwise 沿岸的;近海的

  • adv.

    coastward 向海岸地;朝着海岸地(等于coastwards)

    coastwise 沿岸;沿着海岸

  • n.

    coaster 沿岸贸易船;杯托,小托盘;雪橇



shore beach coast 【导航词义:岸】

shore n. 岸,滨

〔辨析〕 含义较广,指海洋、湖泊及江河的岸,通常为陆地和较大水域的交界地带。

例1: The waves have eaten into the west shore.


例2: The boy swam hard to the shore.


例3: Several girls were walking along the shore of the lake.


beach n. 海滩,沙滩

〔辨析〕 通常为 shore 或 coast 的一部分,是被海(湖或河)水冲刷而成,无岩石或峭壁,只有沙子或小鹅卵石。

例1: A beach formed along the wide bend of the river.


例2: The waves washed against the beach.


例3: After coming out of the sea, they lay on the beach sunbathing.


coast n. 海岸,海滨

〔辨析〕 指陆地和海交界的狭长地带,也可指沿海地区。

例1: the Pacific coast


例2: Rainstorms are frequent on this part of the coast.


例3: She used to live in a small village on the coast.



1. sunshine coast 阳光海岸

2. Gold Coast 黄金海岸 ; 金海岸 ; 黄金海岸市 ; 金沙海岸

3. East Coast 东海岸 ; 东岸 ; 美国东海岸 ; 美国东岸

4. pacific coast 太平洋海岸

5. Amalfi Coast 阿马尔菲海岸 ; 意大利阿玛尔菲海岸 ; 阿玛菲海岸 ; 阿玛尔菲海岸

6. coast line 海岸线

7. Ivory Coast 象牙海岸 ; 科特迪瓦 ; 科特迪瓦队 ; 西非音乐之旅

8. West Coast 西海岸 ; 韦斯柯特 ; 西海岸地区

9. on the coast 在岸上,沿岸;在海岸线上

10. from coast to coast 从一个海岸到另一个海岸;全国各地

11. off the coast 沿海;离开海岸;在海面上;在远离沿岸海面

12. coast to coast 咫尺天涯;一个球员从后场运球到前场上篮或称一条龙

13. Gold Coast Airport 黄金海岸机场 ; 机场

14. east coast 东海岸

15. gulf coast 墨西哥湾岸区

16. ivory coast 象牙海岸(非洲)

17. rocky coast 岩石海岸

18. Central Coast 中海岸 ; 中央海岸 ; 中心海岸

19. coast guard 海岸警卫队队员;海岸巡逻队队员

20. sea coast 海岸;海滨

21. South Coast 南海岸 ; 南部海岸 ; 南岸

22. west coast 美国西海岸

23. along the coast 沿着海岸

24. gold coast 黄金海岸(西非几内亚海岸);加纳旧称


1. He coasted through his final exams.


2. The next 20 miles will be an easy coast.


3. Already enmity creeps along the coast towards it.


4. They're drilling for oil off the Irish coast.


5. The coast is a mecca for tourists.


6. If you enjoy the coast and the country, you'll get the best of both worlds on this walk.


7. The army began their long march to the coast.


8. Now you can to coast down slope.


9. We anchored off the coast of Spain.


10. Sunshine will be in short supply for the west coast.


11. As soon as the coast was clear he climbed in through the window.


12. Emerald Island is an island, is the jewel in the Gold Coast.

翡翠岛是一个宝岛, 是黄金海岸的一颗明珠.《期刊摘选》

13. 'You can come out now,' he called. 'The coast is clear. She's gone.'


14. We get heavy fogs on this coast in winter.


15. A secluded , idyllic hideaway on the California coast hides a horrific secret in this occult chiller.

这个神秘恐怖故事里, 在加勒比海岸一个桃花源般与世隔绝的地方隐藏着一个可怕的秘密.《期刊摘选》

16. The coast was rocky and forbidding.


17. We walked along the coast for five miles.


18. A coast guard boat put out through the waves.


19. We live roughly halfway between here and the coast.


20. We get heavy fogs on the coast in winter.


21. There is only one port along this rocky coast.


22. The south coast of Spain has become something of a tourist ghetto.


23. She wouldn't come down for it until she felt the coast was clear.


24. The weather can be quite bleak on the coast.


25. islands off the west coast of Ireland


26. a trip to the coast


27. On a clear day you can see the coast.


28. She took her feet off the pedals and coasted downhill.


29. The plane coasted down the runway.


30. The road hugs the coast for hundreds of miles.


31. Finzer is not just any East Coast businessman.


32. ShanTou have fine coast line and pier, traffic is very developed.

汕头有优良的海岸线和码头, 交通十分发达.《期刊摘选》

33. They live on the south coast.


34. The longer you can coast or gently slow down, the more energy you can store.

更长的滑行或更温柔的制动, 都会储存更多的能量.《期刊摘选》

35. You can take a boat trip along the coast.


36. What happened to the tour boat sailing off the Nicaraguan coast?.

驶离尼加拉瓜海岸的游船发生了什么?。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

37. ...the west coast of Scotland.


38. They picked up momentum, then slipped into neutral and coasted quietly down the slope.


39. In 1989 an oil tanker hit a rock off the northwest coast of Alaska.


40. Every fall hurricanes slam the United States coast.


41. After three weeks they made landfall on the coast of Ireland.


42. The coast road is closed due to bad weather.


43. Along the coast, an industrial fringe had already developed.


44. Take the coast road ─ it'll be less of a haul.


45. The Atlantic coast is within sight of the hotel.


46. The cars were bumper to bumper on the road to the coast.


47. The town is in a direct line between London and the coast.


48. Severe winds have been battering the north coast.


49. He built my personality into his hero.


50. Severe winds have been battering the coast.


51. Isuzu is mainly production , Aoling , Qingling, the Gold Cup, the U.S. General Motors Motor.

主要是生产五十铃、奥铃 、 庆铃 、 金杯 、 美国通用汽车电机.《期刊摘选》

52. the coast road


53. The coast was barely distinguishable in the mist.


54. The Ivory Coast became the world's leading cocoa producer.


55. I switched off the engine and coasted round the corner.


56. The trawler was fishing off the coast of Iceland.


57. The recent discovery of the giant Zohr gas field off the Egyptian coast will eventually have impact on pricing in the Mediterranean region and Europe, and there is significant development potential in many other places, notably Argentina.

埃及海岸新发现的Zohr 大型气田最终将会影响地中海区域乃至欧洲的定价,而且在其他许多地区,尤其是阿根廷,也有极大的开发潜力。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

58. We paddled the canoe along the coast.


59. Off the coast of Africa, the waters are filled with life.

在非洲海岸外海, 水域中充满了生命.《期刊摘选》

60. These fish are found in shallow waters around the coast.


61. A tour boat turned over off the coast of Nicaragua, killing at least 13 people and leaving more passengers missing, official said.

据官方消息,一艘游船在尼加拉瓜海岸附近翻船,造成至少13 人死亡, 更多名乘客失踪。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

62. They managed to get away from the coast undetected.


63. a pretty stretch of coast


64. The company was coasting on the enormous success of its early products.


65. The ship kept close to the coast.


66. Hurricane Betty is now approaching the coast of Florida.


67. At the coast of Deep Bay. You can see sun set and eat seafood.

位处后海湾海岸,可看日落. 是大型蚝场,吃海鲜胜地.《期刊摘选》

68. You can coast downhill on a sled or a bicycle.


69. The ship was wrecked off the coast of France.


70. We moored off the north coast of the island.


71. The ship lay at anchor two miles off the rocky coast.


72. The Navy and the Coast Guard work hand in glove, especially in war time.

海军和海岸警卫队密切配合, 尤其在战时.《期刊摘选》

73. Chinese in the United States remained mostly concentrated in Chinatowns along the West Coast.


74. They all sit as sparkling jewels, just off the north coast.


75. China is a mountainous country. Corresponding to it, the disaster of coast also happens continually.

我国是一个多山的国家, 滑坡灾害也相应很多.《期刊摘选》

76. And it may leads to impracticable structure and coast risks in the rainy and efflorescence areas.


77. The track hugs the coast for a mile.


78. Camp sites are usually situated along the coast, close to beaches.


79. The car is heading for the coast.


80. the Welsh coast


81. The church is remotely situated on the north coast of the island.


82. You're just coasting─it's time to work hard now.


83. Notable is, during this, agriculture not because of this coast, also got developing instead.

值得注重的是, 这期间, 农业并未因此而滑坡, 相反也得到了发展.《期刊摘选》

84. Cape Coast Castle was the grandest of the slave emporiums, at the centre of the trade.

海岸角的奴隶城堡当时最大的奴隶交易中心, 这里算得上是奴隶贸易的中心.《期刊摘选》

85. Small craft took shelter along the east coast during the storm.


86. That's a pretty stretch of coast.


87. Some of acclaimed work was written at an isolated island hotel off the coast of China.


88. Crewmen aboard the tanker sighted a ship in distress off the coast of Senegal.


89. The distant thunder from the coast continued sporadically.


90. [F] Dickens was born in Portsmouth, on England's southern coast.

[F] 狄更斯出生于英格兰南部海岸的朴次茅斯。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

91. Cook charted the coast of New Zealand in 1768.


92. Suffer this effect, feed produces fast also coast.

受此影响, 饲料生产也快速滑坡.《期刊摘选》

93. We spent the weekend sailing off the south coast.


94. The road serves the scattered habitations along the coast.


95. They live on the east coast.


96. a town on the south coast of England


97. The plane flew parallel to the coast.


98. Analytic result indicated, it's importance instructional significance to mining under the coast applying the method.

分析结果表明, 这种方法对于指导滑坡体下采煤具有重要的意义.《期刊摘选》

99. There was a time when Charles was coasting at school and I should have told him to buckle down.


100. The car coasted along until it stopped.


101. You're just coasting ─ it's time to work hard now.


102. Ivan Lendl coasted to a 6-3, 6-2, 6-3 victory over Roger Rasheed...


103. By my reckoning, it must be 60 kilometres from here to the coast.

据我计算, 从这里到海岸准有六十公里.《期刊摘选》

104. The boat was intercepted by U.S. Coast Guards.



1. The scientists say seven hundred fifty large rock lobsters were released a year ago in waters near Tasmania's northeast coast.

VOA : special.2009.08.25

2. You've gotten so far on your ability that many of you have learned to coast.

你们已经通过能力走到现在,并且你们当中已经有人学到了如何成功。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. Portuguese explorers had charted the west coast of Africa as far as Sierra Leone.


4. And,here is the favorite proverb of Marius Meledje in Ivory Coast: "Your defeat now is your victory in the future."

VOA : special.2009.03.01

5. The sub was brought back to the East Coast of the United States and became a floating museum in nineteen eighty-six.

VOA : special.2010.06.11

6. Campsites are usually situated along the coast, close to beaches.


7. So I know that at a lot of other institutions I have visited, especially on the West Coast,

我也参观过其他一些学校,尤其是西海岸的那些学校,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 尊重多样化

8. The problem is especially common along the west coast of Africa and in some ports in Asia and the Pacific.

VOA : special.2009.02.10

9. International students can also attend the Coast Guard Academy in New London,Connecticut, and the Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point,New York.

VOA : special.2009.06.04

10. and then we have the nationals where we compete with the schools on the West Coast as well.

然后我们有全国赛,我们也跟西海岸的学校比。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 赛艇项目很流行

11. Use the official website for the Wales Coast Path, which links to regional websites with relevant details.

BBC: Walking the new Wales coastal path

12. He went up North from Denmark to a deserted island of the coast of Norway and stayed there for about three weeks.

他从丹麦北部,来到了挪威海岸的一个荒芜的岛上,并在这里呆了三周。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

13. They told the commander they thought they were west of a small island near the coast of northwestern France.

VOA : special.2010.07.14

14. In January 2012, 32 people died when the Costa Concordia capsized off Italy's coast.

CNN: Cruise ship diverted to Bahamas port after fire

15. A group of small states on the coast of North Africa was seizing American ships and holding their crews hostage.

VOA : special.2009.05.27

16. Sounds good until we realize that some executives could still coast on the excellent performance of their colleagues.

FORBES: Steering Clear Of The Executive Compensation Bog

17. There are a lot more districts in the East Coast of the U.S.than the West Coast.

美国东海岸比西海岸,区域多得多。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. The storm struck the US east coast in October, killing more than 120 people.

BBC: Prince Harry and David Cameron in New York to promote UK

19. Everybody had Dalmatians, people from the Dalmatian coast, and Swiss.

所有军队中都有达尔马提亚人,从达尔马提亚海滩而来,以及瑞士人欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. As an island continent, Australia is quite literally defined by its 37, 000km of coast.

BBC: Shore thing: Australias beach obsession

21. Now, we turn out attention to the Gulf Coast where nearly two million people have fled Hurricane Gustav.

NPR: New Orleans Family Heads North

22. The leader of the federal effort to rebuild the Gulf Coast is offering start predictions.

NPR: Cost of Levee Repairs Rises in New Orleans

23. Pittsburgh was closer to cities on the Atlantic coast with large black populations, cities such as New York, Washington,D.C.and Baltimore.

VOA : special.2010.03.28

24. because it helped me transition more easily than if I were just, you know, thrown into the East Coast,

比起被关在东海岸的学校,它能更容易地让我转变,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 来斯坦福的理由

25. Today we tell about a wave of crime taking place in the warm waters off the east coast of Africa.

VOA : special.2009.05.27

26. The Beirut-born Hassoun blamed his actions in part on childhood trauma living in Abidjan, Ivory Coast.

NPR: Would-Be Chicago Backpack Bomber Gets 23 Years

27. Central America's Caribbean coast


28. Is there any competition between schools on the West Coast and schools on the East Coast?

西海岸和东海岸的学校有竞争吗?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 来斯坦福的理由

29. On a clear day, you might even be able to make out the Welsh coast.

BBC: Day trips from Dublin

30. And you have hurricane season coming up, and forest fires, and flooding along the Northeast Coast.

NPR: Critics Question Using Nat'l Guard Troops at the Border

31. Andy is looking to expand operations and recently scouted out plants on the East Coast.

FORBES: Water, Water Everywhere

32. The ship was anchored off the coast.


33. The foundation is calling for added protection for bottlenose dolphins around the north coast of Wales.

BBC: Record Isle of Man dolphin sightings lead to photo appeal

34. Hill had been giving special discounts to those shipping products to West Coast ports for export.

FORBES: Rely on Entrepreneurs, Not Bureaucrats

35. A market on the East Coast if they were in upstate New York, or out in Ohio eventually, and a market of the whole world.

如果一个市场在东北部,比如说纽约北部或者在俄亥俄州,那就意味着这是一个全球市场美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. Swim, snorkel and surf, but do not leave without tackling the Na Pali Coast's amazing Kalalau Trail.

BBC: How to choose a Hawaiian island

37. The French coast was clearly visible.


38. There are already signs of farmers switching from cocoa to rubber in Ivory Coast.

WSJ: Chocolate Makers Fight for Farmers' Loyalty

39. Kilda, Blaenavon Industrial Landscape, Ironbridge Gorge, and Giant's Causeway and Causeway Coast, among others.

UNESCO: Olympic torch carried through iconic Geopark

40. On April twentieth an oil drilling rig, the Deepwater Horizon, exploded and sank about eighty kilometers from the Louisiana coast.

VOA : special.2010.05.04

41. He described it as a huge success story, following decades of exploration around the Irish coast.

BBC: Ireland 'close to oil billions'

42. It's very... London, well, I mean London and the East Coast you have such strong weather.

嗯……伦敦和东海岸都有很典型的气候特征。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 英国与美国的差异

43. Two U.S. Coast Guard cutters escorted the Bahamian-flagged cruise ship to Freeport, the Coast Guard said.

CNN: Royal Caribbean cruise cut short after on-board fire

44. Then we turn to the island of Euboea, that long island that's right next to the east coast of Attica, Euboea.

让我们再看看埃维亚岛,是阿提卡正东岸的长形岛屿,埃维亚古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

45. And the other one is an easy pass. It goes along the coast.

另一条路平坦,只需沿着海岸线走博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. The message to the people of the Gulf Coast is, this storm is dangerous.

FORBES: President Speaks After FEMA Briefing

47. Plants with names like coast fiddleneck, common cocklebur,low larkspur and common groundsel all present risks to people or animals.

VOA : special.2009.08.25

48. The swish Hotel Baia di Nora is a 20-minute drive up the coast from Chia.

BBC: Ten weekends in Europe's great outdoors

49. This volcanic archipelago, with its spectacular landscapes, is situated off the coast of the Hebrides.

UNESCO: World Heritage

50. In nineteen forty-seven, he began to direct the Institute of Advanced Studies at Princeton University on the East Coast.

VOA : special.2009.06.14

51. Its fogged-out coast and shadowy, old-growth redwood forests are what happens when Jurassic Park meets Twin Peaks.

FORBES: Days of Wine and Redwoods

52. The Pacific Coast Highway stretches out ahead, tracing rocky headlands and gentle sandy bays.

BBC: The road to Hollywood, California

53. Kadir's Tree Houses was among the first to invade the coast some 20 years ago.

BBC: Turkeys lotus eaters

54. America from border to border and coast to coast and all the ships at sea.

FORBES: The Power Of Drudge: A Little Civics Lesson For Janet Napolitano And Barack Obama

55. However, they could be overtaken by Cameroon or Ivory Coast, who are away in Sudan and Benin respectively.

BBC: SPORT | Football | African | Libya 2-1 Egypt

56. Ships can enter the Saint Lawrence River on the east coast of Canada and travel to Chicago, Illinois or Duluth,Minnesota.

VOA : special.2009.11.11

57. But actually, like in the United States, the West Coast weather is a lot better for your hair than the East Coast.

但实际上,在美国,西海岸的天气比东海岸对头发好很多。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 我的梦想是当发型师

58. It also found improvements in the northeastern United States and the California Current that flows south along the West Coast.

VOA : special.2009.09.08

59. Now not on the east coast, when you get to the Caucuses you are in barbarian territory.

其他沿岸都有希腊城市,东海岸的考克塞斯地区,是蛮族的领地古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

60. When Ibiza was conquered by the Moors, this entire stretch of coast became an important trading area.

BBC: The three colours of Ibiza

61. The Wales Coast Path website also details the difficulty level of any leg of the hike.

BBC: Walking the new Wales coastal path

62. You know the Coast Redondo. Redondo has a very nice pier. Redondo Pier has a very nice pier.

你知道雷东多海滩。雷东多的码头很美。码头很美。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 圣莫尼卡之景点

63. Gold Coast stalwarts, Crema Espresso (27 Tedder Av) have been roasting on the coast for years.

BBC: Caffeination: Australia's coffee culture

64. Even central Austin seems rather spread out and suburban compared to traditional East Coast cities.

FORBES: New Geographer

65. is sort of the heart of an up-and-coming wine region in the central coast of California.

位于加利福尼亚州的中部海岸,一个蓬勃发展的葡萄酒产区的中心地带。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 我的职业是




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collective的意思是:adj. 集体的,共同的;总的,集合的 n. 集体农庄,集体企业;集合名词。学考宝为您提供collective是什么意思,collective的翻译,collective的用法,collective的短语搭配,collective的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


colleague的意思是:n. 同事,同僚。学考宝为您提供colleague是什么意思,colleague的翻译,colleague的用法,colleague的短语搭配,colleague的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


collar的意思是:n. 衣领,领口;颈圈;(动物颈部颜色异样的)色圈,颈锁形条纹;箍,套管;(股票交易的)项圈策略;<英>肉卷;猪颈部的熏肉块;(植物的)根颈 v. <非正式>抓住,逮捕;<非正式>拦住(以便与之谈话) 【名】 (Collar)(英)科勒,(法)科拉尔,(西)科利亚尔(人名)。学考宝为您提供collar是什么意思,collar的翻译,collar的用法,collar的短语搭配,collar的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


collapse的意思是:v. 倒塌,塌下;崩溃,瓦解;突然倒下,昏倒;瘫倒;突然贬值,暴跌;萎陷,瘪掉;折叠 n. 倒塌,塌陷;突然失败,崩溃;病倒,垮掉;突然贬值,暴跌。学考宝为您提供collapse是什么意思,collapse的翻译,collapse的用法,collapse的短语搭配,collapse的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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chimney place的意思是:(美)火炉;壁炉。学考宝为您提供chimney place是什么意思,chimney place的翻译,chimney place的用法,chimney place的短语搭配,chimney place的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
chimney place是什么意思_chimney place怎么读_chimney place的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


codification的意思是:n. 编纂,整理;法典编纂;法律汇编。学考宝为您提供codification是什么意思,codification的翻译,codification的用法,codification的短语搭配,codification的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


code的意思是:n. 密码,暗码;(邮政)编码,(电话)区号;(计算机)编码;道德准则,行为规范;法典,法规 v. 把……编码(或编号);把……译成密码;(给计算机)编写指令 【名】 (Code)(英、法、西)科德(人名)。学考宝为您提供code是什么意思,code的翻译,code的用法,code的短语搭配,code的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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