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英 [ˈiːdʒɪpt]play美 [ˈiːdʒɪpt]play

  • n. 埃及(非洲国家)

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  • n.埃及(非洲国家)



1. History of Egypt 埃及历史

2. Israel in Egypt 埃及的以色列人

3. Kingdom of Egypt 埃及王国 ; 埃及

4. plagues of egypt 十灾

5. Ancient Egypt 古埃及 ; 古代埃及 ; 古埃及王国 ; 古

6. flag of egypt 埃及国旗

7. lower egypt 下埃及(指尼罗河三角洲及开罗南郊)

8. The Prince of Egypt 埃及王子 ; 埃及王子专辑 ; 片

9. Flight into Egypt 逃往埃及

10. middle kingdom of egypt 中王国时期 ; 中王期 ; 中王国


1. 5,000 years ago, Egypt really began to flourish out in the Nile River valley.


2. Similar customs were known in widely divergent cultures such as Ancient Egypt and Scandinavia.


3. The peace with Egypt and Jordan has long served as an anchor of stability and peace in the heart of the Middle East.


4. Egypt seemed to have established an unbroken line about five miles across the Suez canal.


5. Egypt wants to solve the problem in an atmosphere of cordiality.


6. There were five guys, from this village in where this sort of tribe in Egypt.


7. Kamal was a vendor in Egypt's open-air bazaar.


8. They struck up a friendship on their tour of Egypt.


9. The American Congress has agreed to forgive Egypt's military debt.


10. Glazes had been used from ancient times in Egypt.


11. Ancient Egypt ruled the Nile Valley for thousands of years.

古埃及统治尼罗河流域几千年。《中考真题- 2019 徐州 阅读》

12. In ancient Egypt, a shopkeeper discovered that he could attract customers to his shop simply by making changes to its environment.

在古埃及,一个店主发现他可以通过改变商店的环境来吸引顾客。《高考真题- 2015 重庆 阅读B》

13. Some of the elements within this group may have brought with them the story of a miraculous escape from Egypt.


14. We first met in Egypt if my memory serves me.


15. China will also sign agreements with Turkey and Egypt on cooperation in the customs, telecommunications, agriculture, economic technology and other fields.


16. The Aswan Dam helps to control the River Nile in Egypt.


17. The location became famous for the1978 Camp David peace accords, brokered by President Jimmy carter, between Israel and egypt.


18. Egypt has said there is no time to lose in the search for a Middle East settlement.


19. He left today on a roundabout route for Jordan and is also due soon in Egypt.


20. Adam glorified the pyramids of Egypt, but he discovers that they are built on the misery of slaves.


21. It has been said that Egypt is the home of the comic strip.


22. Egypt is once again accepted as an important voice in Arab politics


23. An Australian division scheduled for assignment to Greece was ordered to remain in Egypt.


24. I lived in Egypt for a time.


25. The cult of Isis was carried from Egypt into Greece and Rome.


26. Egypt drew two of their matches in Italy.


27. Perhaps there are apples from California or potatoes from Egypt.


28. It is the only paved road discovered in ancient Egypt, said geologist Thomas Bown of the United States Geological Survey.


29. A long time ago, there lived a wise man named Zun Nun in Egypt.

很久以前,在埃及住着一位名叫 Zun Nun 的智者。

30. The direct ancestor of the modern cat was the Kaffir cat of ancient Egypt.


31. Her grandmother lent her a camera for a school trip to Venice and Egypt.


32. Britain formed a close alignment with Egypt in the last century.


33. Eventually, the Arabic language replaced Coptic and this cut off the linguistic link between ancient and modern Egypt.


34. The Hyksos invaded the Nile Delta of Egypt and ruled it from 1650 B.C.


35. While perusing a book on the monuments of Egypt, she noticed a hieroglyph that showed a row of men standing in odd postures.


36. In ancient Egypt, women did not go out to work.


37. From Egypt, cats started to move around the world.

从埃及开始,猫开始往世界各地迁徙。《中考真题- 2015 河南 阅读B》

38. The mathematics of ancient Egypt were based on a decimal system.


39. He is now living in exile in Egypt


40. It was found in many Asian cultures, but is generally associated with ancient Egypt.


41. He is now living in exile in Egypt.


42. Representatives of each of these countries attended the meeting in Geneva, together with Egypt, Nigeria, and Niger.


43. The direct ancestor of the modern cat was the Kaffir cat of ancient Egypt


44. Children in ancient Egypt grew up to do the same jobs as their parents.


45. Egypt has given almost unqualified backing to Washington.


46. The Aswan Dam helps to control the river Nile in egypt.


47. Egypt had agreed to a summit subject to certain conditions.


48. the Empress of Egypt


49. Every ancient culture from Egypt to China depended on salt.

从埃及到中国的每一个古代文化都依赖盐。《中考真题- 2018 河北 完形填空》

50. An agricultural lobby is against a law to allow importing cotton from egypt.


51. Very recently in Egypt, they found a skeleton of Basilosaurus.


52. The pyramids of Egypt were built more than three thousand years ago, and no one knows how.


53. The new moon was the occasion of festivals of rejoicing in Egypt.


54. One of the challenges that faced ancient civilizations like Egypt was timekeeping, calendars.


55. She is planning a long holiday in Egypt and America


56. They denied a report that Egypt had agreed to a summit, subject to certain conditions.


57. In Egypt, two new camps were readied for the absorption of refugees.


58. Mr Cook has arrived in Greece on the final stage of a tour which also included Egypt and Israel.


59. Egypt has lost out on revenues from the Suez Canal.


60. Egypt and Babylon were both tyrannies, one very powerful man ruling over helpless masses.


61. Cairo is the capital of Egypt.



1. Before 2000, America encouraged Argentina to export nuclear research reactors to Peru, Egypt, Algeria and Australia.

ECONOMIST: Diplomacy and proliferation

2. Despite the upheavals engulfing Tunisia, Egypt and Yemen, the 45-year-old hereditary dictator felt oddly secure.

FORBES: President Assad And The Syrian Business Elite

3. In Egypt, ex-ministers are now being prosecuted for allegedly enriching themselves while in power.

FORBES: President Assad And The Syrian Business Elite

4. And by this time Mark Antony had palled up with Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, and Octavian beat both of them, and he became the sole ruler of the empire in 27 BCE.

安东尼与埃及女王克利奥帕特拉先后自杀,屋大维击败了他们两人,于公元前27年成为了帝国的独裁者。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. He said he had planned to take the boat through the Suez Canal to Alexandria, Egypt.

BBC: Arms ship captain acted 'under orders'

6. So: the great civilizations of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and the area we refer to as the Fertile Crescent, of which a little part here about the size of Rhode Island is Canaan.

古埃及,美索不达米亚地区,我们称之为新月沃地,这里的这一小部分,跟罗德州岛差不多大的是迦南。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. Another day, a group of poets from Bahrain,Morocco, and Egypt discussed the future of poetry in Arab countries.

VOA : special.2009.03.11

8. Let's just get them together. Let's get them in a room, whether it was in Camp David,whether it was in Oslo or in Egypt.

我们把他们关到一个房间里吧,无论是在戴维营,奥斯陆或埃及。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

9. Egypt is once again accepted as an important voice in Arab politics.


10. Listen to The Documentary: Egypt's Challenge on Tuesday 21 May on the BBC World Service.

BBC: Egypt: Echoes of the revolution far from Cairo

11. We remember the fish that we used to eat free in Egypt Okay, we were slaves, but the food was free, you know?

我记得以前在埃及的时候不花钱就可以吃鱼,虽然我们是奴隶,但是食物是免费的,你知道吗?旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. Let me be clear: Egypt is a critical, strategic partner of the United States.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

13. It is the coastal plain, and that provides, or that is the main highway out of Egypt or down to Egypt.

这就是海岸平原,它提供了或说它本身就是,离开埃及或者下埃及的主要通道。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. What's wrong? You don't like ancient Egypt?


15. But people in Iraq, Egypt and Jordan who feel they have been victims before may avoid such situations.

VOA : special.2009.11.17

16. "They're the government's way of controlling Upper Egypt - the powerful families, " Moataz told me.

BBC: Egypt: Echoes of the revolution far from Cairo

17. And we are urging other countries to help Egypt and Tunisia meet its near-term financial needs.

WHITEHOUSE: Moment of Opportunity: American Diplomacy in the Middle East & North Africa | The White House

18. The cult of Isis was carried from Egypt into Greece and Rome.


19. The United States Agency for International Development has a team of entrepreneurs in Egypt to supervise the program.

VOA : special.2010.05.10

20. You shall not make yourselves unclean through any swarming thing that moves upon the earth. For I the Lord am He who brought you up from the land of Egypt to be your God: you shall be holy, for I am holy.

你们也不可在地上的爬物,污秽自己,我是把你们从埃及地领出来的耶和华,要作你们的神,所以你们要圣洁,因为我是圣洁的。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. Held under Egypt's 19-year-old state of emergency, Mr Ibrahim is yet to be formally charged.


22. There are also texts that are going to object to alliances with any foreign king, or subservience to any foreign king, whether it's Egypt or Assyria or Babylonia.

也有的文本会反对,结盟,或者附属于任何外国的君主,无论是埃及,亚述,还是巴比伦的国王。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. The earliest process of making paper was done almost 5,000 years ago in Egypt and the Nile Valley.

VOA : special.2009.01.26

24. Or take the Aswan High Dam in Egypt, an unmitigated disaster, according to ecologists.

FORBES: The Story Of Eau

25. So on their way to conquests in Egypt, or Asia Minor or Mesopotamia, armies would tramp through the land.

当他们前行征服埃及,小亚细亚或美索不达米亚时,他们践踏这片土地。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. Experts at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development estimated that the action cost Egypt's economy at least ninety million dollars.

VOA : special.2011.02.07

27. Yet Egypt is not alone. Foreign investors worry about corruption, mismanagement and security problems across North Africa and the Middle East.

VOA : special.2011.02.04

28. People in Egypt now believe they are headed into some sort of bright new future.

FORBES: Egypt Is the Next Tunisia. What Is the Next Egypt?

29. Come, therefore, I will send you to Pharaoh, ] and you shall free my people, the Israelites, from Egypt."

故此,我要打发你去见法老,使你可以将我的百姓以色列人从埃及领出来“旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. Five years ago, he used computed tomography to study the remains of Tutankamun, the famous boy ruler of ancient Egypt.

VOA : special.2010.06.29

31. I guess it is a way to describe it of the pyramids in Egypt, so they had a lot of ancient Egyptian artifacts.

我猜是用这个方式表现埃及金字塔,所以他们有了那么多古埃及的展品。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 大都会艺术博物馆

32. His preachings and ideas won him influence among Islamist groups in Algeria and Egypt during the 1990s.

BBC: Abu Qatada case: UK agrees assistance treaty with Jordan

33. Born in Alexandria, Egypt, he moved to Israel with his family at age 12.

FORBES: Beyond Power Rangers

34. Already far in advance of Egypt, their legal position has not changed since the revolution.

ECONOMIST: Women and the Arab awakening

35. Google has launched the Umbono project in South Africa and Tahrir2 in Egypt.


36. The President also called both President Morsi of Egypt and Prime Minister Erdogan as well yesterday.

WHITEHOUSE: The White House

37. In Egypt, Hosni Mubarak rose to power following the 1981 assassination of Anwar Sadat.

FORBES: Freedom Beats A Global Retreat

38. the earliest great civilizations: Egypt, Sumer, Assyria


39. For KFC, delivery accounts for a third of sales in Egypt and nearly half in Kuwait.

FORBES: Three Great Lessons From McDonald's Latest Innovation

40. Well, Miletus was on the main routes to all of the places where advanced knowledge could be found, Mesopotamia, Egypt.

米利都地处所有先进知识传播的主干道,通向美索不达米亚和埃及古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. They were written by people in Canaan to the Pharaoh in Egypt remember the Pharaoh still has control over Canaan at this time.

由迦南人写给埃及法老的,记住当时法老仍然控制着迦南地区。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. In the case of EGPT, it would be basket of securities with exposure to Egypt.

FORBES: Don't Pay Extra For Egyptian And Japanese ETFs

43. 3:9: "You shall not oppress a stranger, for you know the feelings of the stranger, having yourselves been strangers in the land of Egypt."

第23章9节,“不可欺压寄居的,因为你们在埃及地作过寄居的,知道寄居的心“旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. From France she went to Italy and Egypt, through South Asia to Singapore and Japan, then to San Francisco and back to New York.

VOA : special.2010.10.10

45. The suggestion that Egypt might assume responsibility for Gaza has been rejected by the Mubarak Government.


46. Prices for high-end apartments and villas in Egypt are usually listed in US dollars.

BBC: Living in: Great cities for history and ancient ruins

47. Crucially, Egypt's independent press, long pressured by the powerful ministry of information, is increasingly outspoken.

ECONOMIST: Egypt and the region

48. When Alexander gets to Persia, or let's say when he gets to Egypt, he knows that there is this god Isis, this female god Isis, that's very important.

亚历山大抵达波斯时,这么说吧,他来到埃及后,发现当地有个叫艾西斯的神,这位艾西斯女神地位非常崇高。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. The earliest process of making paper was done almost five thousand years ago in Egypt and the Nile Valley.

VOA : special.2009.07.06

50. Mister Riordan says there was only one subject that amazed his students more than ancient Greece and that was ancient Egypt.

VOA : special.2009.10.12

51. You've got Egypt over here. You've got Asia Minor up here, and you've got Mesopotamia over here.

这里有埃及,这里有小亚细亚,这里有美索不达米亚。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. If you wanted a secretary, a tutor or a doctor, you wanted one trained in Egypt.

WSJ: Still Under Cleopatra's Spell

53. Egypt's southernmost city


54. Libya's next qualifier will be on 25 March 2005, when they meet Egypt in Cairo.

BBC: SPORT | Football | African | Libya 2-1 Egypt

55. Peter Lacovara is Egypt,Nubia and the Near East curator for the Michael C.Carlos Museum of Emory University in Georgia.

VOA : special.2011.03.08

56. He is Egypt's vice minister of culture and secretary general of the Supreme Council of the Antiquities.

VOA : special.2009.12.15

57. Footage of holidaymakers "basking in the sun" would give Egypt's tourism industry more credibility, he said.

CNN: Luxor balloon disaster 'blow' for Egyptian tourism

58. Delicious dates and honey produced by bees imported from Italy and Egypt are available year-round.

BBC: Along Arabias east coast

59. After thirty years of authoritarian rule, Egypt lacks anything resembling a pluralistic political infrastructure.

FORBES: After Mubarak, The Deluge

60. Now, I just want to say 'Sorry' to Egypt, " commented weibo user "Net bug jing jing.


61. Very little grew in or left Egypt without in some way enriching the royal coffers.

WSJ: Still Under Cleopatra's Spell

62. Egypt signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1979, but their relations remain strained.

BBC: Rights groups press Egypt over arrests

63. "The Great Sphinx of Tanis" from ancient Egypt dates back over four thousand six hundred years.

VOA : special.2010.06.23

64. Then he would announce that he was going away to Europe or to California, or to Egypt for a while.

VOA : special.2009.04.04

65. If you look at the percent of time people in society were involved in various activities and broken into agriculture versus everything else, in ancient Egypt it looked like this.

如果你留意一下,人们从事各种社会活动的时间比例,被分为农业生产和其他活动两类,在古埃及,时间分配是这样的关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课





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