莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [pɪl]play美 [pɪl]play

  • n. 药片,药丸;(女用)口服避孕药 (the pill);<美>(衣服或布料上的)球粒,纤维绒球; <美>讨厌的家伙;<非正式>(某些运动用的)球,弹
  • v. (衣服或布料)起球粒,结绒;把……制成丸剂;(使)服用药丸;<古>抢劫,掠夺
  • 【名】 (pill)(英)皮尔(人名)

复数 pills 第三人称单数 pills 现在分词 pilling 过去式 pilled 过去分词 pilled

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


pill /pɪl/

  • 1.
    可数名词 Pills are small solid round masses of medicine or vitamins that you swallow without chewing. 药丸

    Why do I have to take all these pills?


  • 2.
    单数型名词 If a woman is on the pill, she takes a special pill that prevents her from becoming pregnant. 避孕药

    She had been on the pill for three years.


  • 3.
    动词 to give pills to 开药给
  • 4.
  • 5.
    动词 to peel or skin (something) 剥(或削)皮
  • 6.
    习语 If a person or group has to accept a failure or an unpleasant piece of news, you can say that it was a bitter pill or a bitter pill to swallow. 苦果

    You're too old to be given a job. That's a bitter pill to swallow.


  • 7.
    习语 If someone does something to sweeten the pill, they do it to make some unpleasant news or an unpleasant measure more acceptable. 让坏消息或措施变得容易接受

    A few words of praise help to sweeten the pill of criticism.





  • n.药丸;弹丸,子弹;口服避孕药

    globule   /   bullet

  • vt.把…制成丸剂;使服用药丸;抢劫,掠夺(古语)

    harry   /   rob of


1. blue pill 汞丸;蓝色丸

2. The Pill 避孕药 ; 丸药图片 ; 口服避孕药

3. Anti-Pill Fibre 抗起球纤维

4. poison pill 毒药丸(比喻公司为避免被对方兼并而向对方索取极高代价的阻挠措施)

5. bitter pill 困恼;苦涩的药丸

6. diet pill (美)减肥药丸

7. Alison Pill 艾莉森·皮尔 ; 艾丽森·皮尔 ; 艾莉森·比尔 ; 前女友

8. sleeping-pill 安眠药片

9. contraceptive pill 避孕药;避孕丸

10. sleeping pill 安眠药

11. Pill Box 机枪碉堡 ; 丸药盒 ; 带切片小药盒 ; 药盒

12. Prudence and the Pill 从心所欲 ; 原名

13. Just Like a Pill 爱情特效药 ; 爱情殊效药 ; 唱片名


1. In addition, they are mainly being developed as injections, implants and patches, rather than pills.

此外, 那些药物主要开发为注射剂 、 植入剂和贴剂, 而不是可口服的药丸.《期刊摘选》

2. OBJECTIE : To examine the frequencies of reported symptoms oral contraceptive pill ( OCP ) composition among French women.

目的: 在口服避孕药 ( OCP ) 的法国妇女中调查已报道症状的发生率.《期刊摘选》

3. How often should I take this pill?


4. This obligation included both entertainment and instruction, which are not, says Baym, at odds with one another in these books, nor is entertainment the sweet coating on a didactic pill.


5. A dollar does seem like a lot to pay for one pill.

似乎可以买很多种1美元一个药丸。《provided by jukuu》

6. If the pills were pleasant , they would not want gilding.


7. There are two types of contraceptive pill available and these are described overleaf.


8. I've tried all sorts of drugs, creams, pills and potions.


9. She had been on the pill for three years.


10. He washed down a pill with water.


11. If I were a sleeping pill, I'd fall into your water glass and accompany you throughout the night.


12. Conclusion: Composite Danshen Pill has significant effects on treating angina pectoris in coronary heart disease.

结论: 复方丹参滴丸具有治疗冠心病心绞痛的作用.《期刊摘选》

13. These pills should ensure you a good night's sleep.


14. Doctors can treat acne with pills or creams.


15. Take the pills punctually. Always check the urine color and record how frequently you urinate.

定时服用药丸. 时常检查尿液的颜色和记录你排尿的频率.《期刊摘选》

16. It was at that time she started taking the contraceptive pill.


17. He swallowed the pills with a cup of water.


18. Those new pills you gave me worked like a charm.


19. The main side effect of the pill is that it makes you sleepy.


20. Used for testing pilling of wool knitted fabric and other fabrics under no pressure.


21. Please dissolve one pill in water before taking it.


22. Some believe this level of compensation is essentially a poison pill to put off any rival bidders.


23. The pills might have cured him, if only he'd taken them regularly.


24. The boy spat out the pill after eating off its sugar coating.


25. The contraceptive pill is the worst offender, but it is not the only drug to deplete the body's vitamin levels.


26. She's been popping pills for months.


27. There was an impressive array of pill bottles stacked on top of the fridge


28. The pill itself has changed a lot since it first came onto the market


29. This pill is to be sucked , not swallowed.


30. C : Well , so that I could always quick sneak a pill if things got too bad.

是的, 这样,如果情况不对,我就能迅速偷吃一片.《期刊摘选》

31. Did you just take a pill?


32. I have a hard time getting pills down.


33. He told me to take these pills four times a day.


34. ObjectiveTo observe the curative effect of FuFangMaiDong Pill ( FFM ) on laryngic chronic inflammatory disease.

目的观察复方麦冬丸 ( FFM ) 对喉慢性炎症性疾病的临床疗效.《期刊摘选》

35. These pills bring relief from pain.


36. the contraceptive pill


37. They said It'seems safe and appears to work even when taken as a pill.


38. Under the new Northern Territory law, an adult patient can request death—probably by a deadly injection or pill—to put an end to suffering.


39. Children may eat pills in mistake for sweets.


40. Objective: To control the quality of Tibetan Medicine Shisiwei Lingniujiao Pill.

目的: 为了控制藏药十四味羚牛角丸的质量.《期刊摘选》

41. The pill won't go down.


42. Do you want the blue pill or the red pill?


43. One group was treated with the new drug, and the control group was given a sugar pill.


44. The pills the doctor gave me aren't working.


45. Do you want to take that pill to quell your nausea?


46. What if someone could create a pill that mimicked the physiological effects of eating less without actually forcing people to eat less?


47. The pilling grades of worsted tweed fancy are predicted based on different of influencing factors.


48. He sweetened the pill by increasing wages, although by slightly less than he raised prices.


49. She could not have taken these massive doses orally. In the first place, she did not have enough pills.


50. Fortunately, physicians have pills to correct hormone imbalance.

幸好, 医生备有可纠正激素失衡的药丸.《辞典例句》

51. The pill was big.


52. P : An intrauterine device, but I'm told the pill is more effective than other contraceptives.

放过避孕环, 但我听说口服避孕药比其它方法更有效.《期刊摘选》

53. Oral contraceptive pills ( OCPs ) suppress LH and FSH and prevent ovulation.

3口服避孕药抑制FSH和 LH的释放和抑制卵巢排卵.《期刊摘选》

54. Give them a sugar pill, and they probably wouldn't know the difference.

可能让他们吃糖做的药片, 他们也觉察不出有什么不同.《期刊摘选》

55. I took one of the pills and chewed it up.


56. I put the pill in each of the treats, and Lucas would not go near any of them.


57. The doctor tried to wean her off sleeping pills.


58. She made Tina flush the pills down the toilet.


59. So are the advantages of taking the blue pill?


60. The pills might have helped him, if only he'd taken them regularly.


61. Is that true that Mary is on the pill?

玛丽真的在服用避孕药 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

62. The jury out about whether get same benefits in a pill get with of red wine.


63. Coil target is an effective method to pill velocity measurement.


64. This pill will ensure you a good night's sleep.

这颗药丸会确保你晚上一个好眠。《provided by jukuu》

65. to be/go on the pill


66. E . g . The pill contains vitamins.


67. The pill may offer protection against ovarian and endometrial cancers.


68. He tried to kill himself with sleeping pills.


69. Sugar coating hides the taste of pills.


70. My father puts the pill on his tongue.


71. The pill is sweet.


72. ...the contraceptive pill.


73. Random Tumble Pilling Tester . To determine the pilling and fuzzing characteristics of textile fabrics.


74. Another one stands in front of him, holding the pill cup.

另一个勤杂工站在他身前, 拿着装有药片的纸杯.《期刊摘选》

75. Title: Oral Contraceptie Tolerance Does the Type of Pill Matter?

题目: 口服避孕药的类型影响其耐受性 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

76. Where is my blue pill?


77. The pill is the most efficient method of birth control.


78. The pills should be swallowed whole.


79. The pills are coated with sugar.


80. Sleeping pills are not the only treatment, although they may be offered as a short term solution.


81. He paid the pill by cashing in some bonds.


82. Is there really a magic memory pill or a herbal recall remedy? I have been frequently asked if these memory supplements work.

是否真有神奇的记忆药丸,或者帮助回忆的草药?经常有人问我,这些记忆力保健品是否有用。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

83. You are given pills with small quantities of nicotine to wean you from cigarettes


84. What diet pill to use to cut quickly woollen cloth harmless to the body?

用什麽减肥药减得快,又对身体无害的 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

85. I wake up at 6 a.m. as the sleeping pill doesn't work for more than nine hours.


86. Give her a pill if she's sick.


87. Remember you may feel sleepy after taking the pills.


88. Every pill made my insides turn upside down.


89. You're too old to be given a job. That's a bitter pill to swallow.


90. She took a massive overdose of sleeping pills.


91. Father must take his pill on the hour.


92. Is there really a magic memory pill or a herbal recall remedy?


93. Hairiness proceeds the formation of pills.


94. The nurse gave him a pink pill and a yellow pill.


95. Goal: To avoid burst apart and hardness inferior in the production of Vitamin C pill.

目的: 为了解决和避免维生素C丸在生产过程中出现崩解、硬度不好的质量问题.《期刊摘选》

96. If you want to remember to take a medication with lunch, put the pill bottle on the kitchen table—don't leave it in the medicine chest and write yourself a note that you keep in a pocket.


97. The baby spat out the nasty pill.


98. This is not a horse pill.


99. The defeat was a bitter pill.


100. The women in the study generally took the pill almost four years.


101. This pill is a good remedy for headache and toothache.


102. She dosed herself up with vitamin pills.


103. The pill is coated with sugar.


104. They saw Tom take the pill.


105. Used for testing pilling of wool knitted fabric and other fabrics under on pressure.


106. ...sleeping pills.


107. Take a pill every three hours.


108. Why do I have to take all these pills?


109. In standard condition, make friction on the sample cardedand woven fabrics by YG 501 pilling tester . 6.

在标准状态下, 用YG501起毛起球仪对机织物试样摩擦起球.《期刊摘选》

110. At 17 he turned into a straight shooter and used pills only as a stop gap.


111. It is not a normal pill.


112. It costs nothing to make a pill.


113. a vitamin pill


114. What a pill adds a capsule is medicine of what Zhuang Yang!


115. Did you take your pill?


116. These pills are coated with sugar.


117. I took a pill to help settle my nerves.


118. To determine the pilling and fuzzing characteristics of textile fabrics. chemical fiber, blended, knitting, woven fabrics.

用于测试毛织物和化纤纯纺 、 混纺 、 针织 、 机织物的起毛起球状况.《期刊摘选》

119. People with epilepsy and similar diseases can take pills to stabilize their condition.



1. The best hope for that will come from combining Zetia with Merck's cholesterol pill Zocor.

FORBES: Magazine Article

2. However, the changes took longer to appear in those patients who responded to the dummy pill.

BBC: Scan predicts path of depression

3. When the pill hits your stomach, it transmits to your phone that you took the pill.

FORBES: Ingestible, Implantable, or Intimate contact; How Will You Take Your Micro-scale Body Sensors

4. In contrast, social is a patience game, which for many can be a bitter pill.

FORBES: Why Small Businesses Are Losing On Social Media

5. Millions of patients have been prescribed the pill, Avandia, since it was introduced eight years ago.

FORBES: Magazine Article

6. They used the Pill as an important tool to gain control over their lives.

VOA : standard.2010.05.12

7. For industrialists paying reluctantly to clean up their act, that must be a bitter pill.

ECONOMIST: Emissions

8. Nor did the Pill spark the sexual revolution of the 1960s.

VOA : standard.2010.05.12

9. There are two types of contraceptive pill available and these are described overleaf.


10. "There is no pill, shot or surgery that's going to take away allergies completely, " Adelglass said.

CNN: Predicting allergy season eludes experts

11. AstraZeneca settled a lawsuit that claimed Actavis violated the patent on its best-selling Crestor cholesterol pill.

FORBES: AstraZeneca & A Pay-To-Delay Deal The FTC Would Not Like

12. "The pill 50 years ago was a very high dose pill, "It is a fraction of that now.

VOA : standard.2010.05.12

13. Its AP23573 pill has shown amazing promise in sarcoma, which kills 5, 000 people each year.

FORBES: Magazine Article

14. Instead,as May writes in her new book, "America and the Pill: A History of Promise, Peril and Liberation."

VOA : standard.2010.05.12

15. "They didn't want a message that says 'it's time to take your antiretroviral pill.' And instead,"

VOA : standard.2010.02.24

16. Once a drug is in production, churning out one more little pill costs next to nothing.

FORBES: Gouging The Drug Companies

17. Look for plenty of pill-pitching athletes to pop up in ads during this year's Super Bowl.

FORBES: Top U.S. Corporate Brands

18. The pill is the most efficient method of birth control.


19. Doctor Yusuf said the single pill, taken once a day, could reduce the average person's risk of heart disease and stroke by about half.

VOA : special.2009.04.08

20. For patients and Big Pharma alike, the prescription pill business is going to get ugly.

FORBES: Merck's Mess

21. I don't understand why you'd want to take a pill to fix something that we know little about.

我不明白为什么你会愿意吃药片来治好一些我们甚至都不清楚的毛病。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 对付压力的方法

22. The trial was testing the pill, SU-11248, as a treatment for gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST).

FORBES: Pfizer Cancer Pill Proves Effective

23. Overall, the side effects of Januvia were similar to those of a sugar pill.

FORBES: Diabetes Duel

24. The most idealistic hopes attached to the Pill were that it would solve the problem of overpopulation,and poverty;

VOA : standard.2010.05.12

25. And one pill would cost less than several pills.

VOA : special.2009.04.08

26. After three months, off the pill and begin reworking the diet and other activities.

FORBES: A Pill To Burn Away Pounds: The FDA Says Yes To The First New Weight Loss Drug In 13 Years

27. As hay fever medicines are scuttled by generic Claritin, Merck begins advertising a new allergy pill.

FORBES: Merck's Allergy Bet Paying Off

28. (OMITTED) May adds that today's Pill has little in common with the one on the market in 1960.

VOA : standard.2010.05.12

29. It's a much safer pill and a lot of the difficulties have been worked out in terms of safety and side effects, not all of them, but there are still problems with the Pill.

VOA : standard.2010.05.12

30. Now completely awake, she lay in bed, agitated, wondering whether she should risk another pill.

NEWYORKER: Shauntrelle

31. The threat of generic competition against Schering-Plough's similar prescription pill, Clarinex, took care of that.

FORBES: Merck's Big Allergy Bet

32. The former horse pill salesman has built up a telecom empire with 10.75 million subscribers.

FORBES: Irish Billionaire Denis O'Brien On Defensive

33. Knowles halted that project and instructed his team to come up with a once-daily pill.

FORBES: Health

34. It is a pill that might escape the side effects of Fosamax and Actonel.

FORBES: Magazine Article

35. Unlike most chemotherapy drugs, which have to be injected, ZD1839 was a convenient once-a-day pill.

FORBES: Cover Story

36. One group took Polycap. The other groups took either a single drug or different combinations of the medicines in the Polycap pill.

VOA : special.2009.04.08

37. How long does a sleeping pill take to work?


38. Now these worries were raised by John Locke the great British philosopher, and he thought, this is too big a pill to swallow.

这是约翰·洛克提出的,他是伟大的英国哲学家,他认为,这个问题太大。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. It's difficult to know, but there are signs an HDL-raising pill might be marketable.

FORBES: Pfizer's Big Bet

40. It said that politics had more to do with limiting access to the pill.

BBC: US judge lifts 'morning after' pill age limit

41. "You make a pill for a nickel and sell it for four dollars, " he says.

FORBES: Valuing Pharma Like Metal Benders

42. Yes. Bleeding or lost you American mouth Big pill Is it not enoughjust to have a long and happy life with me?

VOA : standard.other

43. Doctor Yusuf said the single pill treatment could revolutionize heart disease prevention.

VOA : special.2009.04.08

44. To counter the uninvited overture, Overland implemented a poison-pill plan a week after Advanced Digital's announcement.

FORBES: Your Big Best Friend--Or Not

45. Today,12 million American women take the Pill, making it the leading contraceptive in the United States.

VOA : standard.2010.05.12

46. Those who signed admit to taking the abortion pill or helping others to do so.

BBC: Over 100 women sign abortion change protest letter

47. Before the pill is handed out the woman is asked to sign a consent form.

BBC: Morning-after pill over the counter

48. She has decided to use the coil instead of the pill.


49. "they would like to receive a message that uses some kind of code, and instead of sending a message that reminds them of their pill, they would like a motivational message, like for example, 'it's time for your life.'" Services like that have been shown to work in low-income countries, and now they're starting to appear in richer countries.

VOA : standard.2010.02.24

50. an array of pill bottles on the fridge


51. Emergency contraceptives, like the so-called morning-after pill, can prevent pregnancy if they are taken within 120 hours of unprotected intercourse.

VOA : standard.2010.03.22

52. It gradually became clear that the Pill was not a panacea for all those societal ills.

VOA : standard.2010.05.12

53. In May 1960,the U.S.Food and Drug Administration approved the world's first birth control pill.

VOA : standard.2010.05.12

54. But perhaps the tough times we've weathered will make this an easier pill to swallow.

CNN: E-mail from an inferno: How we escaped the fire

55. If those compounds can be isolated, maybe someday you'll be able to take an anti-cancer pill, but for us coffee lovers, the answer may just be another refill.

VOA : standard.2010.06.30

56. Today the only drugs he takes are a daily aspirin and one pill for hypertension.

FORBES: Just Say No





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bean的意思是:n. 豆,菜豆,豆科植物;籽实,豆形种子;用于强调丝毫,一点;<旧>脑袋;(Bean)描述Java的软件组件模型(Enterprise Java Bean) v. (用某物)击中(某人)头部 【名】 (Bean)(英)比恩(人名)。学考宝为您提供bean是什么意思,bean的翻译,bean的用法,bean的短语搭配,bean的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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soya beans的意思是:大豆:一种常见的豆类作物,可以用于制作豆腐、豆浆等食品。。学考宝为您提供soya beans是什么意思,soya beans的翻译,soya beans的用法,soya beans的短语搭配,soya beans的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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beamy的意思是:adj. 光亮的;船身宽大的;象梁一样的。学考宝为您提供beamy是什么意思,beamy的翻译,beamy的用法,beamy的短语搭配,beamy的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


beam的意思是:n. 梁,横梁;<非正式>臀围;光线,光柱;喜色,笑容;(体操的)平衡木 v. 定向发出(无线电信号);(光,光源)照耀;喜笑颜开,面露喜色 【名】 (Beam)(英)比姆,(阿拉伯)贝亚姆(人名)。学考宝为您提供beam是什么意思,beam的翻译,beam的用法,beam的短语搭配,beam的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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