莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [kəˈneɪdiən]play美 [kəˈneɪdiən]play

  • adj. 加拿大的;加拿大人的;加拿大文化的
  • n. 加拿大人;加拿大河(美国河流)

复数 Canadians

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


Canadian /kəˈneɪdɪən/

  • 1.
    形容词 Canadian means belonging or relating to Canada, or to its people or culture. 加拿大的; 加拿大人的; 加拿大文化的
  • 2.
    可数名词 A Canadian is a Canadian citizen, or a person of Canadian origin. 加拿大人




1. Canadian Space Agency 加拿大太空总署 ; 加拿大太空署 ; 加拿大国家航天局

2. Canadian Grand Prix 赛车 ; 加拿大站

3. canadian shield 加拿大地盾

4. Canadian Airlines 加拿大国际航空 ; 加拿大航空 ; 航空公司 ; 加拿大航空公司

5. Canadian Rockies 加拿大落基山脉 ; 加拿大洛基山脉 ; 加拿大洛矶山脉 ; 落基山脉

6. The Canadian Encyclopedia 加拿大百科全书

7. canadian english 加拿大英语

8. Canadian dollar 加拿大元 ; 加元 ; 加拿大货币介绍 ; 加币

9. Canadian Solar 加拿大太阳能 ; 阿特斯 ; 阿特斯阳光电力 ; 阿特斯太阳能

10. French Canadian 法裔加拿大人

11. CANADIAN CLUB 加拿大俱乐部威士忌 ; 加拿大俱乐部 ; 加拿大会所 ; 加拿大俱乐部加威酒

12. french canadian n. 法裔加拿大人


1. C And I'm Canadian.


2. The Canadian army took down the barricades erected by the Indians.


3. Today, people still come and go — to see where the Canadian gold rush happened .

今天,这里仍有许多人来往——他们来看加拿大淘金热的起源地。《高考真题- 2018 全国3卷 阅读B》

4. All financial information is reported in Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted.


5. In 1937 he was seconded to the Royal Canadian Air Force in Ottawa as air armament adviser


6. British and Canadian beaches had become a solid Allied grip left flank.


7. Field trips to US and Canadian cities.


8. Pass and rental total less than 200 rmb, about 30 Canadian.

门票和器材租赁加起来不到200快, 大概30加元.《互联网》

9. Not all the students are Canadian.


10. Resh pineapple, Canadian bacon. Mozzarella cheese and tomato sauce.

鲜甜菠萝 、 烟培根、芝士及秘制比萨酱.《互联网》

11. But now a systematic review and analysis of lumped studies by Canadian researchers found that not only does pasta not cause weight gain, but three meals a week can help people drop more than half a kilogram over four months.

不过,现在加拿大研究人员对30项研究进行了系统的回顾和分析,发现意大利面不仅不会让体重增加,而且一周三餐可以帮助人们在四个月内减掉超过半公斤的体重。《六级真题- 2019年 6月 1卷 短文填空》

12. He is a Canadian boy.


13. Canadian business cannot compete head-to-head with American business.


14. Do you know any Canadian singer?


15. My best friend is Canadian.


16. American capitalists had invested $ 867,200,000 in Canadian mines, industries, and railroads.

美国资本家投在加拿大的矿业 、 工业和铁路方面的资本为八亿六千七百二十万美元.《辞典例句》

17. The big ones are Canadian geese.


18. This shifting demographic poses new challenges to today's Canadian media.


19. I'm not American, I'm Canadian.


20. Formation of Duration Time Concept in Chinese and Canadian Children


21. Canadians seek enlistment in the US Marines because they don't see as much opportunity in the Canadian armed forces.


22. "There's an ancient legend that as long as these eggs are made, evil will not prevail in the world," says Joan Brander, a Canadian egg-painter who has been painting eggs for over 60 years, having learned the art from her Ukrainian relatives.

“有一个古老的传说:只要一直制作彩蛋,恶魔将不会在世上横行作乱,”加拿大的彩蛋绘制师琼·布兰德说道。《四级真题- 2017年 6月 1卷 阅读B》

23. She taught me how to dance like a Canadian.


24. C $ 268 ( two hundred and sixty - eight Canadian dollars )

表示 二百六十八 加拿大元.《互联网》

25. This example is in the Canadian War Museum, Ottawa, Canada.


26. What colour is the Canadian national flag?


27. The ticket had a strict no-transfer policy, but since passport information was not required when policy, any Canadian Elizabeth Gallagher can policy it .

这张机票有严格的禁止转机政策,但由于政策规定时不需要护照信息,任何一个加拿大人伊丽莎白·加拉赫都可以办理。《高考真题- 2017 全国3卷 完形填空》

28. When Canadian teenager Ryan was six years old, his teacher told him that many parts of Africa, there was no clean water.

在加拿大少年瑞安六岁时,他的老师告诉他非洲许多地方都没有清洁水源。《中考真题- 2018 杭州 阅读A》

29. I am Canadian. I started learning French when I was 10 years old.

我是加拿大人。我十岁时开始学法语。《中考真题- 2019 长沙 阅读表达》

30. The Maple Leaf Flag is the Canadian flag.


31. As Canada Day falls in the Canadian summer holiday period, all schools are closed as well.


32. Anisotropy of the flexural response of the lithosphere in the Canadian Shield.


33. My best friend is canadian.


34. The Canadian army took down the barricades erected by the Indians


35. C And I'm Canadian. I live in Toronto.

B我是英国人. 我从伦敦来.《互联网》

36. The airport was opened by Canadian troops operating under the flag of the United Nations.


37. Canadian French is different from the language of metropolitan france.


38. The joint American - Canadian Defence organisation is coming up for renewal next year.


39. They argue that the amendment undermines Canadian federalism.


40. Quickly. 2 together with the words on the Canadian one away, too.

很快的. 2个一起上的话就加个闪避也一样.《互联网》

41. Events are also held for one - man and two - man Canadian canoes.


42. She's Canadian, but her Chinese is excellent.


43. That's the Canadian way.


44. The Canadian said, "I am a father and my son will be a farmer so I want the soil in Canada to be forever fertile." The genie said the magic words and the wish came true.


45. More than 150 Canadian schools now celebrate Blue Day, but Rob won't stop until there's a Blue Day in every school in Canada.

现在有150多所加拿大学校庆祝“蓝色日”,但罗伯不会停止他的努力,直到加拿大的每一所学校都有蓝色日。《中考真题- 2016 杭州 阅读A》

46. The Canadian government is committed to advancing the equality.


47. A band of light rain and showers extended from the Canadian border to central texas.


48. It is very common to raise money in Canadian and American school.

在加拿大和美国的学校,筹款是很常见的。《中考真题- 2015 衡阳 短文填空》

49. I met all of my Canadian cousins.


50. But restrictions apply. You must be named Elizabeth Gallahgher and have a Canadian passport .

但申请是有限制的。你的名字必须是伊丽莎白·加拉赫,还得有加拿大护照。《高考真题- 2017 全国3卷 完形填空》

51. He applied for Canadian residency.


52. The Canadian flag features a maple leaf.


53. Finally, in 1852, Northup befriended Samuel Bass, a Canadian carpenter.


54. Kennedy thought the Canadian insincere and did not like or trust him.


55. Ah, you're Canadian.


56. It' s a famous Canadian city on the bank of Lake Ontario.

它是加拿大著名的城市,位于安大略湖畔。《中考真题- 2015 哈尔滨 任务型阅读C》

57. He draped himself in the Canadian flag and went round the track


58. Sustainable development strategy in Canadian cities and Its Revelation to China


59. We took a bus to a ski resort in the Canadian Rockies.


60. These include parades, concerts, festivals, firework displays and ceremonies for new Canadian citizens.

这些活动包括游行、音乐会、节日、烟火表演和为新加拿大公民举行的仪式。《中考真题- 2015 福州 阅读C》

61. We'll meet you Pearson International Airport and take you to your Canadian family.


62. I found the Canadian flag!


63. We're not American, actually. We're Canadian.


64. What is Canadian Grass?


65. Canadian libel law is based on English common law.


66. Eliza is a 16-year-old Canadian girl.

伊丽莎是一个16岁的加拿大女孩。《中考真题- 2015 济南 短文填空》

67. Canadians seek enlistment in the U.S. Marines because they don't see as much opportunity in the Canadian armed forces.


68. She has never met a Canadian.


69. I am proud to be a Canadian


70. She went on to say that she had discussed it with the Canadian foreign minister.


71. He was a Canadian doctor.


72. Clerk : Well , Canadian Gifts is on the lower level. It's across from Prime Time Video Rentals.

噢, 礼品店在楼下, 在黄金时刻录像出租屋的对面.《口语例句》


1. Canadian labels to look for include coats by Mackage and stylish classics by Pink Tartan .

FORBES: Travel

2. All U.S., federal, state and local and Canadian federal, provincial, and municipal laws and regulations apply.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

3. It is hoped the new contract will help secure the Canadian-owned company's future in Derby.

BBC: Bombardier handed ?188m Southern contract

4. Canadian officials acknowledge that about 85% of claims by Czech nationals which are heard are accepted.

BBC: Canada toughens its visa demands

5. The Canadian-born performer recently released her twelfth album.

VOA : special.2009.04.24

6. "Marc Ouellet, when at the top of the Canadian church never apologised, " he says.

BBC: Pope: Will Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet be chosen?

7. He draped himself in the Canadian flag and went round the track.


8. Prior to NBC, Bittermann was a Toronto-based correspondent and producer for the Canadian Broadcasting Corp.

CNN: CNN Profiles - Jim Bittermann - Senior European Correspondent

9. A Canadian general will head the alliance's operation there.

VOA : special.2011.03.26

10. The Canadian city hosted the Winter Olympics last year.

VOA : special.2011.06.18

11. He asserted that Canadian society is hypocritical, culturally constipated, and sexually inhibited.


12. But with Canadian household debt climbing recently, many analysts expect consumers here may be tapped out.

FORBES: New Federal Rules for Debt Collectors

13. However,the Canadian government required that each person had to bring enough supplies to last for one year if they wanted to cross the border into Canada.

VOA : special.2009.02.11

14. French-Canadian nationalism was fuelled in the 1960s.


15. For those unfamiliar with the Canadian actor-turned-music sensation that is Drake, let me fill you in.

FORBES: Rapper Drake Looking To Flip Two Miami Apartments

16. The reservation currently has about 14, 000 residents on both the U.S. and Canadian sides.

WSJ: Cuomo, Mohawk leaders sign casino pact

17. Not willing to give up the fight, Miller approached a noted Canadian venture capitalist G.

FORBES: Internet Television Brings Immigrants Home

18. Almost thirty thousand Canadian students enrolled for the school year that began last autumn.

VOA : special.2009.11.26

19. Little Naomi grew up to sound curiously like that other Canadian scourge of capitalism, J.

ECONOMIST: Cheesed off

20. There were even people at the Canadian event who had pilgrimaged from as far away as California and Britain.


21. It opened the Canadian Atlantic Tsunami Warning System.

VOA : special.2009.03.17

22. Canadian sculptor Brian Jungen turns everyday objects into strangely beautiful art.

VOA : special.2009.11.13

23. Like the coureurs de bois, the Innu and Huron-Wendat, what brings people here today is the Canadian wildlife.

BBC: Qubec's wood runners

24. The Canadian is currently 32nd on the money list and needs a good week here.

BBC: SPORT | Golf | Gay leads quality field in Miami

25. He was born to a Canadian father and a mother who is part of the Dunne-za tribe.

VOA : special.2009.11.13

26. Canadian soldiers had crossed the Niagara River and burned a boat that was used to carry supplies to the rebels.

VOA : special.2009.02.05

27. Over the Canadian border it makes its way into the Richelieu River in Quebec.

VOA : special.2009.01.05

28. Hurricane Hydrocarbon , a Canadian company with huge energy assets in Kazakhstan, and Pacific Corp.

FORBES: Leon Levy Says Sell on Strength

29. As for the world,that honor went to the Canadian city of Vancouver.

VOA : special.2009.07.13

30. Special Offer: Looking to bullet proof your nest egg with high yielding preferreds and Canadian trusts?


31. The Canadian-American writer John Geiger wrote about this in a recent book called The Third Man Factor. The book will soon be published in several languages, including Chinese, Korean and Japanese.

VOA : special.2010.02.24

32. If you're willing to shop online and skirt the law, you can shop Canadian anywhere.

FORBES: Gouging The Drug Companies

33. They argue that the amendment undermines Canadian federalism.


34. The Canadian government quickly approved a law that said each person must bring enough supplies to last for one year.

VOA : special.2009.02.04

35. The Canadian government knew how hard it was to live in the western part of the country.

VOA : special.2009.02.04

36. This was not true of the Canadian government.

VOA : special.2009.02.04

37. The Canadian movie "Addicted to Plastic" is about plastic pollution.

VOA : special.2009.03.25

38. Her case is the lead case but we represent all the Canadian and South African pensioners.

BBC: Pensioners say human rights violated

39. Each specialises in contemporary Canadian art, ranging from photoconceptualism to sculpture, abstract painting to First Nations artworks.

BBC: A blank canvas for Vancouver

40. Officials said they had been working with Canadian authorities to try to tackle fraudulent claims.

BBC: Canada toughens its visa demands

41. Pegasus has carrying Canadian crude, but it was conventional crude, not the type assailed by opponents.

FORBES: Pipeline Infrastructure: Rhetoric v. Reality

42. And now, finally,the British, American, Canadian and other Allied forces felt strong enough to attack across the English Channel.

VOA : special.2011.06.16

43. However, compared to the mess over at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, they look respectable.


44. The documents did not say whether Abassi knew of the foiled Canadian rail plot.


45. Canadian folksinger Gordon Lightfoot told the story of the tragedy in "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald."

VOA : special.2009.11.11

46. President Obama was asked this week by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation if Afghanistan is still winnable.

VOA : special.2009.02.21

47. Britain was also angry because Americans had helped Canadian rebels.

VOA : special.2009.02.05

48. The Canadian newspaper,the Toronto Star, liked his reports about life in Chicago and paid him well.

VOA : special.2011.06.19

49. For Q3, Canadian Solar sees shipments of 390-420 MW, with gross margins of just 2%-5%.

FORBES: Canadian Solar Slides On Q2 Miss, Disappointing Guidance

50. "There's definitely scope for more golf here, " said Canadian Daryl Giles during a recent tournament there.

BBC: Cuba golf project gets green light

51. Then she got married to Canadian actor Ryan Reynolds.

VOA : special.2009.10.09

52. American and Canadian experts say between twenty and thirty thousand people may have traveled to the gold fields.

VOA : special.2009.02.04

53. One, sent in by a Canadian named Pierre Brunet, asked about the upcoming UFO cable release.

FORBES: WikiLeaks' UFO Cables: More About Raelian Cult Than Alien Life

54. "Would they have loved to beat the Canadian team? I'm sure they would have, but it's all about being an Olympian.

VOA : standard.2010.02.15

55. Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. shares are currently trading down about 4% on the day.

FORBES: Connect

56. Even the Canadian plant will begin to run out of components within a few days.

ECONOMIST: Flint sparks fly

57. Darryl Gray stands in the midst of about 20 people, wearing or waving Canadian flags.

NPR: D.C. Dispatches: From The National Mall And Parade

58. If the Bronfmans are Canadian royalty, Stephen Bronfman is the prince you've never heard of.

FORBES: The Other Bronfman

59. In the late nineteen nineties, the Canadian professor was working in Nepal when his return flight was canceled.

VOA : special.2009.12.21

60. They included the Canadian freighter James Carruthers which disappeared with twenty-two men.

VOA : special.2009.11.11

61. This powerful documentary film was written and directed by the Canadian photographer and biologist Rob Stewart.

VOA : special.2009.04.03

62. Paramount Resources also has a significant investment in a Canadian energy company called MGM Energy Corp.

WSJ: Walt Disney Stakes Claim After Oil Firm Adopts Famous Name

63. Wisdom is the oldest wild albatross known to a research program supervised by American and Canadian scientists.

VOA : special.2011.05.24

64. Takes one to know one; so, you can't be a Canadian and study Mexicans, because it takes one to know one.

同类才能互知,所以加拿大人就不能研究墨西哥人,因为只有同类才能互知死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

65. Canadian officials weighed the supplies of each man.

VOA : special.2009.02.11





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