莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [ˈtriːtmənt]play美 [ˈtriːtmənt]play

  • n. 对待,待遇;处理,讨论;治疗,医治;(净化或防治)处理,加工;护理,护理品;<非正式>极致; 对待,待遇

复数 treatments

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


treatment /ˈtriːtmənt/

  • 1.
    有变体名词 Treatment is medical attention given to a sick or injured person or animal. 治疗

    Many patients are not getting the medical treatment they need.



    ...a veterinary surgeon who specializes in the treatment of caged birds.


  • 2.
    不可数名词 Your treatment of someone is the way you behave toward them or deal with them. 对待; 处理

    We don't want any special treatment.


  • 3.
    有变体名词 Treatment of something involves putting a particular substance onto or into it, in order to clean it, to protect it, or to give it special properties. (采用某种物质的) 处理

    There should be greater treatment of sewage before it is discharged.




  • n.

    treat 请客;款待

    treater [化工] 处理器;精制器

  • vi.

    treat 探讨;请客;协商

  • vt.

    treat 治疗;对待;探讨;视为



1. Water treatment 建,环境 水处理 ; 给水处理 ; 水净化

2. after treatment 后处理;辅助工人;相继加工

3. medical treatment 治疗,医疗

4. surface treatment 表面处理

5. biological treatment 生物处理

6. wastewater treatment 污水处理

7. national treatment 经 国民待遇 ; 国民待遇原则 ; 国家待遇 ; 国民待遇条款

8. surgical treatment 手术治疗 ; 外科治疗 ; 手术 ; 外科手术治疗

9. water treatment 水处理;水的处理

10. treatment effect 治疗效果;处理效应

11. sewage treatment plant 污水处理厂

12. foundation treatment 地基处理,基础处理

13. symptomatic treatment 对症治疗 ; 症状疗法 ; 对症疗法 ; 症状治疗

14. treatment plant 污水净化厂

15. sludge treatment 污泥处理

16. sewage treatment 废水处理;污水处理法

17. preferential treatment 劳经 优惠待遇 ; 特惠待遇 ; 优待 ; 优抚对象

18. waste water treatment 废水处理,污水处理

19. heat treatment 热处理

20. treatment equipment 治疗设备

21. comprehensive treatment 综合治理;综合治疗;综合处理

22. treatment group 治疗组;试验组

23. The Treatment 治疗 ; 特福莱 ; 刮痧 ; 特祸莱

24. waste treatment 废物处理

25. special treatment 特殊处理;特别待遇

26. emergency treatment 急诊;急症治疗




get/receive treatment 得到/接受治疗

give treatment 给予治疗

undergo treatment 进行治疗


effective treatment 有效的医治

medical treatment 医学治疗

better treatment 更好的待遇

equal/unequal treatment 平等/不平等的待遇

fair treatment 公平的待遇

humane treatment 人道的待遇

special treatment 特殊待遇/处理


treatment of addiction 戒毒治疗

AIDS treatment 艾滋病治疗

cancer treatment 癌症治疗

treatment centre 治疗中心

treatment of an illness 某种疾病的治疗

treatment of prisoners 对囚犯的待遇

treatment plant 处理工厂

water treatment 水处理


1. Treatment depends on the individual involved.


2. Membrane bioreactor ( MBR ) is a new technology, which combines biologicalwastewater treatment and membrane separation.

膜生物反应器 是生物处理技术和膜分离技术有机结合的一项新技术, 它是污水回用技术的重要组成部分.《期刊摘选》

3. Patients can become conditioned to particular forms of treatment.


4. The other half received the chemotherapy drug alone, which is standard treatment in these cases.

另一半接受了单独的化疗药物, 这是该疾病的标准疗法.《期刊摘选》

5. The patient was finally out of danger after the emergency treatment.


6. Our treatment is rigorous without being pedantic.


7. It is imperative to continue the treatment for at least two months.


8. Today we are going to talk about emergency treatment of hypothermia.


9. His treatment was a combination of surgery, radiation and drugs.


10. In practical terms, the new guidelines being develop could result in doctors choosing one drug over another for cost reasons or even deciding that a particular treatment — at the end of life, for example — is too expensive.

实际上,正被起草的新方针或许会带来一个结果:医生根据花费来选择药品,乃至认定某种疗法(比如,在临终阶段)过于昂贵。《15年12月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

11. The removal of the same percentage of BoD will require supplementary chemical treatment.


12. The graduate should the rational treatment pressure of competition, adjust individual time reasonably.

毕业生应理性对待竞争压力, 合理调整个人时间.《期刊摘选》

13. However, the treatment of rich peasants should differ from that of landlords.

但在待遇上, 对待富农应同对待地主有所区别.《期刊摘选》

14. Treatment involves giving antidotes that Bind the lead in the tissues.


15. How is your patient reacting to the course of treatment?

你的病人对这一治疗的疗程有何反应 吗 ?《辞典例句》

16. The surface treatment process for ZM 5 using phosphate is investigated.


17. Their cruel treatment of prisoners was abominable.


18. Dental treatments and procedures that require bone healing should be completed before initiating intravenous bisphosphonate therapy.


19. Conventional water treatment facilities can remove the cells by adding chemicals that bind them together.


20. It was showed that : the availability of RO was higher and the treatment effects were better.


21. Some commonly used treatment technologies and principle of mine acid waste water treatment were analyzed.


22. Guests at the health spa receive a range of beauty treatments.


23. The third parts: Labor treatment of industrial workers.

第三部分: 产业工人的劳动待遇.《期刊摘选》

24. We pledge personal respect, fair compensation and honest and equitable treatment.

我们保证尊重个人, 提供合理的报酬,真诚而公平的对待每个人.《期刊摘选》

25. Do skull base lesions and their surgical treatment cause epileptic seizures?


26. Objective To study the surgical treatment of large bowel obstruction caused by colorectal carcinoma.


27. The best models receive star treatment.


28. The best treatment is antibiotics, preferably by injection.

最佳的治疗方法是使用抗生素, 能够注射就更好.《简明英汉词典》

29. He had to go to hospital for treatment.


30. Objective: to observe the treatment effect on nevus flammeus with copper vapor laser photodynamic therapy ( PDT ) .

目的: 观察铜蒸汽激光用于光动力疗法对鲜红斑 痣 的治疗效果.《期刊摘选》

31. The workers demanded the same wage and the same treatment! There must be no discrimination.

工人们要求相同的工资,相同的待遇, 不应该有任何歧视.《辞典例句》

32. Unfair or abusive treatment and training will lead to an Akita that resents you.


33. He has a simplistic view of the treatment of eczema.


34. As with all oily hair treatments, shampoo needs to be applied first.


35. Sun Hongkui writing to him to arrange a time, the treatment of above average performers.

孙洪奎给他安排了写作时间, 待遇高于一般演员.《期刊摘选》

36. In most instances, there will be no need for further treatment.


37. The provisions of the treaty the provisions of such treatment, said most favored nation clause.

条约中规定这种待遇的条文称 “ 最惠国条款 ”.《期刊摘选》

38. In contrast with his elder brother, he was always considerate in his treatment of others.

和他哥哥完全不一样, 他对待别人总是很体贴的.《期刊摘选》

39. His treatment of the children is an abomination.


40. They clamoured for the fair treatment.


41. Congress needs to find the courage to allow Medicare to pay preferentially for treatments proven to be superior.

国会需要勇气来允许老年人医疗保险优先为那些已被证明效果更好的治疗支付费用。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

42. Tranquilizers are often used in the treatment of tension.


43. Participate in continuing education in the area of current treatment planning techniques, and advances in dosimetry.


44. He is receiving treatment for shock.


45. Sometimes the best treatment might be the most expensive.

有时候,最好的治疗可能也是最昂贵的。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

46. The scientists also tested that the treatment on laboratory m mice with sleeping sickness.


47. This treatment removes the most stubborn stains.


48. Certain city areas have been singled out for special treatment.


49. “We need to accept that fact across much of the planet, so waste with little or no treatment will be used in agriculture for good reason.”

“我们得接受地球上大部分地区的这种实际情况,所以,我们有充分理由在农业生产中使用很少或根本没有经过处理的排泄物。”《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

50. She is responding well to treatment.


51. I'm having treatment for my back problem.


52. Early diagnosis and treatment can usually prevent blindness.


53. A rat or pigeon might not be the obvious choice to tend to someone who is sick, but these creatures have some 26 superior skills that could help the treatment of human diseases.

老鼠或鸽子可能不是照顾病人明摆着的选择,但这些动物有一些可以帮助治疗人类疾病的[26]优秀技能。《17年12月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

54. Please understand this is an exceptional treatment.


55. Comprehensive insurance fund for the comprehensive treatment of insurance and pay operating expenses.


56. Objective To observe the clinical effects of massage treatment of cervical spondylotic arteriopathy ( CSA ).


57. I can't accept such treatment from her. She barely knows me.


58. She is responding well to treatment .


59. She'll be interrogated, jailed, interrogated again, get what's usually known as the full treatment.


60. Do Participants, Treatments, and Relationships independently contribute to outcome?

被试者 、 疗法及关系是否独立地促成了治疗结果?《期刊摘选》

61. The treatment they gave him did him more harm than good.


62. With chromate treated die cast treatment.


63. She received the most barbarous treatment.


64. Implement continuous improvement in the wastewater treatment system, RO system, and metal working fluid system.

负责废水处理系统, 纯水系统, 以及金属切削液系统的持续改进行动.《期刊摘选》

65. The workers murmured at the treatment they received.


66. The logical treatment is to remove this blockage.


67. …a veterinary surgeon who specialises in the treatment of cage birds.


68. The prisoners got good treatment at the hands of his captors.


69. Doctors are hesitant to comment on the new treatment.


70. (That would be true only if you believed that patients should have an unrestrained right to treatments proven to be inferior.)

(只有当你相信患者可以无限制地接受劣质治疗时,这才可能是真的。)《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

71. Oxygen treatment is one of main measures of clinical treatment and saving patients.


72. He seems to be mistaken in the new treatment.


73. Colligation treatment can reduce the mortality rate and disability rate of large cerebral infarction.


74. The air treatment prove to have no improvement on survival.


75. It was decided to discontinue the treatment after three months.


76. I cannot submIt'so such unfair treatment.


77. a sewage treatment plant


78. The man will not lie down under such treatment.


79. He has wild , extravagant notions about things; particularly about the treatment of servants.

他对某些事件有许多荒唐而不切实际的见解, 尤其是关于对待下人的见解.《辞典例句》

80. Results Physical treatment and traditional Chinese and western medicine treatment both were effective.


81. This concept may lead to drug treatments for osteoporosis and other bone diseases.


82. Such as and tempering treatment manufacturers want to make regular, and there is a written report.

如调质处理要到正规厂家做, 并有书面报告.《期刊摘选》

83. The mine, along New York’s Cayuga Lake, processes salt used for road treatment.

这座紧邻?纽约Cayuga 湖的岩盐矿?加工着用于路面处理的?盐。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

84. She complained about the summary treatment given her.


85. There are various treatments available for this condition.


86. Even their roommate, just visible in the background playing computer games, gets celebrity treatment.

甚至他们的室友, 就是那个在后面打电脑游戏的, 也得到了名人般的对待.《期刊摘选》

87. This condition requires urgent treatment.


88. The cost of private treatment can be prohibitive.


89. I didn't expect to be given the red carpet treatment!


90. But overall, we suspect that spending would come down through elimination of a lot of unnecessary or even dangerous tests and treatments.

但总的来说,我们觉得,通过免除许多不必要的甚至是危险的检查和治疗,可以减少花销。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

91. Sleeping pills are not the only treatment, although they may be offered as a short term solution.


92. I will not submit to such treatment.


93. A new design method for effluent treatment system with a single contaminant is presented.


94. The patient has responded to the treatment rather better than expected.


95. Introduced the design and testing for the jean washing and dyeing treatment project.


96. If a certain company ( units ) can not solve the accommodation, treatment can Negotiable!

如果是某地的公司 ( 单位 ) 可以不解决住宿, 待遇可以面议!《期刊摘选》

97. They can not bear the oppressive treatment.


98. This treatment is not available in the vast majority of hospitals.


99. After those months of treatment, he swore off drugs completely.

经过数月的治疗, 他已彻底戒掉了毒品.《简明英汉词典》

100. The service includes also some laboratory analysis on several parameters selected as markers of the treatment.


101. The treatment is painless.


102. The Cleveland Clinic, a hospital operator, has reorganised its medical staff into teams to focus on particular treatment areas; consultants, nurses and others collaborate closely instead of being separated by speciality ( 专业)and rank.

克利夫兰诊所是一家医院运营商,已将其医疗人员重组成专注于特定治疗领域的团队;会诊医生、护士还有其他同事紧密合作,不再因专业和等级不同而被分隔开。《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

103. Further treatment will prevent cancer from developing.


104. This is gas about to undergo further treatment.


105. These treatments block ovulation so that both the uterine lining and the endometrium bleeding each month.


106. The Argentine is doing collar's work, actually nobody treats as him the collar treatment.

阿根廷人干着蓝领的活儿, 却没有人把他当作蓝领对待.《期刊摘选》

107. This hotel gives preferential treatment to people who stay in it regularly.


108. After joining WTO, our country will enjoy favourable treatment in each signatory and area.

加入WTO后, 我国将在各缔约国和地区享受优惠待遇.《期刊摘选》

109. An animal rights group called People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is leading the effort.


110. In time it should help restrain costs by eliminating redundant tests, preventing drug interactions, and helping doctors find the best treatments.

这一系统可以去掉多余的检查项目,避免药物相互作用,而且可以帮助医生选择最佳治疗方法,它迟早会发挥作用,促进控制治疗成本的增加。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

111. You will automatically get free dental treatment if you are under 18.


112. He kicked against [ at ] the cruel treatment.


113. Many patients are not getting the medical treatment they need.


114. Master the definition, syndrome differentiation , treatment and other acumoxa therapies of Apoplexy.

掌握中风的定义 、 辨证论治和针灸其它疗法.《期刊摘选》

115. The inadequate equipment of drainage system and sewage treatment bring about economic losses.


116. Objective: To Study the treatment effects of ARN.

目的: 为了探讨急性视网膜坏死(acuteretinal necrosis,ARN)的有效疗法.《期刊摘选》

117. His treatment of the race question is badly biased.


118. Had come true again of obtain employment, cannot enjoy unemployed insurance treatment again.

已经实现再就业的, 不能再享受失业保险待遇.《期刊摘选》

119. Normal coning is less a treatment for infertility than a treatment for vanity.


120. He had to go to the hospital for treatment.


121. OBJECTIVE To observe the therapeutic effect of acupuncture and Chinese drugs in the treatment of acne.


122. to require hospital/medical treatment


123. She tried to make up for her shabby treatment of him.


124. Feng said Liu had received intensive treatment from three doctors in the morning before the race.


125. Aspirin is a simple but highly effective treatment.


126. Only time will tell if the treatment has been successful.


127. Temperature and mechanical treatment show a strong influence on product quality.


128. Surgical Treatment of Congenital Atresia of External Auditory Meatus ( Analysis of 13 ears )

先天性外耳道闭锁的外科治疗 ( 附13耳分析 )《期刊摘选》

129. The same water was reused after chemical treatment.


130. Appeal: Equal Employment Opportunity, employment after the equality of treatment!

呼吁: 就业机会平等, 就业后待遇平等!《期刊摘选》

131. The new drug has great significance for the treatment of the disease.


132. In spite of the treatment he received his loyalty was unlessened.


133. The president’s stimulus package is pumping money into research to compare how well various treatments work.

总统的经济刺激计划投入了大量研发资金,以比较各种治疗方法的效果。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

134. Give equal treatment to all troops fighting in the War of Resistance.


135. My mother is undergoing treatment for ovarian cancer.


136. Adjuvant treatment is suggested to provide an added survival advantage.


137. His treatment of her made her feel cheap.


138. Without treatment, she will almost certainly die.


139. There should be greater treatment of sewage before it is discharged...


140. He has checked into an alcohol treatment centre.


141. The treatment has no efficacy in that disease.


142. We received unfair treatment during our hearing.


143. The new drug is a major step forward in the treatment of the disease.


144. Conclusion The treatment effect of Morita therapy on social phobia was better than drug therapy.


145. Shakespeare's treatment of madness in ‘King Lear ’


146. The issue of like product in MFN plays a key role in defining MFN treatment.


147. Macrolides are the effective antibiotics in the treatment of MP infection.


148. This unjust, unequal treatment of people goes against the democratic principle of equality under the law.

这种对人不公正的 、 不平等的对待与法律之下人人平等的民主原则相悖.《期刊摘选》

149. Answer: Unemployed personnel cannot enjoy unemployed insurance treatment below the circumstance of active abdication.

答: 失业人员在主动辞职的情况下不能享受失业保险待遇.《期刊摘选》

150. Joan was very much against commencing drug treatment.


151. So the fit treatments should be adopted according to the various landfill leachate.


152. Can understand and follow different process as welding, mechanic plastic, casting, sheet metal, electronic, surface treatment.

了解不同程序制作的焊接, 塑料机械, 铸造, 钣金, 电子, 表面处理.《期刊摘选》

153. He submitted to the unjust treatment.


154. Objective : To investigate the clinical features and treatment of delayed traumatic intracranial hematoma ( DTICH ).

目的: 探讨如何及时发现迟 发性 外伤性颅内血肿及其发病原因、诊断治疗和预防措施.《期刊摘选》

155. Such a standard so that our business has been very unfair, unjust treatment.

这样一个标准使我们企业受到了非常不公平, 不公正的待遇.《期刊摘选》

156. Methods: Comprehensive treatment include Mobilization treatment, occupational therapy, physical therapy.

方法: 综合性康复治疗,包括运动疗法 、 作业疗法 、 物理疗法.《期刊摘选》

157. He clamoured against the unfair treatment.


158. How successful will this new treatment be?


159. Some families go without medical treatment because of their inability to pay.


160. He was dissatisfied with his treatment.


161. Subsidiary company get preferential treatment when it come to subcontract work.


162. Extracorporeal shockwave therapy for Peyronie's disease: an alternative treatment?

体外震波疗法治疗佩罗尼氏病: 一种新的替代治疗法?《期刊摘选》

163. an effective treatment for dry rot


164. Objective To investigate the course of treatment of DAR therapy on acute pancreatitis.


165. Biophysicist Alex Zhavoronkov believes that aging should be considered a disease. He said that describing aging as a disease creates incentives to develop treatments.

生物物理学家亚历克斯•扎沃龙科夫认为衰老应该被看作是一种疾病他说将衰老描述为一种 疾病会激发人们开发治疗方法。《17年12月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

166. Themes include the media and the treatment of older people.


167. Doctors are understandably cautious about this new treatment.


168. A passive immunization treatment developed by Elan Corporation has already advanced to phase II clinical trials.


169. Depending on cause and severity, treatment includes antibiotics or simply supportive care.

治疗依病因和症状严重程度而定, 包括抗菌素和支持疗法.《期刊摘选》

170. Britain is the world's water treatment to remove scale physical aspects of one of the leaders.


171. These nouns mean kind, forgiving, or sympathetic and humane treatment of or disposition toward others.

这些名词都表示仁慈的 、 容的 、 情的以及对他人的人道对待方式.《期刊摘选》

172. This requires different treatments according to climate, latitude, and season.

这要根据不同地区气候 、 纬度 、 季节,区别对待.《期刊摘选》

173. The comprehensive treatment of male breast cancer based on operation is important.


174. If you've got friends or family coming to stay, make it really special by giving them the full treatment...


175. Ginny's initial rage at his treatment of Chris had simmered down to resentment.


176. There is considerable disagreement over the safety of the treatment.


177. I pulled out of the depression very quickly with treatment.


178. Children under 16 cannot give consent to medical treatment.


179. The patient has the right to refuse treatment.


180. Conclusions: Early diagnosis and reasonable treatment is the key to avoid the loss of kidney.

结论: 早期正确的诊断和治疗是避免肾切除的关键.《期刊摘选》

181. The perfection of this new medical treatment may take several years.


182. This treatment is not universally available.


183. Acupuncture treatment is gentle, painless, and relaxing.


184. The electroplating and hydrogen plasma treatment process for Ni coating on YT 5 cemented carbide are studied.


185. The dentist took out two of my teeth and asked me to come back again to have further treatment.


186. This includes humane treatment of prisoners and conquered enemies.


187. Finally, this paper gives some advice the treatment according to the different collapsibility loess foundation.

最后, 提出了适合不同湿陷性黄土地基处理的建议方案.《期刊摘选》

188. More holistic than Western medicine, traditional treatment works gradually to get the whole body in balance.

传统疗法比西医更注重病人整体身心的健康, 将病人全身慢慢调成平衡状态.《期刊摘选》

189. His treatment of his secretary was a blatant example of managerial arrogance.


190. Paying for hospital treatment goes against her principles.


191. Put forward the suitable scopes of two different treatment ways through processsheet simulation.


192. He uses hypnosis as part of the treatment.


193. Prisoners are accorded the material treatment necessary in their daily lives.


194. The treatment with what be had good after pancreatic cancer transfers liver is just pressed?


195. The results show that cryogenic treatment can improve the microstructure and properties of Pb brass.


196. The vision , field of vision, fundus oculi and electroretinogram were examined after the treatment respectively.

治疗前后检测视力 、 眼底 、 视野、视网膜电图.《期刊摘选》

197. Please get yourself seated in the treatment chair here.


198. You will have to foot the bill for any treatment.


199. Finally they rose against the unjust treatment.


200. The treatment should be repeated every two to three hours.


201. He branched his treatment of the problem into three equal parts.


202. The correct treatment of cancer is a matter for almost endless debates.


203. Of course students will writhe under such unjust treatment.


204. Beggars or whether treatment bigwigs must respect.


205. Treatment depends on the individual involved.


206. I'm worried about the safety of the treatment.


207. the brutal treatment of political prisoners


208. The sea water treatments are supposed to be really goodfor you.


209. The extension or withdrawal of nondiscriminatory treatment has sometimes been used to further foreign policy objectives.

延长或撤消最惠国待遇的做法有时被用来达到某种外交上的目的.《英汉非文学 - 政府文件》

210. People must be satisfied that the treatment is safe.


211. The only treatment that might slow the tumor, doctors told Jane, was radiation.

医生告诉简, 能抑制肿瘤的唯一方法就是放射疗法.《期刊摘选》

212. The men will not lie down under such treatment.


213. They are researching a different modality of treatment for the disease.


214. His career depends entirely upon my treatment of him.


215. We don't want any special treatment...



1. She had undergone years of painful treatment.


2. I'm putting Freud here but what I mean is well-known defenders of Freud will make some claims like: adult personality traits are shaped by the course of psychosexual development; all dreams are disguised wish fulfillment; psychoanalysis is the best treatment for mental disorders.

我虽然在这里说的是弗洛伊德,其实指的是那些著名的弗洛伊德的拥护者,他们会总结出这样的观点:,成年人的人格特质,是在性心理的发展过程中形成的;,所有的梦境都是愿望满足的伪装;,精神分析是治疗心理障碍的最佳手段。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. The idea is that mothers would pour the liquid into the baby's mouth as part of an H.I.V.treatment program.

VOA : special.2010.05.24

4. For example, you all know that the only treatment for some diseases is to get an organ transplant: a kidney transplant, or a liver transplant is the only life extending intervention that can be done for some kinds of diseases.

你们都知道,有些疾病只能,通过器官移植来治疗,肾移植,肝移植是在某些疾病的治疗中,唯一能够延长生命的手段生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. Most of you have read Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway, and you should recognize that her treatment of in Mrs. Dalloway is a treatment of a traumatized war victim.

多数人应该都读过弗吉尼亚,伍尔夫的《戴洛维夫人》,那么你们应该发现,书中作者描写塞普蒂莫斯,史密斯,的治疗方法就是治疗战后创伤患者的方法。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. The field is complicated by the fact that gluten-sensitivity diagnosis and treatment is often patient-driven.

FORBES: Gluten-Free Diets: Miracle Or Hype?

7. `Drug treatment is still a postcode lottery,' she said.


8. People who have lost their ability to do many things are sometimes able to regain some of these abilities with treatment.

VOA : special.2010.11.02

9. Her husband Carl also claimed the couple had never given their consent for the treatment.

BBC: 'I didn't know it was a trial'

10. I think there's a connection here between the image from the commonplace book and the treatment in Milton's mask of this strangely conjoint phenomenon of virginity and speechlessness.

我认为,笔记书中的形象,和弥尔顿《面具》中有关童贞和无语这一共同现象,是有联系的。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. In important respects, Cyprus has not received the same treatment as other bailed-out eurozone economies.

BBC: Lessons of Cyprus

12. The purpose of immediate treatment is to cool the victim as quickly as possible to stop the body temperature from increasing.

VOA : special.2010.07.27

13. It's not separated or marked off for special kind of treatment because it's holy. For a common object to become holy, you need a special act of dedication to God, to God or God's realm or God's service.

不会因为物体是神圣的而有什么区别对待,对于一个普通的事物来说,想要变得神圣,就必须对上帝做出一些牺牲,受到上帝的管辖,为上帝服务。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. Musa doesn't believe treatment of albinos will improve if Tanzanians remain uneducated about albinism.

CNN: Witchcraft in Tanzania: the good, bad and the persecution

15. And now we aim to try to help provide new treatment for these severely disabled patients.

现在,我们想要尽量帮助这些严重伤残的病人,找到新的治疗方法。7个颠覆你思想的演讲课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

16. Currently, only 3000 patients take what was once the best-selling oral diabetes treatment in the world.

FORBES: Steven Nissen: The Hidden Agenda Behind The FDA's New Avandia Hearings

17. And so they make a decision essentially to allow the child to die through non-treatment.

所以他们会作出决定,放弃治疗,让孩子自然死亡。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

18. It's the reason that God gives instructions regarding the treatment of one's fellow Israelites.

这就是上帝给出命令的原因,关于怎么对待同族的犹太人。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. The gaming aspect of the treatment also helps to lessen the stigma associated with getting therapy.

NPR: Virtual Reality Therapy for Combat Stress

20. We'll be doing this in one week, and the disjunction between the two works, this disjunction at least with respect to their treatment of the Fall, should dramatize the nature, or just the enormity, of a lot of the conceptual problems and conflicts that Milton is tackling here.

我们在一周内都会来做这个工作,将这两部著作分离开来,这种分离至少要尊重他们对秋天不同的理解,应该将自然戏剧化,还是只是极恶,弥尔顿在这里应对的很多观念上的问题和冲突。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. The United States Food and Drug Administration has approved 3 forms of beta interferon for treatment of Relapsing-Remitting MS.

VOA : special.2009.01.06

22. The earlier the treatment is given, the better the patient's chances of recovery.


23. The hospital famously spearheaded progressive treatment for children with mental health issues in the late 19th century.

UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO - A relic to a forgotten era: over a century of material documenting the medically incarcerated linked with Wellcome Trust in new project

24. Women are also advised to continue treatment through the recommended end of breastfeeding, when the baby is one year old.

VOA : special.2009.12.02

25. Her doctor is waiting for the results of some tests taken this week before starting treatment.


26. The guidelines for NHS fertility treatment in England and Wales changed earlier this year.

BBC: Obese women miss out under IVF shake-up

27. The main advances in prostate cancer treatment are being made in surgery and radiotherapy .

BBC: Prostate cancer

28. So, the answer is both Freud and modern day psychoanalysts would think that medications are substantially overused in the treatment of mental disorders.

所以问题的答案就是,弗洛伊德和当代精神分析学家们都认为,药物治疗在心理障碍的治疗中,被广泛滥用了。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. This week,we will tell about what is said to be the largest study yet of a treatment for Parkinson's disease.

VOA : special.2009.02.03

30. Goody has continued to appear on television and speak to the press throughout her treatment.

BBC: Goody 'wants to support her sons'

31. But a recent study shows that another treatment may have better results for patients who were not helped by drugs.

VOA : special.2010.03.02

32. One of the goals is to provide protection, medical diagnosis and treatment for every person at risk of malaria.

VOA : special.2010.04.20

33. About 140 patients requiring treatment on their feet and legs had appointments cancelled at short notice.

BBC: Feet showing superimposed computer image of bones

34. Asian carp were imported in the 1970s to cleanse Deep South aquaculture and sewage treatment ponds.

NPR: Gov. Quinn Open To Great Lakes-Mississippi Split

35. Gil Kerlikowske says reducing demand for drugs will depend not just on arrests but also on treatment for users.

VOA : special.2009.03.14

36. Given this generous tax treatment, pre-re muni yields are usually significantly below those on equivalent Treasuries.

FORBES: Munis: Better Than Treasuries?

37. In addition to people with Parkinson's, the treatment is also being tested for patients with severe depression, lasting pain and epilepsy.

VOA : special.2009.02.03

38. Treatment initially included hormone therapy and electrolysis but did not include gender reassignment surgery.

FORBES: Judge Orders Controversial Taxpayer Funded Transgender Surgery for Prisoner

39. But Diabetes UK said missing routine treatment could lead to complications which could result in amputations.

BBC: Feet showing superimposed computer image of bones

40. They are speaking out at shareholder meetings, bringing lawsuits and organizing to lobby for better treatment.

FORBES: Off with their perks!

41. Doctors are concentrating on understanding the disease better, and on optimizing the treatment.


42. The company said its customers thought reusing water from wastewater treatment works made sense.

BBC: Southern Water could recycle wastewater

43. However, many U.S. treatment centers do use chemo and radiation as part of post-surgery treatment.

CNN: A workout a day may keep cancer away

44. The 85-year-old said some of the money would go towards an international hospital for stem-cell treatment.

BBC: Gina Lollobrigida jewellery raises $5m at Geneva auction

45. the sexist implications of Saint John's treatment of virginity.

圣约翰对待处女中男性至上主义的暗示。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. Nearby is the Falcon Hospital, where owners of the fierce creatures bring them for treatment.

BBC: Souq Waqif, Dohas resilient, labyrinthine market

47. The circus has been attacked for alleged ill-treatment of animals.


48. Its understood he was then transferred to a specialist burns unit in Chelmsford for treatment.

BBC: Cambridgeshire paraglider hits overhead electric cables

49. Its treatment of these issues is indirect,it's implicit.

它的态度不直接可以说很含蓄。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. This property will be used to load and release the drug, making treatment instantaneous and effective.

UNESCO: 2012 UK and Ireland Fellows

51. Ms.Gass used cloth and paints to create an image of a water treatment center on the San Francisco Bay.

VOA : special.2011.06.15

52. Many tourists splash-and-dash their way through the hamam experience, leaving immediately after their treatment.

BBC: A guide to Istanbuls bath houses

53. It also has a sanctuary where baby chimps whose parents have been killed by hunters can receive treatment and protection.

VOA : special.2009.11.18

54. It could potentially enable better and earlier targeting of treatment for people with asthma.

BBC: Gene causes many asthma cases

55. Separating our water supply from sewage and learning how to do wastewater treatment was a really important part of reducing infectious diseases.

把净水和污水分开,以及学会污水处理的方法,是减少感染性疾病传播方法中的重要部分生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. So by indicating its combination treatment could successfully improve lung functioning, Vertex scored a big win.

FORBES: Vertex Scores A Big Win With Its Cystic Fibrosis Experiment

57. Psychology is not just the study of disease,weakness,and damage it also is the study of strength and virtue, Treatment is not just fixing what is wrong; it also is building what is right.

心理学不仅是对疾病,弱点和伤害进行研究,它也研究优点和美德,治疗不只是修复错误;,同时也要塑造正确的东西。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

58. If they had, they would have been tested to see if they needed treatment to prevent an infection like H.I.V.or hepatitis.

VOA : special.2010.02.10

59. The probation officer complained they had done nothing to get the girls' mother into drug treatment.

CNN: Selling Atlanta's children: What has and hasn't changed

60. So the problem of infectious disease prevention and treatment isn't solved yet, you know this, right?

传染病预防和治疗的问题,现在仍然没有解决,你们应该了解,对吧生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

61. He and other survivors were flown to Florida for emergency treatment at the University of Miami Jackson Memorial Hospital.

VOA : special.2010.02.01

62. Citizens queue in interminable lines and suffer humiliating treatment at the hands of surly authorities.

NEWSWEEK: Business

63. Ultimately, she says, the goal is to help patients tailor their own treatment plans.

WSJ: Citizen Scientists Take On the Health Establishment

64. Anti-slavery settlers in Kansas felt they could not get fair treatment from either the president or the new governor.

VOA : special.2009.05.07

65. One example was a girl in Nepal who was funded for a heart treatment through Watsi.

FORBES: Crowdfunding A Focus At Y Combinator Demo Day





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