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  • n. 混战;暗斗;内耗

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infighting /ˈɪnˌfaɪtɪŋ/

  • 1.
    不可数名词 Infighting is quarrelling and competition between members of the same group or organization. 内讧

    ...in-fighting between right-wingers and moderates in the party.




1. No point in fighting 抗拒是没有用的

2. used in fighting fires 一种手操作的循环泵 ; 用来灭火

3. close-in fighting 近距离作战

4. In fighting bulls 两只牛在打架

5. grow in strength in fighting 愈战愈强

6. The Mountain Village in Fighting 战斗的山村

7. they are in fighting 他们在战斗

8. Grow up in Fighting 战斗里成长

9. in fighting conditions 斗志旺盛


1. At many, stress and in-fighting are on the rise because of the threat of job cuts.


2. "double oligarch" height to monopolize pattern substitute relation lead to the feet the in-fighting type competition and rub each other, Department interests and local interests cause present lottery ticket issuer pattern difficult to improve.


3. And remember also that in fighting against Man, we must not come to resemble him.


4. He was made a duke for his contribution in fighting against Huns.


5. China has shown astonishing resolve in the last 25 years in fighting poverty, and you have great progress to show for it.


6. His passion for his work and his courage in fighting his cancer were an inspiration to us all.


7. They won't be undertaking training in fighting.


8. You expect this at Bayern where there's so much politics and in - fighting.


9. If people could go to work by bus or by bike instead of car or motorbike, it would be helpful in fighting against the problem of SO2.


10. The cooperative, in-fighting or confronting relationship formed in daily interaction for both sides will lead to the coordinative, concessive, or obstructive orientation of labor-capital action correspondingly.


11. In-fighting overrides most of the genetic advantages of the family model.


12. The current system of students ′ union in colleges and universities in China has many malpractices such as overstaffed organization, serious in-fighting and so on.


13. Is there somebody who comes back in fighting spirit?

有人负著战斗精神归来 吗 ?《互联网》

14. In fighting climate change, are computers part of the problem or part of the solution?


15. Hundreds of lives were lost in fighting.


16. Could he give Albania's image abroad a boost and help to calm the chronic political in-fighting that came close to wrecking last month's presidential vote and precipitating an early general election?


17. They had difficulty in fighting their proposal through.


18. We will unite in fighting crime.


19. We should unite in fighting / unite to fight poverty and disease.


20. In fighting and personal attacks among many Chinese have taken their toll.


21. One of the most effective strategies in fighting hunger is to start with good information.


22. Technology has always played a big role in fighting terrorism.


23. They'll also test whether it offers any benefit in fighting other types of disorders.

他们还检测维生素C对 治疗其他类疾病是否也有良好效果.《英汉非文学 - 生命科学 - 预防生物武器》

24. Any hostilities could result in retaliation and further embroil U.N. troops in fighting.


25. This time, in-fighting risks being far worse.


26. Ian Smith, a Ph.D. student of Boston University in the United States, said, "Cities are in the important position in fighting against rising temperatures and increasing CO2."


27. Actually, we are also looking at some, I think, very successful examples of cooperation, for example, in fighting malaria.


28. We've got to get it all in fighting shape, like a barrage balloon.

我们得在战斗状态, 象个诸塞气球.《电影对白》

29. Mr Gates, for example, has left Microsoft to take charge of his foundation, including its work in fighting diseases such as malaria and AIDS.


30. Wang Chengbang is also successful in fighting cancer.


31. What They Do - They contain magnesium which AIDS in fighting gloominess, misery and confused states of mind.


32. Barry McRoy, a South Carolina fire and rescue director, was leaving a Waffle House restaurant when two men came in fighting over a gun.


33. The promotion of healthy diets and regular, adequate physical activity are major factors in fighting the childhood obesity epidemic.


34. The power of such simple psychology in fighting climate change is attracting attention across the political establishment.


35. The goal in fighting the childhood obesity epidemic is to achieve an energy balance which can be maintained throughout the individual's life-span.


36. AZT's value in fighting AIDS has come under new doubt.


37. Everyone's effort matters—everyone should take an active part in fighting against food waste.


38. This in-fighting can be very detrimental to SOA.


39. Wei Yuan was famous for his HaiguoTuzhi and Cai E was best known for his role in fighting against Yuan Shikai.


40. The food industry plays a major role in fighting obesity.


41. The man did a great job in fighting COVID-19.


42. Labour, now led by Neil Kinnock, had still not recovered from years of in-fighting and Mrs Thatcher won an unprecedented third term at the 1987 general election.


43. In the past we relied mainly on the peasants in fighting.


44. A subset of the letters, revealed for the first time, offer insight into the in-fighting behind the ground-breaking DNA research.


45. The in-fighting among the six parties is ferocious.

这六个政党之间的暗斗相当激烈。《provided by jukuu》

46. We must unite all the forces in fighting against the intruders.


47. Citigroup is planning to overhaul its bonus system for hundreds of top managers in an effort to increase co-operation and minimise in-fighting among the disparate parts of the sprawling financial services conglomerate.


48. The reported in-fighting and injuries to key players clearly hindered mourinho's efforts to win the Premiership and Champions league, yet he managed to fight till the very end in both competitions.

报道中的内部战争和队内关键球员的受伤影响了穆里尼奥夺得联赛和欧冠冠军的努力,然而他还是努力在各项赛事中战斗到最后。《provided by jukuu》

49. He had great trouble in fighting his suggestion through.


50. The committee member had difficulty in fighting his suggestion through.


51. We must unite the workers in fighting against inhuman conditions.


52. Cities do better in fighting against rising temperatures and increasing CO2.



1. Notorious for Washington in-fighting, the two organisations only found out when investigators from the UK informed them they were onto each other's men.

BBC: Man at a computer

2. In the war in Afghanistan, U.S.troops are not only fighting insurgents - they are expected to win over the hearts and minds of the local population.

VOA : standard.2010.04.06

3. Although the leadership shake-up has been expected for months, nothing was certain because of secrecy and in-fighting within the ruling Party.

BBC: China begins leadership change

4. but the fact is they are intelligent, ambitious,motivated and to be just a pawn in the story of a whole bunch of men fighting it out,rolling around and getting down-and-dirty, while there you are just a vision in a tight cat-suit is just a boring thing."

VOA : standard.2010.05.19

5. But past campaigns have been marred by in-fighting and coach Guus Hiddink is under pressure to keep the peace.

BBC: image: [ The Dutch team ]

6. In 2007 and 2008, the Hawiye Tradition and Unity Council endorsed al-Shabab and other opposition groups fighting a bloody insurgency against Somalia's Ethiopia-backed secular government.

VOA : standard.2009.04.17

7. He says fighting the Taliban and al-Qaida there is crucial to security in Britain.

VOA : standard.2009.11.11

8. In March and April, inter-tribal fighting killed more than in Akobo and Pibor counties.

VOA : standard.2009.08.08

9. Further east, Newport Gwent Dragons' birth was marred by in-fighting as Newport and Ebbw Vale briefly married and hurriedly divorced.

BBC: Scarlets coach Nigel Davies wants Welsh regions rethink

10. And, so, as things are going downhill many people in Paris said look, we must keep fighting, but we must imagine a different world where--we have, we're being betrayed by the provinces that are not helping us, and we need to have help from the provinces.

于是局势日渐危急,许多在巴黎的人说,我们必须战斗,我们要想象出一个全新的世界,有些省份对我们坐视不理,我们被遗弃了,我们需要其他省的援助1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. Is this the start of South Africa's Zimbabwefication, a logical response to a grotesque wealth gap, intellectual posturing, or a mere symptom of political in-fighting?

BBC: Winter means strike time in South Africa

12. In the last couple of months, the PKK - Turkish Kurds fighting for greater cultural and political rights since 1984 - have been steadily stepping up their attacks.

VOA : standard.2010.06.17

13. Policies in particular that involve more than one Whitehall department often disintegrate through bureaucratic in-fighting.

ECONOMIST: Tony Blairs mighty servant

14. The four men have been meeting for weeks to try to bring an end to the in-fighting.

BBC: Investigation into loyalist murder

15. And by autumn, if not before, Italy will be limbering up for yet another bout of in-fighting and alliance-making in the approach to the general election.

ECONOMIST: Italy: Same old mess | The

16. From a global, biological perspective this in-fighting over alleged medical and religious ethics is in fact nothing less than an all out affront to environmental sustainability.

FORBES: Planet Under Siege: Family Planning Critics Soon To See Global Population Reach 7,000,000,000

17. The program that led to this in-fighting, AskEraser, advertises that it lets users turn off the tracking of their search history.

FORBES: Magazine Article

18. In eighteen sixty-four, the battle at Cold Harbor in Virginia ended a month of fighting by the Union Army of the Potomac.

VOA : special.2009.12.03

19. This year's World Food Prize will honor two leaders of hunger-fighting groups based in the United States.

VOA : special.2010.06.22

20. But can the Ukraine put up a united front after so much domestic in-fighting?

BBC: Ukraine face finals struggle

21. The unceremonious dumping of the prime minister revived memories of Haiti's recent past, in which in-fighting among grasping politicians denied it both government and foreign aid.

ECONOMIST: The dumping of the prime minister raises fears of drift

22. In eighteen sixty-four the Union of northern states and the Confederacy of southern states were still fighting.

VOA : special.2009.12.10

23. But Biden countered that the Bush White House mishandled the conflict, and should have been more focused on fighting al-Qaida in Afghanistan.

VOA : standard.2010.02.14

24. The Islamic summit was supposed to divert attention from this domestic in-fighting.

ECONOMIST: Islams political football

25. The United States has the largest military force in the country among the 42-nation coalition fighting the eight-year-old war against the insurgents.

VOA : standard.2009.09.15

26. That is the kind of in-fighting which helped to bring down the Tories.

ECONOMIST: The chancellor

27. For the BJP, grappling with an ideological crisis compounded by in-fighting, the report comes at a bad time.

ECONOMIST: The mosque at Ayodhya

28. One consequence of the in-fighting has been the creation this week of a new centre-right party that will run on an explicitly anti-Orthodox platform.

ECONOMIST: Middle East

29. And most of all, the recent international financial collaboration is fraught with in-fighting and complexity.

ECONOMIST: The global economic summit

30. The ICA's recent past that has been most notable for in-fighting and financial turmoil.

BBC: ICA's hip replacement

31. Many within the party fear the return of Labour in-fighting may well damage its popularity.

BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Get a grip, Blunkett tells Labour

32. Many business leaders complain that the government, which yokes together the conservative Christian Democrats (CDU) with the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP), is plagued by in-fighting.

ECONOMIST: German business and politics

33. So, it's--In a way, it decided when the fighting is going to take place up to a point.

这种情况,在一定程度上,决定了战争爆发的时间古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. It is found in electrical parts and fire-fighting products.

VOA : special.2009.06.23

35. Once this in-fighting gets resolved, though, WebRTC could have a big impact on everything from games and education to business collaboration, customer support and telemedicine.

FORBES: Google And Mozilla Strike The Golden Spike On The Tracks Of The Real Time Web

36. But the BBC south-east Asia correspondent says a big factor was the in-fighting in Vietnam between reformists and conservatives.

BBC: Clinton hails Vietnam trade accord

37. There has been less of the in-fighting that marred Mr Delors's tenure.

ECONOMIST: Santers missing teeth

38. Nobody in the coalition wants to restart their earlier in-fighting by flatly contradicting her.

ECONOMIST: Taxes in Germany

39. Mr Thompson has also been part of the in-fighting in Newark.

ECONOMIST: The Newark scandal

40. Fighting ended in 1953 with only a cease-fire agreement.

VOA : standard.2009.12.08

41. The issue for HP is much bigger than in-fighting over Autonomy.

FORBES: Will HP Still Be Around in 12 Month's Time?

42. He points out that U.S.soldiers, before this generation, were fighting Asians - Japanese in World War II, then Koreans and Vietnamese.

VOA : standard.2010.07.14

43. New data show the World Health Organization's simple and cost-effective approach in fighting tuberculosis works.

VOA : standard.2009.12.09

44. You can go way there's lots of books on this and articles on this; why cockfighting was more popular in the South, why country fighting and eye-gouging was--.

你可以去查阅,有很多相关的资料和书籍,为什么斗鸡在南方更盛行,为什么打架和挖眼珠子更美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

45. In nineteen forty-three, George Moriarty wrote a song designed to support American forces fighting in World War Two.

VOA : special.2011.04.04

46. In areas where fighting has been most fierce between the Taliban and U.S.-led NATO forces Afghans say attacks, violence and terrorism are identified as the country's biggest problem.

VOA : standard.2009.10.27

47. According to VOA sources in Somalia, many foreigners are based at al-Shabab training camps in the towns of Marka,Barawe,and Kismayo, teaching thousands of recruits bomb-making skills and guerrilla fighting tactics.

VOA : standard.2009.12.23

48. It was a disaster. In eleven days of fighting, one-third of the Confederate Army in Georgia was destroyed.

VOA : special.2009.12.03

49. He said his men would be well-trained in mountain fighting.

VOA : special.2009.06.18

50. But he also seems to be losing his stomach for the party in-fighting he long relished.


51. So if you're fighting a non-hoplite infantry crowd, you're in great shape.

所以如果你和非方阵的步兵群战斗,你就能保持队形古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. His Hamburg brethren may win a tad more than their miserable 25% four years ago (caused not least by local in-fighting and scandal).

ECONOMIST: Germany: Election foretaste | The

53. An estimated 80,000 people died in the fighting, many in World War I-style trench warfare.

VOA : standard.2009.08.20

54. The Pakistani military is fighting al-Qaida and Taliban militants in the tribal regions bordering Afghanistan where they are believed to have set up terrorist training camps.

VOA : standard.2009.10.11

55. Mr Berlusconi, his party weakened by in-fighting and his own indecision, spied an opportunity.

BBC: Italy: Last days of Mario Monti

56. Pakistan has battled Taliban militants in its northwest tribal areas since the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan, but the fighting is now moving closer to population centers, forcing tens of thousands of civilians to flee.

VOA : standard.2009.05.05

57. Furthermore, owner in-fighting exists regarding the optimal form of revenue sharing.

FORBES: The 2010 Sports Business Year In Review

58. It put the Confederate states in the position of fighting for slavery -- even though most of the soldiers were too poor to own slaves.

VOA : special.2009.02.09





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