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英 [ˈlɑːfəbli]play美 [ˈlæfəbli]play

  • adv. 可笑地;有趣地

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1. laughably absurd 荒唐得滑稽的 ; 荒谬可笑的

2. laughably cheap 卑贱地可笑

3. laughably anxious 可笑地忧虑


1. Like this and laughably giving him don't!


2. Starting is interrogative, there are a lot of answers wanting to demand, can is that so to demand and look for more laughably and rather don't .


3. Her income was laughably small, but she managed to live well.

她的收入少得可怜, 但是她却通过努力而能够过得很好.《互联网》

4. That was far more optimistic than other forecasts at the time it was published, and quickly became laughably Panglossian.


5. Thinking of that makes the project of finding some order in the stock market seem laughably na ï ve.


6. He is shooting so well in part because he has been laughably judicious in Sacramento, playing in a slow-motion haze, pump-faking his way out of shots as if he were more concerned with his statistics than helping the Kings win.


7. Even by the standards of oil states, Angola is almost laughably unfair.


8. The nationalist reaction to the Smith report was laughably typical.


9. At one time or another, they have been explained as Inca roads, irrigation plans, images to be appreciated from primitive hot-air balloons, and, most laughably, landing strips for alien spacecraft.


10. Indeed, a Chatham House spokesman says it "would completely go against the grain" to even consider the issue of citizenship when granting membership; to them, the idea seems laughably bizarre.


11. No matter how brilliant you think you may be, the day will come when you will be told in no uncertain terms that you are laughably wrong.


12. The hipsters, no matter what their gender history, long for the days of pre-HIV/AIDS homo culture, dressing like extras from Al Pacino’s laughably bad “Cruising.”


13. The whole holiday's gotten laughably commercial.


14. It was only the laughably small payments that caused problems.


15. Common sense would tell a young dancer that very few (laughably few) of his or her colleagues will ever make it to the top or even near the top.


16. Comedians around the world have plenty tosay about this year's US presidential contest, from broader commentary on Americanculture ( many contend US presidential debates are laughably superficial) topointed criticism of Trump's rise.


17. Economists have tended to content themselves with a laughably simple picture of human motivation, rationality and well-being.


18. That is already changing, slowly, though subjects of interest to northern white computer-literate males are over-covered, while others are laughably neglected.


19. One new volume by a pair of professional defeatists is laughably titled Going South: Why Britain Will Have a Third World Economy By 2014.

一对职业失败主义者为他们撰写的一本新书取了这样一个可笑的名字:《加入南方国家:为什么英国会在2014年成为第三世界经济体》(Going South:Why Britain Will Have a Third World Economy By2014)。

20. In the United States, the anti-GMO movement is almost laughably impotent, despite the headlines it manages to regularly snag.


21. The coy C and N euphemisms ( like the laughably juvenile F bomb) are an understandable alternative in family-oriented newspapers and magazines, and, I suppose, on broadcast television.


22. Oliver Stone’s bloody social satire is almost laughably out-dated, but that doesn’t mean the movie doesn’t have stylishly haunting and disturbing scenes set to a soundtrack by Nine Inch Nails.

也许奥利弗-斯通那套血淋淋的社会讽刺已经过时得可笑了,不过那可跟这部电影没有关系,《天生杀人狂》有着绚丽花俏而令人恐慌的画面,配上九寸钉(Nine Inch Nails)的音乐,使人难以忘怀。

23. With the Wearable PC, IBM will soon make that classic movie scene laughably out - of - date.

IBM公司推出可穿戴电脑之后, 这种电影场景不仅将变得可笑而且过时.《互联网》

24. governments have crippled industry over the years with laughably counterproductive policies ( including penalising large companies and so ensuring that China took charge of every internationally traded sector from garments to white goods);


25. To an outsider, the issues that we fight about would seem almost laughably petty.


26. British Telecom has been rolling out its 21st century network (moving telephony to an IP backbone) but laughably on 20th century networking protocols.


27. That plane itself looks almost laughably archaic.


28. Life life juniority of time I return so of look forward to but now then of I be being not so magnificent and victorious either. sad laughably as well or wretchedness!


29. INTERNAL TIME [ qh] [ qh]" Six hours "sleep for a man, seven for a woman, and eight for a fool," Napoleon famously prescribed. But despite the laughably sexist hierarchy, his rule of thumb turns out to be grossly unsupported by science.


30. However, healthy companies that did not need loans were finding it laughably easy to raise money.


31. In entertainment or sports, dumpster fire refers to a laughably poor performance usually caused by: 1.


32. As a school, he could never have made this foolish thing, which was laughably stupid.


33. He says "We find anything that is even slightly below human-level performance to be unacceptable. Take chatbots-they are not that far from human level performance... but we are so sensitive to any imperfections that they often seem laughably bad."


34. Some CIO job advertisements laughably demonstrate this dual-role, in the same sentence asking for a “strategic partner” and “extensive Cobol knowledge.”


35. With the Wearable PC, IBM will soon make that classic movie scene laughably out-of-date.


36. That is laughably overblown, not least because Westminster's first-past-the-post system makes it much harder for them to win even one.



1. Perhaps Underwood reminds us how laughably hypocritical it is for legislators who support drone strikes to target video games.

FORBES: McGraw-Hill Education's 'Government In Action' Is Like 'House of Cards': The Game

2. He laughably, with hindsight, claimed that he'd abolished boom and bust.

BBC: Nick Clegg interview

3. The council is looking at ways to raise rates, which are laughably low.

ECONOMIST: In a tremor-prone country, flimsy homes cost lives

4. Leave it to global warming alarmists to exploit the innocent victims of a human tragedy like Hurricane Sandy to spread the laughably false notion that global warming caused the storm.

FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

5. The sequence is both laughably artificial and entirely convincing, a manipulation that may have been motivated by commercial demands but becomes an opportunity for existential exploration.

NEWYORKER: Tune in Next Week

6. Last week a public television channel broadcast a laughably sycophantic interview with Mr Schmitt, while he was still attempting to cling to office.

ECONOMIST: Hungarian politics

7. But I have a very hard time believing that an organization that is run by a farcical dinosaur like Zyuganov, and that puts out such laughably tone-deaf pronouncements, can be any sort of progressive force.

FORBES: Russia's Communist Party - Still Full of Degenerate Old Hacks

8. This up close and personal approach may seem laughably archaic to the once-celebrated "genius" quant jocks and bonus baby M.

FORBES: New Geographer

9. "Laughably, " he had said, "the departments here were out by about 2, 200%, which is, frankly, not a brilliant forecast".

BBC: UK Politics

10. Done badly, it can make it laughably easy to outwit computer-controlled opponents.

BBC: Creature from Black and White Electronic Arts

11. Some of Dichter's preachings--among them: that marketers should offer absolution to consumers who indulge in guilty pleasures like smoking cigarettes or eating sweets--seem laughably simple today.

FORBES: In Search of the Buy Button

12. Since its launch in June of 1999, Complain.com has gotten a laughably low 160 takers.

FORBES: The Whiners

13. If Apple wanted cheap money it would issue bonds the way both Microsoft and IBM have recently, at laughably low interest costs.

FORBES: Preferred Apple Idea: Ignore Einhorn And Buy Netflix

14. Furthermore, the area in question is laughably small: all of the alleged incursions, bar one, cover no more than a few hundred square metres.


15. To an outsider, the issues that we fight about would seem almost laughably petty.


16. That red carpet abomination at the top of the show was laughably awful, but at least it was quick.

CNN: 'The X Factor' season finale recap: Country strong

17. Their landing system, borrowed from Pathfinder, was almost laughably simple: Rivellini and Steltzner just wrapped the rovers in air bags.

NEWYORKER: The Martian Chroniclers

18. It is testament to the laughably modest standards for finding a domestic industry injured by reason of dumped imports that duties were ever imposed in the furniture case.

FORBES: Why Antidumping Duties On Chinese Furniture Don't Save U.S. Jobs

19. Republicans, including President Bush laughably said that the bailout of failed banks was the only thing keeping us from falling into the mother of all Great Depressions, and Obama has continued the bailout culture that began under Republicans.

FORBES: Documentary Review: Dinesh D'Souza Unsuccessfully Reaches With 2016

20. I'm not alone, judging from the swarms of poker-faced gardeners I've spotted at some nurseries loading up their cars with almost laughably small plants, especially the alpines that flourish in hypertufa.

WSJ: Trough Gardening: A Challenger to the Terrarium Craze?

21. And then you tell us, laughably really, that the Republicans ought to mimic David Cameron's winning electoral recipe in Britain.


22. And indeed, the notion that the US would go to war against Israel to protect Iran's nuclear installations is laughably absurd.


23. Training for these volunteers - "nearly all ill-educated, unemployed lower-middle-class youths full of enthusiasm" - is laughably inadequate.


24. Armenia chooses to ally with Russia simply because the country in an almost laughably awful position: it is almost entirely surrounded by Iran, Turkey, and Azerbaijan.

FORBES: Putin Isn't "Gaining Ground" Regardless of what Amir Taheri Says

25. With the stated intention of getting the debt-driven consumer economy rolling again, the Federal Reserve has made taking on debt almost laughably cheap and the returns on savings and investments pathetic.

FORBES: The Hidden Taxation of Wealthy Americans

26. They are laughably attempting to make it for the next 30-years on nothing but miniscule bond income.

FORBES: In which Downtown Josh Brown solves the volume riddle

27. But as anyone who pays the bills or does the household grocery shopping knows, a government-reported 3.1 percent inflation rate is laughably low.

FORBES: Inflation Isn't The Point Of Monetary Easing

28. He and his rough and fumble cohorts are laughably ill-equipped from the footballs in their arsenal (teams tend to own exactly one pigskin) to fans (minimal) to sponsors (few and fleeting).

WSJ: Film Review

29. At a time when the conventional wisdom within the intelligence community (IC) deemed such spending to be relatively close to the Kremlin's officially released, laughably low and wholly misleading numbers, he disagreed with his characteristic truculence.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: In Memoriam an unsung hero of the Cold War: William T. Lee

30. SandRidge laughably claims the TPG-Axon director slate lacks requisite energy experience.

FORBES: Tom Ward Of SandRidge Energy: Another CEO That's Got To Go

31. This seems laughably easy.

FORBES: How Randi Zuckerberg's Silicon Valley Reality Show Is Luring In Viewers? Hint: Facebook Meets Ego-Tracker





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melic的意思是:adj. 可歌咏的;歌的;诗的。学考宝为您提供melic是什么意思,melic的翻译,melic的用法,melic的短语搭配,melic的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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arbitrary的意思是:adj. 任意的,随心所欲的;专横的,武断的。学考宝为您提供arbitrary是什么意思,arbitrary的翻译,arbitrary的用法,arbitrary的短语搭配,arbitrary的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


spirituous的意思是:adj. 酒精的;酒精成分高的;含酒精的。学考宝为您提供spirituous是什么意思,spirituous的翻译,spirituous的用法,spirituous的短语搭配,spirituous的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


April的意思是:n. 四月。学考宝为您提供April是什么意思,April的翻译,April的用法,April的短语搭配,April的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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