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in state是什么意思_in state怎么读_in state的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


in state

in state

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instate /ɪnˈsteɪt/

  • 1.
    动词 to place in a position or office; install 使就任; 安置



1. object in state 状态中的对象 ; 状态中物件

2. In-state reaction 状态内反应

3. in-state 入态 ; 本州的

4. class-in-state 状态类

5. lying in state 遗容 ; 葬前供公众瞻仰

6. receive in state 隆重接待

7. lie in state 埋葬前任人吊唁 ; 葬前供公众瞻仰 ; 殡殓后供人凭吊 ; 供人瞻仰

8. in state of prosperity 旺盛的样子

9. pay in state 支付状态 ; 在国家支付


1. The Christian right has been steadily gaining ground in state politics.


2. Mercury is adverse to other metals in state at ordinary temperature.


3. Prevalent Vulnerabilities in State-of-the-Art Cloud Offerings


4. The king sent him in state , a troop of soldiers as his bodyguard.


5. In both cases the activity ends in state skipped.


6. United States: Class action lawsuit in state of Massachusetts


7. Its share of the vote plunged in state elections in August.


8. He has established himself as a pivotal figure in state politics.


9. Addition, in State practice Canada also never closed Northwest Passage.


10. A good example are actions in state machines.


11. If this data is lost, you lose important information or a change in state within the system.


12. Hence, we introduce the method of reconstructing the attractor in state spaces.


13. A discussion on measurement transformation technology in state estimation for distribution network


14. She had an office, her activities were related on the presidency's internet site and she took part in state visits, Mr Fau said.


15. If convicted on all charges, he faces a maximum of more than 11 years in state prison.


16. The current-mode CC realization of circuit built in state variable method


17. Part 1 introduces the ascertainment of key stuff in state - owned commercial banks.

第1部分介绍了 国有 商业银行核心员工的界定.《互联网》

18. Ordinary workers in state industry, once favoured, suddenly found themselves at the bottom of the heap.


19. In Belgium, immigrants who lose jobs can receive almost two-thirds of their most recent wage in state benefits, which must make the hunt for a new job less urgent.


20. Teaching in state schools has long been subject to inspection.


21. The president was driven in state through the streets.


22. Our society is in a state of flux.


23. The business has 34 retail outlets in this state alone.


24. The paper study the principle of state point's movement in state space, and through the energy optimized control arithmetic, to reach the aim of energy optimized control.


25. The latest is a boomlet in state laws requiring divestment from Iran.


26. He had wearied of teaching in state universities


27. Tian jiu, a Mohist, wanted to express his general plan for governing the country to King Hui of the state of Qin. He had stayed in state Qin for three years, but had not gotten an opportunity to meet the king.


28. Elaborated separately at first that the status of our country's custom in state law and actual life. State law should approve custom, and custom need affirmation of the state law with tradition external authoritative disappearance.


29. Repair the activity instance in state stopped, for example, force-retry and force-complete.


30. Sandzak’s Bosniaks say they are under-represented in state institutions like the police.


31. She was in a state of shock.


32. An indication may have zero or more event triggers, which are recognitions of changes in state.


33. Intake in state primary schools is down by 10 %.


34. The trade body says that the world's carriers may need$ 200bn in state aid to stay aloft.


35. He pronounced the country to be in a state of war.


36. We're all in a state of perpetual motion in this office.


37. It's no wonder homeowners and builders have filed hundreds of lawsuits in state and federal courts.


38. Emission standards applicable to preexisting stationary sources appear in state implementation plans ( SIPs).


39. Repairing an activity in state stopped


40. Repairing an activity in state stopped a "example."


41. Doppler frequency drift and timing error were considered in state transform equations.


42. They were in a state of panic.


43. There is considerable room for improvement in state facilities for treating the mentally handicapped.


44. Senators are chosen in state - wide elections held in even - numbered years.


45. The flower girl enters in state.


46. The room was in a state of disorder.


47. Why can't parents in state schools always get what they want?


48. A transition is typically the result of an invocation that causes an important change in state.


49. The king received the ambassador in state.


50. Yet that is exactly what UMNO fears most after a run of embarrassing defeats in state and federal polls.


51. He was still in a state of numbness and shock from the accident.


52. As I mentioned earlier, monads can represent changes in state.


53. The phenomenon of imperial concubines meddling in state affairs aroused my interest.


54. A barrage of commentaries in state media in recent days underscored mistrust of Mrs. Clinton's strategy.


55. He's still in a state of shock.


56. This would mean in all public places, since it is already banned in state institutions under the 2004 law.


57. Cement clinker with aluminum modulus less than 1.4 can produce cement by finish grinding system with roller press, and the cement quality can fully meet the requirement stipulated in State Standard.


58. Perhaps the Arab League should view the country as its first exercise in state-building.


59. Workers in state enterprises were permitted to moonlight.


60. Hybrid Detection and Identification Method of Bad Data in State Estimation


61. Most of the cases were decided in state courts, when the railroads had the climate of the times on their sides.


62. Analysis and solutions of human resources management in state owned enterprises


63. Outside are insignia, shown in state ; But here are sweet incense - clouds , quietly ours .

兵卫森画戟, 宴 寝 凝清香.《英汉 - 翻译样例 - 文学》

64. Without it, nothing could ever be brought to a conclusion; everything would be in state of chaos.


65. I go in state to court to meet the Queen.


66. Thinking on establishing stock option plan in state-owned enterprises


67. One company had a virtual lock on all orange juice sales in the state.


68. The superstar lives in state.


69. The President was driven in state through the streets.


70. He had wearied of teaching in state universities.


71. Important changes in state; for example, when a service starts or stops.


72. The observer is interested in state changes of the subject.


73. Intake in state primary schools is down by10%.



1. And this is just a picture showing some of these sizes with their parent. So, for example, a lithium here, you can see how lithium plus is smaller than the actual lithium atom in its neutral state.

这是一张对比图,展示某些离子与它们的母体,比如,这里是锂,大家可以看到正一价锂离子是多么的小,与中性锂原子相比。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

2. Some Republicans want to bar all lawsuits -- and particularly those in state courts.

CNN: Issues in the House debate over patients' rights

3. Too many children in state schools do not have access to excellent teaching and materials.

BBC: Cambridge University funded to offer A-level maths help

4. State legislatures are charged with creating maps to provide equal representation in state and congressional districts.

CNN: Court upholds key tool of Voting Rights Act

5. They blamed Grant for the party's defeats in state and congressional elections.

VOA : special.2010.03.04

6. The Russian government does not release data on the amount of palladium in state stockpiles.

FORBES: Palladium Hits 11-Week High On Renewed Concerns About Russian Supplies

7. But the enforcement power, the right to punish, everyone can do the punishing in the state of nature.

而说到执行权,惩罚权,自然状态下人人都能实施惩罚权。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. or people who want to work in State government, State Senators.

有人想去州政府,当州参议员,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 肯尼迪学校

9. Likewise, promising cuts in state spending is all well and good but what cuts?

BBC: France economy: Francois Hollande does business

10. One of the greatest challenges will be making enough trained teachers and facilities available in state-run schools, especially in rural areas.

VOA : standard.2010.04.01

11. Traditionally,the president does not fill federal jobs in a state until he discusses them with the senators from that state.

VOA : special.2010.04.22

12. Hobbes wants this sort of dictatorship to keep people from brawling in the state of nature.

他希望建立一个类似独裁的政府,以制止人们在"自然状态"下的争斗欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. However, by far the biggest economic disaster is being created in Washington and in state capitols.

FORBES: Goodbye Recovery, Hello Recession

14. This desire to keep deposits in state banks risks slowing the pace of reforms.

ECONOMIST: Problems left over from history

15. Make sure you have batteries that are in a good state of charge in your calculator.

确保你的计算器电池,处在一个良好的状态。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

16. But De Gaulle,who we'll talk about later, De Gaulle said,how in the hell can you run a state in which there are four-hundred and forty different kinds of cheese?

但是戴高乐,我们之后会谈到他,他说,到底怎么样去管理一个,拥有四百四十多种不同奶酪的国家1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. If we take hydrogen peroxide in the liquid state, it can break down to form water and oxygen.

如果我们有一些液态的过氧化氢,它会分解成水和氧气。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

18. I'm Faith Lapidus. One of the world's great natural wonders is in the state of New Mexico, in the American Southwest.

VOA : special.2010.01.04

19. They have not yet decided where, although they probably will file in state court, King said.

WSJ: Gun group to sue over tougher NY gun law

20. Hobbes derives the very power of the sovereign from the natural right of each individual to do as they like in the state of nature.

他认为君主的权力源自于,人民原本在自然社会中,能自由行使的个人权力。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. She served as a writer in residence at Coppin State University in Baltimore,Maryland.

VOA : special.2010.04.18

22. So much of the pathos of Satan's fallen condition involves his painful memory of that blissful state in heaven from which he had fallen.

很多撒旦堕落后的悲怆,夹杂了他憾失此前在天堂的幸福生活的,苦痛的回忆。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. Women whose lives are mostly held in the private sphere rather than a public one are never gonna be taken in for state torture because they aren't actors on the political and social theme.

一些妇女,她们的生活处于,隐秘和不公开的状态,“国家酷刑“从来不会把她们算进去,因为在政治和社会层面上,她们并非活跃分子。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

24. Or if predestined to die late, Make up your mind to die in state.

或者如果注定要晚点离开世界,那么下定决心离开地庄严一点。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. But Bob Byrd and his family chose to lay in state in the Senate chamber.

WHITEHOUSE: Remembering Senator Robert Byrd

26. So, for the first time in state history, the Illinois House of Representatives in Springfield voted Friday to impeach the governor.

VOA : special.2009.01.12

27. Even though West Virginia had remained in the Union, about half of the people in the state supported the South.

VOA : special.2009.07.20

28. Republicans also made crawling gains in state congressional elections and increased their governorships by two.

FORBES: The Real Lessons For The Republicans From The 11/6 Elections

29. Since AMD sued, 61 me-too class actions have been filed in state and federal courts.


30. BP, Shell, ABB and Exxon all sold their holdings in state-owned Chinese firms by 2005.

ECONOMIST: Buying a stake in China Inc is no shortcut to market share

31. Two-thirds of all eligible transactions in state economies (services, exempt products) are not taxed.

FORBES: Bobby Jindal's Tax Plan Is A 'Posterize' Slam Dunk Over Texas Governor Perry

32. Several lawsuits challenging election results have been filed in state court by Palm Beach voters.

CNN: voter protest

33. Already, extra revenue in state treasuries is easing the pain of getting welfare mothers into jobs.

ECONOMIST: Use it, dont lose it

34. Corporal punishment was outlawed in state schools in 1986, but remained legal in independent schools.

BBC: Corporal punishment banned for all

35. David Johnson is a chemistry professor in the State University of New York's College of Environmental Science and Forestry.

VOA : special.2009.06.09

36. Republicans are fighting to retake Congress from the Democratic Party of President Obama and make gains in state elections.

VOA : special.2010.09.18

37. "And,we ended up being involved in state-building and counter-narcotics and human rights and nation development, which actually took the focus away from the main priority."

VOA : standard.2009.08.02

38. I mean, it's actually a state school. So it's very inexpensive for the people who live in the state.

我的意思是,它实际上是一所公立学校。所以对住在这个州的人来说,学费很便宜。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 和设计专业的朋友

39. Certainly in principle we know how to calculate this and other stuff for a change in state of this sort, for lots of changes of state.

的确原则上我们可以对某个状态变化,计算这些物理量,或者其他物理量,对其他的变化也可以做相同的计算。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

40. Thatcher requested that she not lie in state and that there be no military flyby.

WSJ: Global Figures to Pay Respects at Funeral for Margaret Thatcher in London

41. She worked in state Supreme Court in Manhattan doing legal research for judges, court officials said.

WSJ: NY mom holding baby falls 8 stories, dies; baby OK

42. Its tax base withering, Pontiac fell into receivership in 2009 and remains in state oversight.

WSJ: As Playoff Party Starts, a City Feels Left Behind

43. The lawsuit, which seeks unspecified damages, is still pending in state court in Ohio.

FORBES: Dirty Laundry

44. And eventually, God will be completely displaced and the community will be left in a godless state, without blessing or protection.

到最后,上帝将会被替代,整个社会处于一个无神的状态,失去神的祝福和保护。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

45. Suppose we put somebody in a state of suspended animation, cool their body down so that the various metabolic processes come to an end.

假设我们让某人,进入假死状态,将他们的身体降温,所有的代谢过程都停止。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. Based on that performance, "Maybe no one in state government should be paid, " he says.

FORBES: Wall Street

47. Despite tens of millions of dollars in state investment, the promised 3, 000-plus jobs didn't appear.

WSJ: Glenn Reynolds: The Hollywood Tax Story They Won't Tell at the Oscars

48. The Santa Fe Trail began in the state of Missouri, the nineteenth century gateway to the wild and largely unexplored West.

VOA : special.2009.03.30

49. "This is ground zero for the nation." Democrats in the state Senate fled to the neighboring Midwestern state of Illinois.

VOA : special.2011.02.25

50. It called for greater attention to cuts in state funding to education and rising tuition.

CNN: California campus police on leave after pepper-spraying

51. Keyes was in state custody in Anchorage because there are no federal prisons in Alaska.

WSJ: Alaska killer's writings include disturbing poetry

52. In state legislatures and city councils, just as in the Congress in Washington, tinkering won't suffice.

WSJ: What Sent States' Fiscal Picture Into a Tailspin?

53. An Ankara court on Monday ruled that the Turkish president Abdullah Gul should face prosecution for embezzling millions of dollars in state funds.

VOA : standard.2009.05.20

54. Suppose we were trying to decide on a constitution for the world in that state.

比如我们会讨论决定,这个世界的结构体制。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. He is frequently invited to testify before Congress and in state legislatures regarding climate science.

FORBES: The Meltdown Of Global Warmists Reveals Their True Priorities

56. One of the most difficult things to grasp in state taxation is the concept of domicile.

FORBES: Aggravation for Expatriate - Can Moving From Japan to New York Make You a Rhode Island Resident?

57. Next on the AIDS council wish list: a project to raise awareness in state religious departments.

CNN: A Spirited Response

58. That was for students from "in state."

VOA : special.2010.04.08

59. Sadly, in state after state, nativist sentiment beats out economic sense time and time again.

FORBES: Alabama's Disgraceful Immigration Law is Bad for the Economy

60. It also made it more difficult for people to sue state governments in state federal courts.

ECONOMIST: The Serbs go

in state是什么意思_in state怎么读_in state的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句




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