莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [ləʊˈkeɪʃn]play美 [loʊˈkeɪʃ(ə)n]play

  • n. 地点,位置;(电影的)外景拍摄地;定位;(计算机内存里的)地址

复数 locations

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


location /ləʊˈkeɪʃən/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A location is the place where something happens or is situated. 地点

    The first thing he looked at was his office's location.


  • 2.
    可数名词 The location of someone or something is their exact position. 准确位置

    She knew the exact location of The Eagle's headquarters.


  • 3.
    有变体名词 A location is a place away from a studio where a film or part of a film is made. 外景拍摄地

    ...an art film with dozens of exotic locations.




  • adj.

    located 处于,位于;坐落的

    locative 表示位置的;位置格的

  • n.

    locality 所在;位置;地点

    locator 定位器,探测器

    locating 定位;定位查找

    locative 位置格

    locater 定位器(等于locator)

  • v.

    locating 找出;安置;确定…的位置(locate的ing形式)

  • vi.

    locate 定位;定居

  • vt.

    locate 位于;查找…的地点


  • n.位置(形容词locational);地点;外景拍摄场地

    site   /   situation   /   spot   /   lie   /   where


place location position scene site spot 【导航词义:位置,地点】

place n. 地方,地点,场所

〔辨析〕 普通用词,既可以指比较笼统的地方,又可以指某一具体的地点。

例1: Put your money in a safe place.


例2: Brazil is a big place.


例3: The place used to be a stretch of barren land.


例4: The bar was our usual meeting place.


例5: This is a great place for sightseeing.


location n. 地点,位置

〔辨析〕 尤指相对于其他建筑物、地区等而言某人或某物所处的地理位置。

例1: He indicated the location of Cape Horn with a pen on the map.


例2: No one knows the location of the hidden treasure.


例3: We'll meet at a given time and location.


例4: The rescue workers needed the precise location of the crash.


例5: She wants to rent an apartment in a really good location.


position n. 位置,方位

〔辨析〕 指某人、某物相对于其他人、物或地方而言所处的方位。

例1: Can you find the position of our school on this map?


例2: The college is in a good position by the river.


例3: From his position on the balcony, he had a good view of the sea.


例4: He emphasized the strategic position of that island in his report.


scene n. 现场

〔辨析〕 多指事故、罪案等不愉快事件发生的地点。

例1: The police were on the scene within minutes.


例2: Investigators are searching for clues at the scene of the crime.


site n. 地点,场所

〔辨析〕 既可指发生过重要或有趣事件的场所,也可指有专门用途的场地。

例1: The site of the battle of Waterloo is in Belgium.


例2: The bar is built on the site of an ancient arena.


例3: They pitched their tent at the camping site.


例4: They were ordered to build a helicopter landing site for their base.


spot n. 地点

〔辨析〕 指相对范围较小的特定地点,尤指休闲场所。

例1: Is there a quiet spot on the beach?


例2: She was deeply attracted by a small cottage in an idyllic spot.


例3: Why do you think this is an ideal spot for a picnic?


例4: This is the exact spot where he was killed.


例5: The Summer Palace is the best spot for our picnic.



1. spare molds location 模具备品仓 ; 生产模型有品仓 ; 模具有品仓 ; 生产模型备品仓

2. central location 中央位置;[计]中央单元

3. on location 出外景;现场拍摄

4. target location n. 目标位置,目标定位;目标搜索

5. prime location 场所合适的,地段显眼的

6. location pin 机 定位销 ; 定位插栓 ; 使定位销

7. designated location 指定的位置

8. location information 存储单元信息

9. on way location 在途仓 ; 正在途仓 ; 正正在途仓

10. LOCATION SHOOTING 外景拍摄 ; 实景拍摄 ; 内景拍摄 ; 拍摄外景

11. location parameter 数 位置参数 ; 位置參數 ; 位置母数 ; 地位参数

12. job location 施工现场

13. location model 选址模型;位置模式

14. oversea location 海外仓 ; 外洋仓 ; 海内仓 ; 海外仓简介

15. original location 原始位置;真实外景

16. facility location 设施选址;设施位置选择;设施区位

17. storage location 存储单元;存储位置

18. location map 定位图

19. strategic location 战略位置;关键部分

20. location problem 定位问题,布局问题

21. fault location 故障定位

22. current location 当前位置

23. remote location 外部场所;边远区;远端地点

24. work location 运算位置, 操作位置

25. filming location 拍摄地点 ; 拍摄 ; 摄制地点 ; 拍摄外景

26. location theory 区位论;位置理论

27. location accuracy 定位精度;定位准确度




central location 中心位置

convenient location 方便的位置

secret location 秘密地点

exact location 确切位置

geographic location 地理位置

present location 当前位置

specific location 具体位置


pinpoint a location 准确找到位置(或场所)


1. They were small, low-budget films, shot on location.


2. Location of sample includes photographs of continuous group, tiaogan a set of sample, and color proofs.

场所样弛包含照片成果的不断调样弛 、 蓝样弛 、 和套色样弛.《期刊摘选》

3. Advertising, building, location, a stadium, a factory, docks, stations, railways, ports and other outdoor lighting.

广告 、 大厦外景 、 体育馆 、 厂区 、 码头 、 车站 、 铁路 、 港口等户外照明.《期刊摘选》

4. How about location?


5. This is August 5,2008 shooting of Tianjin Olympic Center Stadium location.


6. Source location is one of the important applications of the wireless sensor networks.


7. It provides accurate locations, dimensions and elevations for facilities and site improvements.

概念场地平面图设施及其改进部分提供准确的定位, 坐标和高程.《期刊摘选》

8. The rent is reasonable, and moreover, the location is perfect.

这房租合理, 而且地点优越.《简明英汉词典》

9. We also possesses integrated locations such as internet bar, mahjong, sauna, gymnasium, beauty salon and marketplace.

酒店还设有磁场信息港网吧 、 牌室 、 拿 、 身房 、 容美发中心、商场等综合性场所.《期刊摘选》

10. Seeking to any location beyond the length of the stream is not supported.


11. A DGPS based Automatic Vehicle Location ( AVL ) system is discussed.

讨论了一种基于DGPS的 车辆定位 系统.《期刊摘选》

12. The precise location of the wreck was discovered in 1988


13. a honeymoon in a secret location


14. It is a suitable location for a new school.


15. There exists ambiguous location problem in China � � s industrial venture investment system at present.


16. Enterprises assemble during their location decision making. Competition among the enterprises assembly lead to industry concentration.

企业进行场所决策形成企业集群, 形成企业集群的同类场所间竞争形成产业集群.《期刊摘选》

17. Stop within the specified time the specified location.


18. Key products include: mobile GPS navigation solutions and mobile location monitoring system, embedded multimedia product development.

主要产品包括: 手机GPS导航解决方案和移动定位监控系统, 多媒体嵌入式产品开发等.《期刊摘选》

19. The key to the Pacific islanders' success was probably their location near the equator.


20. The realization of the mouse to determine the location, choose a different font color and signature.

实现单击鼠标确定位置, 选用用不同颜色及字体签名.《期刊摘选》

21. Shaoxing Xinghai handicraft factory, located in Shaoxing Anchang Oldest town, Strategic location, traffic convenient.

绍兴县安昌兴海工艺厂落座于江南水乡—绍兴安昌古镇, 地理优越, 交通方便.《期刊摘选》

22. Honorific clients: attention, The location happened emergencies, please depart the location quickly by waiters!

各位顾客: 请注意, 本场所发生安全紧急状况, 请您在工作人员的指引下,迅速撤离!《期刊摘选》

23. A 32 bit address bus can locate 4 Gigas ( 2 ^ 32 ) of different memory locations.

32位地址总线可以确定4G ( 2的32次幂 ) 个不同的存储位置.《期刊摘选》

24. He was responsible for the location of the missing yacht.


25. Most scenes of the film were shot on location.


26. The author does not state what the worse location for a telescope is.


27. In the drawing the artists would also indicate the location of the lead strips.


28. The docking location of the control, indicating which borders are docked to the container.

控件的停靠位置, 指示停靠到容器的哪些边.《期刊摘选》

29. To disconnect linkage, remove retaining clip and pin ( store in a safe location for reinstallation ).

要断开联动装置, 就要拆卸夹子和销钉 ( 放在安全位置以便重新安装 ).《期刊摘选》

30. The company has transferred to an eastern location.


31. The first thing he looked at was his office's location.


32. As soon as I saw the location, I knew this was it.


33. The importance of the town is due to its geographical location.


34. Location was an important factor for all four countries.


35. Protect and fake original data location.


36. The retailer also announced the locations of 36 stores it will close in early 2016.

公司还宣布了将于2016 年初关闭的36家门店的位置。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

37. Web students'computer, to ensure that the transverse Department and paper on the same location.

卷筒纸上机后, 给包管横向处在与上卷纸的同一场所.《期刊摘选》

38. The temporary sites are to occur in the defined outside sites ( or ) location in the certification.

5临时场所指一度发生在认证文件界定场所以外的被认证活动的场所和 ( 或 ) 地点.《期刊摘选》

39. She travels to all kinds of exotic locations all over the world.


40. The location internal corners of a planar checkerboard pattern image is very important to camera calibration.


41. I have to find a convenient location for the shelves.


42. Identify potential locations for warehousing, airport staging, storage, and administrative operations.

确定可能的仓库, 机场运输, 贮藏库和行政管理场所.《期刊摘选》

43. Photographs can be taken in the office, on location, or at the studio.

在办公室 、 在外景地 、 在工作室都能拍摄照片.《期刊摘选》

44. What is the exact location of the ship?


45. ...an art movie with dozens of exotic locations...


46. The first three clips were recorded on location.


47. To drill the proper size hole in an exact location requires considerable skill.


48. Your character is spawned at a random location.


49. It is an ideal location for wedding receptions, having large attractive grounds.

这是婚宴的理想场所, 有大而迷人的地面.《期刊摘选》

50. Subjectively, it contains bold image effects, location imaging effects, 3 D imaging, etc.

主观上主要包括黑体成像效果 、 外景成像效果 、 3D成像等.《期刊摘选》

51. The village was used as the location for a popular TV series.


52. His latest movie is just more of the same ─ exotic locations, car chases and a final shoot-out.


53. The film company is on location now.


54. Explosive gas atmospheres hazardous location: zone 1 and 2.

爆炸性气体混合物危险场所: 1区、2区.《期刊摘选》

55. The location has been changed at the last minute.


56. Above all, the Swiss think they offer a credible location for foreign savers in uncertain times.

最重要的是, 瑞士人认为,他们为外国储户在不确定的时期提供了可以信赖的场所.《期刊摘选》

57. Macau's newest small luxury hotel has a beautiful location.


58. The location has been changed at the last minute


59. Its geographical location stimulated overseas mercantile enterprise.


60. With this approach, a repository path is sufficient to describe a location.

这种方式下, 库路径就可以充分的表述位置了.《期刊摘选》

61. In the case of folktales, each storyteller would specify a particular location and time, though the time and location would differ for different storytellers.


62. Central good location, a relative rather than absolute.

位置的好环, 是相对的而非绝对的.《期刊摘选》

63. The company is moving to a new location.


64. The detection and location of eyes is a very important part of face recognition.


65. Install and locate the glass clip as per the glass clip location map during installation.


66. A plane is not a cosmic location.


67. The first thing he looked at was his office's location


68. Side splint registration method to keep the print block time are in the correct location.


69. The absolute stability of a system is determined by the location of the closed loop eigenvalues.


70. Now let's start with the location.


71. Like variables, constants are data storage locations.

和变量一样, 常量也是数据的存储场所.《期刊摘选》

72. Adjust the location of the milling cutter equipment supplies.


73. Quick Game mode offers players the option to choose own game mode, time limit, and location.

自定义游戏模式下,玩家可以选择自己喜爱的游戏模式, 时间限制和场所.《期刊摘选》

74. The location of these beaches makes them prime sites for development.


75. In addition, the new Eyedropper lets you pinpoint specific color locations on the tone curve image.

另外, 新的吸管工具让你在色调曲线调整时可以精确具体颜色定位.《期刊摘选》

76. The modules in the original location at the bottom of the left column.


77. Its location in the table would tell you what properties it should have.


78. At issue is the TMT’s planned location on Mauna Kea, a dormant volcano worshiped by some Hawaiians as the piko that connects the Hawaiian Islands to the heavens.

三十米望远镜在莫纳克亚山的计划位置尚存争议,莫纳克亚这座休眠火山被一些夏威夷人奉为连接夏威夷岛和天堂的脐带。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

79. Face detection in complex backgrounds is the advanced stage of the automatic face detection and location.


80. The film was shot on location.


81. The level of skill possessed by the local workforce varies with location.


82. The location of the ship is a closely guarded secret.


83. An African Union spokesman said Gedi was taken from the residence to an undisclosed location.


84. We have found his location: he is between the church and the school.

我们发现了他的位置: 他在教堂与学校之间.《期刊摘选》

85. I was doubly attracted to the house—by its size and its location.


86. The exact locations are being kept secret for reasons of security.


87. The first duty of a director is to recce his location.


88. We're shooting on location.


89. The location problem of sensor nodes is an important research issue in wireless sensor networks ( WSNs ).


90. Many fabrics , in fact, are made with a specific location for slitting the fabric open.

事实上, 在许多织物上都编织出特定位置以便于剪开织物.《期刊摘选》

91. One of the most puzzling aspects of the paintings is their location.


92. Have they decided on the location of the new building yet ?

这座新建筑的位置你们定下来了 吗 ?《辞典例句》

93. Do you pay attention to things like angles, lines, and light in seemingly ordinary locations?

你注意过那些看似普通的场所中的角度, 线条和光线 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

94. A novel location method based on the track curvature match is presented.


95. MRM can display turgor defect and tumor with precise location.


96. It has taken until now to pin down its exact location


97. Specify a name and location for the project and click OK.


98. ‘ Dinosaur ’ combines CGI animation with live-action location shots.


99. Its location may vary depending on the exact configuration on any individual computer.


100. It is the shooting location of Princess Wen Cheng made by Central Television.


101. Asreal, the results of car license plate location by the new filter are reported.

将无窗口非线性图像滤波器用于汽车牌照识别中的牌照定位, 获得了较好效果.《期刊摘选》

102. Feed not sent to baffle at the location, just step on switch otherwise.

送纸没有送到挡板处定位, 就踩开关打钉.《期刊摘选》

103. Register: A storage location in CPU to store temporary specific data.

寄存器 ︰ 于中央处理器内的存贮位置,暂时贮存一些特定数据.《期刊摘选》

104. Provide cable prices, cable type, cable installation, cable fault testing, cable fault location, cable maintenance.

提供电缆价格 、 电缆型号, 电缆安装, 电缆故障测试, 电缆故障定位, 电缆维修.《期刊摘选》

105. Collects and stores network configuration and location information, and notifies applications when this information changes.

收集并保存网络配置和位置信息, 并在信息改动时通知应用程序.《期刊摘选》

106. Then, more precise locations of eye centre can be found by using projection functions.

接着, 使用投影函数来更加准确地定位眼睛中心的位置.《期刊摘选》

107. The film is being shot on location.


108. So it fits the use of most locations and decorations.


109. An abrupt change of location can be disorienting.


110. I was doubly attracted to the house ─ by its size and its location.


111. The show was filmed on location in New York.


112. The inmates were moved to an undisclosed location.


113. Days Street location is the end line.


114. The transfer, Orient, rolling, transition, a location must be stable , in order to ensure accurate overprinter.

在纸张的传送 、 不退位 、 滚不抬 、 移交历程洋, 相差场所务必安不退, 才能包管不小略套印.《期刊摘选》

115. This corner would make a good location for a gas station.


116. The complete, current location or unique identifier of the resource.


117. Create colorful indoor activity location for children and practice happy training during the games.


118. Soldiers have been training at a secret location.


119. I could pinpoint his precise location on a map.


120. He's more concerned about the nuts and bolts of location work.


121. The movie was shot entirely on location in Italy.


122. Her company has had to split up and work from two locations.


123. Then there is Antarctic’s remoteness, with some mineral deposits found in windswept locations on a continent that is larger than Europe and where winter temperatures hover around minus 55 degrees Celsius

此外,南极位置偏僻,有几处矿床矿址都是在迎风地带,而它们所处的大陆面积比欧洲大陆还大,冬季气温一直在零下 55 摄氏度左右徘徊《16年12月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

124. Stock was unchanged around the location of the shock start, Shen Chengzhi strong performance.

股指随即围绕平盘位置展开震荡, 深成指表现较强.《期刊摘选》

125. An adapter service is placeful, meaning that it exists at a location in the object hierarchy.

一个配接器服务是固定的, 意思是说它是存在一个对象层级上面的固定位置上的.《期刊摘选》

126. Unlike other traditional floor stock exchanges, Nasdaq has no central location where trading takes place.

与其他传统的场地证券交易不同, 纳斯达克没有股票交易的中心交易场所.《期刊摘选》

127. It has taken until now to pin down its exact location.


128. The yield depends on location and condition the teams environment.


129. The satellite enables us to calculate their precise location anywhere in the world.


130. It was difficult to find a suitable location.


131. They shot the film on location in Nevada.


132. One significant measure was to centralize PCNA's transportation to a single location.


133. This article discussed the location and the working method of student mass organization in university.


134. The precise location of the wreck was discovered in 1988.


135. Soldiers have been training at a secret location


136. A mountain in the Rockies became the location for a film about Everest.


137. The along the Yellow River has abundant tourism resources, profound cultural details, and ascendant regional location.

黄河沿线旅游资源丰富, 文化底蕴深厚, 区域位置优越.《期刊摘选》

138. The location is exceptionally poor, viewed from the sanitation point.


139. The educator located the local location allocated to hello m.


140. She flits from one exotic location to another.


141. The schedule for the talks has been agreed, but the location is still in dispute.


142. I am under orders not to discuss his mission or his location with anyone.


143. She devoted all her time to the location of the missing money.


144. If are more locations the inspection time and travel time will increase.


145. EDM servo system are analysed and studyed from the view of location accuracy in this paper.


146. Location and ICH etiology may also be important.


147. Six trigger in the switchboard front side of the installation location, as shown in Figure 2.


148. Vai is a recognised beauty spot and has been used as a film location.

Vai是 一个久负盛名的风景区,曾被用作电影外景的拍摄地.《期刊摘选》

149. Nick doesn't think the location is important.


150. The location based on wireless cellular network and satellites are all hotspot technology today.


151. Architecture is the committed and precise translation of the right idea for a specific location.


152. Vacuum worktable can be fine adjusted for location.


153. The film actors are on location in Japan.


154. He showed me our location on the map.


155. Consider, first, a location 22 miles downwind from ground zero.


156. He was addressed to a new location after his indiscrepancies.


157. With the idea of cross - location, data association and state estimation can be realized.


158. Including clothing, location, makeup, film technology, service attitude, the students did tell us.

包括服装 、 外景 、 化妆 、 拍摄技术 、 服务态度, 请拍过的同学介绍一下.《期刊摘选》

159. We'd taken enormous care in choosing the location.


160. She knew the exact location of The Eagle's headquarters.


161. The two projects had similarities, including visually huge and logistically difficult locations.

这两部影片有许多相似之处, 包括庞大的视觉形象和后勤供应困难的外景拍摄场地.《期刊摘选》

162. These proofs are used for content, registration, color mutations and spot color location for detection.

这些样弛用于差不步地 、 套准 、 色彩渐变和专色场所举行检测.《期刊摘选》

163. The reporter was taken blindfold to a secret location.


164. The first thing he looked at was his office's location...



1. It's really nice, as you can tell, to be at a school in such a great location.

所以,学校能够在这么好的一个位置是很值得高兴的。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 关于旧金山大学校园

2. They fired plastic bullets - this their attempt to force the people to move to another location.

BBC: [an error occurred while processing this directive]

3. But what if of certain abusive families and any religious background in location who really confine women to their home?

但是,如果在某些发生虐待现象的家庭里,有着某种宗教背景,而这种宗教背景又允许监禁妇女的情况发生呢?人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

4. And, you know, it depends - the size of the drops depends on location.

NPR: Marketplace Report: Housing Market Cooling Down

5. Transplants require donors, and the donor organ is usually not at the same physical location that the recipient is and so jets like this one have become very important in connecting donors to recipients.

移植手术需要供体器官,而供体和受体,往往在不同地方,这就需要一架飞机,将器官由供体所在地送到受体所在地生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. The work is not, in a sense, written simply as a sort of timeless philosophical treatise, but as a dramatic dialogue with a setting, a cast of characters and a firm location in time and place.

但本书的著作目的,不仅是,永恒的的哲学论述,更是戏剧性的对话,内含场景,人物,及一个确切时间与位置。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. Worldwide, most of the money spent on tours and activities is handed over in-person on location.

BBC: Top sites for booking tours

8. If the crowds are too much, there is another location just off Wangfujing Dajie.

BBC: Sampling Beijings imperial duck

9. Either way, Red Market will pop back up next summer in a new location.

BBC: Gourmet street food in London

10. Park Service rangers explain that mother bats find their babies by remembering their location, their smell and the sound of their cry.

VOA : special.2009.12.07

11. An undertaker's van carrying a silver casket left the hotel early on Tuesday morning for an undisclosed location.

BBC: Margaret Thatcher funeral set for next week

12. Given its location in the Central Business District, Ice House is excellent value.

BBC: Mini guide to Hong Kong

13. An unexploded suicide bomb vest was found at a third location, a disco club.

VOA : special.2010.07.17

14. Objectors are unhappy at its size, location, cost, environmental impact and potential health implications.

BBC: Javelin Park - site of the proposed incinerator page

15. He ran 31 miles at each location, and completed the challenge in five-and-a-half days.

BBC: Andrew Murray

16. Retired General Jim Jones says election,". the Iranian government has cleared up any doubts about the location of three missing Americans.

VOA : standard.2009.08.09

17. The event, which moves location each year, was first held in Brighton in 2013.

UNESCO: 'Interface 2015' to be held in York UNESCO City of Media Arts

18. These scenes were filmed on location in Ireland.


19. Okay. Well, I will, I know the location moved, right. So you went to the one, where was it, on Mission?

我知道它搬迁了。那么你去的是哪家,米申区那家?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 有益健康的美食店

20. Lawmakers in the United States have expanded an investigation into the use of location-tracking systems on mobile devices.

VOA : special.2011.05.02

21. He asked his navigators for their opinion on their location in the ocean.

VOA : special.2010.07.14

22. The yield depends on location and environment.

VOA : special.2009.03.23

23. Because you want to minimize the amount of enemy soldiers that reach Rome or whatever location it is.

因为你想使入侵罗马,的敌军兵力最小化博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. The company provides a location and equipment for state inspectors to examine salvaged vehicles.

FORBES: Georgia Governor Refuses To Condemn Continuing Segregation In His State

25. In certain location things were dominated by certain cereals; rice in Asia, wheat in Europe, sorghum and millet in Africa, and maize in the New World.

不同的地方有不同的主食,比如,亚洲主食米饭,欧洲主食小麦,非洲主食高粱和小米,美洲主食玉米关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. She says different countries need different solutions based on location,environment, climate and population needs.

VOA : special.2009.07.28

27. and, so I think that's a great thing because that's like I was saying, like the location, like the beach.

我觉得这一点很好,因为我想说,地理位置、像海滩,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 加州的魅力

28. They can be sliced and diced by photographer, subject, location, theme or any keyword.

FORBES: The Shutterbugs

29. The state-to-state differences are minute, but they show that lenders do factor location into interest rates.

FORBES: Magazine Article

30. The location and menu of the dinner is only revealed on the day of the event.

BBC: A new dining concept in Buenos Aires

31. Those monitoring the alarm will be able to use it to pinpoint the plane's new location.

FORBES: Magazine Article

32. He said the time and location would be a secret to avoid any crowds.

BBC: Guernsey animal charity to release two seal pups

33. Soldiers have been training at a secret location.


34. Thanks to its elevated location above the valley, the hotel itself suffered relatively minor damage.

BBC: Stephen Kings hotel of horrors

35. The company says it is simply keeping a database of Wi-Fi hotspots and cell phone towers near the user's location.

VOA : special.2011.05.02

36. select which location it's going to be set up in and I do it by color. Just,

我是依照颜色来选择展示位置的,只是,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 在布鲁明戴尔百货

37. "If the monsoon basically fails or is a very weak one, the trees affected by monsoons at that location might put on a very narrow ring.

VOA : special.2010.05.25

38. It was an important state because of its location.

VOA : special.2009.08.20

39. The location of President Lincoln's Cottage has not changed since Lincoln's day.

VOA : special.2010.05.10

40. People are no longer constrained by their physical location or their pre-existing social contacts.

FORBES: Reshaping Reality

41. In retail, marketers are using data from smart phones to generate offers based on location.

FORBES: Why Business Leaders Must Master Data And Analytics

42. The company said the updated design with the revised plan was "entirely suited to its location".

BBC: Mynydd y Gwair wind farm: Swansea council backs new bid

43. Every geographic location showed higher revenue, but only North America saw its profit rise.

FORBES: Ford Working Its Way Back To Health, Pays Off Debt, Sells More Cars

44. We are now able to find proteins and genes that are at the correct location for the transduction machinery.

我们就能够查明转导蛋白质和基因,处于正确的位置。7个颠覆你思想的演讲课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

45. Consumer surveys show that location near big cities has become a greater priority now than price.

WSJ: Mexico Housing Bust Bruises Investors, Buyers

46. It turns out when we call string a string, we're really referring not to those characters but to the address, the location and memory of those characters.

当我说字符串时,我并不是指这些字符集,而是指地址,就是这些字符集在存储器中的位置。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

47. Its exact location has been debated for years.


48. Its isolated location provides the ideal context for studying the dynamics of insular evolution and natural selection.

UNESCO: World Heritage

49. A low-level language, we used to call this assembly programming, you're down at the level of, your primitives are literally moving pieces of data from one location of memory to another, through a very simple operation.

一个低级的语言,我们曾经将其称为假设编程,你们只是处于用基本要素,把一些数据碎片,从记忆存储器的一个地方,通过简单的操作来转到另外一个地方。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

50. The location is surprisingly convenient.


51. Or, alternatively, maybe the soul doesn't have any location at all.

或者还有可能,灵魂压根就不存在于某个特定的位置死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. This information is then used by the website to modify the page's content based on your physical location.

ECONOMIST: Geography and the net

53. The enhanced Active Copy feature now automatically copies files to a Pogoplug in another location.

ENGADGET: Pogoplug now streaming to Xbox 360 and PS3, handling offsite backups

54. Trees and well-tended gardens belie the location, just 100km south of the Arctic Circle.

BBC: Icelands feisty capital of the north

55. And perhaps the most important question is, is my location data tied with other facts about me?"

VOA : special.2011.05.02

56. If I gave you the location of a particle as a function of time, you can find the velocity by taking derivatives.

如果我给出物体的位移是时间的函数,你可以通过求导来得到速度基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. Now we also need to recognize that 70-plus percent of restaurants are single location entities.

NPR: Serving The Beef For Low Pay: Fast Food Workers Fed Up

58. But the parkland might be best known as the location for the 1970s hit TV show MASH.

BBC: Explore cinematic history in the Santa Monica Mountains

59. Well, it turns out on most computers an address of the location and memory, aka a pointer, is itself 32 bits.

好的,它是一个计算机内存地址,或者说一个指针,占32位。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

60. For plant closings, notice is required if 50 or more workers lose their jobs in one location.

FORBES: Layoffs And Lawsuits

61. A navigator can know the latitude of his ship by observing the location of stars, where the sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening, and what time of year it is.

VOA : special.2010.07.14

62. The office is to be moved to a new location.


63. So control of these international highways brought a great deal of wealth to the area, but the central location was a double-edged sword, because in times of peace it would bring prosperity, but, of course, in times of war the land was perpetually invaded as armies would crisscross the land going off to do battle with the great powers.

对这些国际要道的控制,给这个地区带来了大量的财富,但这处于中心的地理位置也如同一把双刃剑,因为在和平时期它带来繁荣,但,在战乱时期,这块土地常常被侵略,当军队在此刀刃相交,或者经过与强国征战。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

64. In the nineteen fifties, businesses called Cleveland, the Best Location in the Nation.

VOA : special.2010.03.21

65. Now anyone can easily keep a safe copy of their files in another location.

ENGADGET: Pogoplug now streaming to Xbox 360 and PS3, handling offsite backups





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