莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [ˈvɜːtʃuː]play美 [ˈvɜːrtʃuː]play

  • n. 高尚的道德,德行;美德,优秀品质;优点,长处;<古>(尤指妇女的)贞操;功效;(传统基督教天使学)道德天使(天国九级制度的第七级)(virtues)
  • 【名】 (Virtue)弗丘(人名)

复数 virtues

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


virtue /ˈvɜːtjuː/

  • 1.
    不可数名词 Virtue is thinking and doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong. 正直的品性

    Virtue is not confined to the Christian world.


  • 2.
    可数名词 A virtue is a good quality or way of behaving. 美德

    His virtue is patience.


  • 3.
    可数名词 The virtue of something is an advantage or benefit that it has, especially in comparison with something else. 优势; 益处

    There was no virtue in returning to Calvi the way I had come.


  • 4.
    习语 You use by virtue of to explain why something happens or is true. 因为

    The article stuck in my mind by virtue of one detail.




virtue merit 【导航词义:美德,品质】

virtue n. 美德,优秀品质

〔辨析〕 指某人性格中的好品质,为可数名词。

例1: Among his many virtues are courtesy, courage and loyalty.


例2: In fact, truthfulness is not one of her virtues.


merit n. [正式] 优秀品质

〔辨析〕 指使某人或某物受赞扬或赞美的好品质,为不可数名词。

例1: In his opinion, this proposal has some merit.


例2: These candidates were selected solely on merit.



1. GUNDAM VIRTUE 德天使 ; 德天使钢弹

2. virtue and vice 善与恶

3. After Virtue 追寻美德 ; 德性之后 ; 美德之后 ; 追寻德性

4. virtue of 借助,由于;有…优点

5. by virtue of 由于,凭借

6. virtue education 思想教育

7. Doreen Virtue 朵琳·芙秋 ; 夜间冥想 ; 芙秋博士

8. have the virtue of 具有…的优点

9. of easy virtue (女人)水性杨花的

10. Virtue Education 思想教育 ; 思想品德

11. Patience is a virtue 耐心是一种美德 ; 耐烦是一种美德 ; 小不忍则乱大谋 ; 忍耐是美德

12. in virtue of 由于;凭借

13. civic virtue 公民道德

14. Warriors Of Virtue 五行战士

15. vice and virtue 罪恶与美德 ; 罪行与美德 ; 乱世姊妹花


1. Now experts are extolling the virtues of the humble potato


2. There was no virtue in returning to Calvi the way I had come.


3. Courage is a virtue.


4. Silver and gold are not the only coins; virtue too passes current all over the world.

金银并非惟一的铸币, 德行也同样流通于全世界.《期刊摘选》

5. Virtue is not confined to the Christian world...


6. Point out its virtues where warranted, and explain its shortcomings where indicated.

指出其哪些方面具有价值, 并解释哪些方面暴露了其缺陷.《期刊摘选》

7. She was certainly no paragon of virtue!


8. He led a life of virtue.


9. His virtue is patience...


10. His virtue had been rewarded so.


11. Her flaws were as large as her virtues


12. Prosperity doth best discover vice, but adversity doth best discover virtue.

顺境时显陋习, 逆境时见美德.《期刊摘选》

13. Our virtues are most frequently but vices disguised.


14. Family, neighborhood, community are apple pie virtues, unassailable and unavoidable in political rhetoric ( Ronald Brownstein )

家庭 、 邻里和社区关系是地道美国式的美德, 在政治辞令上无懈可击,不可废除 ( 罗纳德布朗斯坦 )《期刊摘选》

15. Laozi thought the great virtue is like water.


16. Virtue is the muscle tone that develops from daily and hourly training of a spiritual warrior.


17. Her flaws were as large as her virtues...


18. She has many virtues accounted to her.


19. His virtue is patience.


20. As a man said, Virtue is consist of doing, but words.

记得一位名人曾说: 德行的实现是由行为构成的, 而不是由文字.《期刊摘选》

21. He was always preaching the virtues of capitalism.


22. Fame is the mother of virtue.


23. Harmony, balance and order are cardinal virtues to the French.


24. We should act by following the way of nature and have the great virtue.


25. He became a model of clean living and Bible Belt virtues.


26. He that thinks too much of his virtues bids others think of his vice.


27. Though modesty be a virtue, yet bashfulness is a vice.

谦逊固为美德, 羞怯却是瑕疵.《期刊摘选》

28. Leslie argues that curiosity is a much-overlooked human virtue, crucial to our success, and that we are losing it.


29. No matter how bad people may seem, they possess at least one virtue. Be like the humming bird and pick out the sweetness of everyone's character.


30. Few men have the virtue to withstand the highest bidder.


31. As far as mathematicians are concerned, there's a certain virtue in wearing intellectual blinkers


32. Among the Political tricks were pretended virtue abidance, dissident suppression , seducing and autobiography forging.

无论是恪守德行,还是排斥异己, 以至使用谶纬、自造《自本》, 都是其权谋术中的一环.《期刊摘选》

33. He enjoys great popularity among the people for his virtues.


34. She could have established her own innocence and virtue easily enough.


35. Some make a virtue out of giving in the sense of a sacrifice.


36. They could see no virtue in discussing it further.


37. Sloth and silence are a fool, s virtues.


38. He who has lost shame is lost to all virtue.


39. Kindness is but one of his virtues.


40. When depression economics prevails , however, this virtue becomes a vice . F . D . R.

然而,当萧条经济蔓延的时候, 这种美德就变成了罪恶.《期刊摘选》

41. War turns morality inside out: killing and cruelty are virtues.


42. She got the job by virtue of her greater experience.


43. He falls from virtue.


44. From my childhood upward I have idolized the dreams of virtue.


45. Virtue is not confined to the Christian world


46. She was certainly no paragon of virtue !


47. The text researches for the elegy trying to discuss its virtue in literature and aesthetic culture.


48. The movie makes a virtue out of its economy.


49. Virtue and a trade are not the prime portion for child.


50. When he is without virtue, man is the most unscrupulous and savage of the animals.


51. She planted the seeds of virtue in her children when they were young.


52. In The Prince, he championed cunning, ruthlessness, and boldness, rather than virtue, mercy and justice, as the skills of successful leaders.


53. The article stuck in my mind by virtue of one detail.


54. As fire tries gold, so does adversity try virtue.

烈火炼真金, 逆境见美德.《简明英汉词典》

55. The virtue of work may be a bit overblown.


56. A string quartet puts virtuosity before virtue and helps define a new music genre. Vixens with violins.

一个弦乐四重奏团体将精湛琴艺摆在德行之前,协助定义一种新的音乐类型: 拉小提琴的性感美女.《期刊摘选》

57. In The Prince, he championed cunning, ruthlessness, and boldness, rather than virtue, mercy and justice, as the skills of successful leaders.

在《君主论》一书中,他认为比起美德、仁慈和正义,狡诈、冷酷和大胆才是成功的领袖所必备的技能。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

58. The highest glory is won by the highest virtue.


59. She's a pattern of all the virtues.


60. Search others for their virtues, thy self vices.


61. Humility is a virtue all preach, none practice, and yet everybody is content to hear.

谦卑是所有人宣扬 、 没有人奉行然而每个人都愿意听到的美德.《期刊摘选》

62. They lean on the world and by their in tensity and virtue.


63. Hypocisy is the homage that vice pays to virtue.


64. It would show you how virtue is downtrodden and how vice is triumphant.


65. There was no virtue in returning to Calvi the way I had come


66. Although honesty is believed to be a virtue, there are still dishonest people in our society.

虽然诚实被相信是德行, 但是,仍然有不诚实的人在我们的社会中.《期刊摘选》

67. According to value neutralism, technology does not involve the problem of virtue and evil.


68. One of his virtues is faithfulness.


69. You need to decorate your mind with virtue.


70. My virtues will grow daily and my wrongdoings will lessen day by day.


71. By the power of such virtues may you be blissfully triumphant!


72. Virtue would not go far if vanity did not keep it company.


73. The article stuck in my mind by virtue of one detail


74. Disney's other great virtue was the fact that his company—unlike other big corporations—had a human face.


75. Their conscientious objection was tolerated in wartime, for after all, they are good farmers who 35 practice the virtues of work and thrift

在战争时期,他们拒服兵役的习俗也同样被默许,毕竟,他们是 (35) 践行勤勉和节俭美德的好农民《16年12月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

76. A plant whose virtues has not been discovered.


77. The highest virtue here may be the least in another world.


78. Knowledge is virtue. Ignorance is vice.

知识就是美德, 愚昧就是缺点.《期刊摘选》

79. Wisdom and virtue are like the two wheels of a cart.


80. The film ended most satisfactorily: vice punished and virtue rewarded.


81. The plan has the virtue of simplicity.


82. When depression economics prevails , however, this virtue becomes a vice . F . D.

但是,在萧条经济时期, 这个美德就成了罪过.《期刊摘选》

83. Its other great virtue, of course, is its hard-wearing quality.


84. Thou art virtue, fame, Honour, and all things else.

你就是美德 、 名望 、 荣誉和所有的东西.《期刊摘选》

85. Do not be misleaded into the path of virtue.


86. Patience is not one of her virtues, I'm afraid.


87. A large part of virtue consists in good habits.


88. She instilled in the children the virtues of good hard work, and making the best of what you have.


89. He wasn't the paragon of virtue she had expected.


90. We have shifted to thinness as our new mark of virtue.


91. Virtue is not confined to the Christian world.


92. Among IT a lot virtues are not loyalty, courage, and truthfulness.

她有很多美德,如忠诚 、 勇敢 、 率真.《期刊摘选》

93. Treasuring the food is a pood ( good ) virtue.


94. Christians ought not to speculate in adventure which may blemish virtue and even result in misfortune.


95. Leslie argues that curiosity is a much-overlooked human virtue, crucial to our success and that we are losing it.


96. Virtue will against evil.


97. Virtue and a trade are the best portion for children.


98. And its value exists by virtue of the fact that it is generally acceptable.


99. We don't expect candidates to be paragons of virtue.


100. Ah, there were the terrible, the incontrovertible consequences of his lapse from virtue.

唉, 这些都是他那违反道德行为的可怕的必然结果呀.《辞典例句》

101. She delivered a homily on the virtues of family life.


102. The article stuck in my mind by virtue of one detail...


103. Party spirit enlists a man's virtue in the cause of his vice.


104. Regular commentator Bill Thompson extols the virtues of a 3 G card for his laptop computer.


105. Virtues are concerned not only with actions but also emotions and pleasures and pains.


106. V is virtue, virtue is a jewel of great price.

是美德, 美德是价值连城的珠玉.《期刊摘选》

107. He also had an invincible faith in the medicinal virtues of garlic.


108. The car have its drawback and it have its virtue.


109. Fame is the shadow of virtue.


110. They said the greatest virtues in a politician were integrity, correctness and honesty.


111. There was no virtue in returning to Calvi the way I had come...


112. To practice thrift is a virtue.


113. He was extolling the virtues of the Internet.


114. Honesty is a virtue.


115. Most children are taught the virtue of honesty from stories.


116. Nothing but death can reconcile envy to virtue.


117. Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue.


118. Being thin is deemed as such a virtue.


119. It's not only because walls have ears but also because it's not a virtue that we should never speaks ill of others behind their backs.


120. The virtue was its own reward.


121. Virtue is the antipode of selfishness.


122. Doctors often extol the virtues of eating less fat.


123. All too often such policies are an insincere form of virtue signaling that benefits only the most privileged and does little to help average people.


124. Modesty is a kind of virtue.


125. He excels in virtue.


126. Toleration is not a virtue any more beyond a certain limitation.


127. The school has its drawbacks and virtues.


128. She says the programme portrayed her as a 'lady of easy virtue'.


129. The great virtue of air travel is speed.


130. Mr Olaechea has British residency by virtue of his marriage.


131. It's not a virtue to speak ill of others in private.



1. those who stray from the path of virtue


2. They are not concerned about interpretation because to them, good writing is precisely writing that's clear, writing that doesn't need to be interpreted but has precisely as its virtue its transparency of meaning.

他们不关注解读问题,因为对他们而言,一部好的作品必须清楚明白,正因为它表意清楚,所以不需要解读。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. They also know that sloth may be a sin but, if practiced wisely, is also a virtue.

BBC: Viennas recipe for living well

4. Humility is considered a virtue.


5. We must always be careful when holding up what once was as a paragon of virtue.

FORBES: Break Up the Securities and Exchange Commission

6. She says the programme portrayed her as a `lady of easy virtue'.


7. Rather than lock single-parent households into perpetual poverty, we ought to promote marriage, responsibility and virtue.

FORBES: Congress's Policies Steal Our Freedoms While Rewarding Irresponsibility

8. Therefore, when he is without virtue, man is the most unscrupulous and savage of the animals."

因此,一旦失去美德,人就是最不讲道德最为凶残的野兽"古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. But we shouldn't confuse the physical things which can be just, the people who can be virtuous to one degree or another, with perfect virtue or perfect justice.

但是我们不应该把可能正义的现实事物,比如,多少有些,德行的人,同完美的德性或完美的正义相混淆死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. And I think it's impossible not to see that when Milton substitutes the virtue charity with the far more circumscribed ideal of chastity.

而我认为当弥尔顿把更加局限的贞操去代替局限的仁爱时,这不可能读不出来,虽然贞洁更加局限。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. Another illustration of the difficulty of translating all values, in this case, a certain idea of virtue, into utilitarian terms.

这个例子再次说明,很难把所有的价值,此处特指某种德行,转换为功利主义形式。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. We lead by virtue of who we are every time we refuse to play safe.

FORBES: You Lead By Virtue Of Who You Are

13. Wealth property he tells us exists for the sake of virtue not virtue for the sake of wealth.

他告诉我们,财富,财产,是为了德行而存在,并非德行为了财富而存在。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. since he is born with weapons for the use of wisdom and virtue, he may use them for the opposite ends.

人生下来就有可以运用智慧和美德的利器,但人也可以用这利器反其道行之古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. When you're serious, any way to win will do, but mostly you could make a virtue of a necessity.

一旦你较真,你会为了胜利不择手段,但通常你会在之前进行道德的考虑古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. We recognize in ourselves a virtue which is considered to be the cornerstone of many systems of moral understanding.

我们承认我们拥有那种美德,可以作为,许多道德认知体系的基石。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. Today Premji, by virtue of his building software power Wipro , is one of Asia s richest men.

FORBES: Pay Dirt

18. But they believed that government's foremost calling was not to inculcate virtue but to prevent tyranny.

WSJ: 'Right Wing Lice'

19. But this is a state, he believes, that has now been liberated or emancipated from Christian and classical conceptions of virtue.

但他相信,这个国家现在,已从基督与古代美德概念中,解放出来。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. But in recent years, they've begun to be seen as models of green virtue.

WSJ: How to Build a Greener City

21. The virtue of democratic capitalism is that one person's gain is also society's gain.

FORBES: Pressuring Business to Believe in Business

22. That stemmed from a debt buyback offer that has the virtue of strengthening the balance sheet.

FORBES: Gassing Up

23. And it just seems like it gives so much back." Moir and Virtue are the first North Americans ever to win the ice dancing gold medal.

VOA : standard.2010.02.23

24. Hardness is not the only virtue of what Nanosteel is setting out to produce.

FORBES: Steely Dan

25. What's more, the terminal's presentation is out of date and that is a virtue, experts said.

WSJ: J.P. Morgan Asks Bloomberg for Data on What Information Reporters Had Access to

26. Our best science suggests that a well-functioning body can perform these things, can think and plan and fall in love by virtue of the fact that the brain is functioning properly.

现今科学认为,一个运作良好的肉体能够做到以下事情,思考,规划,以及彼此相爱,这都得益于,大脑的正常运作死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. Hard work may be a virtue and digging ditches by hand is certainly hard work.

FORBES: Stiglitz on Inequality and Monetary Policy

28. A price that we'll talk about a lot, when I talk about relationships, when I talk about virtue and morality and when we talk about happiness and wellbeing in general.

我们会重点讨论这一代价,涉及到恋爱,美德与道德,以及快乐与幸福感。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

29. While wealth is not synonymous with virtue, a correlation exists between adding value and garnering success.

FORBES: Our Denial of Nature Undermines the Economic Recovery

30. All this junk food with a veneer of virtue is enough to turn Michael Jacobson's stomach.

FORBES: Fructose Nation

31. We see somebody who's fairly decent morally, and it reminds us of perfect justice or perfect virtue.

我们看到某人品德不错,就会想到绝对的公正与完美的品德死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. If you decide to buy it, it has one particular virtue and that is you end up with an excellent library of classical music that will last you for a lifetime.

如果你决定买一套,那么你将拥有一个,可以伴随你一生的,非常棒的古典音乐图书馆聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. The main virtue of the sand-greens courses that remain Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado are strongholds is cost.

WSJ: Sand-Greens Golf: A Game Lives On in the Great Plains

34. So Deuteronomy warns repeatedly: It is by no special virtue or merit that Israel was the one chosen.

但《申命记》屡次强调:,以色列被选择并不是因为特殊的品德和功绩。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. One has rights not by virtue of being an American, but by virtue of being human.

FORBES: Anti-Immigration Rhetoric Frighteningly Reveals Education's Failure

36. Many laws try to promote the virtue of citizens or try to give expression to the moral values of the society as a whole.

很多法律试图提高公民的品德,或者试图树立,整个社会的道德标准。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. Stability may be a geopolitical virtue, but does not justify a neo-imperial American global presence.

FORBES: Republicans Mislead Their Base With Handwringing Over Sequester Defense Cuts

38. Virtue is not confined to the Christian world.


39. Now, let's go back to a theory which has at least got the virtue of being very old, although hardly anybody believes it anymore.

现在,让我们再回去看一个理论,它的优势在于非常古老,虽然已经没人再相信它古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. Consideration of a minority patient's language, customs and beliefs by virtue of their heritage is a concept known as cultural competency.

VOA : standard.2010.03.05

41. If their audience grows by virtue of what we're doing, then their advertising revenue will grow.

WSJ: All Things D: Barry Diller and Aereo

42. Obama does not regard the all-former-judge makeup of the Supreme Court as an unalloyed virtue.

NEWYORKER: No More Mr. Nice Guy

43. Other Founders notably James Madison, the father of the Constitution were more concerned with power than with virtue.

WSJ: 'Right Wing Lice'

44. This new power comes by virtue of men outnumbering women 13:1 on sites dedicated to infidelity.

FORBES: Sex and Love and The Business of "I Do"

45. Critics say that e-mails and other information sent through cloud providers are no longer private anyway, just by virtue of being on the web.

VOA : standard.2010.06.22

46. Questions of good and bad, virtue and vice, appear on virtually every page of The Prince.

善恶,美德与邪恶的问题,几乎出现在《君王论》的每一页的篇幅中。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. Virtu That, of course, is Machiavelli's virtu, princely virtue, what you do to leave the people satisfied and stupefied.

那当然是就马奇亚维利的,君权美德,让人们感到,满足与失觉的作为。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. And Moses admonishes the Israelites not to suppose that their inheritance of the land of Canaan is due to their own powers, or on account of any righteousness or virtue that they possess.

摩西警告以色列人不要想当然地认为,他们继承迦南之地是凭借了自己的力量,或者视之为他们所拥有的正义和美德。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. Yet "Jitney" manages to overcome these obvious miscalculations by virtue of its sheer watchability.

WSJ: Jitney | August Wilson | The Verbal Music of Life | Theater Review by Terry Teachout

50. Whatever virtue of my writing might have it will be, because of values, those individual perceptions Sometimes I'm wrong, sometimes I'm right, but they are my perceptions.

不管我的写作可能有什么优点,由于价值观,及个人的观念,有时候我错了,有时候我对了,但那些都是我的观念。电影哲学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

51. You can figure Milton asking in this poem Lycidas if it's true: is it true what the Elder Brother said, ? that virtue is always rewarded and evil punished?

可以看出在《利西达斯》中弥尔顿是在问:,《科玛斯》中哥哥所说的,善有善报恶有恶报是真的么?弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. Without this, many in the research community can't see the virtue in such research.

BBC: Chris Hadfield says Nasa's job is not to 'titillate'

53. Notice that twice now Mr. Obama has invoked "individual ambition, " and not as a virtue.

WSJ: Pilon: Graduates, Your Ambition Is the Problem

54. Ice dancers Scott Moir and Tessa Virtue provided a welcome relief when they won gold in the figure skating this week.

VOA : standard.2010.02.23

55. Virtue means for him a kind of manly self-assertion, audacity, ruthlessness, a reliance on one's own arms and calculated use of cruelty to achieve one's ends.

美德对他而言,是一种具男子气概的自作主张,胆大,冷酷,自助,且还会算计使用残忍手段,来达致目标。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. By virtue of its distinct location, Madagascar is one of the world's most ecologically diverse areas.

CNN: Plague of locusts infests impoverished Madagascar

57. the virtue of mercy


58. Are we recompensed in some way for all of those sacrifices ? that we make in the name of virtue?

我们那些以贞操之名作出的牺牲,会得到报偿么?弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. But the courage he displayed that day reflects every virtue that defined his life.

WHITEHOUSE: Medal of Honor for Staff Sergeant Robert J. Miller

60. For injustice is most dangerous when it is armed and man armed by nature with good sense and virtue may use them for entirely opposite ends.

因为非正义一旦被武装起来将最为危险,好人也可能利用,善心和美德而为非作歹古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

61. But Alistair Darling has decided he's got to make a virtue out of necessity.

BBC: Is Darling planning a 'sensible' Budget?

62. Their experience is a virtue, not a vice, and should be encouraged in the years ahead.

WSJ: Lloyd Blankfein: The Business Plan for American Revival

63. This most often happens due to impatience, which is not typically an entrepreneurial virtue.

FORBES: 6 Right Times to Be a Ready-Fire-Aim Entrepreneur

64. That I think is a real virtue but it can come at the price of demanding short term accountability.

我认为这是个优点,但是可能会,付出短期责任的代价。微软CEO-Steve.Ballmer谈科技的未来课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

65. The book was heavy on polemics equating moral virtue and civic responsibility with military service.

WSJ: -




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annoy的意思是:v. 使恼怒,使烦恼;打扰,骚扰;<古>侵扰。学考宝为您提供annoy是什么意思,annoy的翻译,annoy的用法,annoy的短语搭配,annoy的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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announce的意思是:v. 宣布,公布;声称,郑重地说;(尤指通过广播)通知;播报,讲解(体育赛事);通报……的到来;显示;告知;宣布竞选公职。学考宝为您提供announce是什么意思,announce的翻译,announce的用法,announce的短语搭配,announce的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


open-mouthed的意思是:adj. 惊愕得张大嘴的;目瞪口呆的。学考宝为您提供open-mouthed是什么意思,open-mouthed的翻译,open-mouthed的用法,open-mouthed的短语搭配,open-mouthed的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


angle的意思是:n. 角;倾斜,斜角;角度;视角,立场;<美>不可告人的动机;<美>诡计,狡猾的手段;角铁,角钢;<古>鱼钩 v. 斜移,斜置;向(特定人群)提供资讯,定位于;博取,谋取;垂钓,钓鱼;(使)朝向,(使)转向。学考宝为您提供angle是什么意思,angle的翻译,angle的用法,angle的短语搭配,angle的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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