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英 [blɒk]play美 [blɑːk]play

  • n. 集团,阵营
  • 【名】 (Bloc)(法、罗)布洛克(人名)

复数 blocs

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bloc /blɒk/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A bloc is a group of countries that have similar political aims and interests and that act together over some issues. (具有相似政治目标和利益的国家结成的) 阵营

    ...the former Soviet bloc.




1. Bloc Quebecois 魁人政团 ; 魁北克政团 ; 魁人党

2. dollar bloc 金融 美元集团 ; 美元区

3. Eastern Bloc 东欧集团 ; 方集

4. Bloc Québécois 魁人政团 ; 魁人党

5. military bloc 军事集团

6. MERCHANT BLOC 上海猛禽科技有限公司 ; 上海猛禽科技公司

7. en bloc vote 全体票决

8. bloc party 联合党 ; 街趴乐团 ; 联合党乐队 ; 表演者

9. en bloc 全体;总体而言

10. sterling bloc 金融 英镑集团 ; 英镑使用地区 ; 英镑团体


1. Individual governments and international political and economic blocs have held nearly non-stop meetings and consultations to stem the downturn with a variety of bailout and stimulus packages.


2. Research on Principals' Managerial Conduct of Private Education Bloc


3. In its own interests, this bloc will not enter the war for the time being.

这个集团,为了自己的利益, 暂时还不至于转入战争.《期刊摘选》

4. Problems about the bloc of enterprises


5. Officials said the building was an administrative bloc not connected with the military.


6. The other great casualty of the Fed's blunder has been the global dollar bloc.


7. If the Southern textile bloc can sew up 34 Senate votes, it can defeat the treaty.


8. ...the world's largest trading bloc.


9. The new prime minister is cultivating relationships with old Eastern bloc countries.

新任首相正在同原东欧集团国家建立发展关系。《provided by jukuu》

10. The two states will join the 25-nation bloc provided they carry out reforms.


11. An enlarged Latin group would be in a stronger position to negotiate en bloc with the United States.


12. One way was to group steel mills together as a negotiating bloc.


13. Late in 1990s, regional economy blocs have flourished rapidly and widely.


14. The countries that were once in the Soviet bloc have also followed a more traditional route than those in Asia.


15. The politician tried to disaffect every major voting bloc.


16. A solid bloc of union members support the decision.


17. The Maoists are the biggest bloc in Nepal's parliament, although not an absolute majority.

毛派虽然不是尼泊尔议会中的绝对多数, 但确是当中最大的集团.《期刊摘选》

18. But data out the day before showed joblessness in the bloc had climbed to its highest in a decade.


19. Meanwhile, the federal Conservatives are edging ahead of the PQ's cousin, the Bloc Qu é b é cois.

与此同时, 联邦保守党在魁省的支持率上升,已经超过了魁人党的表亲, 魁人集团党.《期刊摘选》

20. Combined 'en bloc' liver and pancreas transplantation ( one case report)


21. The 27-nation bloc wants a deal by 2015 for all nations that would be implemented by 2020 at the latest.


22. The Economic Analysis on the Special Interest Blocs' Distorting China's Real Estate Public Policy


23. Aosis is a bloc of 42 island and coastal states mostly in the Pacific and Caribbean.


24. Any change in these laws requires unanimous agreement among all countries and applies throughout the entire bloc.


25. In an entirely different strategic model, the Russian is concentrating his bet on a unique power bloc.


26. Chapter IV narrates the roles of China Bloc in China policy making.


27. I represent the Fasten Steel Bloc. Company , and welcome to Jiangyin.

我代表 法尔胜集团 欢迎你来江阴.《英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语》

28. With the result that in another 10 years, you could see China, India, the Middle East, and the EU in this huge economic bloc.


29. The selectors should resign en bloc.


30. This regional bloc has fallen apart.


31. Including Japan, Latin America and the former soviet bloc , almost half the world economy was affected.

包括日本, 拉美, 俄罗斯在内的世界经济的一半都受到了影响.《期刊摘选》

32. The bloc has set a goal of establishing a European Union-type community by 2015.

东盟已经制定目标,在2015年前建立一个类似欧盟的共同体。 预计东盟领导人还会对缅甸11月7日举行的选举表达关注。

33. The line is amazing, a steep line out the overhanging side of a massive bloc in a green valley.


34. Regional Bloc Trend of World Economy and China's Opening to Outside World


35. But the regional bloc still says it will not interfere in Burmas domestic affairs.


36. Construction and Coordination of Audit Organizations in a Business Bloc


37. ...the former Soviet bloc.


38. Appraisal Bloc Model, Group Operation for Super Appraisal Project


39. Instead, the developed countries formed a bloc calling for Kyoto to be replaced.


40. However, en bloc resection is often not achieved using conventional methods.

然而, 应用传统的EMR技术,很难将肿瘤组织整块切除.《期刊摘选》

41. Manchu dynasty was different, it relied on the Manchurian military and manchurian bureaucrats bloc.

满清则不同, 它所依靠的是旗人军事和官僚集团,不是来自于民间的文人官僚集团.《期刊摘选》

42. On average only around 25% of Asean's exports and imports are within the bloc.


43. The Liberal Bloc voted for the tax increase.


44. However, the Eastern Bloc had its own line-up of riot police vehicles.


45. Surgery with en bloc removal is the major choice with good prognosis.


46. Trial Comment on Monopoly and Competition among Enterprise Blocs


47. As the largest former eastern bloc country, its clear view may also have an impact on others in the region.


48. China will never yield to the pressure of any major power, nor will it align itself with any power or bloc of powers.


49. Clinical study on mediastinal lymph node metastatic rate of en bloc esophagectomy


50. The policy of the two blocs was played out.


51. There have been growing tensions within the trading bloc.


52. The Bloc Quebecois's associate health critic was also unhappy with the decision.


53. There are reports of teachers resigning en bloc.


54. Actors constitute the largest voting bloc, numbering 1, 311 members (22 percent) of the Academy's composition.


55. By 1936 even the gold-bloc countries had abandoned the link, but by then the damage to world trade had been done.


56. All economic and technological aid to the Communist Bloc , including the PLO, will be terminated immediately.

所有共产党支部——包括巴勒斯坦解放组织(PLO) —— 将会立刻被解除所有援助.《期刊摘选》

57. Now the governors en bloc are demanding far more consultation and rights over contractual approval.


58. Today, I set up my own bloc here.


59. Could east Africa take off as a regional trading bloc?

东非可以腾飞发展成一个区域贸易集团 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

60. The same needs press upon the socialist bloc.

社会主义集团有着同样的紧迫需求。《provided by jukuu》

61. After 1989, peace broke out in the former East Bloc.

1989年后, 和平在以前的东部国家爆发.《期刊摘选》

62. Studies on former Soviet bloc countries show three basic principles of the model.


63. A bloc rating change cannot be an excuse to spend less time.


64. But trade is one area where the Union has enormous powers and as a single bloc.


65. Implementation of small scale 32 line visual telephone exchange system used in bloc


66. The five countries formed a regional trade bloc.


67. How did a Wall Street buzzword coined by Goldman Sachs become a powerful new bloc in world affairs?


68. We must consider all the difficulties en bloc.


69. We adhere to an independent foreign policy of peace and do not join any bloc.


70. We think lower German interest rates in due course will allow European currencies to depreciate against the dollar bloc.


71. An enlarged Latin group would be in a stronger position to negotiate en bloc with the United States


72. He said his country would not associate itself with any power bloc.


73. This method allows policy across the bloc to be crafted where the EU does not have any formal powers.


74. Using a Chemtrol spanner wrench, unscrew the seat - carrier ( Tru - Bloc Model - C ) by rotating in the counterclockwise direction.

使用一把Chemtrol活动扳手, 通过逆时针方向旋转拧松阀座支架 ( Tru -Bloc型号C ) 的螺纹.《期刊摘选》

75. The farm bloc in the U.S. Senate.



1. The governors en bloc are demanding far more consultation and rights over contractual approval.


2. The 27-member bloc agreed to double loans available to eastern European countries to $68 billion and to contribute about $100 billion to the IMF as part of an overall funding increase so the institution can help countries worldwide battle the economic downturn.

VOA : standard.2009.03.20

3. Nationally, he also did much better than Clinton with the voting bloc of 18- to 29-year-olds.

NPR: Democratic Winner Unclear; McCain atop GOP Race

4. The European Union has urged Greece to implement greater austerity measures immediately to tackle a debt crisis that has shaken the entire bloc.

VOA : standard.2010.03.01

5. And that is only part of the grim news that was delivered by the European Commission - the bloc's executive arm.

VOA : standard.2009.05.04

6. The other voter bloc is feeling motion sickness and wants to slow things down.

FORBES: The Problem with Problem Solvers

7. With the result that in another 10 years, you could see China and India and the Middle East and the EU in this huge economic bloc.

这样会导致10年后,中国,印度,中东还有欧盟,他们将结成一个巨大的经济体。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

8. The entire al-Iraqiyya group, the main Sunni bloc in parliament, is boycotting the assembly in protest.

BBC: Iraq interior ministry hit by suicide car bomber

9. The Northern League formerly sat in the conservative UEN bloc, which no longer exists.

BBC: UKIP forms new Eurosceptic group

10. But the bloc has still not adopted the Lisbon treaty, aimed to reform and streamline EU institutions and many Europeans consider the European Union to be remote and unresponsive to their needs.

VOA : standard.2009.09.16

11. He said it would be "silly" to stay out of the regional economic bloc Mercosur.

BBC: Paraguay president elect, Horacio Cartes

12. which is located in eastern European bloc.

南斯拉夫是东欧集团的成员之一。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 第二外语,英语

13. An enlarged Latin group would be in a stronger position to negotiate en bloc with the United States.


14. Policy positions, not rhetoric, will ultimately win the day with this critical voting bloc.

FORBES: Keep An Eye On Seniors

15. The ministers' withdrawal was confirmed to CNN by Nasser al Rubaie, a spokesman for the bloc.

CNN: Al-Sadr orders his bloc's ministers to quit government

16. The European Union predicts the bloc may begin to slowly recover next year, but only if the banking system and international trade pick up.

VOA : standard.2009.05.04

17. A Goran supporter, parliament member Sirwan Zahawi, said his bloc "could win up to 35 seats" in the 111 seat Kurdish parliament.

VOA : standard.2009.07.26

18. It threatens to engulf Italy, severely testing the bloc's financial ability to handle the crisis.

WSJ: Pro-Bailout Party Wins Greek Vote

19. And the weak economic data from the EU raises fears that bloc could slip into recession.

FORBES: Comex Gold Lower, Hits 9-Week Low, Amid Bearish "Outside Markets"

20. Islamabad wants the Afghans as a partner in an Islamic bloc against its old nemesis, India.

CNN: A Workable Plan

21. The House Republicans were the last bloc of Congress with reservations about the deal.

FORBES: Magazine Article

22. The centrist Democratic Moldova bloc, which wants improved ties with Russia and the West, won 28.4%.

BBC: Soldiers queue to cast their vote in Chisinau, Moldova

23. The G77-China bloc,which negotiates on behalf of 130 countries including some of the poorest nations want the Kyoto agreement to continue beyond 2012 with new emissions targets.

VOA : standard.2009.12.17

24. France and Germany helped found the European Union and are still considered the main engines driving the 27-member bloc.

VOA : standard.2009.11.11

25. And they are slowly losing Turkey,". There have been efforts within the EU to dilute the membership talks and redirect the cooperation between Turkey and the bloc to something less than full membership.

VOA : standard.2009.10.15

26. It leaves Francois Hollande appearing as if he is the leader of the southern "Club-Med" bloc.

BBC: EU budget: National interests trump solidarity

27. I think this is essential. Under the deal, the 27-member bloc would contribute to an overall annual aid fund of $74 billion for poorer nations.

VOA : standard.2009.10.30

28. Since Barroso began as EU commission chief in 2004, the bloc has grown from 25 to 27 members, after Romania and Bulgaria came on board.

VOA : standard.2009.09.16

29. The revelation, made on Monday, shows a split among the EU bloc's 27 members.

BBC: Half of EU members 'oppose China solar tariffs'

30. All of this is happening in the name of defending the euro currency bloc.

FORBES: Euro Bailouts Look Like Musical Chairs

31. The selectors should resign en bloc.


32. Initial results show Mr.Maliki's State of Law bloc with a slim overall lead over former prime minister Iyad Allawi and his secular Iraqiya faction.

VOA : standard.2010.03.12

33. His old allies at the poor end of the G77 bloc are turning against his country.

BBC: Harrabin's Notes: Inside Copenhagen

34. And increasingly important political bloc.

并且朝着政治联盟方向发展。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

35. the former Soviet bloc


36. the world's largest trading bloc


37. Members of his party control the largest bloc in the Shiite alliance in parliament.

NPR: Sadr Followers to End Parliament Boycott

38. Mr Bersani's bloc has 340 seats - a comfortable majority - in the Chamber of Deputies.

BBC: Italy President Napolitano begins coalition talks

39. Some 500, 000 workers from the former Soviet bloc have registered with Britain's Home Office since 2004.

FORBES: New Britannia

40. The loss of technology to the Soviet bloc is the foremost export administration challenge.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | Why Does The US Want Moscow To Have A State-Of-The-Art Microelectronics Industry?

41. The European Commission, the EU's executive arm, recommends the bloc pay more than $22 billion a year to poorer countries.

VOA : standard.2009.10.29

42. But the European bloc did not commit to any sums and said the amount the European Union would provide will depend on financial commitments by other countries.

VOA : standard.2009.11.04

43. U. has agreed to negotiate with individual countries, rather than with the Andean Community as a bloc.

FORBES: Free Trade Agreement Will Expand Markets

44. Hong Kong's Apple Daily is dismayed at a big "military bloc" in the NPC.

BBC: China media: Opinions divided on Congress

45. In Asia,parts of South America, Russia and other former Soviet bloc countries, experts think a higher consumption of preserved and salted food and poorly refrigerated food could be links.

VOA : standard.2010.05.12

46. The al-Iraqiyya group, the main Sunni bloc in parliament, is boycotting the assembly in protest.

BBC: Iraq: Bombings in Baghdad and Nasiriya kill scores

47. The EU estimates the partnership could increase the 27-nation bloc's annual economic output by 0.5%.

CNN: EU, U.S. aim to agree free-trade deal

48. Because they would be leaving as a bloc, there would be no exit fee penalty.

FORBES: Big East Conference About To End Glorious 33-Year Era

49. If there ever is a bloc currency in Asia, it will be the yuan.

FORBES: For China's Yuan, China Knows Best

50. The Catalan Republican Left doubled its bloc, as it held just 10 seats before the election.

CNN: Ruling party in Catalonia region loses seats in parliament

51. No political bloc took enough seats to assume power and Western diplomats,among others, say it could be weeks,perhaps months before a ruling coalition could come together.

VOA : standard.2010.04.04

52. It is the biggest, most sophisticated vehicle the bloc has ever flown in space.

BBC: Europe's new space truck takes shape

53. It marked the formal breach in relations between Yugoslavia and the rest of the Communist bloc.

CNN: Sunday,

54. The European Commission's annual progress report on Turkish membership said Ankara has made some improvements on handling of human rights but said Turkey needs to speed up reforms to boost its chances of joining the bloc.

VOA : standard.2009.10.15

55. "The key message that we want to get across this time is for ASEAN to really address, to really engage dialogue with the regime of how they have already been breaching the charter so that as a regional bloc that we really want it on the table as official agenda,".

VOA : standard.2009.10.09

56. Speaking in Luxembourg, Foreign Minister Carl Bildt of Sweden, which holds the rotating EU presidency, announced the bloc would step up its support, including its civilian aid, which currently totals about $1.5 billion per year.

VOA : standard.2009.10.27

57. The secular,Shi'ite-Sunni bloc led by former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi took the most seats, but two more overtly Shi'ite groups are said to be close to forming a ruling coalition.

VOA : standard.2010.05.10

58. After a meeting with Ms.Otunbayeva, the top EU representative to Central Asia,Pierre Morel, denied the bloc is involved in any mediation between the provisional leaders and the president.

VOA : standard.2010.04.12

59. But some evangelicals, a vital voting bloc for Republicans, are warming up to McCain's plan.

CNN: McCain: Clean energy a 'national security issue'





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commission的意思是:n. 考察团,委员会;佣金,回扣;犯罪;委托,命令;(军队中的)官职,军衔;(尤指艺术品)委托制作;<古>所授之权,代办权 v. 委托撰写,委托制作;委任,任命……为军官;(使军舰)正式使用,服现役。学考宝为您提供commission是什么意思,commission的翻译,commission的用法,commission的短语搭配,commission的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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