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criminal offender


英 [ˈkrɪmɪnl əˈfendə(r)]play 美 [ˈkrɪmɪnl əˈfendər]play

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1. ordinary criminal offender 法 一般刑事犯

2. major criminal offender 重刑犯

3. minor criminal offender 轻刑犯

4. old criminal offender 老年犯

5. offender s criminal responsibility 加害者刑事责任

6. type of criminal offender 罪犯种类

7. ordinary criminal offender detail 普通刑事犯

8. juvenile criminal offender 少年犯

9. convicted criminal offender 已决犯


1. It is necessary to bring criminal behaviors such as usurping and defrauding the virtual possessions into the criminal law and charge the offender with the crime of possessions.

对窃取、骗取网络虚拟财产的行为,有必要纳入刑法规制的范畴,以财产犯罪论处; 对利用网络侵犯著作权的复制行为宜做扩大理解,且有必要将不以营利为目的相同行为也作犯罪对待;

2. A criminal offender is one who commits a crime.

刑事犯罪指的是那种犯有罪行的人。《provided by jukuu》

3. This is where the fundamental difficulty in rehabilitating a criminal offender lies.


4. Article 28 of criminal law is an additional regulation about prime culprit and accessory. According to the theory of function classification, the coerced offender does not exist at all.


5. Implicated offense is a kind of crime quantity in criminal theory, and the punishment principle of implicated offender is always focused on by criminal theory and judicial practice.


6. By analyzing the lawful and profitable aspects of status in criminal law, this paper points out that status in criminal law refers to the particular individualized elements featured when certain criminal offender violates some social interests.


7. Renders meritorious service the essence should simultaneously have legal and the justness two characteristics, is the criminal offender implementation conforms to the legal rule, the leniency in accordance with the law punishment behavior.


8. After the scene reconnaissance, these cases are criminal offender committing a crime.

经现场勘察, 这些案件均系一名犯罪分子作案.《互联网》

9. Should Device's fix, virtual Prevention and hit understand criminal offender burglary, be reduce by nation energy source's Loss.


10. After from the crime was established, before the decision, rules becomes effective in this time section the criminal offender to have renders meritorious service the performance to recognize that the establishment renders meritorious service.


11. Article 23 a criminal attempt refers to a case where an offender has already begun to commit a crime but is prevented from completing it for reasons independent of his will.


12. The evidence plays a vital role in the criminal prosecution, and it is the important basis to investigate case and determine the punishment of criminal offender, so people pay more attention to it.


13. Article 23 a criminal attempt refers to a case where an offender has already started to commit a crime but is prevented from completing it for reasons independent of his will.


14. The study of implicated offender is not only a subject of important and practical value, but also one of the problems in criminal law theory and criminal justice.


15. Partaking in this will likely resort in you exchanging places with the criminal offender, and you will result in being viewed as the criminal.


16. The concept of principal offender is not mentioned in criminal law in China and the study on the character of criminal participation system is seldom dealt among scholars.


17. In this part, the author first introduces the concept, think Implicated offence should point in a final criminal offender, its purpose under criminal means the behavior or other crimes and breaking of behavior.


18. In China, the victim in a criminal suit with incidental civil procedure has to take the consequences along in case of no compensation available from the criminal offender.


19. As a serious criminal phenomenon, involved offender has attracted a great deal of attention.


20. In criminal law, there are four main doctrines about inflicting bodily injury or death by extorting a confession by torture as follows: "Transformed Criminal theory"" Implicated Offender theory"" Imaginative Joinder of Offenses theory" and "Results Aggravated Criminal theory".


21. However, commutation do not change the original sentence nor deny the validity of the original one, but rather a criminal reward to the offender for the good performance or their decreased dangerousness in the process of implementation.


22. Generally speaking, a criminal offender will be punished according to the law.


23. Surrender system is a long-history system, which is vital to encourage the criminal offender to appear before court and reduce the cost of the cases.


24. At the same time, also has provided the new crime space and the method for the illegal criminal offender.


25. Thus, from the viewpoint of criminal form, it can be acted as the simple and most direct standard of holding concerned with the criminal attempt that the offender fails to achieve the purpose of crime.


26. South African statistics indicate a success ratio of around 2% in as far as the rehabilitation of a criminal offender is concerned. This alarming statistic speaks for itself.


27. In the current law, the design of recent program of victim-offender mediation can take criminal private prosecution and mediation system on traffic disturbance case as background.


28. If it suspects any other person of hiding the offender or concealing criminal evidence, it may also conduct a search of that person, his articles and residence and other relevant places.


29. The judicial departments have come to an agreement with protecting the lawful rights and interests of suspected offender and defendant during the criminal procedure.


30. Where the importation or exportation of goods infringing an intellectual property right constitutes a crime, the offender shall be prosecuted for criminal liability according to law.


31. On the purpose of restoring social relationship, compensating the injure to victim and making offender correct his criminal behavior to come back to the community.


32. Thirdly, the minor criminal offender, can be made to returned to the society as truly and soon as possible after penalty through the emphasizing on education and transformation, reducing the intensity of punishment and particularly the vigorous promotion of non-custodial sentences.



1. The reason for that is that the convicted sex offender is less likely to reoffend than any other criminal.

FORBES: So Which Social Networking Sites Can Sex Offenders Actually Use?

2. He offers the analogy of a conveyor belt, on which the individual passes through successive stages: neglected child, disruptive pupil, anti-social teenager, young offender, hardened criminal.

ECONOMIST: Oliver Letwin's big new idea about crime

3. Criminologist Prof David Wilson of Birmingham City University, who once worked on the sex offender treatment programme at Grendon prison, says psychological profiling can indicate whether such a criminal is less likely to re-offend - but ultimately, the nature of the offence makes it impossible to be absolutely certain.

BBC: Who, what, why: When is a sex offender not a risk?

4. At the same time that the EEOC is practically rewriting the law to add "criminal offender" to the list of protected groups under civil-rights statutes, the agency refuses to disclose whether it uses criminal background checks for its own hiring.

WSJ: James Bovard: Perform Criminal Background Checks at Your Peril

5. It is about the criminal justice system regarding burglary as important and dealing fairly severely with the offender.

BBC: Nottinghamshire has the highest burglary rate in England

6. Former EEOC General Counsel Donald Livingston, in testimony in December to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, warned that employers could be considered guilty of "race discrimination if they choose law abiding applicants over applicants with criminal convictions" unless they conduct a comprehensive analysis of the ex-offender's recent life history.

WSJ: James Bovard: Perform Criminal Background Checks at Your Peril

7. The federal Sentencing Guidelines take into account both the seriousness of the offense and the offender's criminal history.

CNN: Peanut sentence sends a message

8. "Felipe Torrealba has been a violent career offender with a criminal history which dates back to 2000, " Angel Gonzalez, deputy assistant director of the U.S. Marshals Investigative Operations Division, said in a statement.

CNN: Elusive fugitive nabbed after several escapes

9. Rather than attacking the criminal justice system for the offender's non-custodial sentence, Mrs Kent is pleased he was not jailed.

BBC: A victim of crime

10. In Swansea, police and social services, together with health and council staff, decide whether it is more appropriate for a young offender to go through the court system and end up with a criminal record or whether they could benefit from a "second chance".

BBC: Youth and child crime rates fall in Wales, YOT figures show

11. While the judge granted anonymity to the sex offender, he also stressed that the ruling does not suppress information about him or his criminal record that is already in the public domain.

BBC: Convicted paedophile seeks damages from Facebook

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