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agency commission是什么意思_agency commission的音标_用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


agency commission

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  • 代理佣金:指代理人或中介机构从交易中获得的报酬,通常以一定比例或固定金额计算。

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1. Agency and Commission 代理和佣金 ; 代理与佣金

2. agency commission clause 代理佣金条款

3. agreed agency commission 约定的代理佣金 ; 贸易 商定佣金

4. contract of commission agency 行纪合同 ; 代办合同 ; 代理契约

5. Advertising agency commission 广告代理商佣金

6. Commission Agency 佣金代理 ; 代办业 ; 委托代理 ; 行纪

7. agency y commission 广告公司佣金 ; 代理佣金

8. agency commission and allowance 代理人手续费和津贴

9. commission-agency relation 委托 ; 代理


1. In 1999, China made a new Contract Law of PRC ( which contains the rules of agency contract and commission agency contract) and laid a solid foundation for Foreign Trade Agency System.


2. China Insurance Regulatory Commission appoints the company an agency. It has competitive advantages in the fee rate and strong ability of handling claim settlement.


3. The European Commission is looking at the idea of creating a home-grown rating agency as a counterweight to the American trio.


4. The duration, including the commencement date and deadline of the securities underwriting on the commission and sole agency methods;


5. The time for the settlement of the premium shall be no more than one month, and the premium shall not be used to deduct the agency commission.


6. On the part of the banking system, the conflict exists in various relationships of agency and commission.


7. The policy-setting agency, called the Korean Broadcasting Commission, is expected soon to write a proposal that would include the specifics of how the new in-show ads would work.

预计政策制定机构韩国广播电视委员会(Korean Broadcasting Commission)将很快完成草案,内容涵盖新的插播广告如何运作等细节。

8. The Athens news agency says a commission of cardinals in bishops at the Vatican have approved John Paul's case.


9. This paper commissioned by the sales agency for tourism based on the basic theory, analysis of the current travel agency commission, and a survey of tourism development.


10. How will you pay the agency commission?


11. Agency commission covers advertising, arranging and confirming appointments, as well as some security when needed.


12. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation's consumer protection agency, says you can deter identity theft and information piracy by taking a few preventive steps.


13. The commission consists of the conversion of a dwelling into offices for a creative film and advertising agency.


14. As commission agency we do business at commission basis.


15. An agency called the Commission on the limits of the continental shelf decides on the merits of the case, but it has no powers of enforcement.

一个名为“大陆架界限委员会(commission on the limits of the continental shelf)”的机构对调查结果的是非曲直做出决议,但它无权强制执行。《www.ecocn.org》

16. The ultimate reason for these three crises is the existence of the conflict between agency and commission.


17. The underwriter holds agency relationship of commission and authority with the agent.


18. The ban's been imposed by the European Commission in Brussels. It based its decision on findings by European Food Safety Agency, or EFSA, which were also inconclusive.


19. Do I have to pay the agency any commission?

我必须给职业介绍所负手续费吗?《provided by jukuu》

20. The relation between the agency grant and the commission contract or the agency action;


21. If the matter is referred to another agency, the Commission will monitor the progress of the investigation then review the outcome to ensure that the response is adequate and thorough.

公署把个案转介其他机构后,会监察调查的进度,然后检讨结果,确保个案得到适当而周全的处理。《provided by jukuu》

22. As our agent, you'll receive an agency commission of 5 % the sale value.

作为我方代理, 您将得到销售金额5%的代理佣金.《互联网》

23. Do your own market research or commission an agency or university and put together a study or report that’s relevant to your industry.


24. Mr Obasanjo set up an agency, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), which at first amazed and delighted Nigerians with its success.

奥巴桑乔先生组建了一个机构,名叫经济和金融犯罪委员会(the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission),在其成立之初,她的成就既让尼日利亚人倍感惊诧,又欢喜无比。

25. And then I hope we can see eye to eye about our commission and the terms of the agency.


26. This is to inform you that we are acting as agents on a sole agency commission basis. We specialize in the trade of household and decorative wares, such as porcelain wares, lacquer wares and crystal.


27. Luyuan's favourite clients were the speculators who would buy a property only to flip it shortly afterwards. Her agency made a commission on both transactions.


28. What's the agency commission rate?


29. This is my listed interest of items and I'd like to hear your quotations on the CIF bases valued for15days to Venkowa with inclusion of3.5% agency commission in your quotation.


30. Review of travel agency commission payments.


31. Both the Romanow Commission and the Kirby committee on health care—to say nothing of reports from other experts—recommended the creation of a national drug agency.

Romanow 委员会和 Kirby 卫生保健委员会——更不用说其他专家给出的报告了——都建议建立一个全国性的药品机构。

32. Article 29 an insurance company shall not pay the agency commission to a concurrent-business insurance agent by means of direct deduction with premium or by cash.


33. The commission has also ordered the UK Food Standards Agency to investigate and potentially look at ways to make entomophagy - the eating of insects - a more popular choice.


34. To be the commission agency first or the sole agency directly. You can choose.


35. The government credit is the public assessment of the government's willingness and ability and act to fulfill its responsibility and, it is the agent credit that occurs in the political relationship of agency on commission as well as the public trust on the government.


36. The four men in Heilongjiang province spent Rmb200000 ($ 31000) to set up their scheme, complete with an interrogation room and seals of China's graft-busting agency the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and a camera to record confessions, according to a report on Tencent's news channel.


37. Review travel agency commission payments.


38. Also, a Conduct of Business Regulator would be responsible for investor protection. This agency would perform many duties currently done by the Securities and Exchange Commission.


39. In September, the European Commission and the European Space Agency, which includes Norway as a member, shortlisted 11 European firms which are bidding for future contracts connected to Galileo.


40. The Credit of Government from Perspective of Agency on Commission


41. The Consumer product Safety Commission is a federal agency that cracks down on companies that manufacture dangerous toys and other products.


42. The implementation of this system can effectively deal with the problem of commission and agency and can do good to the formation of long-term stimulation system in the internal company.



1. The Ventana is located within the coastal zone, an area regulated by the commission, an independent state agency that oversees coastal development.

NPR: APNewsBreak: Mogul To Pay $2.5M In Settlement

2. The Energy and Climate Change Committee (on Thursday at 9.30am) investigates the pros and cons with witnesses from the Environment Agency, the EU Commission Environment Directorate-General, and Energy Minister Greg Barker.

BBC: Week ahead in committees

3. Of course you pay your agency a commission, as well as taxes, but after gaining several clients, I was working every day for several hours a day and doing very well.

FORBES: The Finances And Career Prospects Of Being A Model

4. She's the head of the Federal Trade Commission, the government agency charged with combatting identity theft.

NPR: Identification Theft: Protecting Your Personal Data

5. The new environmental management body is being created through a merger of the Countryside Council, Environment Agency and Forestry Commission Wales.

BBC: Environment and Sustainability Committee

6. Huge corporations can cope with the myriad rules issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and their state-level counterparts.

WSJ: Charles Murray: Why Capitalism Has an Image Problem

7. The White House confirms that President Bill Clinton will send a letter to the Federal Election Commission petitioning the agency to outlaw the large contributions from wealthy donors, corporations and labor unions known as soft money.

CNN: AllPolitics - Clinton To Ask FEC To Ban Soft Money

8. Operation Samurai will involve Cumbria Police, Forestry Commission, Environment Agency as well as local gamekeepers and landowners.

BBC: Operation targets wildlife crime in Cumbria

9. Unemployment in the region remained at a euro-era high of 11.7%, according to figures from the European Commission's statistics agency, Eurostat.

BBC: Eurozone manufacturing 'on course' for return to growth

10. The International Trade Commission and Trade and Development Agency aid American exporters and domestic firms facing foreign competition.

FORBES: Where to Cut the Federal Budget? Start by Killing Corporate Welfare

11. She ruled that the state oil and gas supervisor in charge of the commission as a state agency acted reasonably in evaluating requests for trade secret exemptions under the fracking disclosure rule.

NPR: Judge Sides With Wyoming In Fracking Chemical Suit

12. The inspector general of the SEC is supposed to act as an impartial arbiter of the agency's conduct, auditing commission operations, programs, activities, functions and organizations, and investigating allegations of staff misconduct, according to the SEC's Web site.

FORBES: SEC Official Retires As Report Blasts Performance

13. Activists embedded a video statement on the homepage of the United States Sentencing Commission, an agency of the US government.

BBC: Anonymous hackers target US agency site

14. It is a pretty wide-ranging set of discreet policies, subsidies, incentives, disincentives and restrictions that is administered by various federal departments and agencies, including the Department of the Interior, the Energy Department, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, OSHA, and even the Internal Revenue Service.

FORBES: Bad Energy Policy And Its Effects In The Oil And Gas World

15. In the afternoon, witnesses include Christopher Cox and William Donaldson, two former chairmen of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the agency that has been criticized for failing to adequately police the derivatives and trading activities of Wall Street firms.

FORBES: Next Up In Washington: Bear Stearns

16. Comparable NOOK sales reflect the actual selling price for digital books sold under the agency model rather than solely the commission received.

ENGADGET: Barnes & Noble's Q4 and FY 2012: revenue up, losses up, hopes Microsoft hurries up

17. So it is with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the United States Geological Survey, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).

FORBES: Why Jaczko Leaving The NRC Is Good for America

18. That is supposed to be the role of the Federal Elections Commission, an agency carefully organized to be entirely ineffective.

FORBES: Secret Campaign Giving And Abusing The Tax Law

19. The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, another federal agency, has a virtually identical whistleblower program created pursuant to Dodd-Frank.

FORBES: Using Crowdfunding To Blow The Whistle On Investment Scams

20. The Commission which oversees the agency consists of five presidentially-appointed Commissioners, with staggered five-year terms.

FORBES: SEC Commissioners Wanted: Plaintiffs Lawyers and Consumer Advocates Need Not Apply (Sept 10,2010 )

21. C. in January to start a one-year appointment at the Federal Trade Commission, the federal agency tasked with protecting consumer privacy.

FORBES: Names You Need To Know in 2011: Ed Felten

22. The XM and Sirius merger will need approval from both the Department of Justice and the Federal Communications Commission, the governmental agency that regulates radio and television.

CNN: Proposed satellite radio merger: Boon for consumers or monopoly?

23. President-elect Obama rounded out his economic team on Thursday, naming Mary Schapiro to head the Securities and Exchange Commission, an agency that has been the focus of criticism in recent weeks for failing to act on questionable practices that may have cost investors billions of dollars.

NPR: Obama Names Mary Schapiro As SEC Chief

24. Republicans want to replace the bureau's single-director structure with a bipartisan commission, place the agency under the congressional funding process and give other financial regulators more authority to veto the agency's moves.

WSJ: White Pressed on Past Representing Banks

25. Mary Schapiro, chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the agency responsible for securities regulation, wrote a letter full of objections.

ECONOMIST: The JOBS Act and the BATS crash

26. The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), an independent agency of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) created by SOx, develops those auditing standards and regulates external auditors of public companies.

FORBES: Crisis? What Crisis? Don't Blame The Accounting

27. In Texas, the birthplace of the shale-gas revolution, there is currently a stand-off between the federal Environmental Protection Agency and the state Railroad Commission, which regulates oil and gas production.

WSJ: Daniel Yergin on the Shale Gas Revolution: Stepping on the Gas

28. An agency called the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf decides on the merits of the case, but it has no powers of enforcement.


29. Each brokerage allots a portion of the proceeds to the respective agent, depending on the agency's commission split agreement.

WSJ: Open House Etiquette

30. The defense also plans to point out a previous five-year investigation of Galleon by the Securities and Exchange Commission in which the agency subpoenaed and obtained millions of records from the hedge fund and hours of interviews, including a seven-hour deposition of Rajaratnam in 2007.

FORBES: Galleon Group Lawyers To Argue Court Should Toss Evidence From Wiretaps

agency commission是什么意思_agency commission的音标_用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句




angle的意思是:n. 角;倾斜,斜角;角度;视角,立场;<美>不可告人的动机;<美>诡计,狡猾的手段;角铁,角钢;<古>鱼钩 v. 斜移,斜置;向(特定人群)提供资讯,定位于;博取,谋取;垂钓,钓鱼;(使)朝向,(使)转向。学考宝为您提供angle是什么意思,angle的翻译,angle的用法,angle的短语搭配,angle的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


slack-jawed的意思是:adj. 目瞪口呆的;发呆的。学考宝为您提供slack-jawed是什么意思,slack-jawed的翻译,slack-jawed的用法,slack-jawed的短语搭配,slack-jawed的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


anger的意思是:n. 愤怒,怒火 v. 使生气,激怒 【名】 (Anger)(法)安热,(德、捷、瑞典)安格尔,(罗)安杰尔(人名)。学考宝为您提供anger是什么意思,anger的翻译,anger的用法,anger的短语搭配,anger的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


washrooms的意思是:n. (尤指公共建筑物内的)洗手间,厕所。washroom的复数。学考宝为您提供washrooms是什么意思,washrooms的音标,washrooms怎么读,washrooms的翻译,washrooms的用法,washrooms的短语搭配,washrooms的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


angelology的意思是:n. 天使学。学考宝为您提供angelology是什么意思,angelology的翻译,angelology的用法,angelology的短语搭配,angelology的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


angel的意思是:n. 天使;仁慈的人,善人;宝贝,乖乖;(尤指仁慈的)精灵,保护神;<非正式>仙波,雷达回响 【名】 (Angel)(英、罗)安杰尔,(德、塞、俄、保、瑞典、挪)安格尔,(法、葡)安热尔,(西)人名安赫尔,(土)安盖尔(人名)。学考宝为您提供angel是什么意思,angel的翻译,angel的用法,angel的短语搭配,angel的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


gobsmacked的意思是:adj. 目瞪口呆的;大吃一惊的 v. 使窘困;使震惊;使完全不知所措(gobsmack 的过去式)。学考宝为您提供gobsmacked是什么意思,gobsmacked的翻译,gobsmacked的用法,gobsmacked的短语搭配,gobsmacked的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


ancestress的意思是:n. 女性祖先;女性被继承人。学考宝为您提供ancestress是什么意思,ancestress的翻译,ancestress的用法,ancestress的短语搭配,ancestress的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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