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opening statement是什么意思_opening statement怎么读_opening statement的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


opening statement

opening statement


英 [ˈəʊpənɪŋ ˈsteɪtmənt]play 美 [ˈoʊpənɪŋ ˈsteɪtmənt]play

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1. Opening Statement at the Conference 大会开场白

2. Games Opening Statement 运动会开幕词

3. And Opening Statement 或开场白


1. In his opening statement, Zoellick outlined priority actions to help meet immediate needs of developing countries, while also paving the way toward an inclusive and sustainable development.


2. The opening statement is not evidence, as the court will instruct the jury. It is an outline of the evidence counsel hopes to produce.


3. The reason why my thesis ended with an opening statement lies in the fact that new content of research will be constantly supplemented to the audience study and the brand strategies as the maturity of the TV market and the regress of TV noumenon consciousness.


4. Uh, Mr. Glass, your opening statement.


5. In his opening statement, Wolfowitz said the world was now at an important moment in history to eradicate poverty and create opportunity.


6. Well, I do have an opening statement.


7. The trial continues today with the opening statement from the prosecution.


8. Ross's opening statement* It was all true.

罗斯说的那些都是事实。《provided by jukuu》

9. The formation of false statement consists of five kinds of behaviors, which are false record, misleading statement, major omission, unjust opening, false evaluation and false predication.


10. Before the trial recessed today, the lawyer read her opening statement.


11. What has been said as to the proper limits of the plaintiff's opening statement also applies to that of the defendant.


12. Crocker, in his opening statement, added to the gloom.


13. And then I pull myself together. I rewrite my opening statement, work my exhibits and that's what I do for the rest of the night.


14. The trial begins with an opening statement from the plaintiff and, usually, an opening statement from the defendant.

审判始于原告的开庭陈述,并且通常情况下,被告也会有开庭陈述。《provided by jukuu》

15. Well, I do have an opening statement.


16. "It would ... be inappropriate for him to personally attend the World Cup opening celebrations, " the Nelson Mandela Foundation said in a statement on Friday morning.


17. In his opening statement, WHO Director-General Dr LEE Jong-wook reported to the Board on his recent visit to areas in Indonesia and Sri Lanka worst affected by the tsunami.


18. While running up your Visa to buy six pairs of shoes in every color may bring temporary happiness, opening the credit card statement will not.


19. In opening statement, lead defense counsel and Nisqually Tribal AttorneyBill Tobin said this was a case about riding a historical round.


20. Nixon also released an opening statement about her announcement to run, describing her agenda as a "bold, progressive message" and calling out Cuomo as a "centrist."


21. The opening statement can be a crucial factor in the case.


22. A Microsoft statement reads: "the purpose of opening these stores is to create deeper engagement with consumers and continue to learn first-hand what they want."


23. This statement was the opening shot in the argument.


24. The opening statement can be a crucial factor in the case.


25. Here's an opening statement suggestion I read from a sales trainer in an online article.


26. As the opening behavior in the justification behavior system, appropriate reformation of this issue is changing it to opening statement and providing clear outline for the justification.


27. Today we're focusing on the critical part of the call where success or failure is usually determined: the opening statement.

今天,我们把焦点集中在电话的关键环节:开场陈述。是成是败,通常由它决定。《provided by jukuu》

28. After you give your opening statement, you should give a brief overview of your presentation.


29. Now, let's come to the first stage, the opening statement.


30. In her opening statement Burkheiser described how, on 29 August 1984, Fritzl sedated his then 18-year-old daughter by putting a cloth over her nose and mouth and dragged her into the cellar.


31. Is the defense prepared to make its opening statement?

辩护律师是否准备好你的陈词?《provided by jukuu》

32. During this stage, debater number 2 of both sides can raise questions concerning to each other's opening statement.


33. Anyway, if it would please the court, I'd like to begin with an opening statement.


34. President Wolfowitz, in your opening statement, you said you asked that you be judged by what you are doing now.


35. Answer: Well, I do have an opening statement.


36. Is the government prepared to make an opening statement?

控方准备好作公开陈述了吗?《provided by jukuu》

37. Petro Poroshenko made the statement at the opening of the country's September parliament session today.


38. Finally, the delegation concurred with the director general's opening statement that it was not natural resources but IP that carried with it the seeds of future wealth.

最后,该代表团同意总干事的开幕发言,即并非自然资源、而是知识产权带来了未来财富的种子。《provided by jukuu》

39. In his opening statement, Wolfowitz said the world was now at an important moment in history to eradicate poverty and create opportunity.


40. Mr. Soungui . Ahmed ambassador of Chad Embassy in China opening statement.


41. He begins his Metaphysics, his great book the Metaphysics, : with the famous opening statement, " "All men have a desire to know."


42. A repeat of the opening statement of a popular song played by the whole group.


43. Today we're focusing on the critical part of the call where success or failure is usually determined: the opening statement.


44. In his opening statement to the committee Coulson also said he was unaware the paper's publisher, News International, had reached an out-of-court settlement with Gordon Taylor.


45. Opening statement presented by the plaintiff and his litigation representative;


46. In his opening statement yesterday, Hasan did not deny that he was the shooter that killed 13 people and wounded more than 30.



1. The chair now recognizes the minority leader, the ranking member of this committee, Mr. Conyers, for five minutes for his opening statement.

CNN: Transcript: Judiciary Committee impeachment hearing

2. Your opening statement could very well determine whether or not your audience will pay attention to what you have to say.

FORBES: Have Them at "Hello"

3. With court adjourned for the week, prosecutors will finish their opening statement on Monday.

VOA : standard.2009.10.27

4. Burns and Nides, but in an opening statement he backed calls for increased congressional funding for the State Department.

WSJ: In Benghazi Hearings, Partisan Politics Play Out

5. Let me read you the first words in the president's opening statement to the grand jury.


6. "Let me be clear: I have never taken steroids or HGH (human growth hormone), " Clemens insisted in his opening statement.

FORBES: Hard Ball In The Beltway

7. "She rewarded that love from Travis Alexander by sticking a knife in his chest, " Martinez said in his opening statement.


8. And all other members, if they have an opening statement, without objection, it will be included in the record at this point.

CNN: Transcript: House Judiciary Committee

9. Panish, who will deliver the Jacksons' opening statement Monday morning, said he was not sure who his first witness will be Tuesday morning.

CNN: Michael Jackson wrongful death trial to open

10. Richard Lugar, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said in his opening statement.

CNN: Bush Iraq policy faces tough questions?on Capitol Hill

11. He continued speaking on Friday and finally finished his opening statement on Monday Feburary 18th.

ECONOMIST: Milosevic on trial | The

12. Her counsel, Richard Rampton, pulled no punches in his opening statement.


13. In his opening statement, the Galway West Coroner, Dr Ciaran MacLoughlin said it was his job to ensure the inquest would be "independent, prompt and effective".

BBC: Savita Halappanavar inquest opens in Galway

14. The surprise announcement actually came about five minutes into Rice's opening statement to the Senate Appropriations Committee.

NPR: Iraq Meeting May Lead to U.S.-Iran Talks

15. When Jackson's team refused, the accuser's mother had the boy make false allegations, Mesereau argued in his opening statement Feb. 28.

CNN: Jackson Case: Alleged victim testifies against Jackson

16. And the consequences of us not paying our bills, as I outlined in my opening statement, would be disastrous.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds a News Conference

17. On November 19th, Mr. Starr appeared before the House Judiciary Committee and gave a two-hour opening statement.


18. But in her opening statement in her confirmation hearings, she spoke out strongly for Mr Bush's vision of spreading democracy.

ECONOMIST: More sticks, and the odd carrot | The

19. You yourself used in your opening statement they were unwilling to budge on this.

WHITEHOUSE: Presidential Press Conference on Tax Cuts and Unemployment Extension | The White House

20. Each member may be permitted to place an opening statement into the record.

CNN: Transcript: Judiciary Committee impeachment hearing

21. Following an impassioned opening statement Tuesday by Finance Committee Ranking Member Sen.

FORBES: Magazine Article

22. He begins his Metaphysics, his great book the Metaphysics, : with the famous opening statement, " "All men have a desire to know."

他开始了其著作《形上学》,他伟大的著作《形上学》,书中的开头陈述即是,“所有人都有求知欲“政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. McGettigan III unveiled them in his opening statement on Monday, projecting boyhood photos on a big screen.

CNN: June 17, 2012 -- Updated 2034 GMT (0434 HKT)

24. In an opening statement, prosecutor Jonathan Baumoel said the "enormous" weight of Beasley's crimes should be considered in deciding on life or death.

NPR: Mother Testifies To Spare Son's Life In Ohio Case

25. The hearing was temporarily halted at the start when protesters repeatedly interrupted Brennan's opening statement.


26. The prosecution's opening statement offered no suggestion of a motive for the 1985 killing.

WSJ: Impostor's lawyer suggests missing wife as killer

27. His lawyer will present the defense's opening statement on Tuesday morning.

WSJ: Pitching Great Wove Web Of Lies, Prosecutors Argue

28. Dodd, who also sits on the Foreign Relations Committee, also used his opening statement Tuesday to criticize the president's war policy.

CNN: 2008 politics woven through Iraq hearings

29. Remember, every surgeon has to make a first cut, every lawyer a first opening statement to a jury, every pilot a first take off and landing.

FORBES: The Gen-Y Job Negotiation Plan - The Credible Candidate

30. The chair recognizes himself for five minutes for purposes of making an opening statement.

CNN: Transcript: Judiciary Committee impeachment hearing

31. Counsel to the inquiry James Eadie will make a lengthy opening statement, expected to last a day, on 26 February.

BBC: NEWS | UK | New police data guidance proposed

32. With that, I will recognize Mr. Conyers for an opening statement, and after Mr. Conyers, we will go to our witnesses who are at the table.

CNN: Transcript: House Judiciary Committee

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brattle的意思是:n. 隆隆声;格格声 v. 发出格格声(或隆隆声) n. (Brattle)(英、澳、加、美、新)布拉特尔(人名)。学考宝为您提供brattle是什么意思,brattle的翻译,brattle的用法,brattle的短语搭配,brattle的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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compel的意思是:v. 强迫,迫使;使发生,促使;<文>驱赶 【名】 (Compel)(法)孔佩尔(人名)。学考宝为您提供compel是什么意思,compel的翻译,compel的用法,compel的短语搭配,compel的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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