莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟

less ... than ...翻译_less ... than ...短语搭配_less ... than ...权威例句


less ... than ...

play play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. less than 小于 ; 少于 ; 不到

2. not less than 不比……差 ; 至少 ; 不小于号 ; 不少于

3. LCL less-than-carload 零担的

4. nothing less than 简直是

5. selling at less than cost 蚀本出售

6. Less Than A Pearl 珍珠般渺小 ; 微弱的存在 ; 珍珠般微小 ; 不如珍珠

7. no less than 不少于 ; 不亚于 ; 多达 ; 放不下

8. is not less than 不小于号 ; 不小于 ; 不大于号

9. is less than 小于号 ; 小于 ; 少于

10. less than container load 拼箱货 ; 拼箱 ; 拼装货 ; 并装


1. He is rarely satisfied with anything less than perfection itself.


2. They could not achieve their target of less than 3% inflation.


3. In the second race, the American competitor edged out the Ethiopian runner by less than a second.


4. It's less than a mile to the beach.


5. They were less than truthful about their part in the crime.


6. The wedding preparations take weeks but the actual ceremony takes less than an hour.


7. We won't let the house go for less than $200 000.


8. The guide contains details of no less than 115 hiking routes.


9. He lost by less than 100 votes.


10. He died in a struggle with prison officers less than two months after coming to Britain.


11. We'll be there in less than no time.


12. It was nothing less than a disaster.


13. Briefly, no less than nine of our agents have passed information to us.


14. She got much less than she would have done if she had settled out of court


15. He served less than a year of a five-year prison sentence, but was permanently exiled from the sport.


16. The victory was nothing less than a miracle.


17. The bullet had passed less than an inch from Andrea's heart.


18. The receptionist was less than helpful.


19. Their average gate is less than 23,000.


20. It has 25 calories less than ordinary ice cream.


21. France edged out the British team by less than a second


22. Doctors were disturbed that less than 30 percent of the patients were women


23. Parliament sits for less than six months of the year.


24. He has to manage on less than £ 100 a week.


25. Some expert you are! You know even less than me.


26. They could not achieve their target of less than 3% inflation.


27. He ran the mile in less than four minutes.


28. This simple chicken dish costs less than $3 a head.


29. She still has the energy and sex appeal of a woman less than half her age.


30. He lost by less than one second.


31. Her body was found dumped in a derelict warehouse less than a mile from her home.


32. The marriage had lasted for less than two years.


33. China's ethnic minorities constitute less than 7 percent of its total population.


34. The game took her less than an hour to finish


35. He could have looked over the papers in less than ten minutes.


36. He lost by less than 100 votes.


37. The book is less than inspiring.


38. The project is nothing less than mapping every gene sequence in the human body.


39. We won't let the house go for less than$ 200 000.


40. It is his third brush with the law in less than a year.


41. Her greeting was less than enthusiastic.


42. The arithmetic was discouraging. In less than two months, they had used up six months' worth of food.


43. Peterson was let go after less than two years.


44. Together they account for less than five per cent of the population


45. The whole operation is performed in less than three seconds.


46. The wedding preparations take weeks but the actual ceremony takes less than an hour.


47. This simple chicken dish costs less than £ 1 a head


48. Doctors were disturbed that less than 30 percent of the patients were women.


49. It was amazing how my mother coped with bringing up three children on less than thirty dollars a week.


50. Parliament sits for less than six months of the year.


51. I eat lots less than I used to.


52. He was less than enamoured of the music.


53. It was the second air disaster in the region in less than two months.


54. The traffic was stationary due to three sets of roadwork in less than a mile.


55. She got much less than she would have done if she had settled out of court.


56. It was the second air disaster in the region in less than two months


57. The council's land is now worth much less than originally hoped because of a slump in property prices.


58. The repaired sail lasted less than 24 hours.


59. The marriage had lasted for less than two years



1. In nineteen sixty Doctor Seuss was urged by a book publisher to write a book using less than fifty words.

VOA : special.2010.05.02

2. Tax structures in Germany and many Asian countries make U.S. REITs less attractive than direct real estate ownership.

FORBES: Good Neighbors

3. Many of you will start out doing satisfactory work or, truth be told, less than satisfactory work.

很多人刚开始时只能说令人满意,或者,说实话,甚至不太令人满意。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. Sociologists from the University of Maryland found that people who describe themselves as happy spend less time watching television than unhappy people.

VOA : special.2009.03.10

5. There's only one occasion where it helps to go to three dimensions because there are certain things you can do in 3D you cannot do in less than 3D.

只有一种情况下进入三维是有意义的,因为有些事情你能在三维空间内完成,但低于三维就做不到了基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. So we have--U.S. Government issues bills and that's less than or equal to one year and they pay no interest.

美国政府发行的短期国库券,期限通常小于或等于一年,且不付息金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. Even though women fill close to half of all jobs in the U.S. economy, they hold less than 25 percent of STEM jobs.

WHITEHOUSE: Working Toward a Tech Sector that Reflects America

8. Farmers can start rotational grazing by removing animals from a pasture when the grass is eaten to less than five centimeters.

VOA : special.2010.01.19

9. So if I got these two cells they would be less they would have less potential than these.

因此这些细胞它们会,它们拥有的潜能就会比较少生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. And it turns out that it's actually less than 109 . 5, because those lone pairs are pushing the bonds even further away.

所以结果是它要小于109。,因为孤对会把成键推向更远。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

11. Mr. PANG XING YUEN (Economist, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences): (Through translator) China's holdings of U.S. treasury bonds are less than people think.

NPR: Chinese Cash Moves Could Roil Markets

12. Quite the contrary: the average private forecast for growth in 2012 has tumbled from 1.5% to less than 0.5%.

BBC: Central banks: A long way from decoupling

13. It's the list of length less than two.

就是列表的长度是否小于2。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

14. At the same time, the U.S. work force was less than half its present size.

FORBES: Big Corporations Look Like Better Borrowers Than Uncle Sam

15. Its average valence electron energy is 5.2 electron volts, which is a heck of a lot less than 11.

它的平均价电子能是,5。2电子伏,那比11电子伏要少得多。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

16. The supply of sugar was 377, 302 cwts. less in 1840 than 1824.


17. But because there's this lone pair here, it's pushing down on the other bonds, 5° so we end up with an angle of less than 109 . 5 degrees.

但因为这里有孤对,它会把其它键向下压,所以键角会小于109。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

18. Farmers can start rotational grazing by removing animals from a pasture when the grass is eaten to less than 5 centimeters.

VOA : special.2009.01.06

19. And, in this case, they had foil that was less than a micrometer thick.

这样的话,他们采用的箔的厚度小于一微米。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

20. In 2000, according to the U.S. census, less than a quarter of black Americans -- 22.5% -- lived in poverty.

CNN: Ben Carson, admirable man with a mistaken philosophy

21. Because of these trends, price changes at the farm level in the U.S. have less impact on a percentage basis than ever before.

FORBES: Foods With The Biggest Price Increases

22. In the real world, the stimulus multipliers are not just less than 1.00, they are less than zero.

FORBES: Dear Barack: It's Time To Give Up On The Stimulus

23. Anything else, which is to say any spontaneous process, it'll be less than zero.

其它任何情况下,也就是任何自发过程,都将小于零。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

24. These were people under the age of sixty and those who had smoked for less than twenty years.

VOA : special.2009.06.23

25. A farmer could save on wood or stone with a round design that needed less material than traditional barns.

VOA : special.2009.12.29

26. New orders for U.S. durable goods slipped 0.8% in March, far less than the 1.5% drop Wall Street had expected.

FORBES: Markets Brief

27. One wonders why anyone expects quantitative easing in the U.S. to be any less futile than it was in Japan.

FORBES: Has The Fed Lost Control?

28. Long-term inflation expectation is 2.0 percent, which is 0.5 percent less than 2012.

FORBES: Portfolio Solutions' 30-Year Market Forecast for Investment Planning (2013 edition)

29. Mr Takamiya says returns on overseas assets at MUFG's biggest bank generate about 2.5%, versus less than 1.5% at home.

ECONOMIST: Japanese banks in Asia

30. According to Morningstar Principia, you can buy an index fund that tracks the U.S. stock market for less than 0.1 percent per year.

FORBES: Possible Isn't Probable in the Lottery or Investing

31. But if housing prices in L.A. fall less than 11.5%, you'll pay the holder of your contracts out of pocket.

FORBES: Protect Your Home

32. Or maybe you want to express that you have something less tangible than a boyfriend.

又或者你想表达你拥有一些不像男友那么具体的东西。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I have 课堂

33. Under her leadership, the group's budget grew from less than ten million dollars to more than one hundred thirty million.

VOA : special.2010.06.22

34. The railroads made it possible to travel from one side of the country to the other in less than a week.

VOA : special.2009.02.21

35. But cavalier views of war powers generally and of the Act specifically makes the U.S. no less imperial now than in the 1970s.

FORBES: The Proliferation of Illegal Wars Erodes American Values

36. Wind energy currently provides about 2 percent of total U.S. energy, and solar less than 1 percent.

WSJ: Celebrity 'fractivists': True advocates or NIMBYs?

37. Up to 30 civilians were killed in a U.S. military air strike in southern Afghanistan less than a week ago.

NPR: Truck Accident Sparks Riots in Afghanistan

38. It would also depend on the building materials used since some materials are less resistant to heat than others.

VOA : special.2010.03.02

39. In 2008, the ratio was 1.37 percent, just 0.02 percent less than 2011.

FORBES: The Growth Of Government: 1980 To 2012

40. Then there are always things that we might call much less rational than that.

另外,还有其他的一些原因,我们称之为非理性决定古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. Now, compare the first element in each of these lists. Two is less than three, so two ought to be the next element of the list.

现在,比较每个列表的第一个元素,2要比3小,所以2应该是合并后列表的,下一个元素,然后你们就知道了。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

42. Veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces are less likely to be unemployed than non-veterans.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Military service benefits civilian life

43. But it grew too slowly. By the end of summer, there were still less than twenty men hiding in the old house.

VOA : special.2009.06.18

44. And if you want to buy an orchid, it will cost a lot less than it once did.

VOA : special.2010.04.06

45. But the 50 wealthiest and most selective colleges and universities in the U.S. enroll less than 4% of students.

WSJ: Are Bachelor's Degrees Worth It?

46. Moreover, the workforce in 2012 comprised 69.2% of the population, 0.6% less than in 2011.

FORBES: Is China Running Out Of Workers?

47. And in other economic news, a report by the Institute for Supply Management said its non-manufacturing index shrank by less than expected.

VOA : special.2009.02.06

48. so it's less expensive than Paul Smith, but more expensive than Ben Sherman.

既不像保罗史密斯服饰那么贵,也不像宾舍曼那么便宜。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 联合广场的变化

49. Fuss told the Journal that he reduced the average maturity of corporate bonds, from 10.5 years out, to less than 9.5 years.

FORBES: What a US Default, Downgrade Might Look Like

50. Add it all up and the U.S. collects far less in taxes than most of our trading partners.

FORBES: Obama's Pandering To The Business Lobby And The Truth About Taxes

51. The planes were not big. They were just fifteen meters long with wings less than seven meters across.

VOA : special.2010.07.07

52. Wage gains, according to the U.S. Commerce Department, were 0.1%, less than the 0.3% expected.

FORBES: Buffett And Graham And Dreman--Oh Buy!

53. The W.H.O.says counterfeits represents less than one percent of the illegal drug market in countries like the United States, Canada,Japan,and New Zealand.

VOA : special.2010.02.22

54. The Dow Jones Industrial Average edged slightly lower, declining 5.07 points, or less than 0.1%, to 14968.89.

WSJ: Financial Stocks Lift S&P

55. That's where all of them went at one point or another, some less than others.

这就是内战的导火索,分裂的原因美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. So it feels a little backward mentally perhaps, 1 but this is saying, "do this block of code as long as n is less than 1."

所以它感觉可能有点迟缓,但是它指明,“只要n小于,执行这段代码“计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

57. The average for the group of 15 was 1.06 not significantly less risky than U.S. shares.

FORBES: Foreign Stocks Look Like Junk, Step Up To American Quality

58. According to early tallies, all three U.S. markets closed up but by less than 1 percent.

CNN: Tens of thousands lose jobs as recession bites

59. Since the crisis, growth in the U.S. has averaged less than 1% a year.

FORBES: Hey, Feds, Give Disaster A Chance To Avoid True Financial Apocalypse

60. Schwab's business outside the U.S. accounts for less than 3% of total customer assets.

FORBES: Opportunities to fight for

less ... than ...翻译_less ... than ...短语搭配_less ... than ...权威例句



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carry to term的意思是:结转期限。学考宝为您提供carry to term是什么意思,carry to term的音标,carry to term怎么读,carry to term的翻译,carry to term的用法,carry to term的短语搭配,carry to term的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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miscarries的意思是:v. 流产;失败。miscarry的第三人称单数。学考宝为您提供miscarries是什么意思,miscarries的音标,miscarries怎么读,miscarries的翻译,miscarries的用法,miscarries的短语搭配,miscarries的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


beneficial的意思是:adj. 有益的,有利的;<法律>(与)权益(有关)的,有财产使用权的。学考宝为您提供beneficial是什么意思,beneficial的翻译,beneficial的用法,beneficial的短语搭配,beneficial的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


miscarried的意思是:v. 流产;失败。miscarry的过去分词和过去式。学考宝为您提供miscarried是什么意思,miscarried的音标,miscarried怎么读,miscarried的翻译,miscarried的用法,miscarried的短语搭配,miscarried的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


miscarrying的意思是:v. 流产;失败。miscarry的现在分词。学考宝为您提供miscarrying是什么意思,miscarrying的音标,miscarrying怎么读,miscarrying的翻译,miscarrying的用法,miscarrying的短语搭配,miscarrying的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


beneath的意思是:prep. 在……下方;在……表面之下,隐藏在……之下;(对某人来说)不够好,不相称;低于,次于 adv. 在下面,在底下。学考宝为您提供beneath是什么意思,beneath的翻译,beneath的用法,beneath的短语搭配,beneath的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


unbolting的意思是:v. 打开;取下(卸下)螺栓。unbolt的现在分词。学考宝为您提供unbolting是什么意思,unbolting的音标,unbolting怎么读,unbolting的翻译,unbolting的用法,unbolting的短语搭配,unbolting的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


compilatory的意思是:adj. 编纂的;编辑的。学考宝为您提供compilatory是什么意思,compilatory的翻译,compilatory的用法,compilatory的短语搭配,compilatory的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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