莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [bɪə(r)]play美 [bɪr]play

  • n. 啤酒;一杯(或一瓶,一罐)啤酒;根汁啤酒
  • 【名】 (Beer)(法、德、俄、罗、捷、瑞典)贝尔,(英、西、南非)比尔(人名)

复数 beers

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


beer /bɪə/

  • 1.
    集合名词 Beer is an alcoholic drink made from grain. 啤酒

    He sat in the kitchen drinking beer.


  • 2.
    可数名词 A glass, can, or bottle of beer can be referred to as a beer. 一杯啤酒; 一罐啤酒; 一瓶啤酒

    Would you like a beer?




  • adj.

    beery 啤酒的;喝啤酒喝醉的;像啤酒的



1. on the beer 烂醉着;狂饮中

2. beer and skittles 吃喝玩乐

3. dark beer 黑啤酒

4. beer garden 露天啤酒店

5. malt beer 麦牙啤酒;黑啤酒

6. beer belly 大肚子,啤酒肚

7. qingdao beer 青岛啤酒

8. draft beer 生啤酒

9. beer bottle 啤酒瓶

10. Root Beer 根汁汽水 ; 乐啤露 ; 麦根沙士

11. stout beer 黑啤酒 ; 烈性啤酒 ; 乌啤酒 ; 烈性黑啤酒

12. draught beer 生啤酒

13. drink one's beer [美国俚语]闭嘴,住嘴

14. Beer Pong 投杯球 ; 啤酒乒乓球 ; 啤酒乒乓 ; 啤酒弹珠

15. beer yeast n. 啤酒酵母

16. light beer 淡啤酒,低度啤酒

17. bottled beer 瓶装啤酒

18. wheat beer 食品 小麦啤酒 ; 白啤酒 ; 麦啤酒 ; 小麦啤

19. green beer 生啤;新啤酒

20. beer mug 啤酒杯 ; 有耳啤酒杯 ; 啤酒大杯 ; 带柄啤酒杯

21. small beer 淡啤酒;[英俚]琐事;小人物

22. ginger beer 姜汁啤酒

23. beer brewery 啤酒厂

24. root beer 沙士(以黄樟油、冬青油为香料的无醇饮料)

25. beer glass 啤酒杯




bottle of beer 一瓶啤酒

beer bottle/can 啤酒瓶/罐

case/six-pack of beer 一箱/半打啤酒

glass/pint of beer 一杯/一品脱啤酒

beer garden 露天啤酒屋

beer keg 啤酒桶


cold beer 冰啤酒

imported beer 进口啤酒

light beer 淡啤酒


drink/sip (a) beer 喝/抿(一杯)啤酒


1. One unit of alcohol is equal to half a pint of beer.


2. He picked up a six-pack of beer.


3. They sat around swigging beer from bottles.


4. There's plenty of beer. Drink all you want.

啤酒有的是, 大家敞开喝吧.《现代汉英综合大词典》

5. The different shapes of the containers 28 suggest they were used to brew, filter, and store beer.

这些容器各异的形状 (28) 表明它们曾被用于酿造、过滤和贮藏啤酒。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

6. All he wanted was a jug of beer.


7. He ate heartily but would drink only beer.


8. The beer is brewed in the Czech Republic.


9. He took a deep draught of his beer.


10. The consumption of beer went down when the tax on it was raised.


11. I'll have a pint of beer and a packet of crisps, please.


12. I'm going for a beer with Karl tonight.


13. She ordered cold beer in a tall glass.


14. As he put the glass down the beer slopped over onto the table.


15. There were two empty beer bottles on the table


16. To make ( ale or beer ) from malt and hops by infusion, boiling, and fermentation.

酿酒通过浸制 、 煮沸和发酵等方式用麦芽和啤酒花酿制 ( 麦酒或啤酒 )《期刊摘选》

17. The flowers of the hop plant add bitterness to the beer.


18. A crowd of men were standing around swilling beer.


19. Beer and soda pop are served before the bus departs.


20. He drank his beer out of the bottle.


21. He brewed beer for home use.


22. Beer has a very distinctive smell.


23. Such roles are small beer compared with the fame she once enjoyed.


24. He brews beer at home.


25. A bottle of imported beer will set you back $7.


26. The man has been drinking beer ever since the party started.


27. a glass of beer with thick froth on top


28. Should better not drink highly the liquor, may amount drink wine, the wine or the beer.

最好不要喝高度酒, 可以适量喝一点葡萄酒 、 黄酒或啤酒.《期刊摘选》

29. Hops( 啤酒花), for example, which give many a modern beer its bitter flavor, are a 26 relatively recent addition to the beverage.

例如,为许多现代啤酒带来苦味的啤酒花就是一种 (26) 相对较新的啤酒添加物。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

30. I could murder a beer.


31. We've both had a good many beers


32. This beer is not available on draught.


33. I wouldn't say no to a glass of beer.


34. He was aware of the stink of stale beer on his breath.


35. People are still hanging out drinking beer, maybe shooting some pool.


36. I ordered a beer and a sandwich.


37. Instead of beer belly, you'd get beer biceps.

喝啤酒不会长啤酒肚, 而是长二头肌.《期刊摘选》

38. She kindly offered to go and fetch him some beer.


39. He had an edge on from beer.


40. He sat in the kitchen drinking beer.


41. I have been brewing up some beer. Would you like to try some?

我酿了一些啤酒, 你愿意尝一点 吗 ?《简明英汉词典》

42. The method for making beer has changed over time.

酿造啤酒的方法随着时间的推移而变化。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

43. You can always try the beer you know — it's usually all right in this bar.


44. Beer froths when it is poured out.


45. I brew my own beer.


46. The continentals have never understood our preference for warm beer.


47. I tell you what, I'll bring the beer over to your house.


48. He was short and fat, with a large beer belly.


49. Big beer fest at the White House.


50. Taking ingredients from the same source means the beers stay the same


51. The majority of the grains, about 80%, were from cereal crops like barley ( 大麦), and about 10% were bits of roots, 32 including lily, which would have made the beer sweeter, the scientists say.

科学家们称,大部分颗粒——约占80%——来自大麦这样的谷类作物,还有约10% 是让啤酒变得更甜的小块的根,(32) 包括百合。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

52. He sat in the kitchen drinking beer...


53. There were two empty beer bottles on the table.


54. Pay a little more upfront for your beer or burger.

提前为你的啤酒或汉堡多付点儿钱吧。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

55. The influence mechanism of the fermentation on beer flavour was discussed in this article.


56. Time for a pint of beer, I think


57. There was a powerful smell of stale beer.


58. His doctor ordered him to abstain from beer and wine.


59. I decided it wouldn't be tactful to order another beer.


60. Nadine chugs her beer and orders another.


61. Are you a beer drinker?


62. M: Well, I think having the right customers to start with, selling the right beer, keeping it good, and most of all keeping a good attitude yourself, even though you probably feel very tired.

男:嗯,我认为,首先是招来合适的顾客,你要卖出合适的啤酒,保持啤酒的品质良好,而且最重要的是要使自己保持态度良好,即使你可能感到非常累了。《15年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

63. Brian took a swig of his beer.


64. He upended the beer, and swallowed.


65. Beer: German banker and astronomer who published maps of the moon and Mars.

比尔: 德国银行家与天文学家,他发表了火星月图.《期刊摘选》

66. I finished my beer, then went and got another.


67. One unit is roughly equivalent to a glass of wine or a small beer.


68. Shall we have a beer?


69. She drinks wine and beer but no liquor.


70. Often beer, yellow rice wine and strong white liquor served at a Chinese banquet.

中国宴席上的酒通常为啤酒 、 黄酒和烈性白酒三种.《期刊摘选》

71. He was advised to smoke fewer cigarettes and drink less beer.


72. He responded, three were on a beer can, two were on the mirror.

丈夫说, 三只是在一个啤酒罐子上, 两只是在镜子上.《期刊摘选》

73. You really need to do something about that beer gut, Mr. Snyder.

森德先生, 你真的需要为你的啤酒肚做点什么事情了.《期刊摘选》

74. a beer glass


75. He liked the bitter taste of the ale; beer is his favorite drink.

他喜欢麦酒里的苦味; 啤酒是他最喜爱的饮料.《期刊摘选》

76. This enzyme would make the filtration of beer easier.


77. I prefer beer to liquor.


78. They have an offer on beer at the moment.


79. beers brewed in Germany


80. The glass of beer was mostly froth.


81. They drank two crates of beer.


82. How can you drink so much beer, Luke?


83. A glass of beer before dinner helped him unwind.


84. But if you’ll have a meal with an Indian colleague, remember to avoid asking for a beer if your arrival coincides with one of those dates

但是,如果你即将和一位印度同事一起就餐,到达酒店的那一天正好赶上那两天,记得不要点啤酒。《18年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

85. a barrel/bottle/glass of beer

一桶 / 一瓶 / 一杯啤酒《牛津词典》

86. What do you like to do in your spare time?


87. a glass of beer with a good head of foam


88. A: Well , all the drinks including beer are free of charge.

哦, 全部饮料包括啤酒在内都是免费的.《期刊摘选》

89. In the old days you could get a pint of beer for a shilling.


90. I'm feeling rather fragile after all that beer last night.


91. We have quite a good range of beers.


92. Why are there no bubbles visible in a capped bottle of beer?


93. They got through two barrels of beer.



1. Yet root beer played a part in shaping the modern food and beverage industry.

VOA : special.2011.08.01

2. One drink equals a bottle or can of beer, a medium glass of wine or a very small glass of liquor.

VOA : special.2009.09.08

3. Her father will spend some of it on Primus, the beer of choice in Kinshasa.

BBC: Failed state: Can DR Congo recover?

4. I barrelled the beer.


5. Walter Trifari says the root beer brings back memories for a lot of people who take tours of the brewery.

VOA : special.2011.08.01

6. There's Wine Country if you like, you know, drinking wine or even beer, there's microbreweries.

这里有酒乡,如果你喜欢,你知道,喝葡萄酒或者,甚至啤酒,这里有小酿酒厂。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 加州万岁

7. If we think about the drinks industry more generally here, rather than just beer, this would be Guinness, this would be Poland Spring, This is water and everything else would be in between here.

如果我们把啤酒业想得更普遍点,不仅仅只有啤酒,这可能是吉尼斯,这可能是波兰泉水,这是水而其他的产品分布在中间博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. Cigarette butts and beer cans were strewn everywhere.


9. Adam says he drinks root beer at breakfast and throughout the day.

VOA : special.2011.08.01

10. You say, " "Johnny, could you go to the kitchen and get me some beer?"

你对孩子说,“强尼,去厨房帮我拿些啤酒来吧“心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. The beer is brewed at the Charles Wells Brewery.


12. More recently it's been used to bend steel truck frames or to produce beer kegs.

FORBES: Water Wagons

13. It's just more of a crisp taste whereas an ale's more of a heavy beer.

窖藏啤酒口味更纯正,然而麦芽啤酒更像浓啤酒。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 英国的啤酒

14. Most Irish, Cassidy added, also still lack a sophisticated palate for different types of beer.

BBC: Guinnesss new Irish rivals

15. In the cold wet air she felt the last of the beer buzz evaporate.


16. By the time Beer came calling, the plan was to just sell the drug.

FORBES: How A Mourning Entrepreneur And A Dogged Doctor Rescued A Rare Disease Drug

17. Gary Beer knows a little something about how producers and audiences find great new talent.

FORBES: StarCast: How Technology Can Help Find The Next Meryl Streep

18. Wimsatt has his little joke about drinking a pint of beer, taking a walk. So the New Criticism just isn't interested in those sorts of spontaneous overflow.

文萨特也开玩笑似的把这比喻成喝完一品脱啤酒,然后散散步,所以我说过了,新批评派对这东西不感兴趣。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. Beer could be laced with opium to ward off the malaria that flourished in the Fens.

BBC: 100 years of the war on drugs

20. Such an approach also allows visitors to enjoy more than just beer in Bermondsey.

BBC: Londons weekly beer pilgrimage

21. Apart from the formidable aiyla, there is also chyang, a milky rice beer which tastes faintly like cider.

BBC: Nepals local eateries

22. Wagner shared his thoughts on how to go from being a beer-lover to a beer-maker.

FORBES: Beer Man: How Brock Wagner Built St. Arnold's Brewing Into the Best Microbrewer In Texas

23. It's small beer.


24. It's a, I think it's $1.75 for a beer.

我记得是一杯啤酒1.75美元。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 交新朋友的方法

25. So going to an art museum or being a couch potato and swilling beer, watching television at home.

是去美术馆还是做个沙发土豆,宅在家边吃薯条喝啤酒,边看电视。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. Yet France may raise the age limit for beer and wine sales to eighteen, the same as for hard liquor there.

VOA : special.2009.04.02

27. Root beer can be made with the materials that are readily available in America.

VOA : special.2011.08.01

28. He's small beer.


29. Brewers who make root beer can also use flavorings like nutmeg, molasses, cinnamon, clove and honey.

VOA : special.2011.08.01

30. Why not,come celebrate the end of the week with a beer and a good basketball game.

VOA : special.2010.06.25

31. Cook thought he was out on 46, lofting a catch to mid-on off Michael Beer.

BBC: Ashes: Alastair Cook builds England reply in Sydney

32. While you are in Pennsylvania, consider taking a class at the Philly Beer School.

BBC: A craft beer road trip in Americas northeast

33. I mean, just yesterday I unintentionally discovered another root beer that we had never heard of.

VOA : special.2011.08.01

34. One danced the twist when he read "twist to open" on his beer cap.

FORBES: Stunts for Blue Chips

35. Against the wall beside the pool table was a half-size refrigerator jammed with beer.


36. Me, I generally like beer but I'll go for cider sometimes,

我,我通常喜欢啤酒,但是我有时候去喝苹果酒,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 世界是我的家

37. "Beer is a great British manufacturing success story and that is why we must support it, " he urged.

BBC: Call time on beer duty escalator, government told

38. There is a good chance that these tailgaters will also be drinking beer.

VOA : special.2009.09.11

39. And it's led to them exporting around 12 million pints of beer a year.

CNN: UK tax no small beer for London brewer

40. Downing his beer in one, he orders another, then peers out at the street.

BBC: The ghostly shore of Namibias Skeleton Coast

41. He sips beer from a plastic cup and tries to understand as his new boss speaks.

NPR: 'Low and Behold': A Post-Disaster New Orleans

42. Then he sprayed cans of beer around, but now he's also learnt how to work the crowd.

BBC: Muse

43. Natural radioactivity even occurs in foods such as carrots and bananas, and in beer.

WSJ: Radiation's Effect Depends on Amount

44. up here if you want beer flavor this might be Guinness, which I can't even spell, but you know what I mean.

在这边的啤酒口味是,吉尼斯,我甚至不知道怎么拼,但你们知道我说的是什么博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

45. Beer started as chief executive in August 2010 and took Aegerion public in October.

FORBES: How A Mourning Entrepreneur And A Dogged Doctor Rescued A Rare Disease Drug

46. Now, you can bet when these folks came and consulted the priest and could you please put us down on the list, we want to consult the oracle, the priest said sure have a beer, let's talk about your hometown, what's going on out there.

你能想到,当人们到此请示神谕,会对祭司说,您能把我们的名字写在表里吗,我们想询问神谕,祭司说有啤酒就行,我们先说说你的家乡,那儿发生了什么事古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. So leaving aside the specific example of beer, you think about some product that has some dimension on which it varies, and we can use this model to see how competition is going to work in that market.

把啤酒的例子放在一边,你们自己想一些在某种程度上,有所不同的产品,我们使用这个模型来研究,这个市场的竞争是怎样的博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. Hires is now owned by the Dr Pepper Snapple Group which also sells other brands of root beer.

VOA : special.2011.08.01

49. The Dutch beer brand has done some nice advertising and some smart sponsorships for decades.

FORBES: Brand Programming Is The New Marketing And Advertising

50. Finally, he looks up and says how much for a beer?

最后,他抬起头说,一瓶啤酒多少钱?固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

51. There was also a slight undertone of dark porter beer, which Red Apron uses in the emulsion process.

BBC: The mysterious sausage that even presidents cant resist

52. He cycled to the local pub, the King's Head, returning with 60 cigarettes and some beer.

BBC: Mel G flees for the East

53. Young people are buying it instead of beer, and occasional drinkers can afford wine more often.

ECONOMIST: Why a cult $2 plonk has America's wine industry in a spin

54. The rich fruit flavor from the beer also pairs nicely with the glaze on the squab.

FORBES: Top Chefs' Sizzling Summer Beer Pairings

55. And so very frequently, of a Friday evening or a Saturday evening, we'll sit around and drink beer with people of that kind and with remarkable opportunity for somebody like me, cuz I found that I was intrigued by what they were doing.

因此,很多时候,在周五或周六的晚上,我们和这些人会围坐在一起,喝啤酒,这对像我这样的人来说是个很好的机会,因为我对他们的经历很感兴趣。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

56. Go drink a beer on the train.

去火车上喝杯啤酒吧。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 如果想去俱乐部

57. In parts of Europe, the legal drinking age for beer, and sometimes hard liquor,is sixteen.

VOA : special.2009.04.02

58. If beer is not your thing, there is also a long list of 1950s-inspired cocktails, including martinis.

BBC: Bangalores booming nightlife, all before 11:30pm

59. They were reared in different countries, married similar wives,enjoyed drinking the same beer, called their children by the same names.

他们在不同的国家长大,娶了相似的妻子,喝同一种啤酒,为自己的孩子取相同的名字。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

60. Celebrity chef Maggie Beer discovered on an episode of Who Do You Think You Are?

BBC: Australias penal colony roots

61. All four went back to the hostel with a bottle of vodka and cans of beer.

BBC: High Court in Edinburgh

62. Vancouver beer drinkers used to have a "choice" between mass-produced Labatt and Molson brews.

BBC: Drinking in Vancouvers historic Gastown district

63. "I like the atmosphere. It's fun to learn things and enjoy a good beer. "I would call this a civilized education."

VOA : special.2010.05.14

64. everybody was happy, everybody was smiling and laughing, almost everybody had a beer in their hand.

每个人都很开心,每个人都在笑,几乎每个人都手拿一杯啤酒。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 哥伦比亚的氛围

65. By eighteen seventy-six he was ready to present Hires Root Beer at the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition.

VOA : special.2011.08.01





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