莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟

center on翻译_center on短语搭配_center on权威例句


center on

网络 居中;集中在,着重在

英 [ˈsentə(r) ɒn]play 美 [ˈsentər ɑːn]play

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. Center on Education Policy 教育政策中心 ; 政策研究中心 ; 美国教育政策研究中心 ; 教育政策研究中心

2. Research Center on Natural Conservation 自然保护研究中心

3. Center on Contemporary Art 现代艺术中心

4. Center on vertical axis 垂直轴中央

5. Center on U 美中关系中心

6. Center on Global Energy Policy 全球能源政策中心

7. longitudinal center on buoyancy 浮心纵向位置

8. Center on Origin 对齐坐标原点

9. Stanford Center on Longevity 长寿中心 ; 斯坦福长寿研究中心


1. As for listening, reading and writing, both teaching and learning center on the enhancement of language ability.


2. These teachings seemed to center on electromagnetic energies.


3. In the Cage is a novella by Henry James, center on an unnamed London telegraphist.


4. The tax expenditure appraisal should center on policy effectiveness and policy scheme.


5. It also puts the emerging Indian Navy front and center on the world stage.


6. These resources include the MIT Writing Center on campus, the writing tutor for the course, the TA for the course, the course website, and me.


7. The astronauts plan to fly to the Kennedy Space Center on 12 October.


8. The two biggest concerns for American engineers center on foreigncompetition.


9. Tai chi's basic movements center on wubu ( five steps) and bafa ( eight techniques) with a series of routines, exercises and tuishou ( hand-pushing skills, performed with a counterpart).


10. While Preventing Crimes, We Should Center on Protection of Individual Right of Liberty


11. The solution may be to center on and enhance the research on the models of behavioral finance theory.


12. The big worries on the reported releases of radioactive material in Japan center on radioactive iodine and cesium.


13. As would be expected, you're supposed to stand relatively center on the TV, and at a certain optimal distance.


14. Left: Marinesuse computer stations at Camp Leatherneck's Internet center on Christmas Day 2010.


15. There is a medalist wall in the center on which photos and autographs of gold medalists can be seen.


16. Aetna center on the second floor to take a look at it!


17. These center on the enterprise features I mentioned before, extensibility, dynamic wiring, and ease-of-use.


18. My own research at the Stanford Center on Adolescence uses in-depth interviews with small samples of youngsters rather than large-scale survey.

我自己在斯坦福青少年中心做的研究并未进行大规模调查,只是抽取了小数量的样本进行深入采访。《六级真题- 2016年 6月 3卷 信息匹配》

19. They arrived at the distribution center on Thursday to spend the day serving food.


20. Other Facilities: entertainment center on the third floor of station building.

其他设施: 娱乐中心三楼站建设.《互联网》

21. China sent up the final satellite of Beidou Navigation Satellite System from Xichang Satellite Center on June 23, 2020.


22. What's public affairs doing in the command center on Christmas eve?

公共事务部的人到指挥中心有何贵干?《provided by jukuu》

23. Developing peasant sport by basing its center on small town community sport


24. Ballmer spoke at the Allen Center on the University of Washington campus.


25. Dees said he talked to Hood out of the El Paso County Criminal Justice Center on Sept. 26, 1990, and warned him "that he was being thrown under the bus by Jennifer Reali." But he said Hood believed Reali "was going to tell the truth."


26. In other words, we center on on-going pragmatic distance.


27. The new center on the basketball team is an incredible powerhouse.


28. Our business center on second floor has computers, fax machines, and secretaries.

我们的商业中心在二楼,有计算机, 传真机和秘书.《互联网》

29. On the Influence of Shanghai's Construction of International Shipping Center on the Social and Economic Development in Adjacent Areas


30. An even abundance foolish misget center on denying the command for extensive sex education programs globlewide.


31. Would you run your data center on Windows?

你会将数据中心放在Windows上运行 吗 ?《互联网》

32. Align , Make Same Size, Size to Text, Space Evenly, Center on Page, Border Width, Drop Shadow.

排列, 同样大小,文字大小, 平坦的空间, 集中于页面中心, 图形外框宽度, 阴影.《互联网》

33. The findings are also consistent with analyses by the Pew Center on Global Climate Change in Washington DC.


34. Although each dimension is composed of several ele-ments, most studies center on one element within each dimension.


35. Compile the program of the task management center on the PC port.


36. Essentially provides a data center on demand, with servers, storage, and middleware all hosted by a provider.


37. Shawcross said the Saturn 5 blueprints are held at the Marshall Space Flight Center on microfilm.


38. Shanghai Exhibition Center on the 7 th Gate address?


39. A simple analysis of the dependence of trap and recombination center on the level position


40. Design and Research on the Management& Decision Supporting System of Logistics Distribution Center on Computer


41. His stories usually center on young love.


42. Barbara is going to the International Exhibition Center on a No.718 bus.


43. Athletics center on the ice, throw in operation on January 1,2006.

14冰上体育中心, 2006年1月1日投入运营.《互联网》

44. I'll see you at the Pepsi Center on Monday night.


45. The Center on Education Policy cites data showing that boys lag girls in reading in every American state.


46. The earliest, that of Eridu, about 4500 B.C.E., and Uruk, a thousand years later, center on impressive temple complexes built of mud brick.


47. An aerial view of the wreckage at the World Trade Center on Sept. 16, 2001.


48. Your best potential will center on creative and artistic projects, and in digital media.


49. Tianshui was a trade - distributing center on the Silk Road.


50. Narrower in focus and more recent in time, these papers center on the issue of market response.

关注的范围相对狭窄、时间也距今较为接近,这些文章的重心在于市场反应(market response)问题。

51. In the process of social development there exist 2 types of government function which center on economic development and social development.


52. Tools for modeling currently center on Unified Modeling Language ( UML).


53. The fire was reported at 9:26 pm at an old shopping center on Michigan Avenue near St. Mary's Church.


54. Program design for automatic calculating the pressure center on complex shaped blanking part


55. Zhu is accused of killing Yang in a cafeteria of the university's Graduate Life Center on January 21st.


56. To center on students in classroom learning.


57. The basic tendencies include: from scientific edge to scientific center on research status;


58. Their large metropolitan counties center on three southern cities.


59. My own research at the Stanford Center on Adolescence uses in-depth interviews with small samples of youngsters rather than large-scale surveys.


60. A lot of strange conspiracy theories center on the role of the dollar as the linchpin to American power.


61. EXPERT SYSTEM FOR CONTROLLING SINTERING PROCESS(ⅱ)& Interval Optimization and Center on Basicity Control Strategy


62. There are infiltration center on lava and agglomerates.


63. Application of Call Center on Railway System


64. A Model of Active Center on Ammonia Synthesis Iron Catalysts and Coordination Activation of N_2


65. Influence of Gravity Center on Stability of Longitudinal Roadheader Strength analysis for longitudinal gravity launching calculation


66. Researches and applications of locating technology for typhoon center on satellite infrared cloud picture


67. To center on the development of traditional industry and labor-intensive industry;


68. There is a fully equipped health center on the ground floor of the main office building.


69. Thai flood victims pack a crowded evacuation center on October 30, 2011 in Bangkok.


70. The Shanghai Expo will mainly center on three questions, that is, what kind of city can make life better?


71. Has play a decisive role in promoting development of regional financial center on the real economy.


72. Significant obstacles exist for the plan and primarily center on technology.


73. All students have access to the Writing Center on the upper floor of this building.



1. All four center on Adelson's exceedingly valuable concession, one of six casino concessions and subconcessions in Macau.

FORBES: Year of the Rat

2. The competitions will center on NASA's famous space robot Robonaut 2 aboard the International Space Station (ISS).

ENGADGET: NASA announces competition to improve Robonaut's sight

3. With this in mind, the clean energy conversation should center on practical improvements to materials and engineering.

FORBES: Solar-Powered Cars? Clean Energy Hype Needs a Sober Dose Of Reality

4. That is precisely what we are doing." The National Center on Education and the Economy will be working with eight states on a project to test board examination systems.

VOA : special.2010.02.25

5. He started at the Hutchinson Center on a J-1 visa in 2005 as a postdoctoral research fellow.

FORBES: At the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Immigrants and Native-Born Work Together to Save Lives

6. An immigration history center on the island contains the ship records of passengers who entered through New York from eighteen ninety-two through nineteen twenty-four.

VOA : special.2009.06.29

7. Cooking a pie entails risks and many of them center on the crust.

NPR: A Thanksgiving Meal From The Test Kitchen

8. By sheer numbers, most questions center on socioeconomic differences (or call that class warfare, if you prefer).

FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

9. And Jack Riley is acting director of the Rand Corporation's Center on Quality Policing.

NPR: Shooting Strains Police-Community Ties in NYC

10. But Chuck Marr over at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities is no fan.

FORBES: Is The GOP Tax Reform Strategy A Fiscal Trap?

11. because they fly in to land on our medical center, a few times a day usually.

因为它们飞进来在我们的医学中心上降落,一天通常会有好几次。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 学习机械工程

12. The work that goes on at the Center for Educational Computing Innovations really falls into three Different intersecting areas.

教育主动性计算机研究中心,的研究工作主要可以归为,三个不同的领域。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

13. Kelly Brownell is going to talk--is head of the Rudd Center, focuses on obesity, eating disorders, dieting, and he'll talk about the psychology of food.

凯莉·布洛耐尔,是路德研究中心的领导者,主要研究肥胖症,进食紊乱和节食方面的问题,他会为大家讲述饮食的心理学心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. Now today I'm gonna focus on is what is happening in the center's posterior in your brain, and can it help us to predict what you're about to choose.

今天我的重点,是大脑中央后回中的活动,及其能否帮助我们对受试者的选择作出预测。7个颠覆你思想的演讲课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

15. Questions about the service center on how it differ from the well known Arabic-language service.

NPR: Al Jazeera English Set for Debut; Are Viewers?

16. Hang the set off-center on a wall and pair it with a large, commanding artwork.

WSJ: Disguise Your TV

17. The Ferragamos, from Florence, have paid municipal workers' salaries to open the city's ancient center on weekends.

WSJ: The Fashion Set Saves Italy

18. Their businesses are not dependent on entrenched profit models that center on value extraction from existing technology.

FORBES: Hadoop Alpha Geeks Disrupting The Rapidly Growing Big-Data Market

19. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA, launched Columbia from Kennedy Space Center on April twelfth nineteen eighty-one.

VOA : special.2011.07.27

20. Scientists took the tortoise to the Charles Darwin Research Center on Santa Cruz Island.

VOA : special.2009.12.16

21. He remains a game-time decision with the series shifting to the United Center on Thursday night.

WSJ: Johnson's foot feels better before Game 3 vs Bulls

22. According to Gene Nichol, the chairman of the Center on Poverty, Work, and Opportunity, at the U.N.

NEWYORKER: State for Sale

23. I'm very proud to say that Yale has a strong department at the Growth Center on development economics.

我很自豪的说,耶鲁能力发展训练中心中的,发展经济学部门非常厉害金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. Millions of immigrants coming to America passed the statue as ships carried them to the immigration processing center on Ellis Island.

VOA : special.2010.05.13

25. The bulk of the work will center on setting the various standards, contends Scardamalia.

FORBES: Smarter Phone Charger On Way

26. More than twelve million people passed the statue between eighteen ninety-two and nineteen fifty-four on their way to the immigration center on nearby Ellis Island.

VOA : special.2009.06.29

27. Market attention continued to center on Chinese attempts to invest in Australia's mining sector.

FORBES: Magazine Article

28. Those disagreements center on U.S.calls for Israel to freeze construction on Jewish settlements on lands claimed by the Palestinians.

VOA : standard.2009.07.27

29. Both center on action learning, a pedagogical process that hinges on reflecting on experiences with other learners.

FORBES: The Future Of Leadership Development Is Not A Classroom

30. The center of excess negative charge on all of the dipoles is at the very center of the molecule.

多出来的键,的负电荷中心都集中在,分子的正中间。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

31. If we overlay what the actual molecular orbital is on top of it, what you see is that in the center you end up cancelling out the wave function entirely.

如果我们把真实的分子轨道覆盖在上面,你可以看到中间的,波函数是完全抵消掉了。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

32. Today's visit will mark a return for Mr. Bush to the Saudi-financed Islamic Center on Massachusetts Avenue.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Don't go there, Mr. President

33. This is my friend, long-time colleague, music librarian extraordinaire and professional French horn player, Eva Heater, who will demonstrate here-- Come on over here right in the center.

这位是我的朋友,长期共事的同事,音乐图书管理员,了不起的专业法国圆号手,伊娃·夕瑟,她将在此演奏,过来,站到中间来聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. The auto show runs through April 7 at the Javits Center on the West Side of Manhattan.

FORBES: New York Auto Show: Brace For More Nissan, Infiniti Ads, As Nissan Chases Honda

35. One group that has some ideas is the National Center on Education and the Economy.

VOA : special.2010.02.25

36. There are also audio recordings of the poets that we will be reading that come from Sterling and you can get to on the Center for Language Study website.

还会有一些关于诗人们的录音文件,在史德林图书馆里有,我们会在课上读到,这些文件你们可以在语言学习中心的网页上找到。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. So this is a subtle thing because you think about the current election, there's a debate about whether Hilary Clinton, for example, can choose right now to be at the center of the democratic party given her past history of votes, for example, on the Iraq War.

这是个微妙的事情,因为你联想到现在的选举,举个例子,关于希拉里·克林顿能否选择,作为民主党竞选中间派参选就颇有争议,考虑到她的参选记录,例如在伊拉克战争中博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. Investor concerns center on confusion over where bond rates and prices are likely to go.

WSJ: Rising Japan Bond Yields Underscore BOJ's Challenge

39. These much-anticipated negotiations are supposed to center on a possible breakthrough in uniting separated families.


40. With some school buildings still in shambles, students received diplomas at a convention center on Saturday.

CNN: Obama to Oklahoma: 'We've got your back'

41. She and the Chevy seemed parked at the center of an odd religious instant, as if on some other frequency, or out of the eye of some whirlwind rotating too slow for her heated skin even to feel the centrifugal coolness of words were being spoken.

她和她的雪佛兰车,似乎停在了,一个宗教瞬间的中心,就像在其他的频率上,又像是离开了旋风的风眼,风转的如此之慢,以至于她灼热的皮肤,感觉不到言语带来的,离心般的寒冷。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. Mr. GREG RIDGWAY (Director, Center on Quality Policing): Glad to be with you today.

NPR: Study Focuses on NYPD Racial Profiling

43. So now that means if this is where the center of positive excess charge lies and on top of it is the center there is no displacement of the charge so there is no net dipole.

所以现在我们说,如果正电荷中心,就位于,那么还是在这里负电荷中心也在这里,所以没有空间偶极。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

44. Bruce Springsteen, Dave Brubeck,Mel Brooks, Robert De Niro and Grace Bumbry will be honored at the Kennedy Center on December sixth.

VOA : special.2009.11.30

45. Kennedy Center on Feb. 7, and a performance in New York's Carnegie Hall on Feb. 12.

WSJ: Young Afghans Face Backlash Over Music

46. The British Hudson's Bay Company also built a trading center on the Columbia and claimed a large area north of it.

VOA : special.2009.02.19

47. There were always battles and wars going on, on the boundaries, the frontiers of the Roman Empire, but within the center of the empire there was an amazing period of peace.

战争永远都在进行,在边界,罗马帝国边境,但在帝国中心却是一派和平盛世。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. Did people on the reactive center gets lazy and complacent after defending free markets after 1989?

控制局势的人士,是否变得懒惰和自满,在1989年为自由市场辩护后?经济学课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

49. Ms.Gass used cloth and paints to create an image of a water treatment center on the San Francisco Bay.

VOA : special.2011.06.15

50. The mold cases center on the scientifically preposterous claim that mold is the cause of many human ailments.

FORBES: Seventh-Amendment Follies

51. Overall, says the Pew Center on Climate Change, gross domestic product would initially take a hit.

FORBES: California's Carbon Caps are Contentious but Coming

52. But the Center on Philanthropy also says research shows that giving does not shrink as much as the economy in a recession.

VOA : special.2009.11.02

53. At Los Angeles' Staples Center on Tuesday, fans gathered by the thousands for the memorial service.

CNN: All the world came to Michael Jackson memorial

54. The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University produces a yearly report called "Giving USA."

VOA : special.2009.11.02

55. If you put the electrode in just the right place, then when the electrode gets turned on, it stimulates the pleasure center in the rat's brain and it gets a little burst of pleasure, a pretty intense burst of pleasure.

只要把电极放对地方,然后启动电极,刺激老鼠大脑的快乐中枢,老鼠感受到一股快感,一股很强烈的快感。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. Mr. Obama ran hard to the center on economic issues to win the general election.

WSJ: Flip-Flops and Governance

57. By noon, they were back at their plants, patched into the command center on speakerphone.

FORBES: No Time To Waste

58. But can you see that the centers of electron deficiency lie on a sphere equidistant from the center?

但你看得到么,缺电子的地方分布在,与中心等距的一个球面上?固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

59. And you are at our warehouse and distribution center on the grounds of the church.

NPR: Postcard from Slidell, La.

60. It had demanded the Columbia River border because of the Hudson's Bay trading center on the river.

VOA : special.2009.02.19

center on翻译_center on短语搭配_center on权威例句



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beneath的意思是:prep. 在……下方;在……表面之下,隐藏在……之下;(对某人来说)不够好,不相称;低于,次于 adv. 在下面,在底下。学考宝为您提供beneath是什么意思,beneath的翻译,beneath的用法,beneath的短语搭配,beneath的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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